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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. Have been fucked around by a couple guys in melbourne.. needed to get hi before anything... greatly lost interest..
  2. Had the first Astra Zeneca on May 17...ok at night but after 12 hours woke up cold and shivering for 2 hours.. good next day. Second booked for Aug 16th.
  3. The best for me has to be Folsom in Berlin.. the bio party on the friday night was awesom. Also London (Vault 139 & SBN), then Munich, Hamburg, Amsterdam and the IML in Chicago. Locally.... and unfortunately no more NUD @ Club 80 in Melbourne.. Sydney and Brisbane have their moments.. but I really love my o/s travel.
  4. @ErosWired.. agree. There was an UK based site called gaydar.. 10 years ago it was hugely successful, but the management of it managed to stuff it up big time. Who knows.. maybe in time people will actually go out to bars etc to actually talk to and meet new people.. Those looking for sex would go to a sauna/sex club to get what they are looking for... just a thought..but it actually happened 40 years ago.
  5. Just a question... why woud'nt U wear your chaps etc at an event say Folsom Berlin... or in the states at IML... not to mention lot of venues in Berlin/Munich/Hamburg/Amsterdam etc ??????? Ian Because I know that I would... + bleachers etc
  6. In reply to @bootmanLA What would you say to a man of colour with a shaved head, Fred Perry black top with yellow stripes, braces, bleachers and boots (30hole) with white laces. You might live in the states but that is a person that I met in berlin at Folsom on the thursday night at the skinhead party @ Scheune. He was a natural gay guy.. great humour and friendly with many who were at that event. He was a visitor , same as me. We didn't feel uncomfortable with the locals (He was from Norway.. Me from Australia) and we were really made to fell welcome..no racist overtones. Saturday was the Folsom fair.. the break up of participates from my observations was full on Leather @60%, Rubber 15%,Skin 15%, Puppy 8% Uniform + other the rest.. it's a great social event .. you should make an effort and go there.. don't worry there is plenty of action at the various venues about Fugger stra, with plenty of willing participants. So I go back to my first paragraph... and the question is "how would you handle this".. particularly with regard to tour comments above
  7. My cock went into over 20 holes at one of the Bio... parties in Berlin during Folsom and blew twice. Some of the guys who go there spend most of the night taking cock after cock. I spoke to one that I pumped a load into next day.. he collected 10 loads from 55 cocks during the night.
  8. I had mine for over 20 years. I never take it out for fucking..the fine gauges do tend to irritate a bottom with a "sawing" action. Probably a 0G would be an ideal size. Mine is at 000g and I find fucking a tight hole is painful. Pissing can be a problem but putting the ball over the bottom hole generally helps.
  9. Yep U need to be aware of hepC at these parties...being fucked many times might sound great but you could have the following consequences. This party is somewhat ageist and body shaped serious..there is another fuck party that is more open eg ages and body shape (Biohazard parties in Berlin).. be aware U can catch hep C there too (I did and I top only).. there are guys there who would have a cock in their butt constantly for hours .. biggest orgy that I have ever been to.. All on hold thanks to the chinese virus
  10. crabs first, then gono +scabies. Worst Hep C some 5 years ago.
  11. By far the friday night fuck (nude- footware required - some wear a jockstrap or harness/vest) fuck party in Berlin during folsom. A top's and bottom's paradise... my pierced cock went into at least 25 holes.. two lucky ones got loads (thanks to cialis).. it's a must for any full on slut!
  12. My travels over the years have taken me to many cities.. playing tourist during the day.. and then looking to get my balls drained at night etc In the states..that includes San Fran, LA, New Orleans, Orlando, Ft L, Key West, Chicago, New York, Vegas and Seattle + a few others... but as I have said in another post they pale in comparison to Berlin , Munich, Hamburg, Amsterdam, Copenhagen, Brussels and London.. Sydney and Melbourne also have fond memories for me...unfortunately club80 is no more.. U really need to travel and experience the world
  13. Also drscorpio...they will be blocked from travelling overseas. Most desirable countries will require evidence of vaccination to enter. As I only have one kidney (cancer) I will be getting it as soon as it's available locally. Some reports that I have seen mention it will be like the annual flu shot - required to be taken annually. The chinese have much to answer for!
