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NinjaLoad last won the day on August 30 2015

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About NinjaLoad

  • Birthday 05/10/1985

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  • Gender
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Poz
  • Role
    Versatile Top

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  1. hi


    what is your wickr?

    I want to chat about perv stuff as well.

  2. I fuckin love this. when the bottom has his head hanging off the bed so his spit plasters his face...my favourite way to fuck throat. Also love holding his head in place on my dick and watching them fight the urge to gag, it's pretty good training for em Got a buddy who fasts for me before I fuck his skull. I can ram it in as deep as I want and nothin unpleasant happens, just him gurgling and slurping on my tool and workin for his prize.
  3. The vid of you getting your throat fucked made me cum hard, dude. Your XTube profile is awesome!

  4. Thanks, Bttm! Yeah, I'll be adding a part 2. Can't let the chance for dad/son domination slip me by
  5. Thanks guys!
  6. No good deed goes unpunished. It was a rough fuckin' night. The streets were being pounded with thick sheets of rain and I'd managed to get soaked through running to cover under the bus stop shelter. It was empty but for a smartly-dressed middle aged guy. As most people do, he initially avoided my eyes when I entered the shelter, so I took a seat on the hard steel bar and looked out at the rain. It didn't look good for me. While the rain might stop, there would likely be a biting chill, and that could spell real trouble for a guy walking the streets soaked with rain. I must have looked as bleak as I felt because the man seated at the other end of the bench looked-up at me and asked "You okay?" I was surprised, and aroused when I met his eyes. He had a square face with large grey eyes spaced perfectly under thick black brows. He had black and grey stubble that I immediately imagined scratching my asshole while he tongued me. My cock was starting to thicken, but I kept my face neutral, approachable even. I smiled at him and replied "I'm good. A little wet, maybe, but what can you do?" "You got anywhere to sleep this evening?" My options were limited. The guy I stayed with on nights like this was out of town. We had a gentleman's agreement for bad nights like this: I'd clear my ass out and take as many loads as he wanted to throw into me. Sadly though, business called and he'd fucked off for a few days. I missed him a little when he left. I'd only fucked pussy before he pozzed me, but it was ruined for me now. Sex for me was dumping my toxic swimmers into a hairy, healthy hole. Unless he was charging me up with his poison wad, that is. There was one other guy I stayed with from time to time. I stayed away whenever I had the choice. True, I got to fuck his hole in exchange for a bed, but the guy was pure fem and always made me wear a condom. He'd made it clear after one 'mishap' that if I ever stealthed him I'd never get the bed again. Or his hole. But who gave a shit? "Looks like this is my hotel for the evening." I said, laughing as I gestured to the filthy shelter around us. "What about the shelter on Park street?" The homeless shelter which had kicked me out after they'd found out who was deliberately spreading the gift around. Not that they had to look around for long. I don't look very healthy, you see. Meds for me were something I wouldn't take even if I could. I got a sick joy from loading up some poor hole with my gift. My gift that could change the recipient's life forever. "Too late in the night. They closed the doors a few hours ago." We sat in awkward silence for a few minutes while he thought something through and I discretely tried to see the shape of cock through his trousers. I could only see the curve of a fat head. "You can't sleep here. You just can't." I moulded my face into an expression of surprise, careful not to let the grin inside show on my face. At least I wouldn't have to call on the fem. The bus ride was quiet enough. And brief. Within twenty minutes we were at the door of an apartment building by which I had often passed. It was one of the nicer spots in the city - all fresh paint and polished windows. Bill, (as he identified himself on the bus ride), the Samaritan, entered a code on the box outside the door and we took an elevator up three floors and walked to the door to his home. As we entered the apartment I was taken aback. The space inside was huge and open plan, the type of apartment I'd thought only existed in TV sitcoms. Before either of us said a word, a loud beeping came from Bill's coat. He pulled an electronic pager from his pocket, glanced at the screen and swore, saying "Fuck. Fuck. Listen, I'll have to go." My heart sank. No way would he let me stay here unsupervised. "Is it bad?" I asked. He shrugged. "They don't call me on my nights off when it's