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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. sorry it looks kind of choppy. apparently my office doesn't transfer over here very well and changes all of my paragraphs around a lot.
  2. Pretty much sums up a lot of my feelings on this. Rather know who pozzes me if possible.
  3. Chapter XI It is now Saturday morning, the seventh day since I left home a totally straight man with a wife and came to another town for work and become a gay sex loving bottom cum dump and probably becoming HIV positive. What a week for sure. Had decided last night to go home and confront my wife with this, which I dreaded, but had fouled up and took another look at Steve, the hitcher I had picked up, and melted again and spent the night here again. He had a magic spell almost every time I looked at his magnificent cock, 12" and as big around as my wrist, that I found I could not resist. A glance at it pulled me towards it and soon it would be in me and pounding away at my hole. This with even finding out that he was HIV positive. Now after a week I had had a good two dozen loads of poz cum in my hole from him and his friend. This morning I finally called my wife, but just told her that work had wiped me out and was just going to stay here and relax and not come home till I was done. She was surprisingly ok with it. Now, however, I was going to rest up from being fucked half the night away. God, how I loved Steve's cock pounding away in my hole and seemed to not be able to get enough of it. After calling my wife I laid down to get some sleep. Sleep had been at a premium all week with the amount of sex we had had. Steve seemed to be almost insatiable which was fine with me as that meant his pole was in me that much more and I loved it. We both slept the entire morning away and finally got up just past noon. We laid there for a bit again and then both got up to hit the bathroom. I asked Steve what he thought we ought to do since it was the weekend and no work for me. He thought a couple of minutes and then told me we should head down to the sauna as he could use a good rub down. He told me I had about screwed him dry this week and we both had a good laugh at that. I told him I had never been to a sauna before. He smiled and told me I would love it. Nice rub down for the muscles and a little hot steam to work any other aches out. I told him it sounded good to me, let's go. We dressed and headed out the door. I was thinking this is just what I need, some relaxation time from the frustrations and anxieties I had had all week. This was so new to me, being fucked when most of my life I had been the one to fuck and only women at that. Now, well, I found being fucked to bring me more pleasure than I had ever felt before and craved more and more. It was wonderful and thrilling and totally fullfilling. We arrived at the sauna that Steve told me he had been to before that had some guys to give good massages. I thought that would be fantastic, just relax and let my muscles be rubbed and prodded to get the kinks out. Then into the steam room to let some nice heat relax me some more. This would feel good. We entered and paid our money and were buzzed in. Steve tole me we would save a few bucks by just getting one room for the two of us. Always like to save a few bucks. We got to the room and stripped down and it took about all the self control I had not to grab Steve's cock right there. I then followed him down the hallway to where the massage tables were at. There were three of them and separated by curtains overhead like in a hospital. We each chose a table and hopped on and soon a guy came in. I took a look and thought, nice looking guy, well muscled without being huge and dressed in some tight shorts and a kind of golf shirt with the place's name on the front. I glanced down, which was becoming a habit now, and noticed he had very nice bulge in the front of his shorts too. He asked if I want the front first or the back. I opted to have my front done first so I could look him over a little more. He started at my feet and worked his way up. As he leaned over I could see his ass under his shorts and it was a nice tight one. I decided he must work out pretty regularly. Looking at him sent my mind thinking about Steve which was not really the thing to do while watching the ass and at times the cock of the guy massaging me. By the time he got to the top of my legs my cock was hard under the towel over me and definitely makin somewhat of a tent there. He seemed to not notice it as he skipped over to my stomach and up to my chest and then to my shoulders. As he got there, he was looking into my eyes and my cock was definitely twitching now as he was damn good looking up close like that. I just couldn't seem to control myself. He finished with my front then and I was somewhat relieved when he told me to roll over. I rolled over trying to keep the towel somewhat covering my hardon but am sure he saw it anyway. Oh, well, he was a