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    Versatile Bottom

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  1. Fuck I'd love to cream your cunt. Now that would be hot after you've received a few questionable loads.
  2. Fuck me this sounds like a great time. I've always wanted to know how it felt like with getting my arse or cock tattooed.
  3. Hi all. Been wanting to take loads in the Melbourne area in the coming few months so please email me and we can organise something. I don't care what your status is just breed me. Oh if you're real good, I can breed you too. 😉
  4. I'd love this to happen to me
  5. I'm very attracted to skin heads. Bald guys in general turn me on.
  6. I'd love to be his patient.
  7. Fuck that's hot. Would love for this to happen to me.
  8. I had hoped I'd had meet my poz daddy to covert me but it wasn't meant to be.
  9. Mmmm. That got me nice and hard. Fuck I love a young Dom taking charge.
  10. Oh I'd love to breed the fucker. Yes it's June of last year but fuck he's cute.
  11. Praise Stan.
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