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About masobarestute

  • Birthday 06/27/1969

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  • HIV Status
    Poz, Not On Meds
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    Looking for tops fucking my holes 24/7, need rough sex with domination, PP and more, breeding me, poz loads, cbt, 24/7 chastity, no load refused

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  1. What an awesome story. How I would love to be in Rob's place. It took him a long time to get his useless 8" cock locked away in a chastity belt. I hope for his sake that he stays locked up forever, just like a real cumwhore should. When I was trained to cumwhore, my little 4" cock was locked directly in a chastity belt. It got smaller and smaller from time to time, like my unnecessary dick.
  2. One of my favorite stories. What I wouldn't give to have been used like Aaron and Matt when I was their age.
  3. I met my first Master when I was 20 and had a 9'' cock. After a period of getting used to it, I was consistently locked up by him for more than 5 years. After a few months, I got an erection less and less often during the cleaning sessions and at some point my cock no longer got hard at all. My next Master continued to consistently lock me in smaller and smaller chastity belts, at the same time he tortured my balls more and more extremely. After a total of about 7 years, I no longer got an erection even after a long time without a chastity belt. This is still the case today. My cock gradually shrank from an initial 9'' to a flabby 4'' and after almost 30 years of constant chastity it has shrunk to less than 2''
  4. I hope his new master will fuck him soon and lead Nathan to his destiny.
  5. The last time I masturbated was over 15 years ago. Since then I have been consistently locked in a chastity cage. All my sexual energy is focused on my hole. When I get fucked hard I just run out without orgasm. When I'm used hard by a group I also get anal orgasms.
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