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Chapter 4 - Revelations I woke up with the sound of my alarm, I hit it and off I was for my morning piss. I walked down to the kitchen and toasted some bread and prepared dad’s coffee. Moments later dad walked in smelling the coffee in the air. “Hey lover boy.” Dad teased. “Good morning too, dad.” I sighed. “I’ll be off to grocery after breakfast make sure you’ve got everything on the list okay?” He said as he ate some toast. “Sure thing dad, Leo and I will be working on your lawn first then after lunch we’ll work on theirs” Leo and I have been working on each other’s lawn for the past few years, we liked each other’s company and it made the task less boring and it made us more efficient somehow. Dad left for the grocery at 10 and a few minutes later Leo opened the door and welcomed himself right in, no ringing of the doorbells for both of us at each other’s home, both our parents know each other and know we’re very close, Mr. and Mrs. Nicholson, Leo’s parents have told me to not ring the bell more than a year ago, and my dad basically told Leo the same thing a few days after. I was just waiting for Leo in the living room for us to get started with our mowing duties, he flopped himself on the couch beside me and with a sly grin he said “so... anything happened mister?” He can’t help himself but smile. “What are you talking about Leo, you practically ditched us yesterday, what was that all about, I know there was no lawn duty for you yesterday, we’ve been doing lawn duty together for the longest time!” I scoffed feigning anger. But Leo saw right through me... and wiggles his eyebrows “you didn’t answer my question... Chrissy... did anything happen?” I looked at him avoiding eye contact but I can already feel myself blush, “so... are you gonna answer me or let that blush of yours do all the talking heheh” he laughed a bit at my predicament. I looked at him and snapped my neck away, “hmph I’m not talking to you, you ditcher.” “Oh.o you can’t fake your anger Chrissy I’ve seen this too many times. Spill!” Gosh he’s really my best friend he knows me too well. I faced him but avoiding eye contact and muttered just above a whisper... “we kissed” I blushed even more if that’s even possible. “What!? Oh my god Chris! That ... that ... that is amazing! Oh my oh my...” he leapt up and did a happy dance in front of me. He hugged me and gave me a goofy grin “so how was it, was he a good kisser?” He asked. I looked away then looked back at him and said “the best!” I replied with a smile. I then said continued now feeling warm and excited... “oh god Leo, he’s perfect! He was so gentle and nice and loving, he actually initiated it, he admitted that he liked me! He likes me Leo! That sexy fucker likes me!” I was giddy. I hugged him “oh Leo thank you thank you” I kissed him on the cheeks. He just smiled pulled away from me, “don’t go all gay on me man, you’ve got Victor for that hehe” I smiled “right, we’re gonna have some hot gay make out sessions tomorrow!” I was giddy all over. I can’t help but smile and I can see Leo’s genuine happiness for me. “Okay, time to do your lawn, lover boy.” We stood pulled out the lawn mowers from the garage and started mowing our lawn. I don’t know if it was the hype, the love, the palpable energy of teenage lust that we finished my lawn in record time. Dad arrived at almost noon with some take away and we scoffed the meal in haste. Dad just laughed at how hungry we were. As we were settling down and eating slowly, dad looked at Leo and said “so... did Chris tell you about his new boy friend” dad’s teasing me again. Leo looked up in amazement that my dad would know immediately and said “sure thing Mr. R, I had to force it out of him though. I’m surprised you knew before I did.” He grinned. Oh I knew where this was going. “Oh how could I not know, I basically saw them making out as he saw off Victor yesterday” he laughed. “Daad! Stop.” Leo laughed at that as I was hiding my face with my hands. “Way to go Chris. And woah Mr. R, you saw it first hand? Cool! Hehe I want front row seats next time Chris!” Leo laughed as he cant himself but find my situation funny. “Har har find your own boy friend or girlfriend to make out with okay?” I said. “Nah. Not yet, kids at my school got nothing on you and Victor, so if ain’t gonna get someone as good as you both, I ain’t gettin’ some” Leo said. Then dad said. “Why don’t you make this a three way relationship instead eh?” He laughed at that and both Leo and I were shocked at that and said at the same time “ewww” “No making out with my brother here Mr. R. But if you’re hiding a secret son or daughter well it’s time to fess up” he said. And laughed at it. Now it was dads turn to be taken aback “haha no only this one kid, so secret siblings for Chris, you’ll have to make do with this one.” We then moved to other topics as we finished lunch. Dad took care of the dishes as leo and I were off to his place to take care of their lawn. Like our lawn we did it on record time. We settled at Leo’s place and Leo’s mom, Wilma prepared some cookies for us. I think she bakes the best cookies on this side of the town. “These cookies are the best Mrs. N” I said to Leo’s mom. “Oh thanks honey, I baked some extra for you to take home to you and your dad, bring them home okay?” “Oh sure thing Mrs. N, thanks!” Then Leo’s dad walked in and said “Nice work on the lawn boys, you certainly earned my wife’s famous cookies” he chuckled. “All in day’s work dad” Leo said. Both parents left us in the kitchen to eat the rest of the cookies and Leo and I just mainly talked about his high school and their school gossip and such. I had a quick laugh or two with all the drama happening at his school. “I’m so glad to be homeschooled then” I said. “Yeah, you’re not missing out on anything much aside from gossip and drama” Leo replied in between munches of his mom’s delicious cookies. After a few more minutes, I said my goodbyes to the Nicholson’s and thanked them again for the cookies and went back home for a well deserved shower. I cooked pasta and meat balls for dinner and dad and I exchanged some opinions on the news and such and we then decided to watch a movie before going to sleep. Before going to sleep I sent a quick text to Victor “good night, miss you already *kisses” to which he almost immediately replied “good night too! Miss you a ton! *kisses” I then fell into my Zzzs. —- Victor’s POV That kiss was amazing, it’s been a long long time since I felt this way. Chris is a gift from heaven, I can see it, I can feel it, when I indulged myself with is thoughts, all I see is warmth, genuine love and outpouring love and kindness. He could just be my salvation is this dark existence that I’ve lived for a long time. I drove back to my house, filled with thoughts of Chris. I parked my car in garage, used the side door into the house. I was welcomed by my butler, Troy, he’s been at my service for almost 6 years now and I trust him with utmost confidence. He knows the truth about me and Henry and my group, despite the initial shock of about the truth of who and what we are he embraced us with genuine heart and even recruited a help for housekeeping, Mark, who’s been with us now for almost 3 years. Troy is 34 years old, 5’10 average looking with brown hair and dark eyes with a nicely trimmed beard, he’s body is well proportioned, not well built or over fit just the right about of fat and muscle, he’s been a loyal servant in my household and he and Mark are rewarded handsomely for their services. Mark on the other hand is 5’7 dark blonde haired, trim and slim 29 year old man, fair skinned with smooth features. His dark piercing eyes show confidence, heart, and resilience. Both are good men. As Troy welcomed me “Welcome home sir, I hope all was well today” he asked with genuine concern and sincerity. “All’s fine Troy, more than fine actually, I’ve never been happier, expect a change of mood in this household in the coming days” I replied with a smile and a small laugh. Troy was taken aback a little by my demeanor, I’ve always been good yet stern with them but never happy or showed any much more emotion in front of the household servants, I don’t even show much more to my closest confidants like Henry. “Where’s Henry?” I asked. “He seems to be at the library sir. Should I call him?” Troy replied. “No, I’ll go to him” I started walking away and looked back at Troy, “Troy, can you warm me some reds please? Slightly above body temperature, prepare one for Henry as well” “As you wish sir, I’ll have it ready in 10 minutes and deliver it to you at the library” Troy whisked himself away to the elevator and down to the 3rd basement to retrieve me of my drink. I walked up the stairs to the third floor and opened the door to the library. I entered and saw Henry reading a book. He looked up at me, stood and greeted “Welcome back sir, I’m sorry for my performance earlier, I did not expect visitors, and humans at that so soon” he said with genuine remorse for what he thought was a lackluster performance at pretending to me my dad earlier. “No worries Henry, and stop with the formality will you? We’re friends before sire and son so be a friend will you?” Henry relaxed and sat back down and I sat across him at the table. He then started to speak again “Sire...” i gave him a look. And he corrected himself “Victor... what was that all about earlier? Two humans and kids at that as visitors? Are you out of your mind? Are you targeting them? You do know that ... that would be a breach of the 1999 accords.” He said with genuine concern. “Oh god no Henry! No no! As you can see I’m stuck with this teenage body myself for a long time now, and with that I attract teenage friends, don’t be silly, they are friends, not food!” I laughed. Then I continued “Do you remember the blonde haired one from the Diner a few days ago?” He then looked away as if trying to remember something and said “Yeah, that’s why he smelled familiar, the boy of lavender and rose fragrance, his smell lingered in the living room for hours!, what’s with him? He doesn’t smell like an ordinary human, he smells special, he smells pure... even.” I then looked at him and said “I know he’s special but what he is is something I don’t know, he’s surely not one of us, and he’s most definitely not of the werewolf kind either, he’s different and I don’t know why or what” Henry then looked back at me, “so why’d you bring them here? We just moved here Victor, making friends so soon? We haven’t even made contact with the State Governor and State Secretary for Public Security yet, even with the State Liason Officer, we’re still a bit in the dark as to how receptive they are of the Accord, Victor”Henry said with a hint of worry. “Oh don’t worry about it Henry, the State Governor and State Secretary are good friends of the governor of District 2, they know about our kind and of the Accord and I’ve been informed that they are receptive and amenable to it as long as all protocols and laws of the Accord are upheld; Patrick has met the previous Governor and the current Governor several times when he was the Office-in-Charge of this State until I decided to switch Georgia with him, so this is more of a courtesy visit and a social call than anything else, We visit them tomorrow at Richmond for a meeting, you’ll come with me.” I said. And just then, Troy arrived with our cups of reds and we both thanked him and we started drinking our drink - Artifical human blood almost perfected to cater to the needs and tastes of our kind. It satiates the hunger and provides the needed Nutrition but still, like fake meat is unable to fully emulate real meat, this product is not quite the real thing, but we should be thankful for this product as this has made our transition into the graces of the human governments and finalization of the Accords more than possible. It’s been 20 years of near total peace for both our kinds, and it is in substantial thanks to this product and of course to the hard work of all the pacifists in the High Council that worked for more than a decade from 1986 to 1999 to negotiate an Accord with most governments where our kind exists - Vampires.