not." "So you're a doctor?" He nodded, distracted before calling out, "Graham!" A young man appeared from a doorway. He was young, maybe 18 or 19. He had the same dark brows as his father but he wore his own black hair longer, shaggy and unkempt. He also had stubble on his face that he looked to be growing into a beard. "Yeah, Dad?" he asked, pausing to look at me, the soaked, skinny and clearly not healthy homeless guy who stood shivering next to his Father. "Graham, this is Don. He'll be staying in the guest room tonight. Show him to the shower and fix him a meal, will you?" The boy looked very confused but nodded. Bill nodded towards another room and they both left to talk in private. Clearly the doctor wasn't happy about leaving me here with his son but it didn't look like he'd let that reverse his act of kindness. I've been told that I give off a good, friendly vibe. It's something I've cultivated over the years. When Bill left, Graham and I stood facing each other in silence. Then, he shyly showed me to the bathroom. It was as nice as the rest of the place, white tiles and soft towels hanging from racks. I took a piss and hopped into the shower. My cock had been tucked into the waistband of my torn jeans and now bobbed in the air as I soaped myself and thought about the young piece of ass I'd been left alone with. The shower was an electric one, the kind that made a humming noise while it was on. I didn't switch it off, and after drying myself I sneaked out of the bathroom to get a better look around without Graham following me. I walked through the huge living room and caught the muffled sound. It was a very familiar sound to me. It was the sound of man-ass getting fucked. I crept closer to the noise and found the room, door slightly ajar. Just under the noise I heard the panting breaths of Graham as he tugged on his prick. I grinned to myself and took advantage. I swung the door inward. "Graham, could you tell me where...." Graham looked shocked. He jumped up from his seat and snapped the laptop shut. The wet sound of fucking carried on for a moment before shutting off. He struggled to find something to say while he zipped up his pants. I stepped close and took his hand, pushing it back down and reopening the zipper. Inside, I saw no underwear but a generous bush of thick hair that made my cock strain against my jeans. "What are you...?" I reached in and grabbed his shaft. It was thick. Not so long but thick and mapped with veins. I felt his heartbeat through the contact and before he could say anything I started to jack him. "Open your laptop" I snapped, and somewhat surprisingly he did. After a second or so the video resumed. The boy was into older men, it seemed, which suited me fine. I had about 20 years on him. Bareback porn too, I noticed. How appropriate. "You ever suck cock?" I asked. He shook his head. I smiled. "Time for a lesson." I grabbed his shoulders and pushed him down. While he stared at my crotch I unzipped and pushed my raging, thick nine-incher to his lips. He let it rest there before looking up at me. He was obviously taking in my face, slightly drawn from the lack of meds over the years and the cold, hungry look in my eyes. "I don't...I mean, I don't even know you." "You don't need to," I said before pushing my cock harder against his lips. He opened his mouth and gave it an experimental lick. I took the opportunity to ram my shaft deep into his gullet. He immediately started to gag hard on the meat. The spasming muscles of his throat worked my meat for a moment before I pulled out, afraid he'd vomit. His face was tear-streaked from his gagging, so I lifted him up and told him to strip me. He was uncertain. "Look", I said. "You're gay." He winced at that, which interested me. "You're gay and you've never had cock. I'm here to change that for you but if you really don't want to play with another dick instead of looking it all up online, we could pretend this didn't happen." He leaned in to kiss me then, but my hand was on his chest, pushing him back, saying "You know exactly where those lips should go." He nodded and got again to his knees. As I pumped into his mouth he was battling against his gag reflex. Spit flowed from his mouth and warmed my swollen balls. I sighed in pleasure. This was not exactly how I thought the night was gonna go, but young ass has always been my favourite kind of ass to infect. "C'mon, deeper." I was testing to see how far he'd push himself to please me. He pushed himself down on my cock. His eyes were wide and bugging with the effort of fighting back the gagging. I pulled out and smiled at my slick, stiff dick, bouncing in the air and trailing saliva from the tip. Wordless, I led him to the bed and fell on my back, legs raised. He looked at my hole with desire, opened a drawer and took out a tube of hand cream. He squeezed some onto his cock. I laughed and asked "The fuck's that for?" He flushed and stammered that the thought I was asking him to fuck me. Again I laughed