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Everything posted by find91

  1. Yes it's not all a bed or roses. You actually get rejected a lot, from people that can't handle your size. Also in relationship you have to content with less frequent sex because ( I've been told this by both guys and girls) they need time to "heal". I've even been dumped buy a few women and a fuck buddy because they said it hurt to much even when I was gentle with them. Also you tend to not know if people actually like u for u or the fact you have a big dick. Vanilla bottoms always complain about having a blown out hole after u fuck them but they still run after big dick. You get a lot of offers for sex, but the ones that actually Carry though or are capable are few.
  2. Gatoraid helps replenish your electrolyte levels, especially after all the douching and it keeps you hydrated
  3. As all Saïd above diet is thé major factor, with medication and vitamins effecting the taste. Usually making it more bitter. Been told by my toilets that tea as well has a very unpleasant taste. While beer actually makes urine taste "better". I seriously doubt someone sero status will effect how their pee or cum taste.
  4. for the bad breath at the glory hole you could of put a tictac on your dick. Subtle yet effective
  5. Personally keep it open and loose but in general I would suggest a bottom tighten up a bit unless the top tells him otherwise. It's the safest bet for cumdumps to get their load
  6. anal orgasm is more about hitting the right place and the right intensity. Too hard you over load the prostate, too soft and it can turn into an internal edge fest. Relaxing does help it but Just to make it clear it does not happen to everyone all the time
  7. did it to a few bottoms was hot until they realized I didn't cum LOL
  8. For the lube, dildoes, jocks items you can use a box with a lock and tell you're significant other you are holding it for a friend and hid that shit in a place they will not go. For the poppers as you have to store them in the freezer, put them in a container and label it something your significant other hates or has no interest in, like composte or liver or my ex's heart. That way he or she won't look
  9. From a tops perspective, the cigar makes one feel powerful and some tops actual like smoking cigars. It's no different like leather or even muscles. For a top certain elements get them more in touch into their alpha dominant side and mindset
  10. I think the above comments are really it. The cigar is still very symbolic of Dominance, wealth and power. Also their is a element of danger as in the imagery of cigar smokers tend to be ruthless men. Heads or organize crime, bikers and politicians and business men. I'll done a bit of cigar play but it was coupled with nipple torture LOL
  11. That's nate grimes. It's from his xtube account I believe under the name redhankey
  12. TYeah look more dangerous than they feel. They are all super soft silicon so they squish in your ass pretty easily, but still give a great stretch
  13. You allude to a big problem I've notice in gay male hookup culture. People not respecting others chosen position. It happens with tops as well. It's annoying as fuck when people try to flip people/ coerce them into another position that they are not. And it never works, just because a bottom may have a nice dick or a top has a nice ass don't mean that they are going to flip into another position. Accept what they say or what they post on their profile and move the fuck along.
  14. I would say 7.5 and above (I'm talking REAL INCHES)
  15. watch out a lot of straight guys love teasing gay men because they love the attention but have no intention of following through. Just play it cool and let him cum to you
  16. your last sentence made me hard lol
  17. SOOOOOOOOOOOO fucking true. A lot of the fisting bottoms I fuck have amazing muscle control. they can make it tight or loose like a 10cent whore
  18. Yeah I find it strange as well, I suspect most are vers. Even if you're a top and like sucking dick why would you care what size the bottom is ??
  19. Don't worry about your hole being blown out and never being tight again the rectum is a muscle that actually want's to stay tight. If you do it occasionally. Most tops would not have a clue that you've been fisted or are a fisting bottom. It takes heavy and very regular training to keep that pussy loose
  20. It takes time to open a hole. Sorry but it needs to be said. a lot of guys think that a fisting top can take them from virgin to bicep deep fisting with the occasional fisting session. Like anything worth doing it takes practice. That being said if you're significant other or Master is a fisting top he still can own your ass while doing toy play on you until you can take his fist.
  21. the double headers are good for depth. Just remember to practice opening up your hole. There is only so much a fisting top can do
  22. It's also good for piss play. If you don't mind being a human toilet ( piss not the other thing lol)
  23. Fisting and water sports. Hated prolapses and rosebuds. Now I'm elbow deep in assholes and even pissing and fucking in it. Who would of know. Lolol
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