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About guy4it

  • Birthday 04/25/1971

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  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
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    bottom versatile btm guy up for intimate messages, bar visits and sex.
  • Looking For
    friendly guys for chat, messages and meeting at gay cruise clubs

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  1. [think before following links] [think before following links] https://thisvid.com/videos/brazilian-pierced-sack-top-breeds-bitch-bottom/ top got hot thighs (from 2m40s)
  2. was super bb hot upstairs, am wondering where the guys are going now, all to the boots?
  3. [think before following links] https://newtumbl.com/x_jGOcyZvVeZK1 an unusual but hot clip
  4. Feeling sexually attracted to men of a certain race rather than to men of another race has nothing to do with racism I think. But 'saying no' can be done in a blunt and indeed racist way instead of in a neutral, polite way. Some people are simply blunt and racist in the way they express themselves about a sexual preference which in itself is not racist. Personnally I've always been more attracted to latin, arab, south-east asian and black men instead of white men like myself, but there have always been exceptions both ways and with time shifts in sexual taste may happen. Lately, it's more about sexual attitude and mindset for me and less about race.
  5. Many thanks for the report, AirmaxUK! I hope it will pick up and get as wild again as it was before. Was thinking that pissing (or cumming) straight onto a face mask should be a very hot experience for the guy wearing it. Not sure though whether that mask would then still count as the required obligatory face mask.. 🙂
  6. Yes indeed, anyone at the 23rd January SOP reopening wants to share how it was? any good bb action?
  7. yeah, it can be a hot area soaking in cum, piss, spit and beer, that certainly shouldn't change 🙂
  8. Alright, but showers would come in handy also on other nights than just sop. At Kinky's in Antwerp (now closed) they were used all the time. As for room, it would require a redesign of the back area indeed, but it would be possible.
  9. It would be nice if they would create some showers in the bathroom area, but with no money coming in that's a big ask.
  10. recently this site has become very very slow, hardly possible to watch vids on it anymore
  11. shame it's taken down cannot find it anymore online
  12. Sad, that was a great venue, perhaps the horniest place in the UK north of London. Glad though Boltz keeps soldiering on and sees light at the end of the tunnel. Respect!
  13. Idmir Sugary has several found condom vids on PH,
  14. [think before following links] https://nl.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=448924707 such a hot black daddy
  15. It seems that video has been taken off most porn sites. Can't find it anymore.
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