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About lj1987

  • Birthday 04/01/1987

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  1. The cliff hanger… can’t wait for the next chaoter
  2. This deserves a follow up
  3. This story definitely deserves a follow-up
  4. This story needs a follow-up
  5. I will skip it… been there a few times and it didn’t have the same vibe as the real ones in Berlin and Amsterdam first of all, the venue is tiny and there are always way too many bottoms (or too few tops) and it takes forever to process everyone. and while people are getting processed, people at like talking loudly. It’s really a mood kill. Then there are also quite a lot of stable boys who are curious about but doesn’t have the balls to actually get involved. Again they are constantly talking about random stuff… when it first started, rules were rarely applied but I think they might have tightened it up (I wouldn’t know as I always played by the rules. The fun/scary part was actually not knowing what the guys look like). if you can, go to the proper ones in Germany and Amsterdam. It’s a life-changing eye-opening (and hole-opening) experience.
  6. But have you been to other hotels that are good for cumdumping
  7. This is seriously hot…
  8. I’m planning to visit Manchester later this month… was thinking of hosting a Cumdump session at Britannia but maybe not now… anyone got any suggestions?
  9. Well do let us know how it goes
  10. Yeah I saw those posts but as you said, they are quite probably outdated. I really don’t want to go to St Giles right now esp with the management clamping down on cumdumping…
  11. Great start
  12. Does anyone know any hotels good for cumdumping other than st Giles? Heard quite a few stories of people getting stopped by the staff. Is Britannia in canary wharf any good?
  13. Someone should continue with the story
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