  14. I have a 000g PA. Have only had one guy say no.. that was at a sex party in Melbourne pre the chinese virus.. Later I fucked a close friend of his.. didn't cum then.. but did when the original guy came back and told me that his friend enjoyed.. He was a great fuck. One thing though it's a bit painful fucking a very tight hole.
  15. If it's on..Folsom weekend in Berlin
  16. Unfortunately society has become full of the perpetually offended who take offence and scream racist/ism at the slightest comments/words. The world would become a much better/tolerant society if we were all to ignore them and don't allow ourselves to be "baited".
  17. You can't beat Berlin, Hamburg and Munich in Germany, Amsterdam + London + Manchester are probably the best for uninhibited full on fucking. Other enjoyable cities - 2nd tier Brighton (England), Copenhagen (Denmark) Antwerp (Belgium). Have also had some good times in the US - Key West, Ft Lauderdale and Orlando but nothing compared to Europe..locally Melbourne (not sure now that club80 has gone), Sydney has it's moments and Brisbane less so. It will be very interesting to see how things pan out after the effects of the chinese virus wash out.
  18. Like Bonsoir, earlier in this topic @ club80 in Melbourne at their last one before the covid lockdown on the friday night - huge night . It was the first time that I had the 000g pa in and it really felt great. Went back to the club next night..wasn't as good and I discovered that very tight holes and a big pa don't really match. Unfortunately my o/s trip to Europe this year got cancelled grrrr and club80 is no more....
  19. Then U have the ones that have a profile with just their location and age and the rest is fully "ask me's".. I made a mistake 3 years ago and arranged to meet one of these.. described in a message as 35, 6 ft and an average build, masculine, clean shaven...turned out to be about 5 ft 8, at least 140kg.. a right slob, bearded queen.. and he had the hide to complain when I told him no way..my blood was boiling... So now no pici (and that is more than one- so many use other peoples)...and a chat before meeting... basically I am fed up with lots of pici collectors etc and being stuffed around..thus I feel more comfortable in going interstate (Australia) and then to overseas events... etc The bloody chinese have a lot to answer for ..basically their virus has fucked all the overseas parties (Folsom Berlin etc)
  20. A couple time in Berlin during Folsom at the friday Biohazard party..there were lots of guys just bent over taking cock after cock (and most were in good shape 20's to 40's).. my cock went into over 20 each time I went (long way from Australia).. Unfortunately I picked up a dose of hep C the first time - 2015, so was a bit more selective the next time.. great memories.
  21. Agree with all the comments re the nip piercing but add one more comment... make sure that U move it back and forth at least a couple times a day for the first couple weeks as your skin adjacent to the hole will attach itself to the piercing and believe me that is almost as painful as getting the original. Re stretching the pa... I went from the basic to 7mm in a bit over 12 months..left it at that for quite a few years, then decided to stretch it up at then end of 2018.. and got it to 10mm (00g) in 6 months...had to take it out for a few weeks (surgery - hip replacement last year) and that took it back to the original 7mm.. worked at it and got it up to 12mm (000G) within 5 months.. I went down to Melbourne for a weekend just before the chinese virus took off (NUD @ 80).. fucking was great, until I ran into a really tight hole and that was a bit painful. In short get it done - you won't regret it and going thru airport security can be very amusing!!
  22. The study re 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 was a French one - Inper (or Imper) not sure about the spelling. My local std specialists are great fans... in particular for people who have kidney problems.
  23. Some sucess with BBRt and Recon. But the best is some of the great fuck parties... eg NUD @ club80 in Melbourne (unfortunately closed grr), SBN and the nude nights at Vault 139. But the best has to be the bio parties in Barelin.. in particular during folsom - raw paradise. Lesser is sundays at S.L.U.T in Hamburg + downsairs at the bars in Amsterdam and barelin. - nothing like them in the US!
  24. Hi Believe me you are not alone in this situation.. it is something that I have experienced too.. with my employment moving me about the country and thus leaving some very significant partners in other cities. Two unfortunately are no longer with us and it does leave me depressed at times. Have you tried to reach out to his relatives/friends to find out what happend ??? Peace to you too... and good luck.
  25. Happily retired Australian Govt Executive officer.... + becoming a poor company shareholder!
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