Cuban Cigar Intoxification
gabz2000 replied to losolent's topic in Bug Chasing & Gift Giving FICTION
Thank you for this story. you have such amazing plots and characters... I’m looking forward to reading more of your work @losolent -
Chapter 3 - Encounters I woke up with tears running through my face, not of sadness but of happiness, why?, I don’t know, but the beauty I’ve found in the 10th floor of the tower has been magnificent, I was really taken aback by it all. I looked at my clock and had 10 minutes left before 8, I tend to sleep later on weekends and so does dad. I turned my alarm off, and went for my morning pee. I then made my way to the kitchen to ready dad’s coffee and start my work on breakfast, eggs and bacon and toast for today I thought. As I was cooking breakfast, dad walked into the kitchen 15 minutes later, he said “smells delicious already” I looked back at him and smiled “it’ll be ready in 5 minutes dad, have your coffee first and I’ll bring the rest to the table” he grabbed his coffee and prepared the plates and even pulled some orange juice for me, we ate breakfast and I told dad leo and victor and myself will be hanging out the diner in the morning, then we’ll see how it goes in the afternoon. “Ok, kiddo, drop by the house if you can, I wanna meet this Victor guy.” He smiled. “Oh dad stop it” he said but smiled then continued “but we might hang out in the pool after lunch or whatever, you know how leo likes our pool.” He then replied “just enjoy your day son, I’ll just be here at the house and do some cleaning, but remember you have to do the lawn tomorrow” I rolled my eyes and said “yeah, I know dad, tomorrow’s lawn day and laundry day too!” I scoffed at the thought of doing chores tomorrow, but I’m more than used to it already. I finished my breakfast, dad did the dishes this morning and I went for a quick shower, changed into a blue shirt and shorts and I said my goodbyes to dad as I walked to the Diner. Leo was already at my usual booth when I arrived at 10. He looked at me and said “still no sign of lover boy, do you think he’s ditching us” he raised his eye brows at that. I looked into his eyes and sternly said “do you really think, Victor’s like that?” And just as I said it, a voice came from behind me and said “I’m like what? What are you guys talking about? Goodness we just met and you guys are already talking behind my back” said a smiling victor who was walking into the booth. I shyly looked back at him and in a slightly more quiet voice “no, nothing dude, leo here was just asking if you’re flaking out on us or something” I then avoided eye contact, gosh I’m such a dork. Victor sat beside me and put his hand on my shoulder, looked me into the eye and said “just messing with you” he smiled. And then said “I’m not flaking on anybody... well not yet anyway unless you guys turn out to be Class A jerks or something” he smirked. Leo laughed and said “oh my god dude, we’re so gonna be good friends! I like the way you think! I like you already” he laughed again and Victor even chuckled a little. We then had our orders taken by one of the servers, mainly just milkshakes for each of us and a large set of fries for sharing between us. We then talked back and forth about mainly nothing in particular, just catching up victor with the local rumor mill, about how there’s a haunted house at the edge of the town, about the latest updates on our favorite shows, even some current affairs shit too, I never knew that victor was into that, well both Leo and I followed the news a bit too, we even talked about brexit and the upcoming elections, how un-teenager was that. I thought to myself that we three will just get along quite well with each other. After finishing our milkshakes and fries we clean up the table and invited the guys to my house for a swim, “oh I’d love too” victor said but then continued “but I didn’t bring any swimwear with me” I looked back at him and then said “your place is not that far away from here we can walk to your place and you can grab your trunks or whatever then we can be at my place is 20 minutes, 25 minutes tops. The walk would be a good warm up too.” Victor relented “fine, but my place is not that decent yet okay? We just moved remember?” “Don’t think about it mate, we ain’t fancy or anything” Leo said. Then we said our goodbyes to sally and walked to the imposing apartment building we dropped off Victor at yesterday. He invited us in and when we entered both mine and Leo’s jaws dropped and our eyes popped too! It wasn’t an apartment complex it was a large mansion inside! No apartment units but a large staircase welcomed us as it connected the ground floor to the second to the third. Paintings decorated the walls, sculptures too! A large chandelier hovered above us as it hung from the ceiling on the third floor. The house looked kind of grim from the outside but it was warm, bright and classy on the inside. “Dude! This is ... not decent?” Leo looked at Victor. Then Victor said “well maybe dad cleaned up earlier” he shrugged. Then as we were walking towards the stairs, the dark haired guy Victor was with when I first saw him walked out of the hallway to our right. He was a little taken aback with the sight of us three, clearly surprised and not expecting visitors, he then looked at Victor and almost started to bow and said “welcome back.. sss...” but Victor immediately cut him off by saying “Dad!, these are my friends Leo and Chris, I was just picking up something from my room and we’d be off to Chris’ place for a swim” the guy looked a little bit confused and then composed himself almost immediately the said “very well, son” then Victor introduced his dad to us, “guys this is my dad, Henry Meyers” he forced a slight smile and nod towards us and said “nice to meet you both” he seemed a little bit off, not unwelcoming but just uncomfortable, I also noticed him trying to sniff something in the air but I really can’t smell anything. He then excused himself and leo and I were left in the living room as victor dashed to his room to grab a change of clothes, bag and some trunks. As we sat at the living room, leo broke the ice, “damn, Chris, we got ourself a rich kid as a new friend don’t we?” He spoke almost in disbelief. I looked back at him, and said “sigh, wow this for sure I did not expect, this place is huge, I must have a dozen rooms or something, I even bet they have their own library and a large basement too” we sat there for 5 more minutes just taking everything in and Victor was back walking towards us with a small backpack, “so shall we go guys?” He said. We nodded and he brought us to a side door instead of the front door and we found ourselves in a garage with 4 cars - 1 silver Audi, 1 Black Lexus, 1 Black Mercedes, and 1 black BMW. We both again were shell shocked as victor walked us to the Audi and said “well I think we better drive to your place than walk huh?” We just nodded. “Just give me the directions and then we’ll be off” I sat beside victor and leo sat at the back. We drove off as the hidden garage door open beside the building, I told him the directions and he just typed it in his navigation system and we were off. Leo then said quietly and still with a hint of amazement “Victor... just how rich are you man? Are you like billionaires of something?” Victor then just looked at the mirror and spoke “haha, not that rich man, we’re comfortable and yeah maybe a little well off but don’t call me a billionaire man... sigh” he then looked at me “I hope I haven’t made you uncomfortable?” I then said “me...? Uncomfortable? Uh... no... uncomfortable no. Surprised yes!” He laughed a bit. “Hehe we’re friends right? So don’t get all uncomfortable with me okay?” Victor said. The he continued “well ... we’re well off, I’ll admit that, it’s a long story, but I’m still me okay?” Leo and I looked at each other nodded and smiled and said “Suuure” then burst out laughing. Leo and I started to ease off and we just chatted again as we drove to my house, then I thought of something “Victor, you’re like rich right? And you’ve got this awesome and large home, don’t you have a swimming pool at your place?” I curiously asked. He then looked at me then at leo at the back, then said “well.. actually I do, heheh, we have one on our 2nd basement floor. Hehe” I just then said “wow, I bet you’re pool is better than my pool” then leo interjected “at least you guys have pools! Hmph!” Then victor said “hehe well I wanted to see your neighborhood too! And see where you guys both live, I wanna know where my new friends live right?” He lifted his right eye brow and then then smiled. We were just arriving into our neighborhood and I told victor to park right into our driveway. We then got out of the car and went inside my house. As we entered the house, I called dad “Dad! We’re home, I’m with leo and victor!” After a second or two, called back from his study and said “okay, be right out, get yourselves comfortable” we then went to the kitchen, I grabbed some cups and orange juice to refresh ourselves , as we three were drinking our orange juice, dad came out of his study, smiled at us three and