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Everything posted by DocThor

  1. There is a much easier way. Google HIV medication research in your area. You can participate anonymously in any study. You will never be asked for identification or insurance. You can have your cake and eat it too. One thing...because you will be on study, you will have to submit to blood tests. Amazingly enough, the pharma folks will pay you for participating in study. The money is not enough to quit your job...but it can certainly help with a night out or tank of gas, etc.
  2. If I am topping a man, he does not get to say "Don't cum in my ass". As we are getting naked, I ask him if he wants my highly charged load. If he says yes, we continue, and I ask him if he wants my highly charged again, with the head of my dick at his hole. After I have my dick inside him for about 2 minutes, I ask him one more time if he wants my highly charged load. If he says no any time, I stop and get dressed. Of the nearly 300 men I have asked this series of questions to, none have ever declined the first or second asking. There have been 6 who decided on the third asking to decline. All 6 came back for another round and none declined the third asking a second time. 296 conversions and counting...
  3. Outstanding! We are each unique in our own experience. You certainly grabbed all the gusto you could.
  4. * * * * * * The first story I would like to nominate for 6 stars.
  5. A great quick read.
  6. Must have been good for no response this long...!
  7. There are benefits to our choices.
  8. You have the touch, barecub.
  9. hehehe...Would you object if they did? How did it turn out?
  10. Not to sink your boat...this is the spot you would share the story of your meeting with the man from Delco, PA. Take a look at regional hookup forums...you might be better off posted there...but be sure to come back here and type the story. Now, if you get to California...I am in San Diego. Chris
  11. Wow! A significant amount of growth from Chapter 0 to now. You could develop quite a following... :ob
  12. The passion certainly shows through. Congratulations on the first attempt, and I admire the balls it takes to post.
  13. UPDATE... A buddy (Jerry) heard about my trip and is joining me for the LA to Albuquerque portion. We have a guy joining us at San Bernardino...he will be with us until Barstow. Another will be joining us from Needles to Winslow and a third from Gallup to Albuquerque. The best things about playin' on a train...the bathroom is in the room...there is always hot water...and lots of clean towels! Holler if you want to join me in Albuquerque after 4 PM September 4 until Noon September 5...or on the trip from Albuquerque back to LA.
  14. It has been a few years since I had any time for fun in Albuquerque. The yearly trip takes place around Labor Day...gotta have that chile...but for the past 5 or 6 years it has been fly in, pick up chile, fly out the same day. This year, I am returning to the train trip for my chile. Traveling from San Diego, this allows me to enjoy relating with folks on the train both ways (I always get a sleeper on overnight train trips) and just over 24 hours in Albuquerque to share myself with as many folks as are willing. I will be departing San Diego September 3, changing trains in Los Angeles to go to Albuquerque. I will arrive Albuquerque September 4, around noon. From the train station, I will be staying at a motel on Central Ave, not far from the University of New Mexico. September 5, 4 PM, I will depart Albuquerque on the train back to San Diego. Let me know if you want to join me on the train, or if you are interested in sharing while I am in Albuquerque.
  15. My version of the fuck flu felt achy and hot. It came on quickly, lasted about 6 days, and I got my poz result when I went to test immediately after. My bones felt like they had been hollowed out and filled with broken glass.
  16. I would give the lead up to something a 7.5 for detail...hoping it gets better...
  17. Sweet...music of the Poz choir...
  18. so far this year, bred 2 holes 3x each.
  19. Just missed...I was up in ANC 2 weeks ago...will be back early April...
  20. When? Got availability, and I bet I can get a buddy or 3 to join in... Let me know.
  21. Reminds me of the last time I was in Amsterdam. Looking forward to the next part! Should I let you know next time I am in Amsterdam (or anywhere in Europe, for all that) so I can add my seed? Too bad there is no more Black Tulip...
  22. Glad you approve!

    1. BREEDmeRAW


      I DO Want your med-resistance & ANY OTHER POZ Tops to SEED me DEEP.

      I want POZ and off meds to Use my Ass as a BREEDING Ground.

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