explaining "Boys like you don't fuck hole, they eat it. Get your face in there." He hesitantly walked over and got to his knees. "I don't think...." I cut him off. "If you watched gay porn. You've seen ass-eating, right?" The edge of impatience in my voice made him swallow his protests. He looked at my asshole with uncertainty before moving so close I could feel his breath against it. I felt the tip of his tongue touch my pink. I grabbed him by the hair and forced his face between the cheeks of my hairy ass. "Lick it!" He did. He licked around my hole while his stubble scratched my skin and sent jolts of pleasure to my painfully hard dick. "Get your fucking tongue in there." He made a noise of disgust but he did it. His tongue speared my opening, pushing it in as deep as he could. I could hear the wet sounds of him jacking his shaft. He worked my hole for a while, long past when he started to complain about a sore jaw and numb tongue. My selective hearing didn't pick it up at the time and he obviously didn't want to hear me speak to him with that mean edge again. I lifted his head from my ass and speared it again on my dick for a few more moments of throat massage. I got up then, still with my cock engulfed before pulling it out and hurling him onto the bed. Behind us, the screen of his laptop showed a fist disappear into the hole of a bottom who roared with the pleasure. Oh, I had much to teach this kid. He lay where I'd thrown him, not daring to move. He looked-up at me, a worried expression on his face. I confirmed his fears (and excitement) when I announced "Yes, I'm going to fuck you, and yes, you're going to let me. You want this cock?" He looked at my dick with a mix of desire and naked fear. He nodded. "Great. On your back, like I was." For his own sake, the hand cream really should have been swapped out for lube. There was some friction between the cream and my hand when I gave myself a few tugs. I decided to be generous and stretch him out a little before I slid my prick home. I covered a few fingers in hand cream and slid them in. It was a tight squeeze, and he winced but I'd imagined he'd be tighter. When my fingers came out clean, I smiled at him. "What did you have up your ass today?" He blushed, and his shame was fucking hot to see. He nodded to a corner of the room where he'd left a butt plug and a douche. They stood on a shelf in his closet. "I really didn't have to bother with these then, did I?" I said, showing him my fingers. "Now, look at me." He looked up into my eyes, his own full of arousal and still that fear. I pushed the head against his opening and worked it through until I felt it pass the sphincter. His moan was mainly that of pain, albeit pain mixed with pleasure and surprise. "Wait! Do you have a rubber on you?" I looked down at him. "Hell, no. Don't be so fuckin' stupid, kid. Of course not!" With that I sunk the remainder of my cock into his ass. It felt like my cock was being strangled by the tightness of his insides. Graham had his eyes closed in concentration, willing himself to take the pain that would hopefully turn into pleasure any time now. When I was fully embedded, I held myself for a moment and took the scene in. The hot young man under me was trying to look unaffected by the pain, but if my dick was sore you can bet his hole was in worse shape. I thrust, though and he closed his eyes and gasped in unmistakable pleasure. It was a gentle, experimental thrust to gauge his limits. He took it well. I pulled my cock out until only the head was inside. I thrust back, hard. This elicited a loud yelp from Graham but I scarcely heard him. I tore my dick loose and rammed it home again. When I fuck, I fuck to cum (obviously), and what makes me come was stabbing at an asshole like a fuckin' maniac until I'm ready to spill my gift into those lucky guts. Graham's yelp had turn into one long moan that lilted with every thrust of my hips. The boy was a natural whore. I looked around the room as I fucked, and saw a picture on a shelf of Graham, wearing a graduation cap and gown, standing between two men. The man beaming on Graham's left was his father, Bill. To the right was a broadly smiling, sandy-haired stranger. "Your Dad's pretty fuckin' hot, isn't he?" Graham said nothing, just kept moaning. "Did you wonder what his hole tasted like when you were eating mine?" He looked up now, confused. "That your teacher in the picture with you? Bet you wanted his load too, you fuckin' slut." "That's...aaah! That's my Dad's ex-boyfriend." My cock went wild at the words. I lowered myself until my face was an inch from his. I was covered in sweat from breaking in the virgin hole. "Your Dad likes cock? Is that what you're telling me?" He nodded, barely able to concentrate on my words. "You think he'd like mine?" Graham squirmed. "I...don't...." "Forget it. Final question: I'm HIV positive and I'm about to cum. You want us to stop fucking?" He made a weird high sound but shook his head "Don't stop", he