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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. fuck me till I can't stand up would be nice.

  2. I am trying to find a guy to send it to now. In talks with about 6 poz guys now and this may end up tipping them my way to fuck me. LOL
  3. OMG Is right. I started to write Chapter 5 and about 4 paragraphs in my computer locked up and lost the whole damn thing with no way to save it. Now I have to start completely over on it and hope I get it the way I started to before. LOL
  4. Why am I having trouble getting bred? Come fuck me good someone.

  5. OMG What Did I Do? Part IV My ass is still tingling from the abuse I gave it last night while online with a guy that is supposed to have a huge cock. I have not seen it yet, but last night I finally got a glimpse of the head of it. Seemed to be much bigger around than my boys and his is as big around as my wrist. I just want to see it once and I am sure I will cum on the spot. The guy has an extremely sexy muscled body and face and his voice has just the right inflection to make his every word my command. I am basically his to command when he talks and find myself just obeying him and losing concentration on trying to get a look at his cock. He had me so worked up last night that my own cock spurted like a cannon clear over my head, but some landed on my face and into my eyes. When I was blinking and trying to clear my sight is when he apparently lowered his camera to his cock but by the time I could see he raised it back up and I only caught the glimmer of it. My boyfriend has a large cock but this guy claims to have one 11" and from the quick look I got it has to be bigger around than by boys too. I want to see it badly. My ass just tingles thinking about it as it may be bigger yet than my dildo I have which is bigger than normal also. I sent him a message this morning before work telling him I really want to see his cock. I told him it is about all I think about now and especially when playing with my ass with that dildo. I am hoping he will let me see it next time online. Well, work finally over for the day. I have not had a productive day as I could not stop thinking about that little peek I got of my online guy's cock last night. I am hoping he is online again tonight and will let me see it this time. I get home and there is a message from him. My fingers are shaking as I click into my site to read it. He says, "Hi, got your message and am glad I am driving you nuts with want. LOL I love to tease guys wanting to see my cock. I guarantee you it is every bit as large as I say it is. I love stroking it as I tell you what to do to yourself in my name and pretending it is my cock pounding your hole like you want it. What you don't know, because I don't post it, is that I only live about a mile from you. Know that little park on the south side of town, The Lion Park. I live right by it and go walking in it almost every day when it is nice out. When I get to some of the back trails in there I also strip naked and walk in the fresh air. You should try it sometime. You need a little more fresh air and some sun. Oh, I know exactly where you live too. LOL Your boyfriend looks hot too and can see why you are together. Make a great looking couple. " That was all there was and he was not online now. Would he come on later? I sure hoped so. Now I had a bunch of questions to ask. Seems he knows us and I cannot for the life of me remember seeing him before until online. I knew the park he was talking about too, kind of mostly used by guys only to meet up. Maybe I should get over there and find a hiding place and hope he walks by nude to get a look at his cock. I will have to think about that. My boy just texted that he is off early again finally and I am going to rape the hell out of him when he gets here for sure. I am just all excited about a big cock pounding my hole and need my boy quick.
