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Status Updates posted by barecubtop

  1. I go away for 4.5 days and have 71 notifications on here...guess I'll spend some time tonight going through those and catching up.  :-)  Hope there's some good stuff, too...since I didn't get much on my trip.

    1. phukhole


      Sorry to hear you didn't leave a wake of wrecked holes on your trip.  You're welcum in MY hole anytime!

    2. SmoothATLVers


      Gorgeous cock you have.  Originally from IN, up there 3-4x/yr.

    3. barecubtop


      Thanks, SmoothATL...where do you come visit?

  2. Great story.  We'll have to meet up at Steamworks sometime when I come up there.

  3. Hey guys, I'll be in Vegas from December 2nd (Sat) through December 6 (Wed) for an academic conference.  The conference starts on Sunday afternoon, so I'll be up for some fun Saturday night when I arrive and possibly in the evenings after 8pm.  Send me a note if you're out in Vegas (or will be visiting at the same time) and might be interested in chatting. 

    1. mjkuhl


      I only wish I were going to be there

  4. Another local Grindr guy is about to be blocked.  Tag teamed him with another top last week, chatted with him a couple times this week and this afternoon he makes it seem (to me at least) that he would be open to another tag team if we found another top or two, so I started asking around and found a couple.  He eventually responds and says, "my plans with friends were moved earlier"...but I happen to find out that he's actually over at one of the other top's place getting fucked.  I called him out on it, and then I get a lecture that I shouldn't have done that.  Sorry, it's a small town, and you led me on, I'm not going to just say "oh that's great, enjoy your fuck and I'll just jack off".  GGRRRRR

    1. PopperMeUp79


      I would do the same as you. If he's going to play games, there are consequences when he gets caught.

    2. Ranger Rick

      Ranger Rick

      I cut a 20 year old fuckbud loose for similar reasons.

  5. A little late, but Happy Halloween for those of us in the US

    1. NLbear


      Did you get a lot of tricks and were any of them treats?

    2. barecubtop


      I worked on stuff for school.  :-(  I had apps/sites open but no tricks or treats.

  6. It's finally starting to feel like fall here in the Midwest.  Who wants to get a pumpkin spice latte and go for a walk in the woods to marvel at the changing colors, then come home to fuck, watch a Halloween movie, fuck again, get some sleep, then fuck again, more sleep, another fuck, breakfast....etc....etc....??

    1. NLbear


      Sounds like a great day. I do assume the same routine after breakfast? :grin:

    2. RawBearBR


      This would be perfect, and keep going on this routing.  

      A hot lot, or hot loads, as part of breakfast would be great too.

  7. Hey, I'll be in Chicago next week (Thursday and Friday for sure, maybe Saturday also).  Let me know if you want to chat.

  8. Coming up to Chicago on Oct. 5th for the Blackhawks game with a friend.  I will definitely be staying overnight that night (will have a hotel room to myself, likely in the loop).  I'm still debating on whether I will stay additional nights as well.  If not, I'll be looking to play during the day on Thursday Oct 5th and during the day on Friday Oct 6th before my train back to Indiana.  Obviously if I stay more nights, then I'll have more time to fuck around as well....

    1. barecubtop


      Update:  staying in a hotel near the Hancock Tower Thursday and Friday nights.  Only plans so far are the Blackhawks game Thurs night, the symphony concert on Friday afternoon (1:30pm start). Nothing else until the train home on Saturday evening. 

  9. CL annoyance of the day:

    (several emails have been exchanged, I've given out the address of my apt complex but not my apt door number, and I've asked him for his ETA)

    him:  I should be there about 2:30 what do you feel like doing?

    me: Just suck you off.

    him: Oh I thought you were going to rim and fuck me too

    me: You replied to my ad looking for daddy cock to suck, and in your first reply you said you wanted your cock sucked.  If that's not the case, then good luck but don't come over.

    him: Sorry for the misunderstanding.

    1. Read1


      It's kinda like ppl suddenly cutting across your lane hoping to get across three lanes of traffic to make a left turn! Preparation and clear communication are needed beforehand on the other ppl's part too! You are/were clear to me!

    2. NLbear


      It's annoying when they suddenly change their expectations. But, he at least backed off. Better than having him in your apartment and suddenly pushing his ass in your face and you have to tell him to leave. No?

      Its like me having a date with someone to fuck me and once over he tells me he changed his mind and just wants a blowjob. Not that I won't give him one but it's not what I expected to get and wanted.

  10. Grindr annoyance of the day.

    him: i could go to suck someone off right about now

    (grammar much?)

    me: Pics? (his profile is completely blank other than his age - 21)

    him: yours gets mine

    me: My profile shows me very clearly.  You have nothing showing. (I have a selfie of me chest up, showing my face)

    him: okay well have a nice night

    (*shaking my head*)

    1. RawBearBR


      LOL, Just like guys down here.

  11. The local GrindR boys are really irritating me, to the point where I wonder if it would be better to only use GrindR when I'm out of town.  Just so much attitude and "holier than thou" shit along with being uneducated about sexual health and sex positivity.