then said “howdy boys, I’m Chris’s father, William, well leo already knows me hehe, so you must be victor? He reached his hand out for a handshake and they both shook hands quite firmly actually and maintained a serious eye contact. It was abnormal but kind of weird it was as if they knew about something that I didn’t know. Then dad smiled again and said “you guys get comfortable, and enjoy the pool, I’ll have lunch delivered instead, I’m too lazy to cook today,” He grinned. We three then went into the backyard and sat ourselves at the lounge chairs, Leo was first to jump into the pool, he took off his shirt and shorts and he was already wearing trunks underneath. I followed suit, removing my shirt and shorts, then Victor followed suit as well, well he took off his shirt, and shorts and hot damn he was hot and sexy underneath all that cloth, he defined pecs, smooth!, a treasure trail, defined six pack abs and damn strong legs too! Wow he was perfection in flesh! I tried not to stare at him too much as we three started swimming around the pool, after a few more minutes we started horsing around splashing water on each other, then I felt leo grab me and threw me up in the air and back into the water, oh ok fine, the gloves are off eh?, I then did the same to Leo, the I did to victor too! And as grabbed him, I can’t help but notice how hard and smooth his body is, I put my hands on his back and threw him off the air and he splashed back into the pool. He had a sinister smile when we got back up “oh that’s how it is eh?” He shouted, he then grabbed me, he got close to me and I could feel his breath on my neck as his hands wandered around my body to find a firm grip on me, he touch my shoulders, my stomach and I swear he lingered a bit, then I’m seconds I was off into the air and falling back to the pool. We then continued horsing around for 10 more minutes and then got tired. We rested back into the lounge chairs and toweled ourselves off. Then dad called us “lunch is here boys!” “Okay dad, give us a moment” we then dried ourselves and put on some shirt and changed our underwear as we had towels tied around our waists, all three of us being images of defined and if I can say, sexy teens. Then we wore our shorts and with still slightly wet hair flopping around we made our way to the dining table. Dad already had the plates and cups out and the Chinese delivery was already on the table too. We started eating and scoffed all the food that we can eat. We were all hungry. Dad looked at the three of us endearingly but spent more time on victor, for reasons unknown to me. Then dad excused himself back to his room as he wanted to take a nap. After a few more minutes we three finished the food, cleaned up, I did the dishes, then we all flopped back on the couch at the living room and turned on the Xbox, we played for 45 minutes or so and then watched an episode of family guy, we talked every now and then but watched the show as well. Leo then excused himself and said, I have to go home guys, I gave him a confused look and leo just gave me back a knowing smile. “I forgot that my dad wanted to help me with the lawn today” he said. What a liar, we both did our lawns on sundays, he was up to something. “Ah what? But... “ I said but leo cut me off and said, “I’ll see you both tomorrow then? Okay? Have fuuuun” he said with a grin. Victor then said “oh I can’t tomorrow. Sorry guys, my dad and I are off to Richmond tomorrow but Monday, I’ll sure be there! Diner? Soccer? You name it” he said with enthusiasm. I then said “okay, see you tomorrow then leo, we have lawn duty tomorrow, I guess I’ll hang out with victor here then the rest of the afternoon” I smiled and leo bumped fists with us both and he was off. Victor and I were left alone in the living room, I for some reason I found it awkward, here, sitting beside me was a guy I was falling in love deeper by the minute for reasons unknown to me. Victor broke the ice then spoke “so... what do you have in mind?” The ball was with me now, don’t drop it Chris, don’t, I then said “wanna go to my room?” He said yes, and we were off to the second floor which basically is my territory as dad kept to himself in the first floor where the master bedroom and his office were. We entered my room and it was pretty tidy and neat as dad always made sure I kept it that way and now it’s become second nature to me to keep it clean, I had a queen sized bed, my own en suite bathroom, a desk for my computer, a small shelf full of books and comics, my walls were painted light yellow, accented with black margins, I had hard wood floors, my bed had plain light blue sheets same with my pillows and my blanket was dark blue. Victor looked around and said “are you sure you’re a teenager? This is pretty clean” I looked at him and said “is yours messy? I don’t see you as the messy type” he then smiled as we both sat on my bed “Nah, I’m a clean freak too!” He giggled. We sat there in silence for awhile, not entirely awkward but it seemed that we both were thinking too deeply about what to do next. Then we both said as the same time “So...?” We then giggled a bit as we realized how funny it was. Then he said “you first?” Then I said “no ... you first” gosh we were so dorky I just had to laugh again. He then looked at me, faced me even, held my hands on my thighs, and said... “I hope I’m not destroying our friendship by saying this, but... I like you.” He said it with such gentleness and care and I can feel he was serious too! I think my heart skipped a bit, there were butterflies in my stomach, I wanted to say something but the words were stuck in my throat. He then looked at me again with pleading eyes “say something please” he said with such longing in his voice and eyes, gosh this hunk of a man just admitted he liked me, what do I say? What do I do? As I sat in silence for a few more seconds just looking at him, he bowed his head down and said “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, I’m sorry chris, it thought you felt something too... I guess I made a mistake, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable” he was about to stand up and walk away and I had to do something, do something Chris! Do something! I screamed at myself. As he was about to move away, I moved my hands towards his face held it, and I went for it, I kissed him, it was just a peck at first, I kissed him, I opened my eyes as I held on to the kiss and I can see the surprise and happiness in his eyes, so much warmth, so much heart, his eyes moistened as did mine. I pulled away to breathe then kissed him again, just another peck, then I pulled away again, and the next time I kissed him again and I opened my mouth and so did he, he hesitantly tried to move his tongue into my mouth and i welcomed it with with passion, our pecking turned into actual kissing as my hands moved from his face towards his back as I started to feel his body all over, his hands did the same and he lingered on touching my lower back my pecs. After more than 10 minutes or so of kissing, we pulled away and smiled at each other. He then smiled more borderline a goofy smile even and said “for a moment back there I thought you were gonna dump me” he shyly said. As I caressed his face with one hand and played with his perfect hair with the other hand, I said shyly “nah, you just caught me off guard that’s all, the moment I first saw you I immediately started falling for you vic..., I just couldn’t believe you liked me too! It’s as if I won the lottery or something... “ I smiled. He then looked at me, smiled then turned a little sad then said “you’re way more beautiful than I will ever be Chris, believe me, I am not perfect, far from it, there a lot of things you don’t know about me, some things that might even scare you away, but please believe me, I am good, I like you, I like you a lot, and I will never hurt you...” he said with such longing and heartfelt emotion as it was his turn to caress my face. “What things?” I asked. “It can’t be that bad” I said. He then looked at me with love and said “not now, baby, but please trust me okay, I will never hurt you, never. And in the short time we’ve known each other, I deeply, deeply, with all my heart, care about you.” He hugged me and kissed me again. We kissed for a few more minutes and sighed. We laid down my bed and spent then next 15 minutes or so just enjoying each other’s touch, and each other’s warmth as we looked with so much passion and heart into each other’s eyes. We then sat back up, pecked each other’s lips again and hugged. He smelled me again, and said “you don’t know how good you smell Chris, it’s amazing! Like if lavender and roses but in the flesh, gosh you’re perfect.” I looked at him funny, I raised my arm and smelled my pits and said, “what are you talking about? All I smell is chlorine and a hint of my deodorant hehe” He just smiled back at me. We went back into the he kitchen, I prepared some sandwiches but he refused as he was still full, he said “I don’t want to upset my stomach or anything, I’ve already overeaten for the day” that was a little weird, what teenager refuses food? And a