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Everything posted by RawSubDad

  1. So then what’s the new disease? Nothing about the cessation of one disease is automatically linked to a new disease evolving and establishing itself. To the extent it may have looked like that in the past I would suggest the “new” disease wasn’t new at all, but next in line for more of our conscious recognition of it.
  2. Please continue, the story is great and it can go several directions. It looks like the last chapter was posted twice. I’m hoping another chapter is already written and will replace the duplicate
  3. You’re my new favorite BZ author. I love your stories. 

  4. I haven’t heard of that one but two years ago I got a text from stdcheck.com saying I had been exposed to an std. Didn’t tell me which std, the date (or even a date range) of exposure and of course not who exposed me. I went to my own doctor so it’s not like I was scammed.
  5. I want to like this story but it’s impossible to follow. Characters names change, they are regularly swapped with another character mid-fuck or bj because, I guess the author can’t keep up with the story he’s telling or simply refuses to proof read his work or ask someone to. I spend more time trying to understand who is really doing what that I find the story loses its erotic effects. Writing these stories is difficult, I know, which is what makes it a shame that there is a great story here but it’s telling is so butchered that it’s ruined - in my opinion. Proofreading works. In fact it’s vital. If you can’t or won’t, find someone who can and will. Peace -
  6. You really know how to celebrate your birthday and you have a great friend. Please do tell us the story of the second night.
  7. Congrats and you made me simultaneously jealous of and happy for a stranger and fellow cumdump although you put me to shame. Both your body (fuck) count and your ability to take large cock. Sometimes I think I just need to let some big cocks have their way with my cunt. Let them rip and stretch it and hope that their rough treatments open my cunt to be as accepting as yours. Are you going to get tested for HIV? There’s a good chance many of those loads were poz and you’ve already been knocked up. Keep sharing your stories. I’ve cum twice from reading them.
  8. Spectacular last second twist(ed) introduction to Baby Boy’s first slam.
  9. I can’t believe that it keeps getting better. You keep writing the best chapter yet, until you write the next chapter.
  10. Great story and I can’t wait to see how you develop these boys
  11. Keep writing the way you like but I don’t mind saying that I can’t wait to read more about Brock’s sexual experiences.
  12. I love this one. I hope you are planning many chapters
  13. Brilliant writing and story. I’m two loads into this story and it could easily have been 3, possibly 4.
  14. Love it. Will you write more?
  15. I’m looking forward to reading more of this story. Do you plan to continue?
  16. Well I’ll be damned, this might be the story that gets me to stop prep and formally begin my chase.
  17. One load already, very nearly two. I love it so far and hope you have more for us.
  18. PartyandBreed - Please please please don’t leave Daddy hanging. We all need more of this story and you know what Daddy needs.
  19. I see your point and I had forgotten about the initial storyline of 19 year old Todd being seduced with chems but I thought the rest was well done, even if it was far fetched and the Todd setup was wasted.
  20. I can’t be the only one thinking this but clearly I’ll be the first say it: I love it so far but damn I hope future chapters aren’t this short. I’m just starting my stroke and you’re asking for ideas for another chapter? Intended to be constructive criticism with just a little sauce.
  21. Love it. Keep the story going please.
  22. Hell yeah. Parts two, three and four please. Let’s see that slut get pozzed.
  23. It was a great treat to find one of your stories I hadn’t read yet. Your stories always get me off multiple times. I love your work.
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