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Everything posted by HereInLondon

  1. Great videos. This is one I made a couple of years ago with a mate - http://www.xtube.com/video-watch/bitethebullet-piss-25088031 (I'm the one doing the pissing)
  2. Not sure if it's Gardasil 4 or Gardasil 9 (or what the difference is). I know the vaccination course I'm getting protects against four HPV types - does that make it Gardasil 4? is that where the '4' comes from? Yeah, it's free, it's on the NHS. But if you are thinking of getting the vaccination through this pilot scheme, I'd get in quick - judging from what the nurse was saying when I got my 2nd dose, they've had a really good uptake and the scheme can only take on so many guys. As for why it's only for men under 45, I'm not entirely sure. Going by the leaflet I was given at the clinic, "Nearly all sexually active people get infected with HPV at some point in their lives", so maybe it's just a numbers game. I know that the vaccination program for girls age 12-13 is done at that age to give them the vaccine before they become sexually active (which is the ideal time to get the vaccine). So as this pilot scheme is for men who identify as already being sexually active (with other men), maybe they've had to work out who would most benefit from the vaccine.
  3. (This might only be of interest to guys based in the UK.) Had the first dose of the HPV vaccination currently being offered to gay men as part of a pilot scheme. The full vaccination course is three shots over (roughly) three months. The pilot scheme only runs until March next year, so if you're interested it's best to get started on the course of injections as soon as possible. The only criteria for being eligible is: be a man who has sex with other men and be under 45. I'm receiving the course of injections at the GUM clinic at St Mary's in Paddington in London, not sure what other GUM clinics are involved.
  4. Still not able to access some photos in forums that I used to be able to see, eg https://breeding.zone/topic/18658-the-aidsbone-worship-thread/?page=10 The first post on page 10 has a photo of a hot, cocky-looking fucker in revealing grey shorts. Every time I click on the photo to see it in full (the thumbnail crops off the lower half of his impressive torso) I'm taken to a page that says I don't have permission to view this content.
  5. So far liking the new design, sort of reminds me of how the site looked before the last upgrade/redesign. (Changing the background to a solid colour helped a lot.) Only 2 things I've found that I'm not sure about: - I keep getting a pop-up asking if I'd like 'Notifications for this site' every time I go to a new page. I'm using Firefox. - when I've clicked on several photos in forums I get taken to a page that says I don't have permission to view this content. Some of the photos I was previously able to see before the upgrade.
  6. I use Exact Pharma - http://www.exact-pharma.com/ Have used the site for a few years now and only had issues with them once, when there was a postal strike in India which made the delivery take a month longer than usual. They gave me a discount on my next order in compensation for the delay.
  7. I can second the recommendation for United Pharmacies. My order came thru no bother, 12 days after receiving their confirmation email that my order had been dispatched.
  8. I'm on PrEP and navigating this new sexual health terrain as well, so I've got a few questions... When you say you take the recommended antibiotic and dosage, do you also take the 'quarantine time' (a break from shagging) to give the antibiotics time to work? If you think you have picked up an STD, do you tell the guys that you played with? Are you getting tested (rather than treated) every three months anyway? Has that 'PrEP for syphilis' actually been proven to work? At the moment, with regard to STDs other than HIV, I'm putting the emphasis on 'testing first' rather than 'treatment as a precaution'. There have been exceptions, like being a contact with someone who has tested positive for syphilis. If I do get treated as a precaution, I prefer to get tested beforehand so I get to know either way if I had something or not. At the moment, I go for a main sexual health screen every three months when I get my repeat PrEP prescription, but I've also gone for 'top-up' or partial screenings (just swabs and urine) in-between the main screenings if I've been fucking about raw a lot or someone's contacted me about a positive result they've got. I do know what you mean about not wanting to be a hypochondriac. It's about trying to find that balance between responsibility and sleaze.