hot guy. I told him to start at my shoulders this time. He did and soon started down relaxing more and more except for my cock which didn't seem to want to go down. It didn't help that at times his cock bumped up against my arm at times as he rubbed me down and he seemed to be 'rising' to the occasion too I thought. As he got to my lower back I could hardly hold still and was trembling with the heat of the moment. I kept telling myself to calm down this is just a massage, but it didn't seem to help. He was leaning against the table then and his cock was pressed against my hand now at this point and then I felt my towel being removed and lotion being applied to my ass cheeks. I could feel his cock was hard now and it was all I could do to keep from grabbing it. He started to massage my ass and then I felt his fingers trail up my crack and I almost jumped off the table when he rubbed by my hole. He ran his fingers up and down my crack and kept rubbing my hole and then I felt a finger start to go around in a circle at my hole and I could not help but moan. As I did he pushed and with all the lube his finger started into my hole making me moan even more. I then could not help it as I grasped his cock through his shorts. He continued his assault on my hole and now had at least three fingers in me and moving them around and in and out and driving me crazy with desire as I rubbed his cock. He then withdrew his fingers making me gasp and I looked over my shoulder to see what he was doing. He pulled his shirt over his head and stepping back slightly from the table and making me lose my grip on his cock, pulled his shorts down and stepped out of them. He then stepped close again and I grabbed his bare cock now and started to stroke it as he again ran his fingers in and out of my hole. I was soon moaning with pleasure again. Then all at once he pulled his fingers out of me again and with one smooth motion rolled me onto my back. He then pulled his cock away from me and climbed up onto the table with me and was lifting my legs up and put them over his shoulders. He lined up his cock with my hole and with one hard thrust rammed his cock all the way to his balls in my ass. I groaned as that caught me by surprise but that passed quickly as he started immediately to pound my hole hard and fast. I found myself shoving my ass back at him as the fantastic feelings of his cock ramming my ass took over me. I found myself looking into his eyes as he stroked my hole with his cock and then was looking him up and down. I then noticed he had a tattoo around one of his nipples and I recognized it as a biohazard tat. Made me smile then as I knew then that I was going to receive another load of toxic cum in me. As he started to move faster and his breath was coming harder too, I knew he was getting ready to cum. As it approached I could feel my own cock starting the familiar tingle of my impending orgasm too. He then groaned and told me here it comes and as I felt his cock twitch and he rammed deep into me, my own cock erupted too. I noticed a movement just then too and looking I saw Steve looking around the edge of the curtain with a huge smile on his face.
  4. Sounds like damn hot time to me.
  5. Any position that keeps your hole pointed as straight up as possible will work. I love keeping cum in my hole as long as possible too.
  6. Just read this again and again I got boned up good. Would love to find a guy to talk me into it like this.
  7. I need bread, Oops, then I would be toast. LOL i NEED BRED.

  8. Any cock anytime at all and I don't really give a damn about the color at all.
  9. I would like to meet up with some guy and let him talk me into sex at his place and then let him talk me into being cuffed or tied to the bed and when he is done fucking me he won't let me loose but then lets several of his buds in to do me too before letting me go.
  10. I am interested in this too as a bud is supposed to set one up for my ass soon. Sounds like fun to me but some say it isn't. Hmmm I love all the cock I can get in me so can't imagine it not feeling good.
  11. OMG Ten chapters and just ended his first week and still hasn't told his wife yet. Hmmm Now how to fill out another week? LOL
  12. Got an offer yesterday from a guy who says he can host a gamgbang on my ass YAH!

    1. Giftundpozempfangb


      take it if you like it, and your hole is filled correctly

    2. MackyJay


      I am sure I will like it. Think it would fill my hole correctly for sure.

  13. Being totally upfront about your status and telling them that they could catch it is all you can do. If they still want it, you have done all you can for them. Go do them. PozFetishPig: I did some reading up on it and there seems to be NO medical evidence that there is such a thing as a 'recharge'. I keep hearing this but it appears to be a medical myth or 'old wives tale'. I see a lot of guys saying I want your load to recharge, but hey, if you already have it, you can't recatch it as it is for life already.