growing boy at that, nevertheless, I like him with all his quirks and all. As I ate my sandwich and drank some juice at the kitchen counter, we continued to talk about none sense but we kept that intense eye contact we had for each other, with each passing second it seems our feelings for each other grew more and more. It was almost 5pm and Victor had to leave, I escorted him to the door and kissed him goodbye, it was a short but heartfelt kiss, we reminded each other to meet again on Monday. As I closed the door, I turned back and saw my dad watching me with a toothy grin. “So....what was that all about?” He said. I went 4 shades red darker in embarrassment, my dad just caught me kissing my ... boyfriend? “Hehe daaad...” I groaned. He then lifted his eyebrow and crossed his arms and said “so...spill it mister” he smiled again trying to keep his serious paternal composure but he was failing miserably. “Well... he sort of said he liked me... and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like him back” I said just above a whisper. Avoiding eye contact. “So... did anything else happen? Do I have to have the talk with you again? Young mister?” Dad said a little loudly this time. “Dad! No no... we just kissed and cuddled that’s all, he’s really gentle and sweet and oh my can’t you see he’s perfection made into flesh?” I defended myself and Victor. “Just teasing” dad said. “I’m happy for you kid. And yeah, he seems nice, just don’t give him all of your beautiful heart just yet okay?” He said with love. “Of course dad, we’ll take it slow, I want to know him more, I don’t want him to be just a boy friend or something, I want him to be my best friend too” I said now looking dad in the eye. Dad went over to me. Hugged me. And said “okay, just be careful okay?” I smiled looking at him, kissing him on the cheek, then said “thanks dad, you’re cooler than most dads, I love you.” Then he hugged me tighter then with a slight chuckle he said ... “so ... condoms? Lube?, what do you need” I shook off the hug and said “oh my god daad!, stop it! Hehe, you’re just hungry mister, come on l’ll cook us some chicken and salad. No more teasing or no mashed potatoes for you old man.” Dad grunted an chuckled on his was back to his room. I then called out before he closed his door “dinner in 45 minutes pops!” “Okay... son... I’ll just order some condoms online” he chuckled... “daaad!” Then he shut his door. We started dinner and dad dropped the subject of me and victor for the time being to much of my delight. We talked about usual town gossip and what I needed for the groceries as dad planned to do the grocery shopping tomorrow. We are our dinner we exchanged a few laughs and that was it, I took care of the dishes and after which dad and I hung out by the living room and watched an episode of Game of Thrones, we’ve seen this before, but oh well, we liked all the scheming and fighting so hehe we enjoyed it just as much as we watched it the first time. At almost 10 dad excused himself to bed and I wasn’t far behind him. I locked up turned off the lights, did my usual ritual of brushing my teeth and washing my face, although I really didn’t want to brush my teeth that night as I loved the thought of tasting Victor in my mouth but all I can taste was chicken and gravy so I had to brush anyway. I laid down my bed, sighed and tried to sleep but I was kiddy all over. I pulled out my phone, and sent a text to Victor “hey” ... a few second later “hey yourself, what are you doing still up?” Hehe he’s so cute. “Nothing.. just thinking of you” I smiled heheh “scratch that... I don’t wanna sound goofy or anything” I sighed. He replied and said “well lucky you I like you goofy, you sexy goof. *kisses” I smiled and said “hehehe good night then? And see you on Monday okay?” Moments later “I’m more than looking forward to Monday, I’m sorry I can’t drop by tomorrow but I’ll make up for it with extra kisses on Monday okay? *smiley face” oh god he’s so cute. “*kisses, see you then, and good night victor!” “Good night chris *kisses” sigh, I’ve fallen deeply for this hot guy. I fell asleep a few minutes later. No dreams of the library tower this time.
chapter 2 - encounters As I regained my consciousness and woke and started to remember bits and pieces of that mysterious dream, I looked at my clock and it was 6:55, just 5 minutes shy of my alarm. I decided to not push my luck and actually turned off the alarm ahead and started getting ready for the day, I went down into the kitchen finding my dad preparing some pancakes for breakfast. “Good morning dad” I greeted my old man. “Mornin’ Chris, up early eh?, you usually sleep in for another 10 or 15 minutes past your alarm” he said with a sly grin. “Oh dad, don’t tease me, can’t a boy try and wake up earlier for a bit?” I smiled as I pulled out the orange juice from the fridge and prepare the plates and utensils for breakfast. “Chow down” dad said as he laid down a plate of pancakes at the dining table. “Thanks dad, you know how much I love your pancakes!” I enthusiastically said as I started to help myself with several pancakes. Dad helped himself with several pancakes as well and then said “I’ll see you at the study at 8:30 alright? It’s English, History, and Math for today. Got it?” “Okay ...dad” I replied with a hint of teenage angst. “Don’t give me that attitude mister, I know you actually love spending time and learning with your pops, so don’t deny it kiddo” he smiled. “Geez dad, fine fine, you’re a good teacher, happy now?” I retorted with a smile. “You bet I am” dad said as he continued to take a mouthful of pancakes into his mouth. “Anyway, I’ll be out this afternoon” dad said. “I lifted my head to look at him with confusion. He then elaborated “Something came up with work yesterday, I’ll have to drop by the State Office at Richmond and discuss some matters with the State Security Agency.” I lifted my eyebrow and said “Dad, are we id we attack or something? Terrorists? Radicals?” He cocked just head a bit and said “Nah nothing like that kiddo, just some urgent and confidential stuff so don’t go on asking me for more details okay? But don’t worry everything’s fine, it’s just something I have to deal with, I’ll drive the 50 miles back and forth and be back by 7 or 8? Sound good?” his voice was paternal and gentle but I am quite sure I can sense some urgency and dread or anxiety from his voice, this must be something a little Urgent indeed. “Fine dad, just take care okay? I said. “Sure will buddy. Don’t cook dinner later, I’ll drop by some drive thru and bring us some food when I get back? Okay?” He said. “Sure thing pops, good thing you brought that up or it will be pasta again tonight” I laughed. He laughed as well and we started clearing the table. I took care of the dishes, made myself more decent and went to the study to start our day’s session for my home schooling. It’s always amazed me how we can cover most material in 4 hours instead of that inflated amount of time people spend in schools, it’s either my dad’s a great teacher, I’m a great student, or high school or school in general plainly sucks hehe i thought. Most likely it’s a mix of all hehe. I finished my history workbook in 45 minutes and did some light history reading about the Roman Empire for a home school project my dad gave me. After which I had a 20 minute break. I prepared myself a sandwich and paired it with some milk. After which I went back to the study and went over maths and English, dad would spend 10-15 minutes at a time with me and help me understand points which I find confusing or need more explaining, dad has always been very patient with me and very nurturing as well. Then after explanations and answering questions he’d leave me for a bit to read more and list questions if I have any. Then we’d discuss again the material and start answering and checking my worksheets, dad would point out my mistakes or points for improvement, if he feels I’m lagging behind or not performing or understanding at an adequate level, he’d take the extra time to help me again. He’s efforts have really shown in my studies, every year in my promotion or advancement tests for homeschooled children, I’ve always placed above average mostly at the 95th or 96th percentile, last year I outdid myself and placed on the 98th, dad was really happy about that and said my results and my involvement in the community soccer team would be good credentials for university. I’m really glad to make my dad proud and happy. After the morning session, I was off to the kitchen to prepare lunch, I cooked us both some grilled chicken and mashed potatoes, it was quite a bit of work, but anything for my dad, and of course I love the types of food I cook, so it’s for me as well hehe. At 1pm we finished lunch and dad was off to Richmond and I took a shower and changed to more public appropriate clothing and prepared my stuff for soccer practice later, i filled my gym bag and brought my book with me and was off to the Diner. I arrived at the Diner at 2:15 and greeted Sally, “Hey Sally, Afternoon, how’s everyone?” I said with a smile, Sally has been working at the Diner for 