  9. Interesting article posted on Vice - http://www.vice.com/en_uk/read/how-gay-men-learned-to-stop-worrying-and-love-semen The title 'How Gay Men Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Semen' pretty much says it all.
  10. As one of your four "tepid" respondents (thanks for that, man), let me add... Like drscorpio said, maybe there isn't much to say about bacterial STIs. On the occasions were I have picked up an infection, after a couple of weeks I feel I've already talked the situation to death; not only the visits and follow-up phone calls with the clinic, but reaching out to all the guys I've had sex with (and whose contact details I have) who fall within the 'danger zone' of possible infection. I don't think it's a "forbidden topic", it's just, y'know, crap to deal with. Nobody wants to get a phonecall/text/email/online message telling them to go and get checked out, probably even treated as a precaution, but the overwhelming majority of guys I've had to contact in those circumstances have been grateful of the courtesy. I'm the same (and hope to keep being the same) when someone's good enough to contact me when they're in that shitty situation. You say about going to bathhouses and parties, I might be wrong but those sound like mostly 'anonymous' places to have sex. When you picked up gonorrhea those two times, did you, or were you able to, contact the guys you'd been with? Did any of the guys you'd been with have your contact details if they were diagnosed with an infection and wanted to reach out to you? I don't mean those questions to be about the right or wrong of anonymous shags, or the right or wrong of deciding whether or not to contact past hook-ups about an infection. I'm just wondering if you've had to deal with having those conversations about infections. The most I've been knocked out of action with an STI (treatment) is two weeks. I used the quarantine time to catch up on my wanking. On a slightly more personal note, RideMyBlkDik, looking back thru the posts you've made on the site, you mainly ask for things (advice, recommendations), and then ask again for more. You might want to give a little as well. And appreciate what you've already been offered.
  11. As a top, not cumming in the guy's arse might help reduce your risks of picking up STIs. Turns out that when you cum inside a guy the force of the ejaculate leaving your cock creates a vacuum in the urethral tube which then sucks 'stuff' from the guy's arse into your cock. How fucking horrific is that. This is something I've only heard once - can't think of any time I've read it in any safe sex pamphlets or anything like that - heard it from one of the nurse practitioners at the clinic I go to. When he told me, I could picture a slow motion video feed from one of those medical cameras stuck up into a guy's rectum. Big close up in slow mo of a cock ejaculating in there, white spunk being blown everywhere, then immediately followed by the cock sucking up 'arse stuff' like a Hoover. I did think at the time, how many more ways can nature rain on the barebacking parade? You could try using coconut oil as lube. It's supposed to be very good at preventing infection, a few guys I know have mentioned that. Also, drinking a lot of cranberry juice is supposed to help with urinary tract infections. Both are probably something worth giving a go, but not something you'd base your whole sexual health strategy on (see the other replies for that).
  12. The PROUD study isn't finished yet, due to end in April next year (2016), so all the guys still enrolled in the study will still be receiving PrEP. Know of a couple of guys not on the study who are getting the pills from online or overseas (the pros and cons of this have been discussed elsewhere on the site).
  13. Some clinics and charities do outreach work in saunas offering testing onsite, you should be able to get a HIV test done that way. I imagine they'll respect your anonymity, although they may ask for some contact details from you.
  14. Have you actually met them yet? Or have you just been chatting online? I get the feeling you don't really know them and they don't know you, so you saying you're "neg on PrEP and there's nothing to worry about" is as reassuring as the next random guy saying he's "clean/neg so let's not use condoms". I know you don't want to fuck with rubbers, but if they're that hot, I would suggest meeting them and having a session using condoms. Not only does it give you a chance to see if they are as properly hot in the flesh and in the bedroom as you hope (and I'm sure there will be a lot of cocksucking involved anyway), it'll give the three of yous a chance to get a proper feel for each other (so to speak). After actually meeting, you'll hopefully be able to tell if it's worth the effort trying to convince them to play bare. (Also: you don't believe them when they say they are "100% tops", so why do you believe them when they say they "use condoms 100%"?)
