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Everything posted by gonopodium

  1. Doc! You tried before. Please try again. Please delete all you can. How do I help you do that?
  2. I would appreciate help with deleting images so I can post pics in gallery.b tried once before... Let's try again.?
  3. For me it's the seed inserting and happiness thereof
  4. BB and fucking top and bottom since 1990
  5. So... Let us think aboot this more! Why is it a wrong thing to pleasure someone with learning disabilities?????????? Don't they get to breed and fuck too?????? I have a problem with nice low i.q. big dick happy boys being unable to spooge hose the smartypants four eyes with cokebottle glasses back in study hall?
  6. Google Delta 32 please. Mostly Scandinavians but also French are survivors of plague many times over. Immune to HIV ...
  7. Peto Coast! is he Dutch? I thought he was French Canadian -Quebec
  8. k think i got it done
  9. my turn Doc! please delete all my attachments / pics. also my dickpic. biohazard tattoo pics and gonna gallery pic upload then
  10. barebacked all through Naval enlistment 1981-1985 and got even more daring and riskier bb top/bottoming - Vulcan Baths - San Diego. i will tell my tale been to a living wake
  11. Immediately his vice-grip hole took hold of my prick and seemingly pulled me in farther of its own will. Suddenly the head of my dick was being massaged by what seemed to be a triple ringed second door. WOOF YOU ARE SEXY!
  12. maybe POZ TALK? I suggest trying flip fucking as alternative. best use of condom's? - temp cock rings. Meth Chip down your piss hole!! plunger to help push it down.
  13. 100% AGREE WITH ALL THIS ;-)
  14. interesting dynamics! here's what i think and my take on your expweriences GENERALITIES YES... it is good to remember - 1. for the most part, we do not get to choose whom we are sexually attracted to! poz smart tattoo'd oversexed dangerous gangbanger fucktards for me! might be carryover from my Sailor days. 2. Mercy-fucks - 97.4253% of the time are a VERY BAD IDEA. 3. overthinking not a good thing! and no need to fuck every time! i am ENFP - i know this well! 4. there are many manipulative game playing fags out there. be out of their control and make a point of not conforming to their wants and wishes unless it works for you, too. 5. come visit wicked wacky weird wonderful Portland Oregon! we gonna hike, fuck, eat best food, drink best beer! smoke legal grass THE BEST BTW. then fuck some more!!!!!!!!!
  15. i have managed to host MANY BB pnp parties and the number seems NOT to be the deciding factor - at least at my place. i make it a point to let my 'Regular' FB's have at the new ones FIRST. they do that for me too. My Portland is a particularly slutty fun place and my invite to host here is REAL! i admit not knowing all answers as to why my BB FUCK EVENTS seem to be working well. i have not been to Hawks (our bathhouse w cumunion...) in over a year! walking distance from my place btw - Hawthorne, Morrison or Burnside bridges - all in line to choose from.
  16. send me email privately. i can get you in touch with right connections
  17. for 1deviantlad - not a 'young lad' as you call for ;-) but otherwise i could possibly be the red hobbit Giant Albatross VATICAN CARDINAL /  FLYING NUNN Combo for the Glory of our  Lord!

    1. Willing


      Ill be the red hobbit?

    2. Willing


      Hobbit and willing ?

  18. VERY VERY WELL SAID!!!!! Portland similar in many ways but our Urban Growth Boundary really works / has worked. I may need to leave area for RURAL on west coast. Suggestions are welcomed big time
  19. please take the time to read below site. BIG DIFFERENCE between amyl and butyl... https://www.google.com/#q=amyl+and+butyl+nitrate&* http://allaboutpoppers.com/ basically, Amyl is best. actually a prescription drug still in Europe. In USA we've been FUCKED since the Reagan Admin. Amyl is less damaging and milder. when i was a sailor in San Diego, the downtown gay bars had a house bottle of Amyl passed free all around ;-) (NOTE: We found that the black market is where the ‘real thing’ is still sold, the genuine original formula brands, from the ‘good old days’. Most adult stores sell the still-legal version of poppers called “video head cleaner”. But, we discovered that these are inferior products, most often just called “headache-in-a-bottle” because they’re so bad. These include brands like “D&E”, “Purple”, and dozens of others. During hundreds of hours of research in the poppers news groups, we discovered that many specialty shops, especially in the gay community, and on the Web, sell the “real thing”.)
  20. YES YES YES! Good find. However, the wiki not best in my opine https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16216086 The geographic spread of the CCR5 Delta32 HIV-resistance allele. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1255740/
  21. Hey! someone I can relate to I bet! Will you please google 'DELTA 32'. NOW THINK 'DELTA, DELTA, DELTA!' You are from the Mississippi Delta, I am also from the Delta. The Delta 32 thing... Hhhhhhmm HolySatanicTrinity? 99? I am from Greenville MS. (Greenville is smack dabb in middle of the upper Delta. It start sat Memphis TN,choke point is Vicksburg - where the war was lost...)
  22. My Portland Oregon is truly magic! Finding housing is a problem tho. I may be able to host you so you can check it out.
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