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Everything posted by MackyJay

  1. Chapter XIII is being worked on now and should be up in just a few days.
  2. Empty hole here needing several to fill me up full.

  3. Very hard for sure. Love to be tipped about upside down and pile driven hard and fast and as deep as possible. Love my hole just pounded as hard as my top can do it.
  4. Love it and wish I would have lost my cherry like that too.
  5. my ass cause it can take any and all and not complain
  6. I mixed Bacardi 151 and Coke and then pissed in it too. Really tasty drink.
  7. I seldom cum so makes no difference to me. I am there till my top is completely satisfied or tops. Their pleasure is my pleasure and love getting them off the most.
  8. Merry Christmas to all and my you all get what you want.

  9. I had not been feeling very good at all, so I called and doctor who was able to get me in to his office in about an hour thanks to a cancellation. I made the appointment, but by the time I arrived I could hardly move nor breathe. I really felt horrible. Doctor took a couple of tests and quickly determined I had pneumonia and hustled me across the street to the hospital real quick. Soon there were iv tubes running in me and fluids and antibiotics being fed into me. More tests and more tests and finally the doctor came by and told me I had probably gotten to him in time as my lungs were really full of gunk for sure, adding I would be at the hospital for at least a few days. He also ordered up some breathing treatments to help clear up the passageways. The respiratory therapist who showed-up was a young hot looking twink guy. WOW. Just looking at him standing there, in his scrubs - my breathing was definitely labored. His clothing was a bit small for his build, and definitely hugged him around the waist very nicely. I could still see he was sporting a very nice looking bulge in his crotch. I was sure he was checking me out too and basically I was naked but for one of those stupid hospital gowns. Not much I could do feeling so bad but look. I was also sure that he purposely leaned against my arm as he put the breathing mask on my face and I could feel that nice bulge I had seen. He seemed to be very well hung and I was loving it even if it only lasted a few seconds. The treatment was over way too fast as I could not take my eyes off of him. He again leaned against me as he took the mask off and told me he would be back again in about 4 hours for another one. He smiled so wonderfully as he went out the door. Sure enough the cute guy was back in 4 hours and again he leaned against my arm as he put the mask on and again as he took it off. He was looking me right in the eyes as he did it too, and smiled big at my staring back. He leaned in and whispered to me that he knew I couldn't do anything but wait until I felt better and he would see what could be done. I gasped at that wondering what he had in mind with me down in the hospital in bed. He was off then till the next morning. When he did return it was the same thing almost. As he went to put the mask on me he leaned in again and this time his cock was right against my hand. I could not resist and took ahold of his cock through his scrubs. It felt fantastic and was big enough around I definitely could not get my hand clear around it. I rubbed it the whole time of my treatment, stroking it and his low moans made me horny as hell for him even more than I had been. Too quickly it was over though and he told me he would see me later again, this time leaning down and planting a quick kiss on me. On his next trip in, he started to talk a little as I rubbed his cock again. He told me I didn't know him but he knew who I was from some pics on my profiles he had seen online. He mentioned seeing me on BBRT, BZ, MH and a couple of others and thought I was hot and wanted me as soon as possible, when I got to feeling better. He was again off then till the next day, leaving me with a lot to think about. I was especially intrigued by what he meant about me being so hot as I am really only about average looks and my cock barely average. Oh, well, he was hot enough for two I thought. By the next morning I was finally feeling quite a bit better finally. Even managed to get out of bed to use the toilet instead of a pan. LOL Still breathing hard by the time I got back to bed though but much better anyway. The morning treatment was not much as he seemed preoccupied and no talking really just in and almost out. But, he stopped for a minute on the way out and told me, we could be in luck for the afternoon as the nurse and aide on duty then were the laziest they had and would not leave the nurses station for almost anything other than an emergency and away he went, leaving