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Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Maspalomas, Gran Canaria, Spain
  • Interests
    breeders, chasers and men comfortable with darkness as a place of truth discover and freedom
  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    As I age and grow in darkness I embrace more hard core and sex that feels like men physically so close we taste each other. I try not to set agendas or limits. Actually, big plans feels so like a script or wank session that I usually feel it is not going to happen. When men connect, we find our way. Consent is implied and while I like to bottom, I am not passive by nature. I just like the feeling and work hard for it and even take over sometimes. Yes I love the very sound of the word 'breed' and where a man is proud of who he is, I am especially into sharing each other's essence.. hopefully charging nicely as we do.
  • Porn Experience
    Home movies and a few fuck vids with buddies but nothing serious
  • Looking For
    hookups with guys when at home and abroad. Especially interested in tops but enjoy all guys free from judgement and what I call a faux morality. Really happy to talk to guys anywhere or people looking for information about travelling to or holidaying in Ireland. My profile name is a gaelic language word meaning courage

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  1. Irish based here. Found this site by accident. Your profile is awesome. At that age now where I want to bred raw and by a toxic load if possible.

    I would further like to discuss the dark dimension which I have some experience in

    1. misneach


      thank you.... so sorry i am not on here so often

  2. Make it clear my POZ hole is for POZ cum ! / Knocking me up with YOUR toxic babies GODVERDOMME2.thumb.jpg.47883b0e54d16c0b4609701c3520b464.jpg

  3. let me know if you start to use the site again
  4. thank you for the endorsements bro.. appreciated always

  5. I guess this comment will annoy many. As a mostly bottom for fucking man I am fascinated by how much control many bottoms tend to impose or expect. I did that for too long and once I stopped setting agendas, more sex and more fun and less annoyance with checklist sessions. Passive is so rarely true in many bottoms. Demanding and lazy are as common as power bottoms and holes that grind hard as much as the top pounds.
  6. Why stress about stuff from people on these sites. Ignore it and it soon stops
  7. Horus is inspiring horny relentless and fruitful and I salute his lust so openly described and shared. Boner every time I read or hear his take on describing his purpose and I am imagining the reality rather a lot


  8. misneach


    I think the basement is a pleaser always. Great mix and low on attitude
  9. Thanks for Taking time to reply and while i might be frustrated by tech that is not intuitive, I don’t have ire as such. Certainly I can’t have ire with @Rawtop and his colleagues who run a very strong network at no cost to us in finance terms and under laws that are often whacky. My difficulty is simply that it’s cumbersome and when asked to use a URL source, I might as well be back in first year Ancient Greek. I asked Apple last year to consider asking people to test products who are non expert users. People who design often forget that some of us prefer books to e readers and fountain pens to disposable pens and paper to write letters and notes. A few years ago I was visiting a friend who asked me to look up a book reference so I took out the iPhone and another person present who was 53 years old asked me how I “could have a computer in a telephone”. Thanks for a good explanation which I appreciate.
  10. Why is it so cumbersome to post pics. I have given up and this is the only site that is so tricky to post pics. I can’t be the only one
  11. Simply HOT , Beautiful and Exciting Profile picture !

  12. well imagine you know exactly where it is too.. shocked I am
  13. ah in Brighton.. i was in london recently foor the first time since the pandemic.. Brighton was always good fun but I neveer heard of Duke's Mound and know I passed it often
  14. what is Duke's mound? and where
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