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About Kidder037

  • Birthday 04/01/1986

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    Neg, Recently Tested
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  1. any advice for first time bottom attending for first time ?
  2. our first name (or a name you'll respond to): John Your cell number (for texts Only): 7862481253 A location (be at least as specific as a zip code): 330144 miami. Times you're generally not available: i am available to chat anytime and taking loads on Saturday mornings Age: 31 Height: 5'8 Weight: 210
  3. Planning on attending the fort lauderdale cumunion in February. this is my first time attending such event. any tips or advice? don't know what to expect so if any one has experience or attended please do share Thanks
  4. it didn't take long to feel the second guy kneel behind me. thankfully his dick seem smaller or my ass had gone numb and the pain was much less. i felt him scoop or rub his cock along the dripping cum and the slide into me all the way. i felt him grind his hip and his cock topped out inside me. he then griped my waist with both hands and began to work my ass hole hard. with out warning he pulled out and i felt another cock enter me. i wondered if the guy had cummed but then herd one guy say save the loads till the end. i tried to look back but my head was quickly pushed down into the mattress by another guy. i could be sure but there had to be more then 5 men lining up behind me. by this point my legs grow weak and my heart raced. the effects of the drugs where running off and i started to panic at the idea of what i was doing. i felt the third guy enter me and his trust where power full. i felt his cock topping of and pushing my inside more then any of the first to cock. he trusted hard for several minutes and then pulled out for the next guy.for then next hour or so i laid there and several men took turns using my hole. they where all lined up stocking and building up there toxic seed as one by one took my hole as they pleased. after what seem like for ever one man stood and said ITS TIME. i felt the guy that was in me pull out and the room go silent. my heart raced not being able to see what was happening. i tried to look but one man still continued to pin my head down. I tried to ask what was going on only to have the guy whisper to me. YOUR ABOUT TO BE INITIATED!!!! its time i felt a guy kneel behind stocking his cock then in a instinct popped in just the head and his cock began to shot his load. i felt his warm cum on my butt then when he slid and trusted a few times into me. the next guy did the same and till all of them had shot there loads on my ass and pushed it in with there cock. i tried to count and to the best of my ability i counter 9 loads. then they all stud up and left the room. i feel my inside so sore and used ans i laid there. i couldn't image how much cum was all over but it was alot. the door opened and another guy entered he walked around examine me. then he walked around to my face and and said to he how much h loved a used hole. he whispered in my ear that the seed was already inside me taking hold. he told me how it would happen and what will happen. then said to me that he was a a full out Aids states and his time was ticking. He told me I would be one of the final hole he would gift. His body looked weak and extremely skinny. his cock hung like a snake from his sick body. i felt him finger my hole with all the cum gushing out. he places his dick between my ass checks and began to rub and move his dick between my checks. his cock felt bigger then anything i had felt. then he pushed in to me and my legs collapses as his huge cock stretched me open. i tried to move away but soon the restraints on my legs pulled my back and his hips trusted hard all the way into me. i felt his dick push up my gut and felt like it was in my stomach. he started to trust hard and his balls slammed on to me. he trusted with such power and his large cock gaped my hole open till i felt if begin to pulsate inside me . at that very moment i new i would never be the same. he grunted and pressed his hips harder into me and his cock erupted in my gut. after a minute of him pressing into me he leaned down and kissed me on my butt check and laughed with the most evil laugh ive ever herd. with his cock still in me he griped my ass checks and messaged it for a bit. his cock slowly softening in me he pulled it out slow and i felt the warm cum pull out with his cock. He waled around to my face and with a hand full of my hair pulled my head up and looked into my eyes and say. YOUR TIME IS KNOW TICKING. he kissed my for head and slammed m head to the mattress. i laid there for at-least another hour with every so often someone checking in on me. the some one final came in with some wipes. i felt the metal butt plug enter me again and then my butt checks, legs and area was cleaned with a baby wipe. they reached for the restraints and released me. the man said i was free to go and he left the room. so many things rushed my mind i couldn't believe what had just happen. i quickly dresses and rushes out i looked at my phone and it was 4:30 am. I rushed home thinking and regretting what i had just done. i felt so dirty and used. I've never had that feeling of emptiness in me like i did that night. walked into my house and quickly went straight to the bath room. i sat on the toilet of what seem hours and the cum would not stop dripping out. i was terrified of looking at what i had inside me. i prayed so long and hard till i had the courage to stand and see the damage that was done. when i looked down, the water was murky and bloody there was an un imaginable about of cum dissolving in the water. i quickly flushed and rushed to the shower. i scrubbed and washed my ass so many time hopping it would erase what i had just done till all the hot water had run out. i dried off and went to bed hoping to fall asleep. for the next few week the agony and thought in my mind where endless. i drove by the house a few weeks later to see a For Rent sign on the out side. i knew i would never know or see any of them from that night. This was the most terrifying and life changing events in my life and Im just happy to be able to tell some one. its been eating me up inside me ever since and no one can image what i did or went though that night. Thank you for your support or comments any question is welcome and all comments are thankful. good night
  5. 32 still neg bottom. Went last weekend to bathhouse in Fort Lauderdale. first time going to a bath house. long story short. stripped down and took 8 loads. in a time of 2 hours. ass was red and sore by the end of the night my i was happy. no idea who they where of there stats. Im a don't ask don't tell type