  14. Chapter X Friday has finally arrived. What a week this has been. I can't think of a crazier week in my life before this one. It started with call from work to travel to another town to solve some problems, an argument with my wife, rain on the trip, almost hitting a hitchhiker, picking him up and getting to the new town. Then asking the hitcher to come to room to clean up and eventually succumbing to his charms and his huge, 12" very fat cut cock and he was gay and I had sex with him. This was something I had never even considered before and then after letting him cum in me I found out he was HIV positive with a hvl. All I thought at the time was OMG what the hell have I done? Then let him do it again and again and the next day a friend of his showed up and I let him fuck me too and both of them had cum in me. Then, being freaked out, I had went to a doctor for PrEP to prevent getting HIV and while there I let the doctor's male nurse fuck me in the exam room. He was also poz. Totally bonkers I thought. Then I filled my prescription and went back to my room to tell, Steve the hitcher, I could not cope and he could stay but no more sex. After talking with him for a while though, I found I could not refuse his beautiful cock and had come to the decision that that is what I wanted after all and dumped my meds out and let Steve fuck me again. And again and again. Now the end of the week and I lost count but am sure I had taken a good 20 loads of HIV cum up my ass and had loved every second of our sex play. Now, I have decided this is what I want, what I crave, what I believe is so right and feels so good and I feel better than ever in my life. The end of my first week here, and now what? Some of the doubts are creeping back in as I realize I am supposed to go home for the weekend. It has been 5 days now, 120 hours since I got my first load of poz cum in me and almost definitely too late to stop it if I catch it. Too many loads and some of the first ones hard on my hole which had never had that kind of use before and had definitely torn a little and bled and very likely allowed the virus into my blood. I was sure I was already on the way to being poz. I knew I was already a cum slut and loved the taste of cum and the feel of a hard cock entering my hole and filling me up and pounding away and then the cum flooding my insides. Now what to do though? Maybe I should not go home again but call my wife and tell her over the phone? Kind the coward's way out but might also be less of a hassle overall. OMG. Another terribly hard decision to make. I only knew that staying here and doing what I had been doing all week long now I what I wanted and what was right for me. I was about to go out and get in my car and head for home when I glanced over where Steve was taking a nap. He was, as usual, naked and laying on his back. I stopped and just, as usual, stared at his mammoth cock. It still amazed me how big it was and how turned on it made me to just see it. When it was plowing my hole I did not care about anything else at all except the feelings it brought out in me. It was fantastic and better than anything else in my life. I tried to look away and found I could not do it. I then told myself to hell with it and started to get undressed. I would call and make up and excuse for tonight to my wife. After I had shed the last of my clothing, I approached the bed and climbed up on it, leaned over and gently took Steve's cock in my mouth and started to suck on it. My attentions soon brought a moan from him as he awoke and his cock grew to its full 12" of steel hardness. I turned some on the bed and soon felt his hands on my ass and then his fingers at my hole. He licked his fingers getting them wet with his spit and then started to insert one and then two fingers in my ass. Now, it was my turn to moan and push my ass back to impale more of his fingers in me. After a couple more minutes I could tell he had inserted a third finger and was twirling them around in my hole and opening me up for his huge member to enter me. He reached down gently pulled my head up and off of his cock and turned me around and pushed me over on my back. He got up and grabbing my legs lifted them high and back over my head. I was almost upside down now and my own hard cock was pointed right into my face. He then guided the head of his cock to my hole and started to push in. Soon he was buried balls deep in my hole and I was going wild. He started a slow pace but was soon ramming his entire length of cock in and out of me. He was pile driving me and making me totally his. He pounded and pounded and I could feel my own cock twitch with every thrust in me and my ass was gripping him as tight as I could. He looked me in the eye after a good 20 minutes of pounding and I knew as he smiled at me he was ready to cum I smiled back and he really rammed me a few more times and then one last one deep and hard to the hilt and I could feel his cock spasm and the heat of his cum entering me. As he was cumming my own cock jumped and started to spew my own cum and being right over my head, I opened my mouth and was swallowing my own load as Steve ground his cock against my prostrate making my orgasm even more intense. We stayed like that for several more minutes and then collapsed beside each other hugging and kissing in the afterglow of our love making.
