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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. Poppers and blood pressure medication can be a deadly mix.
  2. Never saw anything like that on any doors on the cruise that I took last month. The only other gay guys that I saw were an older black/white American couple.
  3. The amusing thing about the demise of Club80 is that the guy who bought the place had plans to convert it into offices.. one major problem - the council (local govt authority) have blocked his plans due to a lack of off street parking.. there's a "for rent" sign in the window of what was the downstairs play area, that has been there for many months.
  4. Having travelled around the world to many of the best most of the best cities and sex venues.. Club80 is the best that I have ever found.
  5. For me I was 12.. playing with my cock in bed one night and then it got real hard and stuff shot out of it..didn't know what had happened at the time..
  6. This is a forum that I am reluctant to get involved with, due to being blocked previously... so I do hope that U don't have a really bad version of it... Please let us know.
  7. Yep.. I did .. he was my height, masculine passionate boy looking to be fucked.. we swapped numbers afterwoods... and met up heaps of times over the weeks, months later he was coming out to my place on a fri night and going home sunday afternoon.. we would go out sat night to either a great gay cafe.. or bar..then home....about 6 months later he said that he would have to stay home the next two weeks as he had exams coming up.. turned out he was only 17!! His parents were cool with that as they wanted some stability in his life.
  8. Using the search platforms of Recon and BBRT for individual cities will show that the numbers aren't that much different.. perhaps at times the tops aren't looking as much as the bottoms??
  9. He's not back on here regularly.. last June 10. There are lots who start a topic and then "disappear"
  10. Pain levels.. worst the nipple piercing + they take a long time to heal. Next tatts, least painful was the pa (not much worse than getting an injection), first piss next morning was more painful (urine concentration).. it's now stretched with a screw in ball - when standing and pissing I make sure that the ball is over the bottom hole..thus minimal pee going in all directions.
  11. Hi htnhole In my travels I have found that there are two types of airport scanning.. the older type scans for all metal (internal and external).. with those I have found that having a hip replacement metal bit adjacent to my 000g pa they can't work out anything that would cause problems.. just have to put the belt and shoes back on. The newer full body scans are looking for external metal etc I have taken out the pa and replaces it with the plastic peg thing that youngsters found very common in ears about 10 years or so ago.. wearing 501's etc tends to disguise .
  12. Make sure that you are not taking blood pressure medication as that and poppers are not a good mix.
  13. Travel around Europe is much cheaper by train..
  14. Truly... go to a bar/club.. if U are a bottom your odds of getting a butt full of cum is 100%.. if U are a top then U will go back to where U are staying with empty balls. This carry on regarding how people might react to U re age/figure etc etc is pathetic.. the bars in Germany for the most part are fuck central.. go and ENJOY
  15. But if you are stupid and on it.. yep.. but if you are sensible and not on it U don't have anything to worry about it.. Really.. go to a bar etc and physically meet someone.. rather than f...ck around with sites.
  16. Done properly the pain is no more than getting an injection and the pierced if experienced shouldn't penetrate the vein nearby. Drink plenty water to dilute your urine.. first piss next morning will be a bit sore. U can stretch it up in gauge roughly every 3 months.. getting to a size with a screw in ball 6 or 7mm allows easy removal for going thru airport security (unless U want problems with them). Whilst the bottom hole will get larger, using the ball to cover will generally allow a straight forward piss.. otherwise as ffwhole (above) said.. sit down to pee.
  17. My travels overseas have never seen me at a venue like club80. Sure there are sex party venues that operate "big" on selected days/nights.. but nothing like the club. Over the years I made many trips down to melbourne.. staying at the gatehouse and then off to the club (thanks to my employer and in more later years to go to shareholder meetings). I never left there with any cum in my balls. I had a chuckle about the comments above re the changed layout of the drums.. been there and seen that. NUD was a great night.. I was fortunately there for the last one on the friday night (GP weekend) in 2020. I had stretched my pa to a 000g.. a couple said no but several said yes.. the best was a mid 30's guy with two cock piercings.. a frenum and another at the base of his cock.. he was vers and really loved my cock.. around midnight he was fucking a young guy.. I slid in behind and we both blew at the same time. Did make arrangements to meet up next party.. but border closures etc fucked that... would love to catch up with him again.. if anyone knows who he is..
  18. Good luck then.. I still wouldn't.
  19. I wouldn't.. if she is your manager etc you run a large risk of being minus a job.. not to mention what stories she would spread about U.
  20. Retired.. Formerly fed govt executive officer. Now collecting their pension and investing.
  21. it's a long haul from Australia to the US, something that I have done 18 times over the past 30 years. Some 20 years ago a young guy from Florida made contact with me here in Brisbane Australia. The following year we made physical contact in Key West Florida and really hit off.. I came back the following year..and the year after.. I wanted him to come "down under" but his work arrangements stuffed that. I got to know his mother and sister over the years... got a massive shock with a message from a friend of his in Key West that he had collapsed and was in a very bad way with kidney failure.. unfortunately he died from that. I have kept in continual touch with his mother and sister over the years... So in short.. we do at times make contact on line and follow thru to make physical contact.. I really do miss Robbie
  22. I have just read that n County Sligo (Ireland Republic) that a guy using Grindr to meet up has been arrested for the murder of two locals who were bound and severely beaten. Authorities were alerted after another guy was able to escape.. Would mention more but the censors on this site wouldn't agree.
  23. I too live in Australia and have admired a few guys off web sites in the UK and Europe and have messaged them. Ultimately we have met up on my frequent overseas travels.. annually before covid. Hopefully again this year.
  24. 100% AirmaxUK There are too many on web sites that just have one pici.. mostly downloaded from the internet and when you meet them you will find that out. Worse is those who don't have picis (they describe themselves as "concerned for their careers" etc).. claim to be 25, 6ft, slim build etc etc then turn out to be 50, 5 ft 6 and 15 stone and get upset when u tell them to get lost.
  25. This has been covered before.. but pain level 1 - no more than getting an injection. Drink plenty water as concentrated urine will sting next morning (first piss).. healing about a week.. and my betting is that U will want to play with it next day!
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