me wondering again. He came in in a hurry that afternoon. He told me we had some time and wanted to have a little fun. I was all for that. As he prepared by treatment he was kind of fidgeting some. As he leaned to put the mask on again he leaned against my hand but this time as I grasped him his trousers were down and I grabbed bare cock and it was divine. I started to stroke him and as I did he leaned over a little more and reached under my gown and grabbed my cock. I was hard already but he made it a rock in no time and played with my balls too. Then I felt his hand go between my legs and started to rub my hole. He looked at me then and told me he knew I was a bottom from my profiles he had read. I smiled and nodded and spread my legs so he could play easier with my hole. He pulled away for a sec and I saw him get something out and it turned out to be some lube which he then started to apply to my hole. I was loving it and then his finger started into me and I moaned for sure as the pleasure erupted inside me. In no time I felt another finger and then another finger enter me as he opened my hole up wider and wider and drove his fingers roughly in me deeper also. I was writhing on the bed and was soon ready for anything he wanted to do. He then looked me in the eyes and asked if I was ready for more and I nodded yes. He climbed on the bed and carefully lifted my legs up and out. He lined up his cock head with my hole and slowly started to slip it in a little at a time. Stroking it in a little at a time, so slowly and so agonizingly fantastic, until I finally felt his balls hit me in the ass as he bottomed out. He held still for a bit and then spoke to me telling me how he had read every single line of my online profiles, so he was sure he knew exactly what I wanted from him. I was curious as to that but then as he said it he pulled almost all the way out of my hole and slammed back in hard. I gasped but only for a second as he did not stop but immediately went into fast speed and pounded my hole fast and furious and hard and as deep as he could. It hurt a little to start with but soon I was in heaven for sure as that is the way I definitely love it. fast, hard, deep and filling my hole as full as possible on every stroke. He kept up a little whispering to me. He was telling me how nice my hole felt, so hot, and he had just what I wanted and knew I was going to love it. At times he would reach between us and run a couple of fingers in me as he fucked me good and I could feel the extra stretch that did and then one time he reached and leaned up some and I was sure he tried to get as many fingers in me at the same time as his cock as he could. It was kind of uncomfortable and I groaned a little with it. As he brought his hand back away though he lifted it between us and I gasped as I saw what looked like a little blood on his fingers. He leaned towards me again and told me he thought he tore my hole a little that last time, but he was smiling when he said it. I started to ask what he did that for when he all at once grabbed my legs and lifted them way up and caught me off guard and I could not get a good breath to ask then as he really tipped me up and pounded deep into me even harder and faster. He was breathing heavy too I noticed and then he leaned in and told me here it comes, just what you wanted and needed. He ground into me then and I could feel his cock throb and feel the heat of his cum as it erupted inside me. He ground his cock as deep as he could and kept doing it for what seemed forever but felt so good. He finally settled down a little and told me there, it is done and I had what I had always wanted in me. I looked confused I know and asked him what he meant. He told me he read everything I had every written online and he knew I wanted his gift. I was still puzzled and he then lifted his top and there around one of his nipples was the sign. Yes, that sign, the biohazard symbol. I knew too well what that meant. I gasped and asked what the hell, I hadn't wanted that. He told me it was on every one of my profiles that I was poz friendly, and would take any load no matter who, and I had written some stories about bug chasing on BZ. He just knew I wanted to become poz and was really happy to help me out. He got up then and told me, Hey, I am done for today but I will see you in the morning and maybe we can do this again, huh? I could only lay there and wonder, what the hell did I get myself into on just fantasizing so much.
  10. Hey, guys, sorry haven't added more yet. Spent much of last week in the hospital with some breathing problems. Massive doses of antibiotics and other fluids have me feeling better now. Still a little of the weak side but improving a lot. Will be adding more to this soon.
