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Everything posted by HereInLondon

  1. That particular video was about having a 'safe' bdsm meet - I don't think there was even any oral during the session, and having my cock in a sheaf, with a condom on, made it more like I was fucking him with a toy rather than me actually fucking him. The good thing about using the sheaf the most recent time - aye, it stretched his hole, but going from having my cock encased in a sheaf, to then sliding into his gaping arse raw, was a great sensation.
  2. I can't remember where I bought that particular sheath - I think I got it during a wander round the various sex shops in central London - but they seem to be available in most places. Regulation has quite a few - [think before following links] https://regulation.co.uk/pages/search-results-page?q=sheath&tab=products&page=2
  3. Here's the cock sheaf in action - [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video69558143/hotel_sub_part_three_of_three_ Not a raw clip, but you'll get the idea what it could do to your hole.
  4. Same set-up, but this time it was him bent over the massage table being a total bottom boi, even used a cock sheaf on his hole to stretch him open more. Hadn't cum in a week, such a relief unloading my balls deep in him. Then he sucked my dick clean as I played with his nipples and he sprayed his load all over the floor.
  5. At Covent Garden sauna yesterday afternoon, took two loads in my mouth - one was so far down my throat, I didn't even taste it, just felt the base of his cock shaft throbbing over and over as the cum pumped out - and one other load on the face. Nice visit. And it was getting busier by the time I left (about 5:30pm).
  6. About an hour ago, bent over a massage table, watching his face in the mirror as he fucked his load into me. Then fingered my hole as I sucked his dick clean.
  7. That's great, cheers.
  8. Does anyone know what this piece of equipment is called? [think before following links] https://www.xvideos.com/video68588971/gimme_more_cock_daddy# I've looked on a couple of fetish store websites, tried Googling different word combinations -sling freestanding cradle fetish rocking - but can't seem to find anything.
  9. I was recently speaking to one of the guys involved with running the London event and he was saying how popular it's become on it's return after lockdown and how well it's working at the new, smaller venue of the Underground Club. I only had a rough idea what a 'horse fair' set-up is, I was surprised that you can buy tickets to attend as a 'stable lad'. But maybe that's a way for you to try out the event, initially at least? To see what it's like, with an aim to going back as a mare at a later date. That way you get to see the types of guys that are attending, to get over the idea that it's full of "twinks and Muscle Marys" - because, like all events and nights and clubs (in my experience anyway), it's overwhelmingly just ordinary blokes wanting to have a good sleazy time.
  10. Very similar - it's the contacting guys that's the worst part for me, and especially having to tell the ones that considered our play 'safe'. For example, I picked up a throat infection and had to inform a bloke who I'd only sucked and rimmed that he should go and get himself tested, and he was unaware he'd taken any risk. That particular infection, when I informed another young lad I'd sucked off (and done nothing else with), he thanked me for my honesty and asked that I delete his number. And I'm pretty sure he was the one who had given it to me. That's why it's sort of a relief when the infection site comes back as only being in my arse - means the infection will have invariably come from, will only have been passed onto, someone who fucked me bare. And like you said, you'd hope that those guys know the score and won't be too put out being told to go get themselves tested.
  11. There's a guy I've been playing with for a number of years (a very sexy builder) and I still sometimes miss the cues for when he's going to cum, mainly because he doesn't make a sound. It's a bdsm meet, with him restrained to the bed, getting his big cock edged and having his nipples worked over. For judging when he might be getting close, I have to watch his face - when the orgasm is starting to build, he holds his breath and clenches his (manly stubbled) jaw - and watch the rest of his body - for him tensing his (impressive, furry) stomach muscles and straightening and tensing his (muscular) thighs. But with him not making any sound, it's difficult to know just how close he is - sometimes I want to get him close but not let him cum and there's been a couple of ruined orgasms when I haven't managed to stop in time. His cock does definitely swell as well, but that's difficult to reliably read too, as his cock is usually already at a hefty swell thanks to being bound and tied with a shoelace.
  12. The Locker Room in Kennington has announced it'll be re-opening as of tomorrow (Monday 24th) - [think before following links] https://lockerroomsauna.co.uk No sauna or steam room, open 12-9pm, only 30 patrons at a time, £10 entry. I'm still a bit wary of the possibility of getting involved in large groups (because of covid, but also as I've only just settled back into a routine for getting STI screenings), but really good to see it re-open.
  13. Yeah, you could chat with your mate in the jacuzzi, for all the staff know you're a couple or in the same 'bubble'. I guess it's the same as if you went into a cafe or a restaurant together - the staff aren't going to enforce social distancing on you with each other. Saying that, I don't know how vigilant the staff are at stopping guys hooking up in the cabins. There are guys looking to do that - I got cruised in the jacuzzi just before heading into my massage (well, he had a bottle of poppers with him and we were both naked and he was making small talk, so I'm taking that as a 'cruising'). The massage is purely professional, but you can be naked throughout (no towelling).