  15. I am so happy so many are loving this story. I have started on Chapter X now. Will post as soon as I finish it.
  16. Chapter X will skip a couple more days and hit the weekend for crazy fun. LOL
  17. More to cum. LOL Just trying to decide where to take it from here.
  18. Have never tried this but sure want to. Have drank my own piss and was able to get the head of my cock up my ass enough to piss up my own but was hard to hold in place and do that. Want to try piss anywhere and everywhere I can, just need someone to come and do me or several even. LOL
  19. Definitely wanting to become a cumdump, so bring your friends and come do me

  20. still horny and in need of a cock or many cocks in me

  21. Here are a few from Minneapolis area: All4Oneand14Fun---POZ, freeshipping---POZ, bobomsp---DO NOT CARE, slave4bb---DO NOT CARE, dometilliamgooey---POZ, Johnsmpls---POZ, thickdickpinkhole---POZ. I hope this helps you some.
  22. on my mind is the same as usual where the hell is all the cock and cum I want

  23. Chapter IX What a load off of my mind. A trip to the doctor and a prescription for PEP and a good chance to keep from becoming POZ. Still could not believer that two days ago I had been totally straight and not even thought about cheating on my wife. Now just under 48 hours later and I had picked up a hitchhiker, and then found out he was gay and had sex with him. Then had found out he was HIV + and still let him do me again and again. His huge, 12" long very thick cock, had made me crazy with the feelings of it in me. Then to top that off, the very next night, met a friend of his and let them both fuck me and knowing that they were both poz. Then decided I had to go to a doctor to try and prevent becoming poz myself as I was just too scared of it and while at the doctor's office had let his male nurse fuck me and had seen the biohazard tat on the nurse and still let him cum in me. Oh, well, now I had my meds and tomorrow morning I would start them and hopefully they would keep me NEG. Have no idea how I would explain it to my wife anyway. I pick up my meds and head to the motel. Still have most of the two weeks left I was going to be here. I am a little nervous, though, as I know Stever, the hitcher, will be waiting for me and not sure but maybe even his buddy Justin too. Have to learn to control myself. Can't do anymore or the meds may not work and they may not anyway, but hoping. Will have to let Stever know that my word is good and he can still stay while I am here but just can't let him fuck me anymore. I pull into the motel parking and head to my room. I open the door and it seems quiet. I decide not to turn the lights on and just walk on in. There on a bed is Steve, on his back asleep and his beautiful cock right there where I can see it plainly. Oh, damn, just the sight of it makes my own cock jump. Even asleep and limp it has to be 9". What a sight and my mouth is watering and my cock is trying to jump to attention fast. I look away, determined not to look as the sight of his beauty of a cock is just too much to resist and I must. I put my briefcase down and head into the bathroom. Time for a quick shower and then get something delivered for supper. I put my meds on the sink and strip down and jump in the shower. I was just shampooing when I heard the shower curtain pull aside. I stick my head under the shower head and rinse and look up to see Stever standing there looking at me. He tells me hi and I do the same. He asks why I didn't wake him when I came in. I told him he looked tired and just wanted a quick wash. As usual, I could not take my eyes off of his cock. It was a losing battle to try and I found myself licking my lips and almost drooling again. I fought against the excitement I was feeling. I had to keep control and not take another of his poz loads. I noticed his cock had started to come up some also but then he turned away and started to take a piss. This gave me a moment to step out of the shower and grab a towel and start drying off. By the time he was done, I was out the door and to the dresser to get clean clothes on. Just as I was pulling my pants on, Steve came up behind me and grabbed my hips and shoved his cock against my ass. I about jumped out ot my skin at the sensation that sent throughout my body. He ground against me but I finally pulled away. I was panting and he asked what was wrong. I just told him I was too hungry for sex right now. Just a small lie as another few seconds even of his cock against me and I would have been fucked for sure before I knew what I had done. I finished dressing and got the phone book out and told Steve I was going to order in tonight and was that ok with him too. He thought it