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Everything posted by drscorpio

  1. Bigger City is a great place for chasers connecting with chubs (and vice versa). I met my husband there. https://www.biggercity.com/
  2. You can, of course, link to videos you have posted elsewhere.
  3. Moderator's Note: It is my impression that the limitation on photos is built into the software that runs the forum. If I am mistaken, the admin will correct it in a post. If you want me to delete your photo, so you can post other photos, I can do that. Just report your post. The best workaround is to create and album. You can link to that in a post.
  4. He doesn't sound very scared to me. 😃
  5. https://x.com/timtales_com/status/1895854001456861258
  6. I ran across this film again today. Here is a the link if you haven't seen it. https://barebackbastards.com/22177/chaser/
  7. Since I have prescriptions to take morning and evening, I generally take 3-4 PUR after lunch which separates it pretty well in time like @Oldercumslut was talking about. I like it because it gets me psyllium, chia, and flax all together. It doesn't replace douching, but it sure makes it go easier.
  8. Moderator's Note: I went through the process of cleaning out my inbox today, so I wanted to offer some tips. I think we have covered how to get into your inbox. I am going to pick up after you get that far. If you just want to clear out the whole thing, look directing beneath the word "Inbox" for an empty square. Click on that and choose "All." A new little menu appears near the bottom center of your screen which says "With (number) selected" and a trash can and an arrow. Click on the trash can to delete them all. (This was also covered above; I am just being thorough). If you want to save some of your messages, just work through the list clicking the ones you want to get rid of. When you are ready, click the trash can. There is another way to delete a message, but it is kind of a bother if your box is full. When you are reading a message, there is a button that says "Options." Clicking on that deletes the message, but it also returns you to the very top of the list of messages. The other way is easier.
  9. Orlandoneg was one of the best writers on the forums for a long while. This unfinished story was written not long before he disappeared. As far as I know, he never said why he was leaving; we just noticed he hadn't been on in a while. Most of his stories were either finished or one-part stories. It's a mystery.
  10. I would say for posters who are regular visitors to the site but who have abandoned a story people clamoring for a continuation has sometimes resulted in getting a new chapter. But people who have disappeared from the site for years very seldom return.
  11. The poster said there would be 3-4 chapters. He gave us 4. Nothing at the end of the last posted chapter says to be continued. He finished his story. What are you complaining about?
  12. The user has not logged in since 2017. This is probably unlikely.
  13. Moderator's Note: Please be mindful of the placement of this thread. Do not mention Backroom topics.
  14. I am not sure what is up on your end. Your profile looks normal to me.
  15. It is probably because the protagonist starts out underaged even though he is 18 before the sex actually happens.
  16. I am an older, chubby guy (61, 5'10", 240 lbs). I made an account on BiggerCity in 2021. Much to my surprise and delight, I was absolutely swarmed by young guys from all over. I ended up meeting a much younger man who relocated to me; we got married in 2023. He is very into grandpa porn.
  17. Great story. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  18. Speaking from personal experience even in 1992: once you take that first bare cock after several years and feel the first load in you, there is no going back to rubbers.
  19. With my first husband, we had both been bare only for years before we met (2005). We got tested after we got together (it was my first time in 3-4 years - I was definitely chasing without admitting it to myself) and stayed monogamous for a few years. When we decided to go open, he said, "Please, do not ask me to wear rubbers when I fuck." I told him that was fine, but if he was going bare, I was, too. We did the whole "only guys who (say they) are neg" thing for years eventually extending that to poz undetectable guys. I knew we were playing with fire; I will never know if he realized this. But we ended up staying neg long enough to go on PrEP. He just loved to watch other guys breed my ass - he couldn't get enough of it. We played separately, too, eventually; I just had more of a sex drive than he did. He died of a stroke in 2019. After being single for a couple of years, I met my current husband. He is much younger and well-hung; he keeps me well fucked enough that being monogamous hasn't been an issue.
  20. Nice verbal cum fetish https://x.com/sex_gay_s/status/1874290406453912062?s=61&t=kjSut3hkSqW8fxhLfvYzRA
  21. You did a great job ending the story! Thanks for sharing it with us.
  22. My first husband (see avatar pic) liked having his cock bitten and scraped with teeth.
  23. I am saying this knowing that I was one of those guys for a long time. If you are taking loads and you aren't on PrEP, you are chasing whether you realize it or admit it to yourself or not.
  24. This seems to be him https://str8upgayporn.com/aspen-gay-porn-star-arrest/
  25. Moderator's Note: This story has been reported for drugs outside the Chemsex area. Generally, we are concerned about crystal meth and other party drugs with that rule. We exclude pot, poppers, and the kind of thing we see in this story which is a magical, plot-point drug that exists only to move the story along but does not resemble any commonly used intoxicant. The description of the dosing mechanism resembles blotter acid (LSD), but its effects are different from what is portrayed in the narrative. The drug seems to work like molly (MDMA), but a tiny square of blotter paper cannot hold enough of that chemical to have much of an effect. Also, while it would be possible to pass a pill from your mouth to that of another quickly enough for the pill not to affect you, a piece of drug infused paper would probably have dosed the giver more than the receiver. Finally, a piece of blotter paper would be exceedingly difficult to pass from one mouth to another as it tends to cling to the moist surfaces of your mouth. So, we can give this story its premise, and assume that this drug exists in the world of the story without it being likely to hinder the sobriety of someone trying to stay off Tina. If I am mistaken and the author does wish to make this a ChemSex Story, he can file a report, and it will be moved to that section.
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