  6. My Back ground First. I'm a 32 year old professional who one way or another stumbled upon the underground world of bug chasing. I've never been into men or gay play till i started reading up on the idea of chasing. it was a whole new world, that at first seem scary and crazy, but slowly something started growing inside me. For months i would read up on guys blogs and stories, and little by little i would get more and more turned on by the idea. I had many chance but ultimately i would back out and not do anything. mind you i had never even taken a cock before this even. my ass hole was still a virgin to real dick. at home i would use toys so i knew the feeling of having something inside me but never the real thing. I knew the only way to do this was to just surrender completely where there would be no turning back. I started looking for my way into being initiated and started talking to guys online. the one day one Annoyances Message was sent to me that sent chilled down my spin. It was a group of men the gifted the gift to willing participants. in one second i knew it was meant to be so i replied to them and the INFO of the event was sent to me. At first i hesitated but then mange to talk my self into it and agreed to go. the Party, event, or conversion Which ever way you want to look at it was in a house located about 30 minute drive from my location. it provided a # address and instructions on how to apply to be selected. That night i replayed and gave my info and was told that the final selection would be done in two weeks and only a hand full of guys would be selected. about 2 and a half weeks later i got the call and was told to show up at 9:30 pm to the address provided alone. First there would be a verification process and then they will explain the process and i would have to sign a consent to participate letter. the event. I arrived at the location about 20 minutes early and proceed to enter. it was a large house in a normal area. inside there was a couch a fold out table and a chair. I approached and presented my ID was checked on a list which had 6 names and was told to sit and wait. at 9:30 the front door was locked and the out door light where turned off. by this point only me and another guy had shown up. the door at the end of the room opens and a tall man walked out and asked if this was the volunteers? the person verify said yes but only two showed up. the man said very well and proceed to talk to us. His words where direct and cold, straight to the point, he asked if we wish to continue? we both nodded yes. he then Explained what the night would have in-store. First you will be striped and prepped. then each will be assigned a room. and once this began there would be no stopping till it was over. the then said there will be a # of choices that will determine the out come of each of our night and we will live with the consequences of each choice. First thing was the consent paper. we both signed it and a third party signed it also. once that was over he once again asked if we wanted to continue and said this was the last chance to walk out. we followed the man through the door at the end and walked down a corridor with many doors that had #s on the door. our first choice of the night was to pic a door. the other participant picked first and chose door 2 he entered the room and that was the last time i saw him. i looked at the tall man and said door #4. we proceed down to the door and entered. at this point my heart was racing all i mange to here was the man say some one will come to prep you and then the door close. i stood in the dim light room as my heart raced. so many thing ran through my head and panic started to set in. i took a deep breath and tried to control myself. a little while latter the door opened and a man wearing a mask entered. it was like one of them wrestling masks with only the cut out of the eyes mouth and nose, but is was just all black. i was asked if i was ready and then asked to remove all my things and place them in a cardboard box on end table. the man looked me up and down inspecting my body. with little works he asked me to back my second choice. he said 1) on your back or on you belly how do u want to be? i quickly decided on my belly to avoid see what was happening and avoid any regrets. the man guided me to the bed places a foam to lay on positioning my ass up into the air and told me to get on. he walked around the matters t and proceed to secure my leg one to each leg of the bed. my hands where bound together but let lose. he instructed me that my would be shaved and i could chose to be prepped or not to be. he explained what it meant i said no i would prefer to not have a toothbrush up my ass. he quick shaved me and the applied some liquid the burned like crazy. then proceeded to squeeze out some lube and inset and butt plug. as he slid it in i held my breath and then in one second i felt it pop in and remain in place. he then walked around and picked up a syringe and proceeded to inject me with something. my heart raced fasted and my scenes began to blur. i could barley make out what he was saying to me except for the last word of THERE NO GOING BACK. i laid the tied down drudged and cold as the door opened again and the lights where lowered even more. a few men entered and i could fell them examining my body. they said many dirt thing to me and and said that i would be used and used till my life changed for ever. one man took the lead and walked around to my face and looked me in the eyes as he said. Tonight you will be gifted!!! he keeled down in front of me and opened my mouth and started to face fuck me hard. the other men slapped my ass and then removed the but plug. one man dug his finger into my ass hole and began tearing at it with his nail. i felt the sharp pain and his finger moved in me. by this point my eyes started to water up as i new there was nothing i could do. my whole life had been normal and some how i found my self in the position. i felt the guy take his finger out and knell behind me. he slapped his cock on my ass and slapped my ass with his hand. he leaned in over my back and whispered. You fucking Pig!!!! I'm going to blow my toxic seed so far up Your gut there nothing that will stop it. he spit down on my ass hole and position the head of his cock on my burning ass hole. I held my breath hoping it wouldn't hurt to much since i had never been fucked before. The head popes in all i could do was scream. the guy back off letting my hole adjust to his cock. then in one hard trust he slams balls deep in to me pushing the tear in my eyes out and the pain was extraordinarily. i screamed and moaned and this man teared me open knowing that at any point he would breed me and change me forever. He trusted like an wild animal in and out i knew it wouldn't make much. every time pulling all the way out then slamming deep. his balls slapping my hanging balls with every trust. as the minutes, that felt like hours, passed his grunts would get louder. his cock was begin to to grow and twist inside me and i new it was it. the man trusted one last time and all i felt was my heart stop as he pushed hard into me and screamed Take my POZ SEED PIG. it wasn't till he pulled out that i felt his warm cum drip down my balls and down my legs. the man scooped the cum off my legs and with his nail again began to dig into my ass hole again. he finally finished and stud up and asked whos next. to be contained. Please if you want to know the rest let me know your opinions and ill finish my life changing event.
  7. Hey everyone, I'm a 30 year old (straight male for now, lol). I've been extremely drawn to stealthing and pozzing stories and for some reason the more I read the more I want. Does anyone have any advice on how to go about this, or even just taking my first dick? I'm open to chat, and more open to take cock. Please, all advice or suggestions are welcome.
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