was a good idea. I just ordered pizzas and Cokes for us. I then asked if his buddy was still around and he told me that Justin had had business to attend to, but he might stop back later if that was ok. I told him it was. We then just made a little small talk while waiting for our food. After a bit I reached for the remote and turned the TV on and started to search for a movie to watch. I found a movie I had seen before but it was a good one and about all that was on and Steve said he had seen it before too but liked it also. I was having trouble concentrating on it though as Steve still had not gotten dressed and I just could not keep my eyes from straying from the TV to look at his magnigicent cock. The food finally arrived and I went to the door and got it and brought it back to the table. We ate and watched the movie. The whole time I kept having trouble swallowing as Steve's cock was all I could seem to think about. As we were getting done eating I think Steve was starting to notice my looks at him and his cock had started to grow. I found my eyes on it more and more as we finished. By the time I was able to get my last bite down his cock was standing at full attention and I was just plain staring. I pulled my eyes off of his cock and hurriedly headed to the bathroom. I had trouble getting my own cock out of my pants to take a piss it had gotten so hard. Took a while to even pee as it didn't want to go down. Damn, I just could not keep my mind off of the feelings his cock aroused in me. The sex had just been more intense than anything I had ever had. Finally finishing, I went back into the other room and told Steve I needed some fresh air and was going to take a walk. He kind of looked at me funny but nodded and then told me to hurry back. I told him I would and that I might find a bar and have a drink first. He told me there was a nice bar just up the street about 2 blocks. Said it was a friendly bar and cleaner than most. I told him I might hit that one then. As I headed out my cock was still at about half way up but after a short while it finally went down. The night air felt nice too and I really needed a little exercise even if just a walk to clear my head. These past couple of days just had me tense as hell and not knowing what I thought I was doing? I found myself, soon, outside the bar he had suggested and decided a good stiff drink would help. I entered and went to the bar and got an empty stool. The bartender came and I ordered a Rum & Coke. Soon had it and started to sip it. After a couple of minutes I started to look around and Steve had been right as it did seem nice and was definitely cleaner than many. It took me a bit but then I finally noticed there seemed to be only men there and several sitting together. I then noticed that there seemed to be at least a two couples making out rather heavy in booths. I thought, damn Steve, this bar must be a gay bar he had sent me to. I had about half of my drink finished when the urge to pee hit again. I looked around and finally spotted the sign to the restrooms and got up and headed there. I went in and there seemed to be 5 or 6 stalls and the same number of urinals. Nice sized restrooms unlike many bars. There were about 4 of the urinals in use so I had to use one between two other guys. As I got my cock out to pee it dawned on me that the two guys were both leaning my way to watch. I tried not to look but just had to and glanced both ways. I found that both were stroking their nice cocks and were hard and ready it seemed for something. Damn, I felt the same thing come over me as I had with Steve. My own cock as I was pissing started to come up again. I tried to will it to stay down but that seemed to make it worse and by the time I was done it was up all the way. Just as I finished the guy on my right reached out and stuck his fingers under the last drops and as I watched he raised them up and licked them off. As I was looking at that the guy on my left all at once reached out and took ahold of my hard cock in his hand. I tried to pull away but he had a good grip on it. I turned towards him and as I did he dropped to his knees quickly and his mouth was wrapped around my cock. I couldn't move as it just happened too fast and then I could only stand and love the sensation of his mouth and tongue on my cock. The other guy moved up behind me and pushed his hard cock against my ass and started to just rub it there as his buddy was sucking me off. After a few minutes, I finally had enough resolve to push the guy off of my cock. I told him it felt really good but I didn't want that. The guy behind me had reached around me and was trying to undo my pants but I stopped him too. I had to get out of