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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. @mcy69.. I agree... Melbourne was like that too until covid... Welcome to "down under'
  2. Be more positive and fuck that hole in front of me in the 1970's!
  3. This is going to be a lawyers picnic.. ie did the condom break during fucking???? did a pa break it???? what was the state of the bottom re drugs etc.. .. your legislators have opened a panduras box..
  4. I have a large pa @ 000g (12mm)... putting that in a tight hole is painful.. so well opened for me.
  5. Hi For a top it's the same as a bottom.. this practice results from a French study from about 2017/18 called Impergay (think that I have term right).. basically 2 pills 2-24 hours before and then 1 each 24 hours after.
  6. It's a modern day problem... I am lucky that I have a couple (gay married) and we meet up regularly for drinks at a pub near to where they live. A friend of theirs usually drops in for a couple hours.. and friends (straight) from their unit complex join in as well. But that's it.. the concept of having friends that would join in.. maybe go out for dinner etc jst doesn't seem to be about. .. is this a 21st century thing??? ..or where every social interaction is supposed to end in some sort of form of sex???.
  7. Several years ago I went to a great one in London.. he had a hotel room at the end of the corridor. Plenty of travelers so staff didn't take any notice.. I was no 4.. hole was getting a little sloppy.. great fuck, with a small bio tatt on his lower back. Sent him a thanks message on bbrt next day.. he replied that he had collected 34 loads that afternoon/evening. A year later I was back in town and he had another one..same hotel.. same arragements.. I was no 2 that time.. not a great vibe this time though. The guy had a quite a few vids of one of his gangbangs on a couple video sites.
  8. Only place that I have found bad attitude towards me was at Tom's bar(age)...and I was staying at their hotel... NEVER again. Wouldn't bother with New Action .. it's more NO ACTION. Have many great times in Berlin over the years.. mainly around the Schoenberg area.. lots of bars etc ages from 20's up and generally friendly.
  9. Historically, when the early versions of the jumbo jet became the method of mass travel between countries (before that it was a long cruise eg 6 weeks Australia to London etc), there was a requirement that travelers had to be inoculated against smallpox. Later community diseases included polio, TB , measles etc. In later years a lot of countries require yellow fever. Malaria tablets are also recommended for a lot of destinations. The requirement for inoculation against the chinese virus with a checkable card/site etc to travel is just something that we are going to have to put up with.
  10. Another site "down the tube".
  11. Well, last year when I was in my late 60's I had a couple trips to Melbourne early in the year (before Covid-19 f*cked the world).. a couple nights @ NUD at club80.. I never had any trouble getting off with some very cute masculine guys in their 20's and 30's. It just depends on where U go and what U are really looking for. Need to go o/s a again but when with restrictions etc ???? Unfortunately club80 is no more grrrr
  12. A jacobs ladder down the cock and balls.. rings. for working by putting a thread thru the lot.. 15 -20 piercings. Great see that U have a big pa.
  13. And who hasn't been on this site for almost 6 YEARS
  14. Nope..park ure butt on my cock and I will do what U like.
  15. And Recon.. it seems that some guys create their profiles on here their stats etc.. then change later and don't update what they have on here. I could do an expose but I don't have a week spare to do it..
  16. @ErosWired.. yep nipple piercings are painful...I had the left one done in San Fran in 94.. at the urgings of a local friend.. done by a piercer by the name of Karen Hurt .. and bloody hell it did hurt.. one thing to remember move it back and forth during healing as the skin will attach to a new piercing and believe me it's bloody painful to move them. I have had guys working it strongly... no pain to me.. the pa.. well @12mm .. well yank on that and I will react and u won't feel great.
  17. Hi Nik101.. I top only and contracted both @ a fuck party in Melbourne last year. Went to another party a fortnight later. My 3 monthly blood/urine/swab tests showed it both in my cock and surprisingly for me anally... no cock went anywhere near my hole.
  18. Get on Prep.. your doc should schedule 3 monthly tests for all the other things that U could catch. Also get vaccinated for hep b... hep a vaccine is short lived but b is a real pest.
  19. Accuracy???.. I have seen some stuff recently downgrading the accuracy of home covid tests, + some other tests. I am fortunate that I live in Australia.. here our doctors can order all sorts of tests Blood/urine etc + ct scans/mri scans and x rays and they are almost all covered by our Medicare system. People with more than a basic income (eg me) pay a tax levy of 2%.. I get to see what some procedures cost and they are way over the $2000+ that my tax levy cost . I feel sorry for people in lots of countries who are not in the same situation... it should be a basic right.
  20. No not now... have in the past and have had some bad experiences with various wogs (viruses).. now I only have one kidney (cancer)..so need to really look after myself.
  21. I agree with BootmanLA.. one other thing to consider your chances are higher if you are uncut and fucking a viral Poz guy. Prep is readily available and cheap here in Australia.. go have a chat with your doc.
  22. From my experience, in answer to your questions 1. it would show up with tests. 2. from what U said about your sex session I would expect that you could easily pass it on to your partner , especially with oral sex. 3. normal washing 4. some on here recommend taking amoxicillin or equivalent daily.. but is the dose sufficient to clear your problem - I don't think so. 5. sounds like gono to me Doctors are used to seeing it..
  23. I'm sorry.. but U get what U voted for... I'm lucky.. here in Aust.. PeEP costs about $6.20 for unwaged and $40.30 for a wage guy ie tax payer for a months supply. Blood tests etc are free under Medicare
  24. The biggest cock that I ever saw was in Melbourne (Australia) in 1983.. all of 12 inches.. he was only 24 and was a pro but a great fuck bottom).. for me (at no cost). This was pre cialis etc and the poor kid had a huge problem of getting hard.. when he did it was magnificent..Would love to know where he is now...
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