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Everything posted by rawfuckr

  1. HPV vaccine should stop them from coming back but won't cure existing one. It also prevents anal cancer...
  2. Basement is closed this August. Try rectum, men Factory and openmind
  3. Didn't see it mentioned here, but although Truvada PrEP is very safe, it is processed through the kidneys so if there's not a good reason to be on it (you are really at risk of HIV) I'm unsure you should. Oral sex is considered extremely safe HIV wise so I'd be totally on the fence here. I guess Descovy PrEP is an easier sell, as there are no kidney concerns.
  4. I'm with you. I'm just fighting the concept that taking doxy regularly changes something in your body, so your body is now less able to fight bacteria. As you've explained, the way in where Doxy could be less effective over time is through the convoluted evolution process you've explained. At the same time, isn't it true that if DoxyPEP is as effective as it seems, infections are stopped at its root and chances of resistance are diminished?
  5. where was the BBing going on? I always struggle to BB at Trombetta
  6. That's a misconception I've heard before. It's not the human who develops resistance... It's the bacteria that becomes resistant. The human loading up on doxy just makes it less likely that if you get it, bacteria will spread. You need to get a resistant variant for it to be a problem. And this doesn't depend individually on how much doxy or less you take.
  7. Just spent a month of absolute debauchery, literally 100's cocks in me, dozens of loads, and... all clear. I'm fairly sure Doxy PEP is working at this point. Same behavior last year would have resulted in a + somewhere for gono or chlam or syphilis. I'm still not 100% in with Doxy PEP because given the frequency I have to take it. There were some weeks in there were I took 200mg of Doxy every day for 8-9 nine days that feels like a bit too much. Feeling fine but wondering of the downside of taking so much Doxy.
  8. They do a PCR of your swabbed area and test can pick up what HPV variants you have. Mostly they are interested in knowing if you have 16,18.. the high risk types for cancer.
  9. Essentially all gay men are HPV positive for one type or another. 16 and 18 are high risk types, AKA 'oncogenic'. Most of the time it resolves on its own but for gay men who get fucked raw it's good you get an anal pap smear regularly to see if the infection is sticking a long time. Can take years to clear. If pap is abnormal you should be refered to get a High Resolustion Anascopy (HRA) done where they can take a much better look at what's going on, and zap areas of concern. If left alone for a long long time this can turn into anal cancer. If you can get the HPV vaccine, get it. The idea that "if you've already got HPV vax won't help" it's complete and utter nonsense. While it's true that for an ongoing infection vax won't do anything, it will prevent new ones on other sites, minimizing your chances of turning into cancer. BTW is HPV turning into a real pandemic, specially in the straight world where most men will get it from pussy eating activities (sorry?) Tragically there's a completely effective vaccine, but due to political and economical factors uptake is not enough to stop it.
  10. A shot-out to Olissipo Sauna in Lisbon here. This is a small sauna and mainly mature clientele but I've found plenty of guys will dip it raw and seed you properly without a thought. Must be an age thing?
  11. Nice going. Took me years to warm up to the idea of (naked) cruise bars and once I got into it I realized how much I had been missing. I still go saunas for a more chill experience but busy cruise bars with lots of fucking going on it's where it's at.
  12. Just last weekend a new venue opened with the suggestive name of Rectum BCN. Was able to attend the opening days and here are my impressions: great space. Not too big not too small. Dark room area in the back, plenty of fuck benches and a few slings and secluded benches behind courtains phenomenal bathrooms with great douching stations. Every one of theses places should have proper ass cleaning stations. Nice staff and full bar. Owner very eager to listen suggestions from customers. Great location just minutes away from everything else gay related in "gaixample" They are doing night hours 22h-5am thu-fri-sat, 17h-23h sun. I'm unsure how this will work out as you have now Openmind, men factory, berlin dark at the same times. Impossible to know what future for this place holds, they literally started last weekend, but they have a solid foundation. I did get and gave a load each way on opening night, maybe the first every for the place? There was proper BB fucking going on even when place wasn't too busy. Online resources for it: web: [think before following links] https://rectumbcn.com/ insta: [think before following links] https://www.instagram.com/rectumbcn/ We've had 3 new BB/cruise bar venues opening in the last 2 years post-pandemic, which feels a bit of a renaissance for BB cruise and play in Bcn. I'm all in for it.
  13. I can see the venue trying to make payments easier but if that's the true reason to allow phones they should completely crack down and police people filming/videoing inside. Not only is a privacy nightmare it completely kills the vibe.
  14. Sadly yes... I was actually just booked for carrying poppers walking in the street I Madrid. Was walking into Strong and a cop dressed as a layman stopped me, put me on the side, confiscated my poppers (only thing I had on me) and told me I'd get a ticket in the mail. It's been a month and there's no ticket yet and this prescribes in 6 months.. we'll see. Most venues are not checking though.. so it's up to you if you want to risk it. I think only Ring private checks from time to time. If you are not spanish I wouldn't worry about it, other than the bother of being stopped and having the poppers confiscated. These are administrative fines and there's no way they can be enforced if you don't live in Spain.