  14. You have to book a massage (rather than just paying an entry fee), and before and after your massage you have access to 'the facilities', which pretty much consists of the bar/cafe and the jacuzzi. Neither the dry sauna nor the steam room are open, tho you can still get access to the cabins, where there are lots of signs up on the cabin doors saying 'STOP. ONLY ONE PERSON AT A TIME PLEASE'. Personally, I took those signs to mean that, due to social distancing, you should only have sex with one person at a time... Not that there was much going on; when I was there, there was only ever at most four customers kicking about. So, I'd say it's definitely 'low risk'. I'm not exactly painting the most thrilling picture, but... I had a really good massage (masseur called James); it was lovely to be out and about somewhere to get naked again; and it's currently one of the few venues of it's kind that's open so it was nice to support it in some way.
  15. This place currently holds a special place in my heart, well, in my wank bank - it was the last place I had a good, long, sleazy raw session before the lockdown kicked in. Went there with a mate I hadn't played with in years; he's in a long-term relationship which is sort-of-open-sort-of-not and the boundaries seem to be always in flux with him and his man. But that Sunday, the boundaries were in our favour, so we ended up at the sauna. We only played bare with each other, mostly me topping him, but I occasionally got his cock in me. We did play with a couple of others, but using condoms, which seemed to be a combination of our choice and theirs (still managed to make it a bit sleazy tho - a big, hairy, beardy guy was fucking my mate using a condom, he pulled his covered cock out my mate and ploughed it straight into my waiting arse, I usually hate being fucked with a condom, but knowing this covered cock was still wet from my mate's hole got my arse opening up...) In the end tho, the most fun we had was with each other. As much as I like this sauna, the cabins aren't the most comfortable. They're quite dinky, and not a lot of space on the ledges/platforms, and like most cabins in saunas, when you've been at it for a while, the cabin floors start to get slippery with sweat and water and whatever and you can't get decent purchase to fuck steadily. Which is why myself and my mate ended up on this low, cushioned platform in a mirrored alcove down the side of a couple of the cabins. I'm not really into public play that much, but this alcove was the most comfortable place to stretch out and fuck. We got the occasional viewer, but mostly we were just left to it. So nice having him under me, switching between fucking him and rimming him, finally breeding him with the taste of his hole in my mouth. I can report the tea remains top-notch. I wanted a breather after I'd cum, but my mate wasn't done. So whilst I had a tea, he went away and got his arse fucked again in the steam room by a strapping big lad. One last note: also worth mentioning is the sauna's choice of movies that they play in the lounge. They put on feature films but with the sound off. So far, I've watched portions of True Lies and Iron Man, both muted, and the last time was Robocop 2, muted but with subtitles. It's oddly relaxing.
  16. The times I've been, it's never been particularly busy, tho I don't know what it's like when there's an 'event' (like the Pool Party or Stark Bollock Naked). Saying that, I really like the place. It's very relaxed for a short, centrally-located stop-off during the day (£15 entry before 2pm), just don't go expecting the place to be rammed. Two things make me think well of the place: the nice cups of tea I've had there - little metal tea pot, milk jug, all on a tray, so fucking pleasant; and the last time I was there just before Christmas, I fucked and bred a horny, moustached, muscle-bubble-arsed bloke in the showers - kissing, rimming, sucking and fucking in one of the cabins, then went to the showers to clean up, too horny watching his muscle body getting wet, so we started fucking again, and with his hands on the wall and his legs spread, he took my load right there in the showers, absolute delight.
  17. Just announced today - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-50073102 There's a note of caution at the end of the article, saying that even tho the 'porn blocker' plan has been dropped, it's unclear what the Government will come up with in its place.
  18. Similar to another comment, I think I've been to that dark room as well. It was my first time at that particular sauna, first time tentatively trying out the dark room and someone tried to put a condom on my cock... and twanged the fucking thing on my cock shaft as they stretched it on. Really fucking painful. I don't know about etiquette, but there was something quite presumptuous about it - that I wanted to fuck, that I wanted to fuck him, that I wanted to wear a condom and, most importantly, that they had skilled enough hands to put a condom on effortlessly in the dark.