there. What was I becoming anyway, a cum whore and cock hound or what? I returned to the bar quickly and downed the last of my drink in one gulp. I almost ran out of the bar. I needed to confront Steve and stop this once and for all. I had to decide for sure what I was doing. No more indecisions. I headed to the motel. When I got into the room, Steve was waiting and still naked. My eyes again went straight down to his crotch and I ogled his massive cock. He seemed to sense what I was there for and covered it up with a pillow. He then told me instead of asking what had come for. He knew I was conflicted and needed to talk about what I had done. He told me I should not be so conflicted at all and that what I had done I had done because I wanted it. It was me really. I should quit thinking I had done something wrong, but what was truly right and what I was. The conflict was only in my head. Just let it go and do what I wanted to do naturally, something I was really like since birth and had only denied it. I just sat down and stared at the floor for a bit and let it sink in. It dawned on me then that what he was saying was the truth and I needed to live the truth. It had been me and he had not forced me to do anything I hadn't wnted to do. He had not forced me to suck his cock. He had not forced me to let him fuck me and when I found out he was HIV+, he had not forced me to let him fuck me several more times. Finally, he had not forced me to let his friend, Justin, fuck me and both of them, again, fill me with their poz cum. It had been what I wanted and what I had needed and what was really and truly natural for me. I needed to just let go and become what I already knew I was. As I finally lifted my eyes from the floor, Steve, tossed the pillow aside and stood up in front of me. His marvelous cock was standing straight up and hard and ready. I stood and took my clothes off. Then as he was reaching for me, I told him to wait a moment. I walked to the bathroom with him following. I went in and picked up my bottle of meds and turning dumped them down the toilet and flushed them. I turned and Steve was smiling and told me he was tickled I had done that and from now could have sex all I wante with no more fear of getting pozzed because I would already be there. We went to the bed then. I was able to finally let go and truly enjoy what we were doing. I worshipped Steve's cock with kisses and then took it deep into my mouth and into my throat. I turned around and Steve took my cock into his mouth also. We were almost as one now. It was fantastic. Soon I felt his mouth go to my balls and sucking on them for a bit and then lower to my hole. His tongue circling and the familiar tingle start and as he drove his tongue into me I found myself lifting off of the bed to meet the thrusts of his tongue. Then a finger joined in and another and another. The feelings soared and I knew this is what I wanted. Soon he withdrew his tongue and fingers and slowly turned around and lifting my legs over his shoulders he smiled as he rubbed his cock at my hole preparing to enter. As he started to push into me, he lowered his face towards mine and as our lips met, he drove his fantastic cock deep into me a long slow thrust until it was buried and I felt his balls bump against my ass. He held there as our tongues wrestled with each other and then he pulled away a bit and asked if I had any more doubts about what I wanted. I almost screamed at him to do me and fill me up. I told him to not let me wait any longer and as I said that he drew his cock back and then thrust it back into me deep and I lifted my ass up to meet his thrust. He started to pile drive me, to drive his cock into me as deeply and as hard and as fast as he could. He told me he was going to make sure once and for all that his toxic seed took for all time with no doubts at all. He drove into me and I met every thrust with my own back at him, over and over and over again. Again, our lips locked and our tongues twined together. We took flight in an almost magical journey of sex. Finally after an eternity, but really only about a half hour, he pulled his lips away from me again and told me to get ready. I told him hurry I need it now. He pounded my hole about another dozen thrusts and reached and grabbed my hips and drove his cock as deep as possible into me and yelled he was cumming. I felt his cock pulsing and could feel the heat of his cum in me and my own cock suddenly blew my own load between us. We ground at each other as his orgasm seemed to go on forever and mine also. Then finally we both collapsed and held each other as we gently rocked back and forth in our afterglow.
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