breathed, adding "Don't fucking stop." "Your call, kid," I commented with the grin of a shark. With a roar I punched my cock into him as hard as I could time after time until I felt my balls draw up and my hot cum fly out and burn a poisonous trail up into his innards. He whimpered as he reached down to pound his own load out. I made sure to keep my dick inside him. I wanted that poz load to stay inside for as long as I could. When I got soft I'd use the plug to keep it where it belonged. "Pretty good for your first time, kid." I said, still deep inside his ass. Graham was a sweating mess, and the lazy smile he threw me froze on his face as his mind registered what he allowed me to do to him. I inserted the butt plug into him and led him into the living room area. He fucked off to make me food, wordlessly and obviously in shock after what had happened. While I waited for dinner, my eyes wandered to a photo on a bookshelf, this time one with only two people. Bill and Graham smiling at the fountain in Rome. "Graham!" I called. "Uh, y-yes" he answered from the kitchen. "Your Dad like to take it up his hole?" "I don't...uh...." "Never mind, just get my fuckin' food. I'll find out for myself." I said the last part low, and decided to have a load ready for when Daddy got back. If I had my way (and I usually did) Dr. Bill would have an ass full of my virus before I left this place. He and his son would have a whole lot more in common, and with my help, he'd find a new fuck-buddy a lot closer to home than he could know.
  7. I'm neg. It's a status I tried to get rid of before. I hated it. In the baths I'd let myself get fucked by anyone who wanted my hole. I've been stretched out and flooded with the toxin, but it didn't take. I was frustrated as all hell, especially because I really don't like to bottom. I'm a natural top. Domination and power-play were always what made me want to fuck. So eventually I decided to stop resisting it. I no longer try to get pozzed, and as much as I dislike it I can't gift the chasers like they want. Instead, I compromise. I get my thrills these days by watching others get pozzed. Specifically, I organize for men young and old to get injected with toxic loads. In the basement of my house we play roulette. In the centre of the bare concrete is a disc, large enough for a bottom on all fours to get down on all fours. This disc spins with a quick kick, and whatever cock pointing at the hole then fucks it. In the mind of the neg bottom, only three of the six men would fuck them, and only one of them is poz. Half the chance of not getting a poz cock, and even then there was the sizeable chance the virus wouldn't convert them. In reality, the same three fuck the bottom every time. Three HIV positive men who really don't like taking their meds. The other three stayed around to watch, eventually retreating to a corner of the room where they can fuck in a heaving pile on the floor. The three of them (good friends of mine) were neg. Outside my house, ask any of them about bareback sex and they'll throw a fistful of condoms at you. They'll talk about how bare sex is sex done wrong. Each of them leapt at the thought of watching us destroy a man's ass and seeing the toxic cum flow out of theman's ruined rosebud. At least to a degree, as afterwards each of them usually exhibited an aura of shame. Obviously I couldn't really share the view. It was an unremarkable day outside. In my basement though, I could feel the arousal in the air. The kid alternated between smiling nervously at us and looking down at his shoes. The negs were trying to goad him into small talk, but any answers he gave trailed off into awkward silence. He obviously couldn't get past the predatory stare of myself and the other three, and shyly looked away when he met our eyes. My cock was rigid, and pointed a thick, nine inch rod down my leg that jutted out from the material of my jeans. I looked around to the others. At 56, Barry was the oldest. He was as hair-covered, pot bellied a daddy as you could get. His dark grey hair was cut short, and under his neck a forest of dark hair started that left almost every part below covered.v He was invited to every one of my roulette parties for a few reasons, the most important of which was that he fucked like an animal, caring nothing at all for the comfort or pleasure of the bottom. He brutalized every ass he fucked, tearing it up and increasing the chances of his demon seed taking hold. When the kid looked his way he leered, grabbing his crotch and grinning like a shark. Rich was not long out of high school. I found him like I usually find them. I cruise these sites for a very particular type of person: one who craves risks. You'll find people like this everywhere. They throw themselves into unsavory or dangerous situations and pin all their hopes on getting out unscathed. Rich, 18 and with dark blonde hair (just long enough to grab a fistful) was a beauty of a find. In a private message he'd confessed to being