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Everything posted by BoYGaSM

  1. What an awesome read!!
  2. There better be a part three LOL… your story is so damn good, i love this type of shit 😈🤤
  3. I think this is the story you’re looking for!
  4. My curiosity is where the look alike brother comes into this lol
  5. Fuuuuuck… that was so hot! So lucky man lol. Totally made me bust!!
  6. Wow.. one of the best chapters. I could not hide my hard cock while i was reading if i tried! So satisfying.
  7. Fuuuuuck… this is a hot story man!
  8. Loving this story!
  9. This could be such a hot friggin story if it were a lot longer and in depth. Building the arousal leading up to all the hot possibilities. Currently it is just too short. But VERY HOT topic and story line. I hope you got with this idea more in depth.
  10. I love your choices… keep it coming! And the art work is awesome as well!
  11. Holy shit that was fucking Amazing!!
  12. Yeah ya lost me on last addition =(
  13. Such a great story, this latest addition kept a smile so big on my face through the entire read. I’m glad you put this thoughts down for us to read!
  14. That was a nice story.. I enjoyed it. Thank you for showing a glimpse Into your story.
  15. FUCK FUCK FUCK…. That’s incredibly hot!
  16. FUUUUUCK…. This is making me so hard!
  17. HOLY HELL!!! I’m friggin loving this story man. I am hooked!
  19. Aaaah.. I think I’m done reading this one lol. I have a pretty good imagination and the visual is not making my horny. Safe to say this isn’t one of my “into’s”.
  20. “No one I went to high school would’ve guessed that shy little Adam would’ve gone away to college and in three months be shaking his booty at hotel staff on his way to turn a trick for money.” This part made laugh, it was really cute!
  21. LOL i couldn’t help but giggle reading this first part. Love the first part already (huge smile on my face)!
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