  19. Technically not my last load - that happened when a sleazy vers regular fucked his cum into me whilst we played in nothing but boots and I shot my load onto the floor as I sucked his cock clean after - but... I wanted to give a salute to the tiny sauna in Bournemouth that I went to a couple of weeks ago. In the not-quite-dark-room, a young skater looking lad (shaved head, scruffy facial hair, scattershot of tats across his soft muscular body) huffed his poppers then got down on his knees to suck my cock. As he was down there, doing a bang up job of deepthroating me, another young lad (lean, skinny body, sort of innocent looking...) came in and sat beside me, offering what turned out to be a thick wedge of a cock to the skater lad, who began alternating between my cock and the lean lad's. A few other guys came into the not-quite-dark-room, but it was mainly a merry-go-round of cocksucking and kissing between the skater lad, the lean lad and myself. The skater lad was clearly wanting his arse fucked - the lean lad had at one point taken a break from all the sucking to rim him, and I'd slid a couple of fingers in him as well - and the skater lad tried to manoeuvre my bare cock into his hole. But I was being over cautious and shifted my cock out of the way, thinking that bare fucking the skater lad might scare off the innocent looking lean lad and I didn't want to ruin this hot little scene that had popped up. I needn't have worried... A few moments later, with the skater lad sitting down, the not-so-innocent lean lad backed his tight little arse onto the skater's lad bare cock. I stood in front of him and he bent forward to take my cock down his throat. I made some very intense eye contact with the skater lad across the lean lad's back as we spitroasted him and that sort of opened the barebacking flood gates... The lean lad flipped round and sucked the skater lad's cock as I slid into his arse... The skater lad stood with one foot on the seating and I stood behind him, fucking him standing as he kissed the lean lad... The lean lad slid his thick wedge of a cock up the skater lad as the skater lad sucked me... Until finally, with the skater lad on his back on the seating, getting fucked by the lean lad, I slid into the lean lad's arse, creating a horny little daisy chain fuck. A few minutes of that and I couldn't hold back any longer, I announced, twice, I was going to cum - first, out of a sort of politeness, a sort of residual concern about the lean lad's 'innocence', then a more definite second announcement, "I'm going to cum inside you", and I did and it was fucking great. At the same time, the skater lad was cumming onto himself, wanking and getting his load fucked out of him onto his stomach. The lean lad pulled out of the skater lad's arse, began wanking himself - I held his hips, kept my bare cock and my load lodged inside him, until he came, adding his load to the load on the skater lad's stomach. I let my wet cock slip out of his arse and we went our separate ways.
  20. Went to Pants at the Underground Club for the first time on Tuesday there. Think I'd left it too late in the afternoon, was about 4:30pm when I got there, as was pretty quiet. Still got to fuck bare a friendly bear in his arseless underwear, and played around with a couple of other guys as well. Definitely worth the visit, glad I gave it a go, and want to try some of the other days and events there. Headed to Cum In Your Pants at The Locker Room after that, first time trying that event as well. There didn't seem to be many pants on show, but it was a great evening... I know what you mean, bigasstwink, about wanting to "take it out of the sauna and into the club". I want to broaden my reportaire as well. Maybe this is a question for a completely different thread, but are there any sex clubs where you can get a cup of tea? I don't drink, I'm not fussed with fruit drinks, and when I go to saunas, I really like being able to take a breather with a cup of tea.
  21. Don't usually post here (love reading them), but I'm in celebratory mood... After a week in quarantine from picking up an STD, another two weeks or so of the antibiotics fucking up my stomach, then another short wait for him to get the all clear from his screening, I finally hooked back up with a regular. A poppered up raw vers session, with lots of kissing and spit. Took turns fucking each other, giving as hard as we wanted to take. Then, as tends to happen in the last 10, 15 minutes of a session with him, he went full-on top, complete with choice nasty verbal, and I went full on begging bottom. Kissing and swapping spit and huffing poppers, then him pounding and ramming and fucking and using my hole, this time bent over the massage table facing a full length mirror so we can watch each other (the look on his face as he sinks his cock balls deep). After making me say again and again what I wanted, after being opened up completely by his raw cock, he finally bred me, finally pumped his hot cum deep into me, and I shot my load, splattering it onto the floor underneath the table. My arse was still singing about an hour after we'd finished. And it's taken another three hours for the last of his cum to come out of me. After several weeks of my libido being shot to fuck, my prostate has been switched back on and my cock is fucking hungry again.
  22. Tablets no longer available. If you are still looking for PrEP in England and Wales, hopefully the new NHS PrEP study will be starting soon.
  23. I have 90 tablets (three month supply) of Tenvir-em, the generic PrEP drug, to sell. I bought them through United Pharmacies, one of the online suppliers recommended on https://www.iwantprepnow.co.uk/ I had fully intended to use them, but I got onto another PrEP study (the DISCOVER study testing a new version of Truvada), so I'll be getting my tablets through that. The expiry date on these generic tablets is March 2018. Looking for £100 for them (I bought them for about £140). Based in London, would prefer a face to face sale rather than putting them in the post, but you never know. (If you're not already taking PrEP, not already accessing one of the PrEP clinics, but you're interested, best to check out the iwantprepnow site first, find out all the tests and procedures necessary before starting the drug as well as the follow-ups required.)
  24. Went to Eros twice when visiting San Francisco a couple of weeks ago. It was between the first and second visit that I came on here and read about the club's 'no barebacking' policy, so I can plead ignorance for the load fucked into me on the first visit, but not for the two guys I played raw with on the second visit... I really liked the club, really friendly and mixed crowd. I liked the open floor plan, which was new to me (that is, not even having the option of a private cabin), seemed very egalitarian, although finding out about the 'no barebacking' policy made me wonder if this layout was less about open, unabashed sexual freedom and more about keeping an eye on the punters' behaviour.
  25. Looking for some up to date info on good bathhouses to go to in New York. I'm staying in Williamsburg, probably travelling into Manhattan a fair bit. I may have left this too late, only here until Wednesday, but thought I'd see if I could get any recommendations. I saw there was one post on here for North Men's Sauna, is that still in business? I've read reviews online for the East Side Club and the West Side Club, and neither seems to get glowing endorsements, is that accurate?
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