4 years now and we just adore her, she’s happy and loveable and fun to be fun, “All’a good Chris, the lunch rush wasn’t too bad and all is back in tip top shape in here, we’re relaxing as you can see” she said with a giggle. I laughed as well and went to the kitchen to prepare my milkshake and burgers. I finished preparing my food and milkshake and sat myself at my usual booth and started reading my book. I was a few pages in and I noticed the door open and my dear mysterious teen heartthrob passed through and sat again at the booth across me, I smiled at him and he just nodded my way. Such a quiet and mysterious guy I thought. He ordered off the menu and brought out a book of his own and started reading. I stole a few glances his way and damn he really did look fine. Without the rain from yesterday he lost the leather jacket and was now wearing jeans and tight black shirt - which accentuated his defined torso, I can see that his arms are indeed toned and damn I felt my throat starting to get dry as I looked at him, he looked my way every now and then and I avoided his eyes as much as I can, though I think he’s caught me several times. A few more minutes later when his order was served, I just couldn’t help myself and I thought I just had to introduce myself to him and maybe get to know him better maybe just even get a name. I stood up and walked over to him, I felt nervous and anxious and goofy actually, I approached him and smiled, I raised my hand to shake his and said “Hi, I’m Chris.” He looked at me cautiously and slowly and nodded and shook my hand as well. When our hands met I honestly felt sparks and electricity l, my hands tingled and I think he felt it too, we held our handshake a second or two longer than normal and I smiled and he did as well. “I’m Victor, nice to meet you Chris.” He said. He’s voice was deeper than mine and was absolutely a god send. Damn even his voice is sexy. “I just thought I’d introduced myself as I noticed you were here also yesterday, are you from around here?, I haven’t seen yah before”. He just smiled a bit and said “Care to join me?” “Sure!” I said obvious enthusiasm, I said it as I was already halfway back to my booth, I almost leapt out to my booth and ran back to his and took my meal and book with me to his booth, “yeah, I’m not from around here, me and my dad just moved a week ago” he continued the conversation. “Oh, I hope you’re liking the town so far, it’s quiet and peaceful, you’ll love it!” I said. “I’m enjoying it so far.” He replied. “So are you in High school or anything?” I asked. He nodded in the negative. and said “Nah, I actually graduated a year ago back in Atlanta, I’m taking a gap year now which basically means me helping out dad at home and lounging around heheh” he laughed a bit at that. “Oh that’s cool, nothing beats like a year to relax and actually try to find yourself right?” I said. “Indeed, though I think a year is not enough to actually find oneself but let’s see” he said with a tone of introspection and maturity, something you’d not expect from a kid our age. “Well how about you? Why aren’t you at school? Are you skipping class or something?” He shifted focus back at me. “Haha no silly, I’m homeschooled and I spend my mornings with my dad learning as what people call it and I spend my afternoons here at the Diner” I replied with a little bit of glee in tone. He keep looking me over and I swear I noticed him sniff me out a bit like I smelled of something but I really can’t smell anything around here except for the smell of milkshakes and greasy food, weird I thought, but not creepy, he’s too hot to be creepy, I smiled at that thought. “Oh I see, homeschooled eh? That sounds better, gives you more time and flexibility” he said. “Sure does, and my father’s great at teaching.” I looked back at him as I sipped on my milkshake, his green eyes piercing through me as if looking at my soul. “Seems like you have a great relationship with your dad, that’s good to hear” he said. “Yeah, we’re cool and close actually, most teens would find that lame but my dad is the best!” I said with enthusiasm. “Haha you’re such a goof in a good way” he said and flicked some whipped cream my way. “Dude... don’t play with your food, Sally’s gonna be mad” I said. “Who’s Sally?” He asked. “The shift manager, she’s a clean freak you know...” I muttered. “I heard that!” Shouted sally from the a few booths away “Oops sorry sally but you are...” I smiled. “So you know these folks eh?” Victor asked. “Sure do, actually my dad owns this place so yes sir, can you please behave yourself in these premises.” I grinned. He laughed and said “fine fine... goodness you’re full of surprises aren’t you?” He said. “Not really but maybe” I grinned back. We finished our meals and I cleaned our booth, he helped me out too, what a gentleman. After we cleaned and settled back at the booth we mostly talked about nothing in general, just mostly about Atlanta and how my homeschooling went. “Well I was bullied during 4th grade, quite severely actually for several weeks, and when I broke down and went home crying to mad dad, he decided that it’s better for me to be homeschooled, he’s always had his reservations about the public school system. So after a few calls and consultations with education experts, dad received his home school certification over the summer and I started being homeschooled on the 5th grade” I said trying to hide the sadness and horrible memories of my bullying at school. “I see, good for you to have escaped that hell hole then, some people can just be idiots and bullies even at such a young age, society has already trouble as it is, I can’t believe we allow it to start at such a young age and even allow it to fester in our communities” he said. “Yeah I know, well I’m happy now.” I said. “I’ve got a best friend, and actually part of a local soccer club, if you have the time you’re actually more than welcome to watch us at the park” I continued to elaborate. “We have practice in 30 minutes, come on man, watch, it ain’t the World Cup but you’re in you’re happy year right? You’ve got all the time in the world I suppose” I said, inviting him not just to be friendly but actually so that I can spend more time with him. Victor is quite reserved and still mysterious but I feel there’s more to him. More good and more stories for me to know. “You don’t know how much time I’ve got” he muttered looking a little bit pensive. “So is that a yes?” I asked. “Okay, show me the way then.” He said. We walked out the Diner, we said our goodbyes to Sally and the rest of the staff and we walked to the park. We reached the park with several minutes to spare, I noticed we were still missing a few more club members so more or less it would be another 15 minutes before we started. Leo was already seated at one of the benches and when he looked my way he gave me this confused look which confused me as well. Then I realized I was with Victor. He must have been surprised with me being with a new face, he’s always known me as a reserved and introverted guy so I rarely have any friends outside the club or our neighborhood and Leo already knows all my friends. “Hi Leo!l I said. “Leo, this is Victor, Victor this is Leo my best friend” they shook hands and Leo gave me this weird look. “I met victor at the Diner and asked him to watch our game”I explained further to Leo, to which his smiled a little and raised his right eye brow and said “ohhh... the diner huh?” I gave him this pleading and knowing look to not out me of my teenage crush. He just smiled at me and looked at victor and smiled at him too “nice to meet you victor, glad you can join us and see Chris get his ass kicked!” He laughed a bit. Victor just smiled as he sat with us at the bench. Victor and Leo started talking about Leo’s high school and Victor’s move from Atlanta and the minutes flew by and we then heard the coach’s whistle which marked the start of our session. I smiled at victor and told him to enjoy the game and I jogged off into the field with Leo. As we jogged to join the rest, Leo nudged me a little, and said “I’ve never thought you had it in you to ask someone out just like that Chris, you’re full of surprises, are you that horny or what?” He laughed. I shoved him a little and said “stop teasing, he’s nice.” Leo looked back at him and said “I’m straight but yeah I can see what you’re talking about, he’s fine, I can imagine myself having a bro crush on him” he smirked. We laughed and the game started, we were again divided into two teams and our energy levels were actually higher than yesterday’s and the energy was palpable in the field, we ran faster and our offense and defense were better, and at the 20th minute, Kyle one of our forwards wasn’t able to estimate his kick as he tried to pass the ball to a team mate and he sent the ball hurdling towards the benches, my eyes followed the ball and to my horror I saw the ball shooting straight towards Victor, I tried to warn victor but in a split second just before the ball hit his face, he moved his left hand to his face and caught the ball one handed stopping it 2 or 3 inches from his beautiful