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Status Updates posted by drscorpio

  1. I could lift you up
    I could show you what you want to see
    And take you where you want to be

    You could be my luck
    Even if the sky is falling down
    I know that we'll be safe and sound
    We're safe and sound

  2. Today is the first anniversary of my husband's death. I have probably been more harsh and snappy than I should be lately. I apologize to anyone on here who bore the brunt of that.  I really miss him. 

    He was on here (@NatchitochesTop), but he didn't post much. He just liked reading your hot stories. Yes, that is his dick in my mouth in my avatar. I used to think about changing it, but now it feels like I shouldn't. 




    Decadence Parade 2018.jpg

    Sculpture Garden.jpg

    TBRU 2014.jpg


    1. thkpc


      Loving the smiles and good times.  We could all use more of that.  Thanks for posting.


  3. Really enjoying your posts. Glad you joined.

    Also you're fucking hot! ;)

  4. You are so gorgeous! Love the new pics, but not as much as I love you sleazy stories.

    Hope I'm lucky enough to get your venom in me one day!

  5. Ass is tender this morning after having 5 loads pounded into it over the weekend. Feels good!

    1. melvin0095


      Love that sore day after  lol

  6. Damn! That new avatar photo. I’ll be in my bunk. 🤣

  7. Damn! That's a beautiful cock!

  8. Glad you are feeling well enough to post again. I really enjoyed the new chapter. 

  9. Glad you’re back to writing for us, dude. I love the filth that comes out of your head. 😁🥰

  10. Hot vids on Twitter. Welcome to the forum! 

    1. BBareguy84


      Thanks man, good to be on board 😉

  11. I appreciate your support. 

  12. I got this new mask. I’m not sure where I am going to wear it. 😜


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. HoleSucka


      That's amazing. You HAVE to wear it sometime! 😄

    3. ScorpionFF


      Well, wear it whenever you go outside, for the free advertising if nothing else! 😉

    4. melvin0095


      That is so great.

  13. I have been off the site for a couple of weeks due to being very sick with Covid and some other issues. I might have missed it, if you tried to contact me. Sorry!

    1. evilcoyote


      I hope you are starting to feel better 

    2. drscorpio


      Much better, thanks! 😘

    3. BootmanLA


      Glad to see you're back!

  14. I like the new avatar. 

    1. NLbear


      Thanks! Me in a jock.

    2. DarkroomTaker


      Awesome, you are a sexy bloke NL

    3. NLbear


      Thanks DT 😉


  15. I saw this pic this morning and thought of you. 


    1. DarkroomTaker


      Thanks drscorpio. Now thats an ideal world for me, hot man, hot ass and a sexy car. Love this pic, thank you.

    2. drscorpio


      I'm just making sure you recognized him. That's Seth who we were talking about a few days ago. He posted that picture yesterday morning. 

  16. In the interest of transparency 


  17. Just looked through your pictures. You are so fucking hot!

  18. Loving how things are going in both your stories right now - exactly what I was hoping would happen. Thanks for sharing! 

    1. Dubconforlife


      Hey thanks for the kind words man, that's awesome to hear.

    2. RawSubDad


      I don’t know what’s better, the storyline or your writing. You’re gifted and if you ever visit Chicago I’d love, well, I’d love to do anything with to or for you or just chat 

    3. Dubconforlife
  19. New avatar pic is super hot!

  20. Thanks for following me! Welcome to the forum!

  21. The new avatar picture is hella cute. 

  22. Welcome to the forum. Hot profile! 

  23. Woof! Hot profile and avatar pic. Welcome to the forum!

    1. Zackub


      Thanks man! Hope to load some holes from here!

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