  11. Absolutely bone inducing story. Love it and would love to find someone like that for sure.
  12. This is just such a find story and got me rock hard for damn sure.
  13. Forgot to mention that the pic included is of my ass after my regular fb got done with me. He cums a huge amount.
  14. It looked like it was going to be another one of those Christmases. Family too far away to travel to with my busy schedule and even having to work on Christmas Eve. They did send me several packages though and I had sent theirs out also. Work was slow all day too as very few other places were actually doing much so my load was pretty small but had to be done. I was on several hookup sites, so at breaks, I was checking to see if there was any possibility of some play at all. I noticed 3 or 4 is all that looked promising. Checked them closer and found one that really seemed like what I wanted. He was listed as 28, 5'9" and about 165 pounds. Pics showed a decent looking guy and his cock listed at 7" cut looked really nice with a much larger head than shaft which was a turn on for me too. I sent off a message to see if he was actually available. He soon sent me back a message saying he lived out of town but was on the way here and was getting a motel room. I quickly sent him back a message telling him that if he wanted to, he could stay at my place and save the money. He went back saying it sounded good to him. We agreed to meet at a place we both knew of. After work I headed there fast. I wanted him for sure as it had been, because of work, quite some time since I had been fucked and wanted it badly. The place we met at was a little bar. I got there first and ordered a drink. Wasn't long till he showed up and we both had a drink before heading to my place. Once in the door we were all over each other. Kissing and making out and soon taking off clothes. As we disrobed, we kind of just left clothes where they fell as we stumbled down the hall to the bedroom. We tumbled onto the bed and were really all over each other then. Groping and rubbing and both moaning in the pleasure we were bringing each other. As I moved my kisses down his body, he spun around and as my mouth reached his cock, his mouth was finding mine as we were 69ing. I found that he had a lot of precum but loved the taste of it and slurped it down like I had found nectar. We kept sucking each other for what seemed like hours but was really about 10 minutes. Then he let go of my cock with his mouth and gently pulled his cock from my mouth and spinning me around on my back, threw my legs in the air and dropped his mouth onto my hole. His tongue was soon trying to pry my hole open and with a little bit more of his spit and tongue driving at me was soon getting my hole opened and his tongue into me. He kept that up for a while and then I could feel his hand there and soon a finger entering me. He pushed it in and out and all around and soon he had two and then three fingers in me as he opened my hole up good and was driving me wild. After several minutes of this, he pulled his fingers out of me and I felt the head of his cock against my hole and before I knew it the knob of his cock was in me. I loved a big mushroom head and as he sunk his cock into me I could feel the head hitting my prostate and my own cock throbbed even more than it had been doing. His entire cock was in me deep in no time it seemed and I was really enjoying the feeling. He just kind of ground his cock in me for a while and then started to pull out slowly and back in and did it just slow and easy and about drove me wild as the head of his cock was so much larger that is rubbed my prostate with every movement. I was arching my back and thrusting my ass at him on every stroke. He then started to get faster and faster and very quickly he was pounding my ass like a jackhammer. I was in ecstasy for sure. He kept fucking me hard and fast and deep and every stroke was a pure delight. It went on and on and on. My own cock could not take the sensations and after about 15 minutes of his pounding it erupted on its own without being touched. He felt it and slowed down for just a few stroked to look between us at my load which was all over both of our stomachs and smiled and told me he loved to see that happen when he fucked someone. He then picked back up the pace. He kept up a mad pace till I thought I could take it no more and my ass was drying up a little even. It still felt pretty good but the friction could not be doing the inside of my ass much good. He kept at it for another 20 minutes after I had cum before he told me to get ready and he drove into me a few more strokes like a mad man and then ground his cock in as deep as he could get and I felt it throb and could feel the heat and wetness deep in my hole as he was cumming. Fuck, I had not had that good of a fuck in a long time and told him so and he told me there was more where that came from. We rested then for a while and then he was in me again and pounding, it seemed, like even harder than before and again it went on for quite a while. He told me again, here it comes and again I could feel his cock erupt. He ended up fucking me three more times even that night before we dozed off. When I finally woke up, quite late, the next morning he was already gone. I could not believe I had slept when he got up to leave either, but then he had about fucked me silly most of the night. As I stretched and started to get up, I noticed my bed had a wet spot. Looking down I could see that a lot of cum had leaked out of me as I slept. It even had tint of pink to it. I thought, wow, he really fucked me if there is a little blood in that, which is what it looked like. I got up and headed to the bathroom with a feeling of having to sit down and did on the stool. As I sat my ass seemed to open up and I could tell something that felt like liquid running out and as I looked down to see what it was I could tell it was some of his cum and it definitely had a pink tint to it. I cleaned up and didn't think any more of it then. I went out to the living room to open my gifts as it was a fine Christmas morning and after being fucked royally all night is seemed to be a very good start to the day. I opened my presents and enjoyed every minute of it as I thought about my family and hoped they were enjoying my presents to them as well. I then headed to the kitchen to make some coffee and also decided to have a couple of pieces of toast. I got them ready and headed back to the other room to sit and relax and just enjoy looking at the tree and thinking about friends and family. I had just finished my toast and was drinking the last drops of coffee from my mug when as I was tilting my head back I noticed a piece of paper in the tree. I got up to see what the heck that was. It was folded and on the outside was the name of the guy I had spent the night with. I opened it up. He had left the note to tell me how much he had enjoyed the night before and thanked me for having him over. Then I was floored as he had written that he had just been diagnosed HIV positive about a week before and had a very high viral load. He wished me a very Merry Christmas and hoped I liked his gift to me.