face, he didn’t even flinch. Half the team saw it and eyes popped and jaws dropped, the others who weren’t able to see were just confused. Victor, smiled, said, “careful next time” then stood up and then threw the ball back to Kyle, and his throw was strong, mighty strong, he sent the ball at almost twice the speed Kyle accidentally kicked it his way, Kyle caught it with visible effort, we actually moved a few inches from his position with visible strain and effort on his part as he caught the ball. We were surprised with that as well but the whistle from the coach woke us from our amazement and the game continued. The game ended a few more minutes later and Kyle approached Victor to apologize. “No worries mate, just be more careful next time” Victor said. Kyle the apologized again and ran off to change and then go home. Leo and I hung around victor. Leo said “that was awesome dude! How’d you do that!?” Victor just shrugged his shoulders and said “lucky catch perhaps” he grinned. We then took out our change of clothes and change our shirt in front of victor, I swear I saw him check both me and leo out, does he swing my way, I thought. We then talked for a few more minutes and we walked Victor 3 blocks off the park to this imposing apartment building, he said, that’s where he lived, as he neared the door, we exchanged numbers and online details, we then said we’d hang out again tomorrow as tomorrow’s a Saturday and we’d have more time with Leo then. We said our goodbyes and Leo and I started our walk to our neighborhood. “Damn you picked a good one this time” Leo said. “Hehe stop teasing me, we don’t even know if he’s gay or whatever” I replied. “Jeez, dude, I’m just saying, he’s better than that Ben you dated 2 years ago.” Leo replied. “Ahh yeah I know, he’s way better, Ben was a bully and just used me, I really wasn’t able to thank you enough for making me realize he was just using me, he was possessive, abusive and a bully, thanks Leo, I owe you big time for that.” I said, remembering how Leo talked me out of seeing Ben and put a stop to our so-called relationship, I was 16 then and Ben was 17, I was head over heels that guy, he was my first kiss, the first guy, and only guy so far that I’ve sucked, and I even let him finger me. I really thought I was in love with Ben, but Leo saw right through ben, he made me realize that to Ben I was just a booty call, a sexual outlet, and when I saw him actually making out with another guy at the park, then I knew Leo was right, Ben tried to force and his way back to me, actually even bully me into “loving” him again, and I was so close to giving in, and Leo talked some sanity into me. And ever since then I haven’t had a boy friend or whatever just my hands and porn. “Don’t worry about it” Leo said. “I got your back and you got mine remember” he explained further. “Definitely dude. You’re the bestest best friend in the world” I said. We bump fists and continued to walk back, the Leo said “This Victor guy, if he’s ever gay or into you, and he continues to act the way he does, he’s someone I approve off” he looked into me, and patted my shoulder, “thanks dude, I hope he is” I muttered. Leo then said, changing the topic, “anyway, that catch and throw dude! That was wicked!” He said with enthusiasm. “Yeah! I know right, for a second there I thought he was a gonner and his beautiful face would be wrecked by Kyle’s ball. I don’t know if I would have ever forgiven Kyle if he destroyed that beautiful face” I said. Leo laughed and said “gosh, you really like him don’t you?” I looked back at him and said “I don’t know, but I’d like to know him better. That’s certain.” We then bump fists again and we talked about other things like his school and my worksheets and some new avengers movie coming up. We said our goodbyes as I reached home and reminded ourselves that we’ll be hanging out with Victor tomorrow at the diner. I entered the house, I almost called out to dad then remembered he’s in Richmond and will be back later tonight, I then prepared myself some sandwich and juice and rushed off to the shower. I watched some tv, read a few pages of the book I’ve been reading, and at 7:45 I heard dad’s car pull in the driveway. He arrived with some takeaway fast food and I prepared the plates. “So how was Richmond dad?” I asked. He looked tired, kind of stressed even. “Same old same old son, just had to discuss something with the state secretary for public security, nothing major but just needed to work on some updates and developments” he said. I then teased him back, “so no terrorists?” I grinned. “Shut up. No terrorists chris, not under my watch” he smirked. We started eating o ur chicken wings and we talked over the day. I talked to him about soccer and about Victor and our plans with Leo for tomorrow. After he finished his second wing, dad looked at me with a sly grin and a slightly raised left eyebrow “Victor huh? Should I know this victor guy?” I looked back at him, finished my mouthful of wings, and said “oh dad geez, stop teasing” he smirked “I didn’t say anything son, but you just did” he smiled back. My dad has known that I’m gay for almost a year now, Leo helped me in my coming out process and over dinner a year ago, I just blurted it out. And dad was more than supportive of me. He said he already had an idea that I was gay and he didn’t have any issues with it, he had a few gay co workers before and he’s worked with people with gay sons or daughters, dad has been very progressive and open-minded non of the bigoted shit so I wasn’t that nervous of his reaction, but coming out to your dad still gave me this fear that I would disappoint me somehow but he shut off that idea immediately and told me that regardless of my orientation he couldn’t be any happier of having me as a kid, that really brought a tear to me back then and I really love my dad for being such a supportive person and father. I then was pulled back into our conversation when dad said “so ... victor?” I grinned again. “Oh dad, it’s nothing, not yet anyway” I murmured. Then I continued “I don’t even know if he’s gay but he’s a good person, I’d at least like to have him as a friend and Leo likes him too” dad then said “well if he has Leo’s seal of approval he must be at least half decent, bring that victor over here one day maybe even tomorrow”. “Sure dad he’s a nice guy, he just moved into town and very cool!” I noticed then dad turn a little bit thoughtful again as if I hit a small nerve or something. “Is something wrong dad?” I said “ohh nah, nothing, just remembered something from work, don’t me.” He then changed topics and said “speaking of Leo’s deal of approval, why is it that you and leo aren’t an item? I’ve always thought you’d end up together” I then looked at him in horror. “God dad! No! Leo’s a brother, a friend, gosh, ewww, he’s hot and all I’ll admit that, but nah, nope, never, we’re bros” dad laughed at my reaction and said “ok whatever, just bring that victor in here so I can size him up and maybe scare off my son’s future boy friend eh?”. “Oh god, dad we’re barely even friends!” I said as I greedily ate another bite off my 4th chicken wing. We then talked about other things, something about my plans for university, which I have no idea what to do yet, and some updates about my uncle, Peter, dad’s brother. We cleared the table, i did the dishes as dad went to his office to finish some work, and then I flopped myself into the living room couch and tuned into netflix and settled with some new movie, dad caught up with me as the movie was just about to finish, he said his good nights and told me to lock up the house before sleeping. I finished the movie, did my pre-sleep ritual of brushing my teeth and washing my face, drank some water, and off to bed I was. I then thought back at my day and to the memories of Victor, I sighed as I’m completely taken aback by his beauty and sex appeal. I really hope he’s into guys too. With my thoughts of Victor, I then dozed off, and there I was again, in my dreamland, in the library again with a new book in front of me, this is weird, I only had these dreams once a week and never two days in a row, but then again, it’s a dream so I can’t really predict them can I? I opened the book and started “reading” it to the best of my abilities after I finished it, I went back to exploring the tower, as I entered the 10th floor, gosh the hike up the tower is tiring even in my dream, it felt so real, as I entered the 10th floor, I saw that the decorations were more ornate and the shelves had carvings of the symbols similar to the ones on the books I’ve been reading, a Star with a rose in the middle of it. I saw some paintings of meadows, forests, fields, and grassland, each painting was absolutely breathtaking and you can seriously feel the warmth and emotion the painter put into the piece of art he or she made. At one point I even found my eyes moisten as the sheer beauty of the paintings and sculptures around me took me to a very emotional state. As tears flowed from my eyes everything started to fade out again and I woke, with tears on my eyes as well. That dream was just surreal.