  15. This is firewood/naked telegram (it's same venue but changes names during the week, don't ask me why). It's actually the most authoritative source of info for the place, owner updates info by the day/hour.. even body count on party days. [think before following links] https://t.me/info_firewood_naked
  16. The pandemic has completely altered the dynamic for the cruise places in Madrid. Big losers, in terms of BB action, are The Ring and The Cage. The Cage is really not happening these days after the pandemic... empty most of the time, and they completely lost the sunday afternoon. Bizarre given the phenomenal location. Most folks have moved to the firewood, specially on Sundays which still reigns supreme... Firewood it's just a phenomenal party with so many eager men ready to play without hang ups. Hope Firewood sundays last a long time, but these things popularity come and go. The Ring is still busy but there's very little fucking and people are super picky for even just blowjobs. New mention would be Strong. The backroom is simply insane on busy days, but not in a particularly good way. There IS lots of BB going on, but it gets so packed that people are going to push you around, spill drinks, break glasses and similar while you are in the middle of the action. Also 90% of dudes there are high as a kite on everything so difficult to have serious concerted action with many. Can still be good on not so busy days. Places to still seriously avoid: Meatrack - Tons of walking with very little action. Blue prince syndrome on most Boyberry - dressed cruise bar where no one does anything for hours. If you are into that..well go for it. Madrid desperately needs a good dressed cruise bar like what Leather Bar used to be (closed during pandemic) The Ring Private - Space is phenomenal, but clientele post pandemic are picky AF and most not into fucking. Lots of condom pullers and huge struggle to make a connection. Please note that when I rate these places I try to do it from an unbiased POV. Many times I can just stand on the side and observe people behavior and compare between venues. I've been to literally hundreds of saunas, cruise bars and all else all over the world, so differences are obvious. These days I'm quick to shut down places like meatrack where absolutely nothing is happening for anyone. Specially when you go to firewood 10 mins away and it is hard to keep cock out of your ass and mouth.
  17. In terms of bars, Bar CRU is supposed to be the cruise bar for bare action but the times I've been there people have been very shy about it. Still cute litte bar with friendly staff.
  18. Hey guys, any impressions to share from this year's bear carnival? I was there, sadly I got sick with stuff unrelated to sex and couldn't really enjoy the event. I did go to a bunch of places and I did get the feeling this year was quite better than last even if I didn't participate much. special mentions to The Factory, what a great space for play. Reds always good, and Strong construction chaotic but solid as always.
  19. Yeah, is tomorrow sat 18 march. I guess I'll check out the vault on a saturday and I'll move on if I'm not feeling it. was sort of looking to check out something new. HardOn sounds ok.. I'm looking for fucking, not into dancing at all, and I prefer people to concentrate on the first.
  20. My flight got delayed and I'm forced to spend the night in London. What are the best bars/sex clubs for BB action on a sat? I've been to the vault but seems mostly a monday and thursday affair.
  21. On doxyPEP here for about 6 months now. Haven't tested + for anything now that I'm on DoxyPEP, while was testing + for stuff on every PrEP follow up before. It maybe doxyPEP. Only issue I'm having is that I will always throw up 30 mins after taking 200mg doxy IF I take it with my other daily pills (unsure where the interaction is). Taking it hours apart solves the issue for me.
  22. I get them mostly in the ass and mouth. In the ass I can almost always tell there's something going on although the feel is pretty subtle. Hole feels like 'puckered up', 'tight' and 'worked out'. It's hard to describe... If you weren't in tune with it you'd probably wouldn't notice. In mouth most of the time is completely asymptomatic but when I do notice it it's usually a tingly feeling in the throat. Both gono and clam behave the same for me. The full blown symptomatic cases I've had have been on the dick and never gono or chlamydia. Got e.coli infection in the urethra that was very uncomfortable (non-stop pee sensation 24/7 but no pee) and made me seek care right away. Fixed with ABs. On another occasion another urethra infection that ended with a pyocele and my balls becoming 5x the size.. ended in ER. Fixed with ABs. Just comes with the territory when you dip your cock in bare ass, I guess.
  23. If you have concerns and it's not stopping right away better to get it checked out than posting on BZ
  24. Where are you staying? BCN has and excellent bus and metro system. Closest to basement is 'arc de triomf' but it's really just a 10 min walk from the epicenter of BCN at Plaça Catalunya. If you are there 4/1 and are into the mature don't miss the naturist party at Sauna Bruc on saturday 22:00 onwards (first sat of month)... Lots of fucking and breeding going around, again an older men affair, avoid if you are into younger.
  25. There's no evidence circumcision prevents HIV. All the studies that claim this, come from sub-saharan Africa and have major major limitations, to name one: the follow up includes the time of healing for the cut men when they were not having sex, therefore less HIV cases on that arm. There are zero studies to prove this HIV risk on cut/uncut outside of Africa (AFAIK) and in fact in USA where most men are cut rates are the same or higher then in Europe. Now, let it sink in that most of the USA medical profession and orgs are pushing hard for this given the flimsy or non-existent evidence. And none of them give it a thought given the drastic consequences of getting cut: having a numb dick in your later years. For example, here is a study about this done on the western world (Denmark) in 2022 where they found that not only does cutting not reduce HIV, it INCREASES chances of STDs. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://www.researchgate.net/publication/354855689_Non-therapeutic_male_circumcision_in_infancy_or_childhood_and_risk_of_human_immunodeficiency_virus_and_other_sexually_transmitted_infections_national_cohort_study_in_Denmark
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