  6. I need poz cum and fucked hard.

  7. OMG What Did I Do? Part III My boy and I fucked like demons for about 4 days straight and I was loving it. Fantastic sex, but every time I saw my huge dildo, I would think of that guy's 11" cock I had not seen. I wanted to see one that big. But, I was getting laid good, so I really didn't try to hard to think about it except when I saw my dildo only. Then like it started, our sex stopped again as our schedules got mixed again and basically only saw each other about the time to fall asleep. Both of us too tired to do anything with our long hours again. It only took a few days for my ass to start wanting again. I basically have always wanted it filled every day and a lot every day. LOL A few days without and I was grabbing my dildoes again and ramming my own ass. Most of the time now though, I was grabbing my huge one and using it while thinking about getting a real 11" cock in my hole. Very intense feelings for a few days but the feeling dropped off then. A week had gone by without my boyfriend in me and my hole needed to be satisfied more, so I turned to my sites again to get some feedback from some guys. Loved the camming and play acting with other guys and having them tell me what they would like to do to my hole with their fists or cocks or a dildo along with their cocks. It got me off again for another few days but still thought a lot about the big one I wanted to see. I had not found him online at all and was hoping he would get back on but didn't seem to be. I then got a little bit desperate and sent a message to him asking if he would like a replay? Another couple of days went by with some other guys and some nice hot sessions and some had some big cocks too, but none in the size I wanted to see. Then finally I got a message from him. WOW He told me he would be on at a certain time and I should be naked and ready when he came on and I had better have my biggest dildo ready to plow with. I told him I would be ready and he signed off again. I didn't even get a chance to ask about his cock. The appointed time came and I was naked and lubed and had my huge dildo ready. I was tingling in my ass from the anticipation and sure hoped I got to see that huge cock too. Sure enough he came on right on the button. I was a little disappointed again though, as he seemed to be fully dressed again. He immediately, in that hot voice of his, told me to get comfortable. I laid down on my back and waited to see what was going to happen. He took his shirt off and I about dropped my load watching him do that as muscle after muscle popped out. Not your huge behemoth kind like some weight lifters but just nice big hard muscle of a guy who works hard and works out a little to help. Very hot looking, but I already knew it from his pics. I wanted that cock out. He then told me to get that dildo wet in my mouth as he wanted to see how good I could suck a cock. I immediately buried as much of it in my mouth and throat as I could. His cam was aimed at about the top of his stomach but it looked like he was taking his pants off. I was sucking like mad and hoping the cam would droop somehow and let me see. He did not move the cam down, but told me he liked good cocksuckers and I tried desperately to get the entire dildo in my mouth and down my throat. I about choked myself good but got all but about an inch or a little more finally in me and down my throat. I could see his arm moving and it looked to me like he was stroking his cock just out of sight of the camera. Was driving me nuts. He then told me to start moving the dildo slowly downward towards my hole. I began by slobbering all over it and then very slowly slid it out of my mouth and down my chin to my neck and then down to my chest. Then around one nipple and then across to the other nipple, oh so slowly running it around in circles and making my nips stand up good and hard. Then down across my stomach and stopping at my belly button to push it in there like it was a hole too. Down to my cock and around it and I was hard as a rock and then further down pushing in on and rubbing my balls. Finally to my crack and then to my hole. All the while I could tell he was stroking but still out of sight. As I got to my hole he told me to get to it and just ram it home. I complied and groaned as I rammed the entire length of it in me in one stroke. It hurt like hell but also felt so damn good as it rubbed across my prostate and my cock jumped and nearly shot it's load right then. I started to pull it out and ram it back in hard and fast. I was beyond turned on now as I watched closely as his arm seemed to be getting faster too. My cock was jumping every which way and my ass was on fire but I pounded my hole for all I was worth and kept hoping he would drop the camera down. I wanted to see his cock so bad it was driving me nuts and turning me on at the same time. After only about 10 minutes of pounding the heck out of my hole I could feel the cum starting to boil in my balls and knew that soon it would be coming out of my cock in huge spurts. He seemed to be grimacing some so I was sure he was close too. Then it was there and I let out a low moan and my cock erupted and cum blew out so hard some went clear over my head. Some hit me in the eyes even and I blinked a couple of times and when I looked at the screen again the camera was just coming back up. I caught just a glimpse of the head of his cock and then his cam went off again. I almost screamed. The small glimpse I got of the head of his cock looked gigantic and still was spurting cum that looked like by the gallon. I had not seen his cock again and I could barely move either from pounding my hole so hard and cumming so hard too.
  8. making words: I would almost kill for that many. LOL
  9. OOOPS IT IS Called A Visit With Grandpa sorry about that boy doesn't work there just visiting but gets fucked really good and is a damn hot story
  10. A Visit to Grandpa, that is the one I bet, Arcaner. Had forgotten that one and a friend of grandpa's there is a black guy named Frank, so it is probably the right one.