  15. That's quite a good distinction to make. Being on PrEP, I've found that the 'domination vampiric conversion' wank fantasy is a lot less intense that it used to be - the bug chasing fiction was always the most blindingly horny for me, but less and less so now, particularly in the last couple of months since knowingly taking my first poz load from a guy. There was a good couple of months build-up to the session when he finally bred me (first time barebacking with him as well, all the meets before we'd used condoms). We were both clear that he didn't want to give me HIV and I didn't want to get it, but there was a lot of 'poz talk' in the texts and emails we exchanged as part of the build-up. Horny as fuck. The look of contentment on his face when he finally shot his load into me and how reluctant he was to take his cock out, fucking priceless. When I'm not horned up, all the 'poz talk' does seems a bit embarrassing, as if I should have moved past it by now, but then most sexual verbal is a bit cringeworthy when you're not in the moment. (I did find colletonguy's post horny, the third guy sounds like a great verbal top.) I could almost see the whole 'poz chasing' as a sort of therapy, like facing down HIV after years of being terrified of it, and trying to reclaim barebacking as something that isn't going to destroy me.
  16. You're now the type of guy who needs to take a precaution like PrEP, making you an unsafe fuck. Oh, the irony.
  17. I can't tell whether you're trolling or not with your use of the phrase "party drug". I guess I do feel immune to HIV by being on PrEP. The whole experience has made me think a lot about my use of condoms (which I still use in the majority of hook-ups). Before PrEP, condoms made me feel immune to HIV. I had no qualms hooking up with a guy if he was positive (or negative or status unknown), because we were using condoms. I probably have a more balanced and informed view of HIV now than I did before going on PrEP. I know that neither condoms nor PrEP offer complete immunity. But you work with what you got. It's a bit presumptuous to think that every guy on PrEP is having "all the sex we all dream in saunas and sex clubs". Bit like thinking that every HIV positive guy is free of all sexual health constraints and fucks away regardless in dark rooms. I think it is a good question, "How long can a person be on PrEP?" Partly from a medical point of view, is it good to stay on the drug for a long time? I don't know. The question does make me think of all the PrEP detractors talking about people being 'shackled' to a drug for the rest of their lives, if that's a realistic expectation to put on someone. But then I wonder if it's a realistic expectation to say that guys should use (or be shackled to) condoms for the rest of their lives.
  18. I've found that it can be good to know beforehand, when heading to a hotel or inviting someone over, to give a rough idea what the lobby is like and where the lifts are ("straight ahead and up on the left", something like that), saves dithering when you walk in and stops any of the hotel staff coming over to help. I'm probably overthinking it, but when I walk in to a hotel lobby, heading up to a room for a hook-up, I usually pull my wallet out of my pocket, as if I'm a guest getting ready to look out my room keycard. And then, once I'm heading to the lifts, I'll have my phone out like I'm checking something to avoid any possible eye contact with staff. I know hotel staff probably don't give a fuck and have seen it all before, but I like this bit of gay sex subterfuge. And it's one bookend to the meet; the other bookend being walking back thru the looby an hour or so later, ruddy-faced and wet-headed, the 'I've just had a shower after sex' look. I would recommend the Holiday Inn at Gloucester Road.
  19. I've used Kamagra a couple of times since going on PrEP, never had any issues. I've mentioned using it when they're taking down details as part of my 'sexual health screens/ PrEP check-ups' and none of the clinicians have ever warned against it.
  20. Does it go against the spirit of the forum to suggest you use condoms until you go on PrEP in 10 months time? It's great that your man is undetectable, but it's quite a lot of trust to place in someone (to trust that he is genuinely undetectable, that he keeps to his medications and stays undetectable). Maybe your relationship is strong enough for that trust. If you were barebacking with the "NEG guys" you mentioned, and believed you were safe because they told you they were, was that in a relationship were you both got tested? or were they casual shags and you took their word on their status? The fact you've got a time frame for when you can start PrEP is great and ten months isn't that long to wait to get this exponential boost to your safety and peace of mind. Also, that first raw fuck with your man after ten months of waiting is going to be mindblowing...
