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Everything posted by niceguy70

  1. I'm going back in september too!
  2. i have two. one huge regret is that i started having gay bb sex way too late in life, i didnt have the confidence to leave my girlfriend when i was in my teens/twenties, and then i was stuck in a long-time gay relationship with one guy for yeaaars.. i never really explored my sexuality fully until i was nearly 30, when me and my boyfriend decided to have an open relationship i feel like i have missed out on so much in life, sure i can still do stuff now, but we all know its not as fun as it would have been when i was a teen/twenty-something. my other main sex-regret isnt a huge one, more of a "what-if"... when i was about 11 i was hiding under the bed with a male friend and his other friend and one suggested we play with each other's privates.. i was so embarassed i didnt say anything, and before any of us agreed to even start anything, his mum found us and told us to get out from under the bed. i always looked back and wished id had the confidence to say "yeah, lets!" but hey ho.
  3. ive always wanted a top to piss inside me. I'd love to be "stealth pissed"into its something id never bring up, during sex.. haha can you imagine? "piss inside me!!""" as he's fucking ahah it would totally put himoff me but id love it to happen.. so, if any tops reading this ever manage to find me and fuck me in the real world, dont say anything about it , but during sex, just unload into my cunt. id take it
  4. glad you enjoyed it overall.. i was there the same time. i spent most of my time in tom's bar and the bunker. wasnt crazy about the guys in the bunker, but i loved the atmosphere and layout of it . maybe i just went there at the wrong times i never tried zoo, sounds fun from what you say! cruise bar is good! once you are inside it gets very busy, it has cruising areas at both ends of the bar, the one on the right is more private cabins and the one on the left has porn cinema and dark room (very black, couldnt see ANYTHING, only feel it all).. i enjoyed it . i didnt get much sex this holiday, but i still enjoyed it. im going again in september but i really will try zoo! from your reccomendation! x
  5. I've always dreamed of owning one, but they are sooo expensive, and I'd be worried of wasted hundreds (or even sometimes thousands) on one that turned out to be crap i bought a small handheld one about 18 years ago and it was awful. it had an awesome movement when turned on, but the second it went inside anywhere it would stop moving, due to the motor being so weak.
  6. there is no dress code this year, but the theme is "cowboys" i heard.. i may get a hat if i see one, but i usually wear check shirts anyway. dark rooms on the boat! i had NO idea.. i saw adverts for the pirate trip, i just assumed it was a family type cruise boat on the sea that went round and came back for sandwiches haha sounds fun though
  7. i was an incredibly late bloomer, it wasn't until i was about 25 or 26 that i first got fucked and cummed in. i really strongly heavily regret not doing it sooner, i really do. i masturbated from a very young age (i'd guess around 5 or 6) and i remember the first time i myself came, i was really confused and thought it was piss that had been inside me too long haha from around the age of about 8 i have always loved having something shoved into my ass. I would have LOVED to have been fucked by a man when i was a kid, i really would. as i said, i really regret (and sometimes hate myself) for not pursuing it sooner. now i cant get enough and i'm doing my best to make up for lost time, but if i could go back in time and talk to my younger self i would do everything i could to give myself the confidence to seek out a man to fuck and cum into me.
  8. who else is going to the Bear Carnival in March? I'm going on friday (4th 2016) for a week, I'm looking forward to it I have strong poppers and my ass will be shaved and pre-lubed ready to take bare bear dicks in the backrooms.....
  9. i havent,but i'm intrigued by your use of the term "complicated relationship with your biological dad". could you expand?
  10. hey Diaper boy, were we chatting on a gay app a while back? you seem familiar
  11. the ones in the UK near me havent gone up much, if they have, its been like 50p or something, next to nothing overheads go up in any business, its just a given that prices will go up to the consumer eventually. the one i go to regularly is about £9 if you go between certain times, and £12 other times.. but on select theme days you also get a free hot buffet in with that price too, and your towels, locker and lube too. ive been a few in the uk and i find that to be around the norm.
