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Everything posted by RawSubDad

  1. I agree, don’t leave us hanging onto our dicks without anything else to read.
  2. I’m going to have to stop Prep one day soon
  3. Let’s see the wrestler boy learn to be a piggy
  4. I’m hooked, keep us cumming.
  5. I’ll be eagerly waiting for your next story. Thanks for the fun.
  6. I’ve been hoping Matt’s barebacking would continue. How long before he starts chasing and admitting it to himself? More please!
  7. Great story and you’re a rare fast-writer with no trade off I. Quality
  8. Tease! Going to make us beg, huh?
  9. I love his gf. Keep going please.
  10. From roughly ‘95-‘05 I still fucked girls but I also enjoyed topping guys on the DL regularly. At that time all I had (or at least all I knew about) was Craigslist as my method for finding guys and it was painfully slow and inefficient but it worked. I sometimes found guys who wanted me to top them bare and of course I did as much as they’d let me. Then for a couple years, my life got ridiculously busy with graduate school and full time work and dating chicks. I found the little time I had available just wasn’t enough to find and hookup with guys on CL as much as my urges demanded, until I met an escort who finally wore me down one dry spell and I caved. So we had fun but I resisted and kept looking for regular hookups, with mixed success. Then it happened. I let myself get talked into a lunchtime session with my escort for our third - and final - meeting. This guy was pretty intuitive and observed my lackluster performance as a top with a condom and mid fuck, he told me to stop fucking him, removed my condom, flipped me onto my stomach, lubed his dick and my hole with hand lotion if I recall correctly, and proceeded to fuck me bareback. While not my first time bottoming it was my first time raw and I didn’t say a word as he slowly inserted and worked into a good rhythm that quickly turned into pounding and after no more than 10 minutes, he bred me. He said something like, that’s how you fuck, not the way you do. If we keep playing, you will be my bottom and we’ll go back to condoms. Well, I never went back to him, I have only topped a few dozen times since and pretty much took every load I could get (maybe 2-3 per month) and never looked back. Started Prep in 2012 maybe and while I’m not a cumdump like I really want to be, I’ve given up on girls, embraced my slutty bottom side and reserved topping for those times I have dick pills and think I can use it to get a load during a flip fuck. I haven’t cum from topping since 2016, maybe early 2017. I’m just after those loads.
  11. You really do write well and tell a hot story. Keep it up, I’ll read all ya got
  12. Omg. I want Brian (and Jake) to breed me!
  13. You have me hooked. Lots of potential for my continued erotic enjoyment.
  14. Great chapter and I’d sue love to know how Matt and the boys play together.
  15. Sooooo good. More please.
  16. Agreed! More please!!
  17. We definitely need to hear about this party.
  18. The Ashley underwear and Ashley bed thing had me way more excited than I would have guessed. Keep going please.
  19. That Trevor is a lucky boy.
  20. Keep this story going as long as you’re feeling it because it’s got me feeling horned up
  21. I must have started reading this one a half dozen times but I just finally got through it. I must have stopped reading after I shot my load. I’m glad to have finished. Great writing.
  22. I love your writing and the story and I can’t wait to hear what’s next for the former boring lover.
  23. So close. I hope you’re not finished!
  24. More young stud poz cumdumps please. Great story
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