  11. OMG What Did I Do? Part II A couple of days went by since my session with the guy with the big cock. I was still turned on terribly by his gruff voice and the thought of an 11" cock like my dildo. That had been one of my most intense climaxes ever. My boyfriend was home for the evening and after supper I basically raped him. LOL Told him I had missed his cock so much and had to have it. We barely made it to the bed and got our clothes off when I had his cock buried in my throat sucking for all I was worth. I needed that cock hard and in me badly. In a short time it was nice and hard and let it go and laid down on my back. My boy tipped me almost upside down and rammed his cock home in my hole. The only lube, my saliva from sucking him. I let out a scream of pain as I had thought he was going to get some lube first. He held still for all of, maybe, 2 or 3 seconds and then started to pound my hole good. I love being upended like that. Basically being pile driven and my own cock just a couple of inches from my lips. He felt like he was trying to drive me through the mattress to the floor. Harder and faster and as deep as he could go. He kept it up and kept it up, driving me wild. Then after a good 20 minutes I felt my own cock start to tingle and I opened my mouth and caught my own load as I erupted. It was fantastic and then with my ass quivering my boy yelled here it comes and he let loose his cum deep in me and ground it into me making my cock keep spurting more also. It took us another good 5 minutes to finally start to settle down. What a fantastic fuck. It then dawned on me that right at the end I had thought of an 11" cock spurting into me just as my boyfriend was doing it. Fucking hot for sure and my own cock did another couple of twitches from that thought. We laid there in each others arms for quite a while after that and then my boy's cock started getting hard again, so we did it again. It was another intense fuck and we both were about as drained as you can get by the time we finished this time. We then laid in each other's arms and called it a night.
  12. Was on the old site but still just don't remember that one. Come on people, someone find it. LOL
  13. Sounds like a hot story but I think I have read every story on here and don't remember that one. Hope someone finds it and posts though.
  14. Is there noone in Iowa that wants a neg hole to fill?

  15. WOW I feel like a virgin amongst these guys. Most I have had in one day was a whopping 3 loads. Two from the same guy. This area here is just plain dead though and I haven't had a cock in me now in just over 4 months which means none this year so far. Terrible.
  16. That is the way I am too. Seldom get hard while being fucked but later I can sure beat it to the thought of what I had done to me. LOL
  17. Hey, cheatingjock, I think you requested a cheating story. LOL
  18. My boyfriend and I are very loving, but our sex life has gotten somewhat stale. We both just work too many long hours and that kills things especially when our schedules don't overlap very much. We still fuck, and when we do it is very good as he has an amazing cock. At about seven inches it's not all that long, but it's very, very thick, almost as if a beer can was sliding in my ass, and when he's going at it, he readily hits those spots that drive me wild. However, even if I love him very deeply, we just don't fuck as often as we did in the past, sometimes with a long time between sessions. As my ass needs much more attention than he is able to provide, I have several dildos and vibrators to help me out when we aren't fucking but they're definitely not as good as the real thing, so I went on-line and signed up for several sites, if only to look at some fresh cock that I could pretend were in my ass, instead of the dildo which I was actually using. The visual stimulation worked well, really getting me going, so I also signed up with several sites which over IM, just so I could cam and talk to other guys. Sometimes I would get to see the guys jacking themselves, while they got to see me ramming my ass with my dildo, ramming it in and out of my hole, all the while leading the guy du jour on by telling him how great his cock feels in my hole. It might not have been perfect, but the arrangement kept me sane, if only as I absolutely loved seeing the variety of cocks out in the market. Not to mention some of the fantasies in which we indulged were also rather good. Occasionally our sex play would get very wild and sometimes pretty vanilla but always good enough to get me through to the next time with my boyfriend and then our sex would soar. After about a year of this arrangement I found myself on-line, looking to find some cyber gratification as, once again, my boyfriend and I hadn't had sex in a month or so. When on-line