  12. aye. make the most of it! im a total bottom myself, i dont use my dick at all during sex ever, and I'd LOVE a regular top to use my cunt whenevr he wants. enjoy yourself
  13. i manage to get fucked for aaaages without tina or anything like that. sure i like using poppers, but i think it is mind over matter. and lube.
  14. when chatting online, i only ever use the terms "cunt" "fuckhole" "pussy" and "twat"... but in person, i think only once has a guy used the terms with me when fucking me, it was amazingly sexy. I'd love all tops to call my ass a cunt or a pussy as they fuck me, but they never do. that one time i just mentioned, he was grinding into me slowly as i lay on my front with my legs spread and he said in a low deep voice something like "yeah, i love the feel of your pussy on my cock".. and the minute he said it i felt all tingly all over and i felt my ass opening up even more and my perenium swelled up and throbbed, it was so erotic.. just thinking about it now is making me feel sexy. id love more tops to use these words when using my hole, but it never seems to happen to me.
  15. beyond the fact that he had a bit part in one of the Saw sequels as a drug addict in one of the many flashbacks showing Jigsaw before he became Jigsaw, I know nothing! sorry and yeah, he is good looking. I've never seen any of his porn work before though, only chest pictures.
  16. ignore me. i knwo where it is..i googled it and recognised the logo, i think i got a text when i was last there, advertising the place i may try it out when im there in march. but knowing me i will probably spend it all in Toms bar or Cruise bar haha
  17. where is Reds? I've only been once before, but I'm going again in March for the Bear event. i'm looking forward to it soo much, I'm not able to sleep at night due to excitement haha its silly i know, but i love it there so much. i cant wait to be back
  18. some guys try to push my legs together when they mount me from behind, but i dont like it, i like to open my legs and ass-cheeks as wide as i can and really feel everything in my asshole.. if my legs are together then i have too many other distractions hitting my body as he fucks me.
  19. commenting so i get notified of other replies xxx
  20. perhaps its down to something simpler? i can handle a varying degree of sizes in cock and dildo, with no issue. yet there is one top who i sometimes get fucked by, and his dick is a nice length but i have taken longer, yet it feels really uncomfortable when I'm fucked by him and it takes me ages to relax and get into it. After a few sessions with him i finally realised what was happening, the length of his penis was almost exactly the same length as my hole, the tip just touched the entrance to my second sphincter. Most larger guys generally are able to push past the second sphincter and fuck deeper, but this one guy is just the right length to poke the ring of muscle but not push past it, so its this pushing into the ring but not entering it that i found uncomfortable how i came over it... one of two options worked amazingly well for me... 1) find a position that limits his depth, so not all of his dick goes all the way in. 2) find a position that means he never quite pulls all the way out, so his cock head stays pressed against the inner sphincter (not giving it chance to relax or tighten either way, while there is still pressure on it).
  21. i remember being fucked once by one arab guy, in a small cubicle at a sauna, he did me on all fours, but he wasn't kneeling behind me, he was sort of straddling over me with a leg either side of me. he didn't speak any english except one word... he fucked fast and came quick. but then stayed in side me and kept saying "push"...i didnt know what he was getting at lol he kept saying it so i pushed out. i felt my ass giving way and the cum spilling out down my leg and over his balls. he then slowly moved in and out and starting breathing deeply as he picked up pace and started to fuck me again! it was cool, he had only just cum, but once i pushed his cum out over his cock he started again haha.. the second time he came in me, he didnt say "push" he just pulled out and walked off really quickly without saying a word. it was good.
  22. haha as if!!! lol like I've said on another thread, i find it hard enough to get guys to fuck me even when its planned! there's certainly no chance of a random hookup with someone i passed in the street. I always have loads of warning before sex. yeah i've often thought about escorts who get bummed daily, i just guess they have a high metabolism and only need to poop once a week haha (jk)
  23. I'm a bottom and it's never happened to me ever. but i do prepare thoroughly beforehand, my planning usually starts at least 48 hours before a fuck.
  24. haha you lucky sod living there, i love it im going back in march for the bear carnival. i love the cruising bars there, LOVE them .
  25. you're quite correct. barebacking with a poz guy who is on meds and undetectable is much safer than going with anyone and not knowing, that's something that a lot of people never seem to understand haha
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