  12. It's been one of those frustrating weekends.  My syphilis symptoms are gone and therefore I've been looking to fuck, but of course that paradox occurs where you can't find anything when you're wanting it the worst.  I've been subject to almost all of the usual online problems this weekend:  good chatting and lead-up to sex and then they just stop responding, guys saying that they'll come over and then they don't, just being ignored no matter how I message them (polite or more direct).  I don't want this to come off as a whine/complaint, because I know this happens all the time, but it's just more frustrating than usual this weekend.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. piglooking4pigs


      Gotcha.  Both at the same time.  Interesting.

    3. mjkuhl


      You just need to visit Chicago.  Sex without end.

    4. barecubtop


      @mjkuhl Yeah, I haven't been up to Steamworks since PRIDE weekend - a buddy and I went to the bear event that Saturday and I was able to get into a few hot holes.  I'll have to look at my calendar and see when I can take Amtrak up there for an overnight sometime soon.

  13. Diagnosed with syphilis today.  Don't know from who or when, of course.  Got my shots and doc said to wait 2 weeks before any sexual contact.  Is that what others have been told?  Usually it's a week for most infections.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. scott0882


      I tested positive for syphilis and feel lucky that has been only I received from topping or bottoming. Syphilis was topping which I do more often. I'm not on PrEP and asked about it. Doctors have told me just practice safe sex. 

    3. barecubtop


      I looked around online and most sites say "abstain while the sores/chancres are still present", which they say could be 1 or 2 weeks.  My doc said the severity (titer test) of my infection was fairly low, so I'm hoping it clears out sooner than later.  I've been really horny lately too, go figure.  LOL

    4. scott0882


      I was told to wait a few months before having sex. I only waited 2 weeks after starting meds from being very horny. 

  14. First week of the semester is over, other than a dinner I'm about to go to.  Good to see all the students back on campus...especially the ones in tank tops and basketball shorts...or anything that shows off their shoulders and ass.  MMMMmmm.

  15. I'm back in the land of the living.  Last 2 weeks have had me out of commission with stomach and GI issues and generally just feeling "out of it" due to lack of eating and dehydration.  I can't say for sure that I got it from sex or a trip to the bathhouse, but it's certainly possible that this most recent sickness and some stomach parasites I had in the spring were from rimming and general uncleanliness of people and places.  Just throwing that out there as food for thought.  I will be having scope procedures (both from the top and from the bottom) soon to see if there's anything else going on inside me that's causing me to be more susceptible to these kinds of things.  Again, I apologize for the TMI, but these are health issues that really got me down for the count that may have been from the kinds of sexual behaviors we talk about on this site - something to think about.

  16. Ugh, my year of GI issues continues, just got home from spending a few hours in the emergency room getting re-hydrated and having some scans done. 

  17. Having one of those weekends where I am horny as fuck and wanting a good fuck session or two, yet nothing is working out.  GRRRR!

    1. mjkuhl


      If I were there, we'd change that from not working out to worn out.

    2. barecubtop


      Got into a hot 3-way on Sunday night that made up for the entire weekend, actually.  But after getting home from that, I also started a nasty sickness that I'm still not sure of what it is, even after a visit to the ER.

  18. Still in the midwest? coming over to Indiana at all?

  19. July is almost over, where has the summer gone?!?!?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NLbear


      LOL. Lots of new meat on the street then for you ;)  Maybe some who don't know yet they will become a cum dump within the next year!

    3. barecubtop


      As a buddy of mine said last week, "I'm seeing all these blank profiles for 18 year olds on Grindr...they're here for orientation and will be wanting to play when they come back in August."  Unfortunately not many cum dumps on campus that I know about, and I'll have to be a little more cautious since I'm a teaching assistant this semester.  But I'm sure I'll still find some fun eventually.

  20. Weekend plans settled.  I'm about to hop in the car to drive down to Louisville, KY to go to the Vapor bathhouse there tonight and spend the night at a hotel, then on Saturday I'll drive back up into Indiana and stop in Indianapolis at Club Indy bathhouse that afternoon/evening, then head home after that.  If anyone is in either city and wanting to play, let me know!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Guest


      HELL YES! I wish I were!

    3. barecubtop


      Unfortunately the trip down to Louisville was a little bit of a waste of time and money, at least for the bathhouse.  It was dead and I only played with 2 guys over the course of 4 hours.  I did have a nice threeway in my hotel though...a muscle daddy bear and a twink that we tag teamed and bred.

      Club Indy on Saturday was good, though.  It was probably the first time I've ever spent close to the full 8 hours of my rental.  Slid into 4 asses, including a married couple that watched me breed the other.

  21. I've had a few fucks this week, but nothing amazing.  Hoping to get to the bathhouse in Indy this weekend and see what I can get into.

  22. Hey bud, have a great time in Chicago.  Doesn't look like I'll make it up tonight, but I hope you'll fill me in after or post a "last load" entry or two.

  23. I was just over in Bloomington, IL over the 4th of July holiday.  My family lives there.  We'll have to keep in touch so I can get into that ass sometime.

    1. SpfldPowerBottom


      Springfield, Missouri here. I little further away. But I'd let you have my velvet hole.

    2. barecubtop
  24. Hope everyone (in the USA at least) has a nice 4th of July holiday! I'm on a sex break while visiting family but will look forward to hearing/reading some of your adventures!

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