  15. Waste of drugs on me as I would have taken them all without any.
  16. well it was supposed to be right after chapter XII and before the chapter started but it is at the end of the chapter LOL
  17. Chapter XII This is how my hole looks now after a poz load from the guy that had been giving me a massage. I looked up to see Steve, the hitcher, smiling around the curtain between our two massage tables. I grinned back and he told me he just knew I would succumb to the great looking masseuses here. I told him it was nice but what the hell was I doing, becoming just a hole to be used or what? He told me to just go with it as long as it felt good and I was having fun. We then headed to the showers and cleaned the massage oils off. I couldn't help but had to grab and stroke Steve a bit. His huge cock was just too great to resist. He put me off for a bit and told me to wait till we got to the sauna and then he would pound my hole good if I wanted. I told him to hurry and let's get there then. We got to the sauna and immediately added some more water to the heater and soon had a really good amount of steam rolling in and pretty much hiding almost anything from view beyond a couple of feet. We headed to a bench to sit and I sat on a lower one than him. I soon had his cock buried in my throat and really loving the taste of his cock. I bobbed my head on him and found that with all the practice this week I was now able to get all but a couple of inches of him in my mouth and down my throat good. After a few minutes we heard the door open and close and then the hiss of more water hitting the hot stones. We waited a couple of minutes and I started to suck Steve some more. He pulled me around so I was kneeling in front of him more and really started to fuck my mouth good. As I was doing this I suddenly felt a hand on my ass. I started to pull off of Steve's cock but he held me and whispered that he knew the guy and he was ok. I wanted to see him but Steve was holding my head and I just started sucking some more. The guy behind me kept rubbing my ass and then was running his fingers up and down my crack. He kept stopping rubbing my hole at times and then I felt what seemed to be some lube on his finger and then it was pushing into my hole. The load of cum in there already seemed to help once my outer ring was opened. Soon I felt his cock rubbing me and then he was pushing it into me. He started slow but soon picked up speed and was pounding my hole good. I was in heaven almost with Steve's magnificent cock down my throat and some guy's cock in me that I still hadn't even seen. What a turn on. I was loving it but soon I felt the guy ram a few times really hard and then ram deep and I felt his cock spasming and I knew he was giving me another load of cum in my ass. As he pulled out, I heard Stever tell him thanks from me. I smiled around his cock in my mouth. Then I seemed to feel another guy behind me and sure enough another cock was entering me. I gasped and looked up at Steve and he just smiled down at me and told me it looked like the word had went around that I had a nice ass. This guy wasted no time and as soon as he was all in he started a very fast pounding of my ass and only lasted about 5 minutes when I felt his cock throbbing and spilling his load deep into me. This time as he pulled out to leave, Steve pulled me away from his cock and told me he needed my ass now. He then got up and got behind me. I felt him feel around a little and then his huge cock was plowing into me. I was definitely in heaven now. Nothing could compare to his marvelous cock and the way that huge member filled my hole up. Steve started slow but then picked up speed a little at a time until he was really pile driving my hole. I was flying and it felt so wonderful. I was pushing my ass back at him on every instroke trying to swallow every single inch of him in me deep as possible. He drove into me hard and fast and for a good 20 minutes and then I heard his breathing getting harder and knew he was about to cum. I could also feel my own cock twitching in that familiar way too and knew I was only a few seconds from cumming too. He drove hard as hell a few more times and then thrust deep into me and ground his cock around my hole as he spurted a huge load up my hole and my own cock spewed cum all over the bench. As he finished up and was pulling out I became aware that there were some other guys standing around watching. What a turn on to see so many cocks, about 6 guys, standing around enjoying our show and stroking their own cocks off. Steve and I hit the showers again and then headed back to the motel room. As we were leaving I asked him about the last couple of guys that had fucked me and he told me he knew both of them. He had been the one that had pozzed them too and they had loaded me up with some more nice toxic cum. LOL Damn chapter twelve had a picture in it but it did not come through for some reason
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