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About Cubbest1987

  • Birthday 10/21/1987

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    Pig bottom who gets cunted out several times daily by anon tops
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Pig bottoms with no limits
  • Porn Experience
    Amateur, film yourself cunting me out
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    Total whores

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  1. Getting them pierced will cause them to get much bigger. They do it as a corrective surgery for inverted nipples even. Just go to a good reputable piercer. Anyone charging you under $100-$150 for a very delicate and difficult piercing like your nipples I honestly would never trust.
  2. Partner was away on business this weekend, Friday iended up having his best friend and his best friends husband take turns stroking my cunt and throat with their poz dicks like I was a fuck toy, took 2 loads deep in my guts and got fisted for a while before they headed out. Saturday I was still leaking and wanting more cum in me as luck would have it an Ex of my partners hit me up on NKP, ended up letting him unload in me and find some anon tops on Sniffies to culnt me out with him, he blew his last load in me while I was on the phone with my partner who had just gotten in his Uber from the airport. His Ex left and 20 min later I had him on his back with my flooded blown out cunt that was sonused I couldn't even feel his tiny dicklet in me (thank God) he ended up fucking like 6 anon loads in me without a clue.
  3. Growlr comes to mind
  4. That right there doctors, there's the man without a brain, please take him to the wizard so he can get one and no longer be a scarecrow of a Boogeyman! My God Galaxy brain take, did your brain get eaten smooth by the same worms RFK jr. had in his? Awwl smoof no winkles 🥴
  5. Sinnovater, Northasaur and Mr. Hankey are the best imo. Sinnovater makes an amazing series of knotted toys, Northasaur is more Fantasy and animal toys but they are massive, their toy Ranger is abo 4.5" diameter and 14" length, I use a plug from them daily and sleep plugged nightly with it. It's a 3" flared horse cock head with another 3" dog knot in the middle and an anchor base you can use to strap it into you. Mr. Hankey the best for realistic looking toys and has the most customizability. Atlas and Goliath are my two favorites. Currently using this toy from a new place ( for me ) called Twisted Beast and it's pretty fucking good and massive.
  6. Had you not seen where I explained how it is a script flip? There are 2 comments, one a generalistic view, then, a separated definition. With all due respect, I'd like to see who you are pointing to as the left in American politics, I'd love to see a single one. Maybe you mean the center right, liberals, who, from our entirely shifted overtone window may appear as far left, but many things appear for left when you are hurtling towards and modern take on feudalism with ethno-fascist undertones. The right very much does tokenize the word woke, both the Republicans, Democrats, and anyone else currently holding a position of power in this country. We have not had a true leftist movement in America since anarchist gave us the weekend. There's never been a concerted leftist front because America has been so good at crushing it with a brutal speed that only capitalism could bring. So I stand by my statement to be woke is to be pernicious about what you are consuming, what you are being told, where it is coming from and how it is presented to you. It us being able to see beyond that frontal layer and recontextualize it based off of actual lived experiences of those it is being communicated on behalf of and towards as well as about. About not taking what millionaires have been fed by billionaires and put in front of you in a quick succinct 30 second clip as the end I'll be all. And I stand behind the fact that when a right wing group uses it (as I said before this would be any of our politicians currently in office or running for office) it is a word is used with loaded meaning to intentionally wink and nudge and undercurrent to the base and to try to parlay with those somehow undecided but also ignorant of social context/experience outside of themselves. And if you think that there is a true leftist movement within the United States that has any position in power, point it out please. I would love to see the libertarian socialist party, I would love to see a true workers movement that wasn't, literally, murdered by the States "running dogs". I would like to see a single politician who has read The Conquest of Bread, or even knows what that book is, or who Peter Kropotkin is. Maybe, just maybe, a single politician who could acknowledge the 25 times we overthrew democratically elected officials in Guatemala, or maybe installing Pinochet, or maybe what we did to Nicaragua, or I don't know any other things we touch as a country to make sure that can be no left movement that survives the ever marching death cult for capitalism in America. I'd like to see a single movement that was not bastardized by the United States right appropriating leftist terminology (I'm looking at you Libertarians and Milton Friedman lovers). Let's not forget the founder of libertarian thought, Proudhorn, was a leftist. Let's not forget what he had famously said "I dream of a world where I would be executed as a reactionary". And I don't think you could align that sort of mentality with anything the American political spectrum. The American political machinery would sure as hell find a way to appropriate it and undermine it, sound bite it, not recontextualize it but reconstruct it in whatever image it wants at that time. It's the quickest way to cut a movement down without direct violence (America's option number two; also America's option number one depending on how it polls public).