This story is about an 18 year old falling in love with a mysterious teen. It’s mainly fantasy/adventure with elements of sex but sex is not entirely the main point. Chapter 1 —- encounters It was a gloomy Thursday afternoon in our town of Greensburg, Virginia; the rain has just stopped and the roads outside were wet and trees and their leaves were holding on to the remaining water that has ceased to fall a few minutes ago. I was just seated in a booth at my father’s small diner a few miles out of town while I enjoyed reading a book while drinking my milkshake. It’s already September and school should have started a few weeks ago but one thing to know about me about other things is that I’m homeschooled so my dad has pretty much taken over my education and with me being an above average student (not that I’m a genius or anything, more or less just someone who doesn’t fail and gets good grades more often than your average joe) I spend most of my mornings covering lesson plans and worksheets with my dad while I spend most of the afternoon hanging out in my dad’s diner called Fred’s which was named after my dad’s father Frederick Meyer hehe. Sometimes I help out the wait staff too if necessary. Well, as I was enjoying my milkshake two guys caught my attention as they entered the diner, they took their time to wipe off the excess water from their shoes in the entry matt and they took the booth right across me giving me a full view of them both. What drew my attention to the two guys was how good looking they both were, one was a dark haired guy with a neat and clean hair cut, piercing green eyes who was about my age and was a little bit taller than more or less he should be either 5’10 or 5’11 and underneath his leather jacket should be a trim and fit torso though I haven’t had the chance to actually see what’s underneath those layers of clothes he has on. His face is just magnificent and utterly masculine - chiseled jaw with the right combination of lips, nose, cheekbones that’s utterly to die for; smooth face with no trace of any facial hair. The man seated in front of him seems to be his dad or uncle they look quite alike, this guy is one hell of a looker just like the teenager, the Middle aged guy has dark brown hair with dark eyes, should be around 6’0 or 6’1 by the looks of it, his facial features look like they’ve been stolen from a feature magazine, his shoulder is broader than the teenager but he seems to be more muscle than fat, he’s pretty toned by the looks of it; masculine Germanic features like his son and a trace of five or click shadow. Both these guys are “the bomb” and I thought “gosh, they’re so hot I’d do either or even both of them right here! Underneath their tables if they just give me the chance! I’ll give them my cherry too! If they want too!” And as I thought of that the weirdest thing happened, both guys actually looked into my direction scanned me head to toe and dad even gave a slight smirk and both of them went back to talking to each other, it was so creepy! It was as if they read my mind or something! Anyway, a few moments later I went back to reading my book while stealing glances on the two hot shots seated across me. Damn they’re fine. The two guys seem to be in deep conversation but despite how much I’m able to see their lips move, I can’t hear a damn thing, it’s as if they’re whispering. The way they act are so mysterious but nothing out of the ordinary. The Diner has been mainly been a hang out place of local patrons and residents and this is the first time I’ve seen these guys, hopefully they aren’t just tourists or travelers passing by because I’d really love to see them again, especially the hot and mysterious teen. After a few more minutes of ogling the hunks seated across me, I had to bid farewell to the diner, I had soccer practice in a few minutes. I cleaned my booth and said goodbye to the shift manager, Sally, “I’ll be back tomorrow sally!, thanks a bunch” I shouted as I left the door and jogged my way to the local park for soccer practice. Despite being homeschooled, I had some semblance of a social life too, I was a forward for one of the town’s community soccer clubs and we practiced several times a week here at a small field in the middle of the park. I was in the team together with my best friend and neighbor, Leo, he stood 5’11, a few months younger than me, (I turned 18 a week ago), and is quite a stunner too, he had brown hair and brown eyes and a slim toned body, not buff but just the right amount of muscle across his arms, legs, pecs, and abs from what I’ve seen in the changing rooms at the pool and here at the park. He had a teenage masculine face and is very friendly, he goes to the local high school but he went out of his way to make friends with me when he moved into our neighborhood 6 years ago, he’s a great guy and a great friend, he’s actually the first person I came out to 3 years ago and he allayed all my fears and took it like a champ, he has been very supportive of me and treated me no different despite knowing that I’m gay. I arrived at the field a few minutes early and leo was already there, “Hey bro, been here long?” I asked. “Nah, not really maybe just arrived here 5 minutes before you, so how’s it going?, the usual I presumed?” He replied. “Yeah, just read some book at the Diner and here I am now hehe, though I got to tell you, I saw some hot eye candy at the Diner and damn bro, they were hot as fuck!” I enthusiastically replied. “Slow down tiger, “they?” “Eye candy?”” Leo lifted his eyebrows as if to ask for more details.So I told him of the two hot dad-son duo I saw at the diner. Leo laughed a little and said “Gosh, Chris you are so fucking gay!” I softly punched his elbow and laughed with him “Sure, am! Haha” then we talked for a few more minutes and the practice session started as we were divided into two smaller groups. For the next 45 minutes we played a shorter version of the game and we were sweating and panting like hell. After the practice game we all started changing our shirts at the field and it being in a public park no showers were available to all of us would have to take our respective showers at home. As the guys lifted there shirts I can’t help myself and take in the sight of hot and sweaty 16-18 year olds in front of me. Leo nudged me as he saw me space out “You do know that we’re both the hottest and sexiest in the club right?” He said. “Oh really? What makes you say that Leo?”. “Well aside from the fact that we both get the loudest cheers whenever we score a goal or the fact the only the two of us have Facebook fan pages, well let’s just say I have a strong feeling about it hehe” He laughed a bit at that. Well to be honest I do think I’m quite a looker but I’m not that much really, maybe just a little bit above average?, when I look at myself at the mirror I see a light blonde haired, light blue eyed, 5’8 teen with just the right amount of muscle definition whose smooth all over, I’m pretty much very smooth I have pubes (which I trim!) and armpit hair but other than that I’m very smooth all over, not even a single strand on my chest, navel, and ass. “You’re letting your so called “fame” get into your head leo, our Facebook pages barely have 300 likes, 350 tops” I smirked at him. “But for a small town like ours dude! We’re basically celebrities! Right!?” He enthusiastically replied as we started walking the 15 minute trek to our neighborhood. “Whatever you say Leo, I’ve got a feeling you’re gonna be some Class A A-hole of a celebrity if you ever become one!” I laughed and he just slapped my arm as we continued to joke around as we walked through the suburban streets of our town. “I’ll see you tomorrow then?” I told him as we neared our front lawn, Leo’s house was just 3 houses down from ours and my house was the first one amongst ours along the way from the walk from the park. We lived in a middle class borderline upper middle class neighborhood filled mostly of colonial or Georgian, some modern style houses most have3-5 bedrooms, decent size front lawns and even larger backyards, some houses have pools like ours. In general we live in very quiet and some might say well to do neighborhood but people here aren’t snobby or anything, just hard working people that somehow got lucky enough in life to actually climb a little bit out of the middle income trap some even were born to blue collar families, so no snobbery here, people in our neighborhood knew hard work doesn’t always pay and isn’t always enough so all are pretty much aware of how lucky they are. Most families in our area know each other but seldom get together due to business or work related stuff. Anyway, I’m pretty much happy with our neighborhood. I live in a 2-Storey Georgian style house with grey roof tiles and light yellow brick walls. Ever since my mom died 8 years ago, I’ve always thought that our 5 bedroom home was too big for just me and dad but then again, we love it here, nice neighborhood and too many good memories to let go as well. As I entered the house, I called out to my dad “dad!?, I’m home!” “In here son” I heard dad call out from one of the bedrooms in the first floor that has been converted into his office. “Dad is everything alright?” I asked as I saw that he was more stressed than usual. “Yeah, nothing I can’t handle just some work stuff, but it’s gonna be okay” Dad replied as he continued to stare at his laptop and type stuff while I noticed there are more stacks of paper and even some books on his desk. “Okay... if you say so. Do you want coffee? And a sandwich perhaps?” I said. “Yeah that would be great buddy. Thanks, I’m just a little bit swamped right now but I’ll be out in the kitchen in a few” he said. “Okay, ill have your coffee and sandwich ready. Then I’ll start preparing dinner after I take my shower, how’s pasta for tonight?” I said as I looked back at him as I was just about to leave his office. “Pasta sounds great buddy” He said. Dad has always been a gentle and endearing type of guy. He’s 45 and looks very good for his age, well for any age for that matter, I don’t know how he squeezes time at the gym with his schedule but he manages to go at least three times a week and it pretty much shows. My dad, William Rogers is a definite DILF, standing at 6’1 with broad shoulders, the permanent five o clock shadow on his chiseled face, light brown eyes, and light brown hair, he has muscular and toned arms and legs and a defined torso, not the body builder type but the type that’s defined and well muscles and trimmed, no abs on him but his stomach is tight and his chest is dusted with an ample amount of chest hair from what I’ve seen. My dad has his hands on a lot of things but he’s very much available whenever i need his help. He works on my homeschooling every weekday morning, he teaches I think public policy or something like that at a local university at the next town over several days a week, and the one I think he’s pre occupied with right now is his work as a consultant for public security of the State of Virginia, as far as I know he helps the state government and agencies craft policies and measures related to security and crime prevention; he worked as a security analyst for several years prior to being hired by the State as a consultant 14 years ago. So yeah he’s quite the busy man, and aside from all that, he still finds the time to drop by the Diner at least once a week to see how the business is going and also to hang out with the staff. As I said he’s a good guy. I prepared dad’s coffee and sandwich. And I called “Dad!, your coffee and sandwich is ready!”