fucked only a few times. Once, a rubber had ripped and he'd been filled up. He'd freaked at the time, but after getting the all-clear from the clinic he'd felt a rush unlike anything he'd known before. He hadn't taken raw cock since, and that's where I came in. I played to his sense of adventure, and a few days after making my offer, I had a message in my inbox asking me when and where. Wordless, I went to him. He looked into my eyes and I smiled. He smiled back. I cupped his balls through his jeans and squeezed hard. He yelped, and Barry laughed. "Why are you here?" I asked. He hesitated and I squeezed harder. I repeated the question. "To have...sex." His voice strained with the effort of keeping his composure. Barry crept behind and grabbed his arms, restraining him. "You're here to get fucked", he growled into the young man's ear. "You're here to get your little hole stretched and your guts fuckin' flooded." Barry flattened his tongue and licked the side of Rich's face from chin to temple. I felt the kid's dick harden through his jeans. Dean and Phil were setting things up on the disc. They placed a stool in the centre where we'd bend the little shit over. They'd looped the rope from under the disc, securing it to the centre and leaving four lengths of thin rope sticking around. Dean gave me a thumbs up and one of the negs fiddled with the video camera until it snapped into place on the tripod. It beeped, and we led Rich backwards onto the disc while we stripped him. Barry tore his shirt open, revealing a chest speckled with light hair. While Barry held him aloft I pulled the jeans from him. Once his fat cock was free it smacked against his belly and left a clear little splat of pre-cum. I grabbed it roughly and pumped it a few times. He groaned and I let go. Once naked, we pushed him down over the stool. It was knee-height, allowing his own knees to touch the metal disc and support his weight. Barry leaned down and forced his tongue through Rich's lips. It was a deep kiss, and he held the kid's jaw while yanking his hair while he probed around the young mouth. There was always something animalistic about how Barry interacted with his men. Even when kissing he looked like he was devouring them. While he kissed, Dean and Phil tied the bottom's legs and wrists to the stool. As soon as he was secure in place, Barry dropped the act. He pulled his tongue from Rich's mouth and spat in his face. The kid moaned in surprised pleasure. "I knew it", Barry chuckled, and looking at me asked "We about ready?" "Yeah...." Rich breathed. "No you're not", Barry told him. Phil and Dean joined us in a circle around the boy. The two were cousins I'd met years ago through Barry. He'd bragged to me one night over boy-ass how he'd been fucking around with two cousins that he'd gifted. I'd met them, fucked them, and now they converted men for me. Phil was 31 and Dean 36. They shared the same thick, dark hair and wide build. Neither had a belly like Barry but they were also covered in a generous covering of hair, particularly the thick forest around their chest, torso and the base of their swollen cocks. Phil's was longer and narrower than his cousin whose own cock's thickness made the bottoms wince when he pulled it out. The negs stood with us and we all stripped. Within seconds each man had his cock in hand. Rich moaned when he saw Barry standing naked in front of him. The fat cock was so close to his mouth that he flicked out his tongue and licked the tip. Barry took an exaggerated step back. "Whoa, whoa, you little dumpster. You gotta wait for the game." He nodded at me and I kicked the disc. It spun around, pink hole pointing out at us. It stopped and pointed at one of the negs next to Dean. Dean grinned at me and mouthed "close enough." He slapped his hands down hard on the cheeks, which made Rich gasp. Two perfect hand prints were left. He got to his knees and started to lick around the hole before him. He closed his eyes and savored the taste of the uncorrupted pink. He hooked his thumbs into the opening and pulled it apart to reveal a tight little circle that barely opened around his digits. "Little fucker's tight," he remarked as he forced his tongue into the opening and tasted the boy's insides while he pumped his own thick meat. He spat a few times onto the hole and worked a few fingers in. Rich squirmed and clenched tight. "This is gonna feel fuckin' awesome," Dean commented as he rose to his feet and tapped his cockhead against the thoroughly rimmed ass. I threw his some lube and he curled his lip. Dean liked to fuck naturally, meaning he preferred to use spit or cum as lube but I was impatient. He smeared a small amount onto his shaft and pushed his head back onto the asshole. He gently pushed for a moment. We all moved closer to watch it go in. The tip sank in and Rich was making wordless, sputtering sounds. It was painful for him, but this one would fight through. He'd endure the fucking out of an overblown sense of pride if nothing