  21. I'm on PrEP, but my partner isn't (he's negative). We have an open relationship, we play around separately and together. I probably play around more than he does (and I'm more likely to fuck when I play away), tho he definitely gets his share of fun. In an ideal world he'd be on PrEP as well and we'd find some slim-hipped young thing that wanted to be spiroasted raw by two 'daddies'. If he was on PrEP as well, it would feel more like a shared risk (not from HIV, but from other STDs).
  22. I don't think PrEP is the problem. You could be having all these hook-ups without PrEP and using condoms consistently and (although you'd be significantly safer from most of the other STDS) I get the feeling you'd still be walking away feeling shitty. You seem to be having sex when you don't really want to (you're a bit horny, so you go for it, you may as well) and not getting want you want from hook-ups (you say "I actually like to see guys coming, in my mouth, chest, wherever" yet you're letting guys cum in your arse - what's wrong with saying what you want? with getting what turns you on so you leave a session satisfied rather than worried and regretful?) Like pretty much all the guys that have replied to your thread, I'd say stay on PrEP (you say "I've had many 3ways, 4ways and everything in between. Sort of a miracle I'm still negative" - so there's a reason you're on PrEP in the first place). I'd look at getting some counselling, either specific to sexual health or more general. Talk thru your attitudes to your own sexuality and how you want to relate to other gay men. I'm on PrEP as well, only for five months now, and each time I think I've got my head around it, my thinking shifts, my boundaries shift, and I have re-(re-)assess what I'm doing. I think of this as a transitional phase - compared to five months of PrEP, I've had years and years of trying to formulate and sustain a safer sex practice that was exclusively about condoms. It's not all going to fall into place straight away.
  23. I didn't get any of the stomach/bowel problems described when I started PrEP. The side effect I did get was the wozziness/dizziness for a few days, with one particularly trippy day when walking made my brain feel detached from the inside of my skull. It was bad enough to make me think about stopping PrEP, if the dizziness was going to be a permanent thing, but the feeling was gone after five days of taking my first pill.
  24. It doesn't bother me seeing the straight and bi stuff, but anytime I've scanned thru the threads I am conscious of the lack of female perspective. I know that isn't the fault of the straight/bi guys posting and I imagine those guys would love to have female barebackers discussing how much they enjoy having a vagina full of hot cum (that was my attempt at a sexy heterosexual sentence, how did I do?). One of the things I like most about this site is the variety and balance you get on just about all the topics - someone's chasing HIV, someone's on PrEP; someone's a chemmed up cumdump loving every minute, someone's in recovery hoping for a 1-to-1; and those threads that some young guy starts, saying he's decided to get himself pozzed, always show up a range of opinions and advice. I don't think the straight/bi posts are misogynistic, but I do wonder about the opinion of the female escort, on her third or fourth client of the day, having to negotiate (again) on the issue of barebacking. (Also, with balance in mind, I'd like to hear the RSPCA chime in on the K9 threads.)
  25. Judging from what I've heard from the clinicians when I go for my appointments with the PROUD study, initial uptake was very slow, but it picked up and they've taken on more guys than they'd originally intended. They are hoping to extend the study, but I guess they wouldn't be registering and taking on new guys again until about spring next year. But yeah, find one of the participating clinics, register and get your name down (if they have a waiting list). I imagine the more guys they have on their waiting lists, the stronger the argument to extend the study. http://www.proud.mrc.ac.uk/ As for your situation just now, sorry man, it's been said before, best thing to do is get tested. Finding out one way or the other is better than the current headfuck of not knowing.
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