. “Be right out son!” He replied loudly from his office, “Okay, I’ll be off to shower then.” I said. I took a long warm shower to ease the tension on my muscles from soccer practice, as the water was just about to turn cold, I ended my shower and changed and started with dinner. Dinner was great as dad and I ate the pasta I prepared “Delicious as always son” my dad said with his mouth still half full. I laughed and said “I think you’ve just gotten used to my cooking dad, it’s not as if you can cook or even have a choice but eat what I feed you” Dad looked at me and slightly grinned and said “Don’t forget we do own a diner right? Son?” I slightly laughed and said “Oh yeah... almost forgot about that hehe”. “So how was your afternoon son?” Dad asked one between helpings of pasta. “Nothing much really, dropped by the diner as usual and soccer practice was tiring as usual” I replied. Dad just smiled and went back to eating. “I’ll take care of the dishes dad, go finish your work so you can have an early night as well, you work too hard you know” I said as I was just finishing my meal. “Thanks son” dad looked at me with appreciation and continued “You do know that I love you right? You’re the best son in the world!” He said with so much love and affection. “Ohh dad, I know, and I love you too!, you do so much for us already, the least I could do is stay out of trouble” I smiled. He slightly laughed at that as well. After doing t he dishes, I watched some tv, read two more chapters at the book I was finishing and then my thoughts went back to the two guys I saw at the Diner earlier, gosh I really do hope to see them again soon. After brushing my teeth and washing my face I was ready for bed and dozed off into slumber within minutes. It was the same dream again. Me inside a large library in the middle of an atrium of a large library, seated with a book in front of me, on an ornate table whose legs are decorated with word carvings of flowers, leaves, and vines; same looking book but I know the contents are different, it’s always been like this for the past few months, I looked up and enjoyed the magnificence of this building, the atrium opened into 20 or 30 more floors with each floor filled with shelves of books, the roof was glass and I can see the sunlight run through the clear glass. I looked back at the book, it was brown and covered in leather, looked a little old like the others from the rest of my dreams, same symbol on the front of the book, A single golden rose in the middle of the sun. It was 200 or so pages just like the previous ones, I opened the book and what was written on it was of the same type of writing system I do not recognize at all, but somehow every time I have one of these dreams and every time I try to read and skim through the pages, I always feel like I’ve matured and actually learned something from the book. In every dream I always finish one book, trying to make sense of it, read or more like look or stare actually and run through the pages, I think this is my 14th book, then after finishing the book a spend a few minutes going around the massive library complex... tower? Of some sort, look at the statues adorning the columns and paintings on the walls, I’ve explored until the 9th floor and gosh this building is just massive, books and books all over. Then just like how I faded into the library I started to fade out and then I wake up with sunlight greeting me at my window.
Oh wow what a beautiful story. I shed several tears as I read the story. For a moment back there I thought this was going to end badly, I’m glad it didn’t. I’m so happy for Daniel and Jorden. Much love ❤️
Wow. This is so fucking hot. 🔥🔥
Such a hot story! gave me a hard on in seconds! 💦💦💦
My Twisted Neighbor Lets Me Crash at His Place
gabz2000 replied to socalboi88's topic in General Bareback Sex Stories
This is an amazing story! a real work of art! thank you for sharing this with us. 😘 -
I love it when guys cum deep inside me. I try to keep their loads in me as long as possible. Love to meet up with friends afterwards and end up feeling such a slut as I feel the the cum ooze out of my hole while I eat dinner with friends 😂
Fuck you’re one lucky guy to have amazing tops and seems like you have tons of them 😉😘
I think Southeast Asia will be heaven for you guys in general. boys here go crazy over foreign cocks. i’ve met with foreigners who can’t believe the amount of attention they’re receiving from locals the moment they open their apps. It’s safe to say if your a foreigner ... expect at least x10 of your normal inbox volume when you get here. Especially in the Philippines and Thailand. Malaysia not far behind. 😈🤤
More please! This is so hot!
I’m Filipino and i’m Can’t get enough foreign cocks here in Manila. Been having a drought when it comes to foreign cock and cum 😩 need more guys like you over here
Hot! Me I want to carry it near full term and have it aborted. just would savor the feeling of actually being able to make a baby then get rid of it. To know that my dna actually mixed with someone else’s
Terribly need some foreign cock up my ass. slim bottom for visitors to use. cum in me please!
Fucking hot! nothing beats a hot uncut cock raw in your ass! 💦🤤
Best kind of cock... especially if uncut. The moment i discover the guy im meeting with us uncut... I make sure to ask him to not wash his cock
Dirty Uncut Cock? Dick Cheese? Smegma?
gabz2000 replied to Sub-Cocksucker's topic in Hardcore Fetishes Forum
I love unwashed uncut cock! hard to find in the Philippines as most guys here are cut. Have to find uncut foreign guys for me to suck clean - but the competition for foreign cock is tough here ? -
How Old Were You When You Took Your First Load?
gabz2000 replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
I was 15. He was 17. Though I’ve started playing around before then but never cum in my ass until I was 15. The feeling of cum inside me made me the cumslut I am today. -
My married Dutch top fuck buddy.
gabz2000 replied to travelingbi's topic in General Bareback Sex Stories
You’re such a lucky bottom!!! arabs, whites, and all other types of men. Yum! Keep on posting your sexcapades.- 1 reply
- 1
Wow that’s really hot. I’d love that to happen to me.
PART 16 It’s been a few days since I discovered I was pregnant and I haven’t told anyone else yet. I’ve continued flirting around with Jacob and David in class but no fucking as we’ve all been caught up with the excess academic work. With all the papers and reading I’ve been doing, it seemed like my pregnancy has become an after thought. Though it still Sometimes haunts me as to what I should do. Should I keep it? Should I continue fucking around? Should I tell the guys that they could be the father? I realized that I was going into a tailspin and snapped out of it. I finished several chapters on 18th century European politics and went to sleep. I still feel nauseous in the morning but not as bad as before. Not sure if i’m just getting used to it or it really is just getting better. After some thinking I though I should atleast tell Hassan and Khalid, as they’ve been my closest and most frequent sex buds. I’m not entirely sure how’d they react but I thought I should give it a go. I ate my breakfast, texted Khalid if I could come over and was on my way. i arrived at Khalid’s place and was greeted by his warm smile. Not to mention that he was topless when he opened the door. Oh god, am I really getting horny? He held my hand and guided me into the living room. Khalid must have noticed that something was different and asked me. khalid: is something wrong? You seem different? me: well i’m Not sure how to say this. *my eyes tearing up a bit khalid: are you alright? me: well... i’m Fine but... but... i’m Pregnant *there was a long pause in the room and the silence was deafening. Then I felt Khalid hug me and he kissed my forehead. Khalid: it’s gonna be alright, I told you i’ll Marry you right? me: well... i’m Not even sure I want to get married yet. And not sure if I will keep the baby. I don’t even know who the father is khalid: it’s alright (he said again, as he hugged me and pulled me into a tight embrace) khalid is so romantic and sensual as he caressed my body and started to undress me. He kissed and licked me all over and was very sensual in eating my pussy. He then undressed and revealed his 8 inch cock for me to suck. We were taking our time and it seemed to be perfect. This is has got to be my most sensual fuck yet. After sucking him, Khalid positioned his cock and slowly entered my wet hole. Stretching me and sending shivers all over my body. “I will make this baby mine” he said. As he pushed and pulled his cock halfway ... we locked eyes and kissed and for 20 mins we were like that and I heard him grunt as he came inside me.
This is an amazing series. ?
Such a hot story. Reading it made me horny as fuck. I’d love some BBC in me.
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