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Everything posted by Leather69

  1. I wouldn't.. if she is your manager etc you run a large risk of being minus a job.. not to mention what stories she would spread about U.
  2. Retired.. Formerly fed govt executive officer. Now collecting their pension and investing.
  3. it's a long haul from Australia to the US, something that I have done 18 times over the past 30 years. Some 20 years ago a young guy from Florida made contact with me here in Brisbane Australia. The following year we made physical contact in Key West Florida and really hit off.. I came back the following year..and the year after.. I wanted him to come "down under" but his work arrangements stuffed that. I got to know his mother and sister over the years... got a massive shock with a message from a friend of his in Key West that he had collapsed and was in a very bad way with kidney failure.. unfortunately he died from that. I have kept in continual touch with his mother and sister over the years... So in short.. we do at times make contact on line and follow thru to make physical contact.. I really do miss Robbie
  4. I have just read that n County Sligo (Ireland Republic) that a guy using Grindr to meet up has been arrested for the murder of two locals who were bound and severely beaten. Authorities were alerted after another guy was able to escape.. Would mention more but the censors on this site wouldn't agree.
  5. I too live in Australia and have admired a few guys off web sites in the UK and Europe and have messaged them. Ultimately we have met up on my frequent overseas travels.. annually before covid. Hopefully again this year.
  6. 100% AirmaxUK There are too many on web sites that just have one pici.. mostly downloaded from the internet and when you meet them you will find that out. Worse is those who don't have picis (they describe themselves as "concerned for their careers" etc).. claim to be 25, 6ft, slim build etc etc then turn out to be 50, 5 ft 6 and 15 stone and get upset when u tell them to get lost.
  7. This has been covered before.. but pain level 1 - no more than getting an injection. Drink plenty water as concentrated urine will sting next morning (first piss).. healing about a week.. and my betting is that U will want to play with it next day!
  8. I am somewhat suspicious of profiles on Recon + elsewhere who only have one photo (not usually themselves) and no text in their profile. Generally they tend to be picture looking.. usually want more to see and then vanish.
  9. Have they moved to the old Connection in Fuggerstr????
  10. I have seen reports that the lifts at Axel now require a key card .
  11. NUD @ 80 was by far the best fuck party in Australia. Sydney and Brisbane didn't have anything comparable. Overseas i have found SBN and Vault 139 Nude(less so) comparable in London.. but the best was in Berlin .. the biohazard parties (in particular during Folsom).. over 500 last time I went.. all stuffed now (apart from London)
  12. Wow.. I'm surprised. Some US airports are super officious and pedantic eg Miami, others not too bad eg JFK. here in Aust they are progressively implementing body scanners which only pick up external metal ie not hip and metal plates etc. How do U handle them when U are queried?? Cheers Ian
  13. You obviously don't travel by air.. that lot of piercings would really set off the metal detectors at airports.
  14. I was asked about moving the pa so skin doesn't attach... frequent pissing will work, but just to move it back and forth a couple times a day. Stretching it up..about once every 3 months.. very thin pa's can e painful both for the fucker and more so for the fuckee.
  15. Great suggestions chi4loads.. just a couple that I would add.. 1. drink plenty water before and after getting it done.. your first piss next morning will sting a bit - if possible piss into a bowl of warm water. and 2. move it back and forth.. one thing that you don't want is the skin attaching to the piercing.. it's very painful to move it then. Enjoy!!!!
  16. @norfolkuk There are sh.t loads of guys who have a pici on here or on a web site... just one (and they are copied from other sites).. be carful what u are looking for.
  17. WHY????? Get a guy with large guage.. it wont'nt rip your insides.
  18. Other than Palm Springs... why not cast your net further,,, eg O/S Berlin, Amsterdam London etc the US dollar still has some value.
  19. I have seen some stuff from workplace drug testing... it can be as much as 7 days.
  20. What a waste of money.. just buy a jock strap.. then on your exposed butt just put 2 arrows (one on each cheek).. pointed towards your hole// There.. problem solved!!!!
  21. Hi I couldn't find one on my visits (4) over the years.. Your best bet is the bar backrooms assuming that they are open.
  22. I have a pa'd cock.. captured ball type, not as large as it is now but.. several years ago I was in Melbourne with work and spent some time at club 80 on the friday night. Was downstairs and fucked a boy bent over on a platform.. great fuck, blew and then pulled out. It felt odd and in the semi darkness felt down and I was missing the ball! Stopped the boy from leaving.. bent him over , planted two fingers in and was able to get the ball out. He said that he had felt something that was hurting him a bit , but had no idea what was causing it.. we both had a laugh about it.. swapped details and I had him again 3 months later. Now always make sure that the ball is tight when I go out.
  23. No good complaining.. when the basic question is WHERE!!!!!
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