else. He wouldn't embarrass himself in front of us by backing out. In one slow movement Dean draped himself over Rich until his chest was on flat against the kids back. The movement drove his cock in deep, and he humped the last inch in while Rich let out more of those nonsense sounds that came from great pain and the start of pleasure that was burning bloody fire up to his bowels. Dean stayed like that for a few moments, pumping his shaft deep until he raised himself to a standing position. Again he slapped his hands down loud on the cheeks. He spread them so I could see the strained hole engulf his meat. Without any more ceremony he started to suddenly piston in and out of Rich. The air was filled with the sound of balls slapping against balls. The bio-hazard tattoo on Dean's ass animated as his ass clenched for each thrust. One of the negs opened a crate of beers. I took one and moved around Rich to see his face. Barry's cock was already there, smearing a trail of pre-cum on the clenched lips. "Suck it," he whispered. Rich opened his eyes and looked up, unsure. "You'll be getting your insides blasted with what may or may not be HIV positive cum, but you won't suck dick for a few minutes?" He opened his mouth, and Barry wasted no time in jamming his cock deep into Rich's mouth while holding Rich's head in place. Heavy gagging sounded through the room, but Barry went easy enough. We didn't know when last Rich had eaten. Now wasn't the time to find out. Dean was growling now. He sped up and slammed deep. He threw back his head and beads of sweat flew into the air. The matted hair on his chest shone with the wet of his skin while he fucked. His speed increased with the volume of his growling. The noise grew louder, and with one loud roar he drove his dick home and held it there. His face was screwed up while the orgasm rolled over him, and when it passed he opened his eyes and smiled lazily at me. He removed his dick and put three fingers into the fucked hole. He hooked them and pulled, causing the disc to spin, Barry's cock to pop out of Rich's mouth and the boy to yelp again at the sensation. While he spun Phil passed Dean a beer, which was cracked open and half-drained in a gulp. His deflating cock was slick with cum, remnants of lube and a few thin streaks of blood. Phil kissed his cousin on the mouth and winked as the disc stopped and the leaking hole pointed again to a neg who looked at the ass with burning desire. Phil took his place, walking to Rich with his cock aimed. He didn't stop walking until his pelvis was pressed against the ass and every inch had slid in without stopping. After his cousins much thicker cock he slid right in. Rich yelled out as he got impaled again, the sound cut off when Dead shoved his prick being shoved into Rich's wide-open mouth. Not surprisingly, Rich gagged at the taste of his own ass juices. "Yeah, you clean it all off." While his shaft was being cleaned, Dean leaned over and pinched both Phil's nipples hard. This illicited a throaty grunt from Phil, who slammed harder and faster into the hole. He then pulled out moved to let Barry get his dick wet again. He held Rich's head in place while he very slowly pushed in and pulled out, never removing more than half the shaft. "You havin' a good time, Hole?" Mouth full of dick, Rick nodded furiously. "Tell me you're having a good time." Who knows what the boy said then. It was lost in a mess of wet gurgling noises. "You want this man's cum?" Barry asked. Nodding head and gurgling noises. Saliva was pooling at the base of Barry's furry sack before dropping to the floor. Rich's face was red, and wet with sweat. His eyes were bloodshot from his gag reflex being tested. "Work for it. Fuck yourself against his dick." Rich did, with effort. The ropes allowed for limited movement, but that was Barry's game. He enjoyed watching these men struggle. Phil drove his cock home in three painful-looking thrusts and held himself there for a second as had Dean. Another load deposited. I heard a grunt behind me and turned to see the negs. One was on his knees blowing the other, but it was the third who'd made the noise. His cum lay in a trailing pool on the ground. Without the haze of his need to cum, his face turned from desire to disgust. He looked at the scene in the centre of the basement and covered his face before grabbing his things and leaving. Shame, I guess? I really wouldn't know anything about that. The two others stopped and looked towards the door that just slammed shut. I shrugged at them, but before I turned I saw an uncertainty there, a flash of guilt. This is really why I kept the negs around: they're hypocrites and they're not much company, but I enjoyed seeing the look of utter disgust in them, even as we do our best to corrupt them. Phil and Dean took a seat together on the battered couch I kept for between-fuck rests. Barry pulled his cock from the mouth and gripped a shoulder. He spun the boy then, positioning himself to be at the hole