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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. I need a hug. Preferably with your cock buried deep in my hole. LOL

  2. I need a hug. Preferably with your cock buried deep in my hole. LOL

  3. cum, Cum, CUM. Where? Deep in my hole of course, so come do me.

  4. I need fucked badly and filled with cum.

  5. Am having trouble lately with the functions on here to write. Click for colors and font size goes off or click on font size and color goes away and either of them eliminate the Bold and turns it off. Having a devil of a time lately with those. Seems none of the font, size, color or Bold buttons want to work with any of the others.
  6. I am shaved from the waist down and just love the smooth feeling myself. I don't mind some hair but really don't care for really really hairy at all.
  7. I need cock or cocks in me and filling me full of their cum so badly it is almost desperation time. LOL

  8. Still have an empty hole needing a cum filling.

  9. Chapter XIV Steve fucked me a couple more times Sunday, but most of the day was spent watching tv and then going out to eat and then to a movie. Now Monday morning had come again and off to work again. This time I was better rested and not worrying about things so much and it went so much better. Things really clicked and I found all my things from the past week were even caught up today. Very productive and made the day go by quickly. Soon it was time for everyone to clock out and head home, but I lingered to make notes and plan the next day's work load and before I knew it, the phone was ringing. I answered it to find Steve calling to find out what was taking me so long. I had not noticed that it had become after 8 when quitting time had been 5. He was worried and had wanted some help with an old problem. I told him I would be right there and immediately got things closed up and out the door I went. In barely 10 minutes since he had called I was at the motel and finding out what he had wanted done. While I was at work, Steve had went back to the baths. He had played a little there but just as he was getting ready to leave he saw a guy come in he had been looking for for quite a while. Seems the guy and several buddies had jumped him when they found out he was poz and beat the hell out of him even though he had never touched any of them before. He had found out that this guy was the leader and loved being fucked BB but didn't want poz and got buddies to beat up on and chase away anyone they found out was poz. Steve wanted to know if I would help him get him back big time. He told me he also knew that once that guy got a cock in him he wanted more and more and could not stop. I saw where this was going in a hurry and agreed. We then headed to the baths again hoping he would still be there. On the way there Steve described the guy for me as he didn't want the guy to see him before our plan got into action. We got a room and Steve immediately stayed there while I went looking for our mark. It didn't take long before I found him, on his knees sucking a cock in the common area. I was sure it was him as Steve had described a tattoo the guy had on his arm and his sure matched. I got behind him as he sucked the cock he had been working on and started to play with his hole. He quit sucking and turned towards me. He was checking me out and told me he had never seen me here before. I told him it was my first time. My wife was out of town and I just wanted to try doing a guy's ass and see what it was like. When I mentioned I was married that seemed to relieve him and he went back to sucking the other guy. I started to play with his ass again and getting some lube out I soon had a couple of fingers in his hole. He was loving it and could hardly keep his ass still at all. He finished the other guy off and, licking his lips, turned back to me and wanted to know if I had a room or wanted to go to his. I told him it was up to him. He said lets go to mine, so we headed towards it. We had basically got a room at the end of the hallway, so as we were headed to his room we went by ours. I pretended to slip on something and knocked on our door. Steve then opened it a crack to watch where our mark and I were headed. We got to the room and I found out he liked to keep the lights off and only light from tv showing porn. It didn't take long to get him lubed up and my cock buried in his hole deep. We had also left the door opened just a crack and I turned my head once and could see Steve with a big grin on his face watching us. I plowed good but knew it would be kind of fast knowing what else was coming. The mark was into it in no time though and moaning his pleasure at getting reamed. I came in about 5 minutes is all though and he was begging for more. As he did, Steve, opened the door and got in fast and closed it to keep it pretty dark. The mark asked who it was and I told him it was a buddy of mine from work that was just like me wanting to try m2m. He told me he sure needed some more for sure. It only took Steve a minute to have his huge monster lined up and driving it in. The guy about went nuts, saying it was too big, but Steve just buried it all the way in anyway and held for a bit. Then he started to plow as hard as he could and I knew from experience that the guys ass was going to tear and bleed and Steve's DNA would soon be in him. Steve pounded the guy who was howling some in pain but soon turned to moans of pleasure. This went on for a good 15 minutes and then I heard Steve tell the guy he was coming and filling him up good. The guy almost yelled yes I am coming too. Steve ground his cock in for a bit and then pulled out with the guy saying he needed some more. We just headed for the door. As I opened the door the guy was sitting up and the light was good enough then he could see us from the read leaving. I heard him gasp and turned to see him pointing at Steve's rear. He was gasping out that he was looking at a biohazard tat. Steve then turned and looked at the guy. The mark recognized him then and his mouth dropped open and he could not speak. Steve just told him, hey, pay backs are a bitch aren't they, and we then left and went back to our motel. Sorry guys was having problems again and it posted the same damn thing several times by the time I got it to work.
  10. wow What a super hot fuck.
  11. Oh, fuck that was so hot. I was hard to start with a let loose with a load of cum hard reading when the latino guy was cumming in him. wow
  12. Cold as all get out outside and I would love to have some hot meat in my hole to warm me up

    1. wonderboy


      That's the best way to get warmed up. The heat generated from deep within the core of your body. :)

    2. MackyJay


      now if only I could get a cock in me for it

  13. I want to be gangbanged so badly it is ridiculous. Just can't seem to get more than two guys together at once and even that has been quite a long time now.
  14. Don't know if there are any 'reliable' statistics or not. Main ones do state that undetectable loads tend to not spread hiv at all and so far have not found any that have gotten hiv from an undetectable person. Unmedicated is almost as bad for 'reliable' sources. The ones available state that, like a woman getting pregnant, one time could infect you but on average it takes several times to convert. Have seen the odds listed as anywhere from 20 to 70 to 1 of being converted with overall chances listed at 50 to 1. There are ongoing studies but none completely conclusive other than if you BB and take any and all loads you will probably catch it sooner than later. Hope this helps. Two sources you might want to ask are RawTop or BearBandit on here as they have much more info than me and usually it is very good info.
  15. Hot story and loved the happy ending also, very cool.
  16. This is so hot and would love to be the bottom here for sure.
  17. It is a very hard decision to make. Basically from what I have researched younger guys getting pozzed are less likely to have bad times with it and the older you get before getting pozzed the more likely to have other health problems. It almost seems to be one of those 6 of one and a half dozen of the other things. You must decide for yourself but if you are already using prep and having a ball being a cumdump, that is probably your best bet overall and stay with it.
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