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  • Gender
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  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Top
  • Background
    AIDS and POZ friendly single white male gay w
  • Looking For
    AIDS friendly gay male enjoying my new life style

    AIDS Talk
    To recharge me with more toxic strains
    ❤️🦂🦂🏳️‍🌈into giving love leather wear chaps and harness outfits

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Specialist (12/14)

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  1. I’d like to be a total cumdump faggot like you I’m just a full blown cumdump faggot 

    1. dickluva


      I🐖 want your☣️FFuckin' strains~!

  2. How long have you been chasing 

    1. 757neg4poz


      this year for real tbqh

  3. You sound like someone fun to play with and share strains.only been poz for about 7 years now never started meds been full blown AIDS for 3 years now and still super horny 

  4. I love your background goal I’m like you I became a chaser wanting to play with hvl givers I got given the the gift and have taken it to full blown now I’m HIV poz and enjoy being poz 

    1. FetishFreak


      Nice. I love fellow proud poz men. I got biohazard tattoo on lower back as a tramp stamp to show how much i enjoy it! Biohazard clothes abd necklaces and flags all over my home. Its hot as fuck knowing im a biohazard and can knock a bitch up

  5. I wish we could play together tonight I’m poz and fully charged and full blown 

    1. PozVersTwunk


      Mmm id let you give me your strain and any bugs youre willing to pass over ☣️☣️

    2. Poz2play


      That sounds so cool 

    3. Lee31


      Wish your were pozzing my neg hole 

  6. Would love to exchange strains with you I’m I have HIV and now I’m full blown AIDS I’ve never been on meds I’m a strain chaser and a former bug chaser 

    1. pozboy


      you;'re SOO near 14 out of 14,which we all aim for!


    2. NeedToxicRecharges


      YES! Let's share our unmedicated bugs and become more toxic.

  7. You sound so cool to play with if you were here I would love to play 

    1. PozVersTwunk


      Id give you my strain and other gifts that come with it 😈

  8. It took me 6 years to get to that point
  9. How is your journey to be full blown going since going full blown it’s been good a lot of chasers want to be full blown like me 

  10. Looking back I was afraid of coming out as gay but after I got hiv I have no problem or regrets of being gay now I am happy and proud of being gay now and if I could have come out sooner I would have done it to the first guy I kissed at a bar was so cool
  11. Hot pic… wish that cock was buried in me💦💦

  12. I'd play with you

    1. Poz2play


      I would love to play with you 

  13. Great profile and idea I would love to have been to a conversion party like that when I was younger chasing the gift 

  14. I would love to be your boyfriend I’m poz
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