I connected with a guy I hadn't seen before. His profile definitely caught my eye, he was 30, 6', 170, brown hair and blue eyes, and listed his cock as eleven inches, thick and cut. His advertisement also said he was Top only. He hadn't uploaded any photographs of his cock, but there were several of his torso, and it looked like a ripped god. Well muscled and a pic of his ass which was very nicely rounded. His face picture was also enticing. I felt I had to see this cock somehow and hit on him for an IM webcam session. At first there was no answer, even though it showed him online, but just as I was getting ready to check for someone else he answered back. A couple of click later our cams were synced and ready. I was already nude but was somewhat disappointed that he seemed to be fully clothed. He opened the conversation first by asking to see my ass and when I showed I to him, I got a nice whistle and he said that is sure looked great to him. He went on to tell me that it looked like I could handle him ok and he would love to be the one in me all the time. I asked to see his cock, but he kind of sidestepped it by continuing to talk about my ass. He was kind of turning me on with his talk so I grabbed a dildo and started to run it around my hole and then got my lube and started lubing my hole and the dildo. Then he started telling me what to do. Had me fingering my hole first and then two and then three fingers in me and ramming them in and out of my ass and he wanted me to do it hard. It felt good and I was really getting into him telling me what to do. His voice was very compelling. Then he had me inserting the dildo a little at a time. Then he asked me if I had a bigger one. I told him I did and he wanted me to get it. I wasted no time getting it for sure. Seldom used this one because of its size but he wanted it and I obeyed for some reason. I started to get more lube and he told me to not use anymore, as he wanted to see if I could take it without anymore. I was a little apprehensive but did it anyway. I started to rub it around and around my hole but he told me to get on with it and start getting it in. I complied quickly and soon had about half of it in me. He got a little impatient and growled at me to ram that fucker in. I did it too. Damn it hurt but felt so good at the same time. My dildo was about as big around as my boy but about as long as the one this guy had posted, so it was much more than my usual. I held still for a bit but he again growled to get busy and ram than thing now. I jumped but could not help but do what he wanted. I started to pull it out and then back in and he said not near fast nor hard enough go to it. I started going faster and faster and harder and harder. It hurt but soon the rubbing against my prostate was fantastic and I wanted more and hard as I could ram it in me. About 15 minutes later and I was groaning back at him that I was cumming and without touching my own cock it started to spurt and spurt and spurt. More cum than I think I had ever had come out of me before. As I was starting to settle down, I noticed that he had seemed to be jacking and his camera was now showing a huge puddle of cum on his table. I thought I had cum a lot but he had shot about five times as much as had I, and had definately shot more than my boyfriend's normal load. I hadn't, however, gotten even a glimpse of his huge cock. I asked to see it but he had signed off before I sent clicked 'send'. WOW What an experience! It had been much, much hotter than I had expected.
  19. Nice and hot but chances of catching anything definitely almost zero. If you are trying to catch anything from that, your chances are very close to nil. Bugs die outside of the body quite quickly. Most do not last more than an hour at most. But, taking anon loads like that is hot as hell and I have picked up used rubbers and drained them in my own ass before.
  20. I do not find any difference because of color of skin at all. A hard cock is a hard cock. Close your eyes and nobody can tell the difference and I am completely certain of that. Anyone thinking there is a difference is fooling themselves only.
  21. Just controlling you is all. He cannot be so dumb as to think he is safe just because he knows you have HIV and some unknown person doesn't? That is just plainly and simply ignorant. We all would love the comfort of coming home to the same person every day, but sometimes it just doesn't work when there is an incompatibility about the couple. If one is unhappy about it it just becomes torture to stay together. This is basically a proven fact for many years. TIme for both to move on or get to counseling together and see if there is something that can be done to compromise to make it work. Only way to do this.
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