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  1. Go to Meat Market at Club Church, where they put a blindfold on you and tops just fuck you as they please. If you're in shape you'll get 20-25 easily.
  2. I'm not sure about the US or the rest of Europe, but in the UK you can get doxycycline dirt cheap from online pharmacies if you buy it as "malaria prophylaxis".
  3. The Laboratory on Thursdays or Fridays. Also, the Bull bar at 3am any night of the week and especially weekends.
  4. The vaccine reduces symptoms, so is especially worth getting if you're going to be having a lot of sex.
  5. I got it, having gotten the vaccine seemingly after contracting it but before having any symptoms. Honestly, it was almost nothing, possibly because the vaccine reduced symptoms. No fever, no flu-like symptoms. Three lesions on my face that could easily pass for bad acne spots, two on my arms and one on my back. That's it. One on my arm was bigger and definitely unusual looking. They all scabbed over in a few days.
  6. Star Trek. The two best things to ever come out of these franchises were The Wrath of Khan and The Empire Strikes Back, and TWOK > TESB. Also Merritt Butrick was hot!
  7. So apparently some video went viral on Twitter a couple of days ago of a guy taking 75 loads. But all I can see on Twitter is hundreds and hundreds of memes about it and I can't find the video itself. Does anyone have a link to this video? Did he get spooked by the attention and take it down? Or does it in fact not really exist?
  8.  nice body


    1. swimslut


      Thanks - you too, sexy! Would love to get some time with you 🙂

  9. I've fucked dozens of asses at Lab in Berlin. Most taken is 12 in SBN London recently.
  10. Let's be specific about Ted Cruz. Ted Cruz's father comes from Cuba, and he has parents from Cuba and the Canary Islands, which is a part of Spain. I'm not saying there aren't minorities in the Canary Islands, but as I've been there many times I can assure you that the vast majority of the population looks white. Now according to this article: [think before following links] https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1046/j.1529-8817.2003.00125.x 62-78% of the Canary Islands gene pool is Iberian - i.e. white. Obviously this will vary between individuals. And according to this: [think before following links] https://journals.plos.org/plosgenetics/article?id=10.1371/journal.pgen.1004488, 72% of the Cuban genome is European, and again you will have more or less than that in individuals. Suffice it to say that this is higher than the US, and just like the US there will have been social barriers to European Cubans mixing with non-white Cubans, especially prior to 1939 when Rafael Cruz was born. So I grant you that a certain percentage of Rafael Cruz's DNA could be non-white, but let's have a look at him: Would you really say that this man could be 50% non-white? Or even 30% non-white? I think most people would not detect any non-white at all, but even if you assume he's 75% white, then that makes Ted Cruz 87.5% white, which is exactly the same as Boris Johnson, the British Prime Minister. So yes, I'd call him mostly, in fact overwhelmingly white. If his name were Ted Cruise you wouldn't even question it.
  11. I think sexual monogamy is basically unnatural and against the instincts of men, both gay and straight. This is why so many men cheat. I don't see it as being any different to flagellating yourself - it's an outdated idea bound up with religion that serves no useful purpose. It's one step away from castrating yourself.
  12. Not at all. But as we've already established the very concept of race is almost nonsensical, then how do you define white? Generally speaking if someone looks white and is mostly white, then they can legitimately call themselves white. Ted Cruz is mostly white. So is Geraldo Rivera. I've never heard anyone say British PM Boris Johnson isn't white just because he's 13% Turkish (and his real surname is Kemal). What is it with the American idiocy about race? Is there anything in the world MORE racist than lumping everyone non-white into one category and calling them 'people of color', or insisting that if you have one drop of non-white blood them you're a 'person of color'?
  13. I agree. Race is an idiotic obsession society has that makes little sense. But I do object to picking out Hispanics who are white and stating that it's wrong for them to identify as white, when apparently it's ok for people with Irish or Dutch names who look white but might have 15% sub-saharan African DNA to identify as white. It just seems a bit racist to me to deny to people with Spanish names what is granted to people with Irish names.
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