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Everything posted by soontobeconquered

  1. Heya daleslad
  2. I’ve been hunting for this, too! Had a fella leave me one outside his apartment for me to play with. But been striking out, otherwise.
  3. Haha! Amazing. I’ve tried all kinds of things since I was a teenager. Plunger handles. Veggies. Then toys. Used condoms. Things I’d find on the street. it’s one of my big kinks. Random objects. Especially things that belong to friends. Stuffed a few socks up me that belonged to dudes I fucked. 🙂 got vids and pics for anyone that wants to chat.
  4. Amazing story! Thanks for posting.
  5. rad!
  6. Fantastic!!!
  7. Fantastic story! Thanks for taking the time to write. Cant wait to see how it turns out!
  8. Great psychological storyline! I love when these emotional depths are explored!
  9. great start!
  10. hot damn!!
  11. i love this type of storyline. thanks for starting it up and i hope to read more.
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