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Everything posted by baldwin

  1. I wouldn't choose one, I prefer clean cocks. However, being a total bottom faggot I would if it was "forced" in me.
  2. Recently found a Doctor in my city that will perform nullification surgery. I have met with Psych doctor for my letters. Only problem is the doctor has become very busy with these and other gender surgeries I couldn't get an appointment until July and have been told it probably will be Fall before I can get the surgery. At least after years of wanting this I can now rest knowing it will be done.
  3. found this. I answered Yes to all but two. so I suppose I am a faggot but I already knew that. LOL
  4. ARE YOU A FAGGOT? • Do you get hard when Men order you to strip? • While you know you should hate being called a faggot, does it actually turn you on? • Are you most at ease when Men give you orders? • When a Man spits on your face, deep down, does it somehow feel right? • When you jack off, do you imagine being dominated and degraded by Men? • Do you like being fucked with other Men watching? • Have you ever fantasized about being taken to a gay club, completely stripped and led around on a collar and leash? • Have you ever let a Man piss down your throat? • Has a Man ever ordered you to jack off in front of a group of fully clothed Men? If you answered YES to any of these questions, then you are a FAGGOT. Embrace your true self. Strip. Kneel. Beg. Obey.
  5. For me, I like the cock in my mouth where I can feel it throbbing as it cums in my mouth and throat.
  6. Oh yes that would make me very happy. I once had such a dom. He was into feminizing me. I loved it but I was working at the time and he wanted me to constantly answer his emails text messages and I just couldn't do that while I was working so he dumped me.
  7. I need to be fucked and I need to suck a nice cock.

  8. so far I have only drank my own piss. I have a great desire to be pissed on. One would do but I think several guys at once would be more fun. I know I would love to be pissed in.
  9. great story, would have loved to be used like that for real
  10. love this story Thanks for writing it and glad mackyjay you are getting back together. Hope you will write more. This one describes just how I would like to be pozzed. seduced then as he is cumming in me tells me he giving me a toxic load.
  11. I have to agree I would love to be watched while I am sucking cock. the more the merrier.
  12. not my favorite thing. I was forced to a couple of times. Wish it was chilled first.
  13. Not yet but willing to.
  14. Having just posted in another topic about having a small cock a thought occurred to me. Do tops care if bottoms have very small cocks or cocks that never get erect. As a bottom with a small cock that never gets erect I would love to know tops thoughts.
  15. I don't know if mine can get smaller. I rarely get erections so it has shrunk over the years. I don't mind because I never use it for sex. being a bottom it isn't necessary.
  16. NO. have had before and didn't like it.
  17. yes great story. I can see me feeling the same in that situation.
  18. just thinking about how much I love feeling cocks cumming in my hole.

  19. knowing what I know now, I wish i had had my first gay experience in high school. A friend (who was gay, but back then nobody was open about it) invited me over while his parents were gone and after a while ask if I wanted to jack off with him. regrettably I said no and left (I was however turned on at the thought). later after college my best friend introduced me to gay sex and I loved it. BUT I married a female and during this marriage my best friend died so after my divorce there was no one to turn to for gay sex. In guess what I am saying is I wish I had pursued my gay tendencies from high school and on. Instead I wasted about 20 years before committing to being gay in my late forties
  20. I was thinking about my past life as I was posting to a couple of topics today about how I got started cock sucking and admitting I was gay. What would have happened if i hadn't married a woman and if while I was married my best friend and secret gay pardner hadn't died while I was married. I eventually divorced. My first thought was I would have ended up permanently with my friend. I feel this in my heart. Secondly this being the late 70's and early 80's we probably would have been "in the closet". Then as I continued to think about our relationship, I knew I was his bottom. He called the shots in our relationship. I can only remember a couple of times that I fucked him. One thing he did that disappointed me, was he had several former army buddies that he had relations with, I offered myself many times for him to share me with them. But he always refused to my disappointment. Thinking about these brought an interesting thought to my mind. What if my friend wanted to whore me out, would i have agreed to that. Still knowing how I felt then and still do, I think I would have been happy to be his whore and he be my pimp. One I loved him and also I loved being a bottom so much. If he made money off me that would have been fine. It would enable me to not work a regular job but help with expenses. It brings a smile to my face just thinking about it. With the diseases running around at that period in time I am quite soon I wouldn't have lived to the age I am now. But I would have been so happy. Anyone else think they might like to have/or are whored out.
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  21. Pre puberty I always loved see my friends tiny cocks and balls wit no hair like me. A neighbor boy would spend the night with me and I would hug and scoot down to his groin and fondle his cock and balls. We were too young I guess to know about sucking cock so I didn't then . Later in my early twenties my best friend kinda seduced me and we ended up naked and in bed where I sucked my first cock. It was awesome I loved it swelling and cumming in my mouth and really liked swallowing his cum. This went on for a few years until not thinking I married a woman. while I was married my friend died. Naturally I ended up divorced. Now single i discovered Craigslist and not as often as I would have liked I got cocks to suck. And I love it.
  22. women's regular rayon panties size 6. love the silky feel
  23. I was once at a party for naked gay guys. Rules were/are no sex until after hours. Anyway I am sitting in a tall chair chatting with a fellow, with others all around and another guy who I had been chatting and kissing with earlier come over and kisses me then gets on his knees and begins sucking me off. He shouldn't have been doing this in the main room but who was I to stop him LOL. Anyway the other fellow I was talking was getting pissed even though I was paying attention to him but I guess he didn't approve. anyway the sucking guy got up and we moved to the private room for the after hours party. I guess you could say the activities in there were with an audience but really nobody was paying attention to each other, everyone was busy having an orgy.
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