when it stopped. Any other day, Phil and Dean wouldn't have gone to the couch. Barry wouldn't have been so obvious in cheating, but then again there were only two of us left in the game, aside from the fuckhole. The others had realized something: if Rich had seen through the game, he didn't comment. We could be doing anything to this little fuck and he'd let us. Barry hooked a few fingers into the hole and slid them back out. He licked at the toxic cum that clung to him before reaching round and pushing the digits through the mouth. Rich sucked at the cum greedily, whimpering as he did. Barry's cock slid in with little trouble, and it started pummeling into the hole immediately. Barry grabbed Rich's hair and yanked his head so they were looking at each other. His hair-covered back heaved and was already shiny with a thin layer of sweat. Like Dean, he draped himself over the kid, bending forward until their faces were close. Instinctively, Rich opened his mouth for the kiss. Barry spat again on his face and battered the opening with the kind of fury and stamina that I've seen in no one else. Pozzing was his passion, and as such was more of a motivation to him than the actual orgasm - or so it seems such was what motivated him to keep his hips rutting. "Who has it?" Barry asked while he fucked. "Who has the virus? Do you have a guess?" Moaning in time with the thrusts, Rich just shook his head. Barry was fucking so hard I thought the stool would collapse, but it somehow held together. "It could be me, you know. These balls could be full of pure, sweet cum or they could be full of something toxic. What would you bet on?" The thrusting messed with his words. "I!...Don't!...Care!" Barry threw his head back and roared with laughter. I had to take my hand off my cock to keep from shooting. "You don't, do you? You fuckin' cumdump." Seeing that Barry was nearing the end, I moved to that sweet mouth which opened wide to accommodate me. It didn't take long. Barry still held Rich's head to the side and while I fucked his throat I looked at him looking up at me with those wet blood-shot eyes. He was a mess. Barry's final grunt turned into a guttural noise that drew out as he flooded the boy's hole. Not wanting to taint the deposits with my own neg cum, I slid my cock into the warm wet a few more times before firing rope after rope down Rich's throat. He gagged a few times before swallowing it down. I pulled out at the same time as Barry. While he went back to the mouth to get his cock cleaned off I walked to the crate and got another beer. The other negs had left, but there were two new small stains on my concrete floor. Idiots. We untied him and the others left. The job was done, and Rich held no interest for them now. "How are you feeling?" I asked. A dark look crossed his face. "I feel good...but I'm kinda scared to get tested now." I shook my head and took a swig of my beer. "You really shouldn't." He looked at me, surprised. "No?" "Nah, we're all clean. The poz guy was the one who left first." "Oh, wow," he said, and repeating himself with another 'oh,' he remarked with a smile "Well that's great!" He stayed the night. I couldn't let him leave, really. He lay with me in my bed upstairs while I fucked him through the night, keeping his ass open and the poz cum inside his ass. In the morning there was a big patch on the sheets from where the jizz had seeped from his ruined ass. It had been in there long enough, I thought. When he left, I immediately went online to one of my hookup sites. I found a promising-looking new guy and bookmarked his profile. I'd make contact after lunch. I slid the camera's memory card into the slot and started importing the video. I watched it then, flicking through to find what I wanted: a good picture of his face. I snapped the pic and pasted it into an ever-growing folder of similar pictures, faces of healthy men now converted because of me. My cock was rigid again. I reopened the browser and found the new guy's page. I smirked and started typing my message.
  8. Your X-Tube vid was fuckin hot, loved the verbal and the grunting. If you ever make more vids, be sure to post :)

  9. Fed my last load to a homeless guy I fuck with from time to time. Felched my cum from his hole and spat it into his mouth. We passed it between us for a while before he swallowed. He gets off on eating my seed
  10. Dumped a load in my brother's closeted mate. Finally!

  11. I love feltching my load out of a wrecked hole and spitting it into the slut's mouth.
  12. Always been Wolverine for me.
  13. Ultimate fantasy: Getting raped by my mate, his brother and his father. They'd tear my clothes apart and hold me down on a public bathroom floor while pushing my head into the tiles. They'd each take turns on my hole, fuck me like they hated me and dump load after load into my ass and down my throat. If they wanted to piss on me before they left...I wouldn't mind that, either.
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