  7. To move further.... Used as an insult by the right it's just any social movement they don't like or any one that calls them on their paper thin vaneer and coat of white wash. The right enjoys appropriating leftist terminology as we have seen since time immemorial as a way to undercut/undermine their movement. They also enjoy easily digestable phrases and slogans, where these 2 meet is their use of Loaded Words which are meant to have multiple meanings. To the uninformed/undecided it takes a concept they know of but don't engage with or understand and makes it a bad thing, to the initiated, it's a wink wink nudge nudge to a more sinister undercurrent being communicated. When used as an insult by the left (Anarchists/LibSocs/AnComm/etc) it is meant to be a jab at someone being performative in their beliefs without grasping real concepts or contexts of the things they are espousing thus coming off childish and ignorant.
  8. Simplest terms; Being "Woke" is to be pernicious about grand narratives/media/conceptual ideology/etc supplied to you. It's being able to critically analyze information provided to understand where that information is coming from, the realities of how the information was obtained, scripted, presented and disseminated while actively being able to recontextualize it with this prospective to both see, understand and actively correct or engage it to dismantle the falsehoods inherent in them while putting forth a corrected, holistic view of the thing being spoken about/presented.
  9. Immodium 30-45 before clean out. This will stop your tract moving things down. This intern means less irritation from treated tap water going in you. Make sure water is only 70-90 to minimize the body producing and inflammation response to the mucosa as well as reduce chance it stimulates blood flow from heat and starts up your digestive tract again. A Bismuth based medication can also help due to how it coats the GI tract to reduce irritation and has little side effects but you can't take a Bismuth medication like Pepto with other medications as you will not absorb the other medications correctly or at all in some cases. Another tip is to empty your bowels before douching, like an hour before, then use low water pressure and have the nozzle in for no more than 4 seconds. This stops water getting trapped, reduces the amount your straining and irritating your inner lining and generally makes cleaning out exceptionally faster.
  10. Get a Flurb, the Ponymaker is designed to be a wearable Fleshlight and can even be fisted through.
  11. I sleep plugged and generally stay plugged all day, currently at a 3.5" diameter plug that gives me a nice puffy slack cunt that stays open and ready to be used. I have also recently purchased a Ponymaker by Flurb, a plug that's designed to allow guys to fuck and fist through it and feel like a fleshlight. Guys love sliding into my open cunt, the second their cock touches my pussy and they realize how used up it is, it's like a challenge to them to fuck you deeper and harder and treat you like a disposable human fleshlight
  12. Or the tried and true, fuck your way through all his Exes, friends, coworkers. Exclusively fuck guys with a bigger dick than your man. Never let him top you unless you've already been bred by someone else. Have your partner eat you out and swallow someone else's load mixed with their own after breeding you. And my personal favorite, if he's asleep, perfect time to go get railed by strangers in your car, at a cruising spot near by, the basement, the entry way to your apartment/home etc. just be sure you wake your man up in the morning by sliding down that morning wood, they will be to excited feeling that hot wet hole milking them to think of anything but unloading in you. 🤤
  13. Metamucil is a good start. You want fiber but not necessarily insoluble fiber in high amounts. You maybe once a week can do a big fiber cleanse sort of thing with a high insoluble fiber diet on one day to sort of push anything out. Otherwise a lean and low fat/low sugar diet with probiotics (either spored capsules or in things fermented like Yogurt, Kefir, Pickles, etc.). Will speed up digestion and help regulate when you go naturally. Some people find success doing OMAD diets (one meal a day) where the goal is to eat whatever you want really but a very high calorie intake all within a 1 hour period every 24 hours. It's been studied as a safe diet with actual benefits to the metabolism and insulin levels but it's not for everyone as certain conditions can be exacerbated by the diet like if you are type 1 diabetic or if you have issues regulating blood pressure.. Also how deep are you going? I feel most people aren't going like 20" deep but clean out as though they are and that's part of their problem. My trick for cleaning out for toys/fisting (unless it's like past the elbow or extremely extended sessions) is to use cold water so it doesn't trigger/stimulate your GI tract. Assuming your using a shower douche, only hold it in you for 4 seconds max, only have it just high enough pressure to not sputter but not so high it's going to get water trapped. You can also try taking 2 immodium at the start of a clean out, this stops a majority of the activity in the GI tract that would make it moving things down from your colon. 30 min to work for gel, 45-60 for standard pills, usually lines up nicely and never lets me down.
  14. 🚨Dicklet Brain Alert 🚨 America has no 'Leftist' movement, we have Centerist Liberalism>Center Right laissez faire capitalism>More Boot Daddy Libertarians>Far Right Populism as a means to Modern Feudalism/AnCap Mouth Breathers. Can you please go read a book one of these days or would that constitute needing a reference point that is outside of your normal 'nasal gazing down into your own ass' perspective. Perfect example of why education matters right above me folks.
  15. Comebacks so fresh they are dry, crispy and yellow on a booth wall. It's cute watching that one braincell make it's rallying cry behind that keyboard haha. Big smooth brain energy, no winkles 🥰
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