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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. Age jets U!!!!..20years ago i could blo 2-3 times a session.. now it's one... mid U not quickly.
  2. I went to to Scheune on the sunday during folsom... over 70 there that night.. average age 50+, average size (body) generally large.. friendly night.. a couple of very cute boys... but most older and randy.
  3. Hi Spunkinmyarse This years folsom could only be described as a disaster for a mad sex animal. Thursday/friday nights.. venues were absolutely SWAMPED. Thursday night at the Prinznicht saw the cops arrive just after 11pm (residential area) to move over 1000 guys on... they lost their liscence to open on Saturday. All venues and backrooms around Schoenberg were basically swamped thurs/friand sat.. sunday was almost back to normal... downstairs at Prinz etc + Scheune..without the huge crowds..
  4. Yep meat market on sat sept 2 was a real blast... over 30 red hooded bottoms.. my pad's cock went into 7 holes.. back to the first one to dump my load. Sun @ Eagle was more of a stand and stare in comparison.
  5. Years ago in Adelaide (South Australia), fucked a hot younger guy in a deep bunker on a golf course.
  6. Well Vancumdump.. be prepared for a painful piercing with a fairly long healing time.. Good luck!
  7. Nope..that is not a pa.. I ran into a guy in Melbourne (Aust) who had that same piercing as well as one at the base of his cock. I'm not sure as to what it is called... but it could be called a frienum piercing. (not sure about the correct spelling).
  8. I wouldn't trust him if I was in your position. Who else does he fuck etc. Get yourself on PRep and end your worries.
  9. This all started out in the early 1990's with about 12 combinations..left top, right bottom.. then as usual it exploded in combinations over the next 15 years or so.. and with all the problems recognizing the obscure one it faded into oblivion... travelling about all U see is an odd red one, very occasionally yellow/blue.
  10. Hi I have answered this in other topics.. basically it's no more painful than getting an injection. A true professional piercer will avoid piercing any blood vessels. You must drink plenty water to dilute your urine. Next morning I recommend that you piss into a warm hand basin (concentrated urine will sting a bit), healing is fairly quick.. u will have to resist wanking for a few days.. make sure that U move there piercing back and forth so that your skin doesn't attach. Up sizing .. every 3 months.. Enjoy!!!
  11. Far better, from the thursday to sunday.. your balls will be working overtime producing cum for the variety of holes there.
  12. Cast your ambitions a bit further... Folsom in Barelin
  13. This is something that I have had a number of times (5 I think).. the last time was in Melbourne (Australia) over 30 years ago.. I got brutal.. fly spray around genitals and body hair (lower body).. waited 15 mins then a good warm/hot shower really cleaning all points.. all clothes/bedding then went thru the washing machine with hot water.. and the dryer on hot. Cleaned that lot up.. nothing since.. hopefully on-going.
  14. First off.. when are U looking to travel???? Folsom is a great weekend. 2nd weekend in September. I have been there 10 times over the years and agree with the comments of LetsPozBreed above. just be sensible when out and about.. leave the phone and wallet back at your hotel (in the safe).. take enough cash for your night out.. and put about 50 euros down your sock/boots. others have remarked about having your wallet in a back pocket.. NEVER do that when travelling anywhere.. always into your front pocket. I tend to stay in the Schoenberg area.. and play in the local bars etc.. it's a great city and doing the right thing U will enjoy it.
  15. Oh yeah.. this site has over 79 thousand members.. although lots haven't been on line for months. Other sites have hundreds of thousands members.. so U have lots of others.. to consider.
  16. I had mine done some 27 years ago..she was a professional piercer. It was quick, not much more pain than getting a regular injection. There was no bleeding. One thing to do is to drink plenty water before getting it done as concentrated urine will be very painful. Suggest that you piss in a bowl of warm water first thing next morning as you will feel that first morning piss. Healing was very quick.. I couldn't stop playing with it and blew 2 days later. Stretching.. well I up-graded every three months eventually to 7mm.. several years later managed to up-size to 8mm (0 g)..then 10mm (00 G) and ultimately to 12mm (000 G). On the advice of the piercing shop I used one of what were fairly common ear piercing plastic "prongs".. they were a real fad about 10-15 years ago. Took a while during our lockdowns during the covid period. Get it done.. U won't regret it.. airline security checks can be "interesting".
  17. I have a large pa.. tight holes are a real pain.
  18. Some clown is going to record the wrong sex scene..and the participants will react and there will be a busted phone.. hope he a racked up a good bar tab.
  19. That sauna is ok.. bit of a local chat society.. U are there on a Sunday..well get ure butt to Club Church. Kerkstraat 52. .. Check out the local Gay map for what's on that day.. ure butt will be loaded!
  20. one of the other great venues that I remember from my London visits was SBN.. over at Vauxhall .. still going?????????????????
  21. Ft lauderdale - stay at Inn leather or Key West.. a great relaxed destination... and I'm from Australia
  22. Two or three times a week..trying to keep in reasonable shape. Interesting mixture at my gym..mostly very straight.
  23. Great summation BootmanLA. I have had both Hep A and C over the years.. the Hep A came via contaminated shellfish.. and cleared after 3 weeks - no fatty foods or alcohol. The Hep C was contracted during a major overseas sex holiday (probably at Folsom in Berlin). Fortunately it was one of the weaker versions and it cleared spontaneously after two months. Frequent blood tests over the past 7 years have all came back negative. In short all gay guys who are going to be fuck-ing should be inoculated against both Hep A & B.
  24. Reading the various responses to this topic it seems that many are looking to stay where they are and then travel to events etc during holidays. That's my approach.. mind U it's a long way from Australia to anything great o/s.. but over the years have managed to get to several IML's plus Orlando/Key West/Ft Lauderdale..plus a few lesser places. then throw in Folsoms in Berlin with time in Amsterdam/Munich/Hamburg/Cologne/Frankfurt/London/Brighton/Manchester/Scotland etc It's generally been great.
  25. I believe that the gatehouse which was part of club 80 is still going.. could be worth looking at.. stick ure butt in the sling
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