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Everything posted by TTFN

  1. i don't think it would be actually possible to rape me, i enjoy it too much.
  2. I want to be wrecked by that big cock.
  3. A great story for the season.
  4. In 100 years or less companies will be making millions mining them for the "gold" they contain.
  5. Who cares what you like, the Top gets what He likes, period.
  6. I bet it is not 200 calories and better for you.
  7. Where is this place, i want to be fucked by a bunch of homeless Black Men.
  8. Oh for the good old days when we could get the real stuff.
  9. Ahhh the wonders of brotherly love.
  10. Of his list of std's it would probably be shorter to tell what they did not find. Lol
  11. It is ALL about money and control.
  12. Really as a bottom I am there for the use or Tops, i would do my best to please them both.
  13. and that can be manipulated to give the desired result.
  14. Zero emissions cars are a fallacy, the energy does not just magically appear out of nothing, the pollution is just moved out of sight elsewhere. Your Tesla would not go far relying only on solar and wind. When power is most needed the sun is not shining or the wind is not blowing.
  15. Maybe they are really the same person, santa has gifts for his ho ho ho's.
  16. I sure wish it would win with me. Well written story.
  17. I am, I hope I get sat-ans gift for Xmas.
  18. Oh yes, very much like career politicians "promises" to get reelected. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time and will continue to do so, too much emphasis is put on so called "computer models" that can be made to predict whatever outcome they want. I am well old enough to remember that the same scientists that are at present predicting global warming, oops sorry it is now climate change in the early 70s were predicting the coming ice age, that never materialized either.
  19. mmmmm getting creepier and creepier, how does Micheal know every move Eric makes? Wish I was in Eric's place that thick leather belt sounds wonderful.
  20. There is a reason it is called "the criminal justice system" Justice for the criminal, the victim not so much. I feel for you leatherpunk16.
  21. Against Yankees of course Rangers would lose. Eric is going to lose too.
  22. I remember the first bathhouse I went to, not as active as that one but I did take a few loads.
  23. The tasks are getting more exciting. Good work.
  24. Now that is a cliff hanger
  25. Hell yes please keep going.You might as well be writing about what I wish had happened to me as a kid, you've even got the name right.
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