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Everything posted by raw773

  1. I read the entire thread and was disappointed nobody discussed the other side of this: when YOU'RE the one trying to make an initially anonymous encounter into a relationship or even just a FB setup, and you're denied. I met a guy from my city while we were both on a business trip, in the same hotel. He told me he lived only a few blocks away. We agreed to do a pitch dark walk in scene in his room, officially just to cuddle and make out, but his thick knob and mine wouldn't go down. The bareback was incredible, as was my chewing his hole. (I don't always love that, but his ass was totally slurpable.) He invited me to sleep over, so I did. He left the room for breakfast with his boss then we fucked again when he came back. So. Mind blowing sex. When I got home, I texted him. Making it clear I just wanted to suck that hole again, and definitely fuck. He was polite. But it never happened. Sure, you could hypothesize reasons. Maybe he's taken. Maybe he's closeted at home and gay on the road. Maybe it was only awesome for me (but no). Maybe I'm an ogre (I'm not). ? But I think he's one of you guys, asking how to keep anonymous anonymous. I don't totally get it. Sure it's hot, but being on the prowl is a lot of freaking work. Isn't it worth keeping a harem of known awesome FBs? Why would you turn this down, even if you can still get your anon on too? I noticed several of you wrote "I'm not looking to date, BUT I'm not exactly against it..." I would have to ask, what the hell do you want? Why turn it down if the stars seem aligned? To me it sounds like a recipe for staying single forever. For those who wanted it both ways like this, why?
  2. So, uh... What's his number? Asking for a friend. ?
  3. Damn. Somehow I doubt pee is going to be a big problem for you two.
  4. You have so much going on in your life right now, not to mention some upcoming significant medical expenses. The last thing you need is a permanent virus. You're a young adult and you have a lot of wisdom to acquire. Focus on the good things in life and don't do anything you can't undo. Think about it: if you can't afford Truvada now, how could you ever afford a complete HIV regimen? Don't mess up your life. You have so much to live for.
  5. This is the right thing to do, even if not required by foreign law. You're making it more friendly to be here and making me more comfortable not to lurk.
  6. For me it was a combination of poz bttms being dumb, vulnerable, and deserving of a good penalty fuck without regard to their needs. Also, I didn't really think I could get it from them. Mostly I just wanted to inflict a good wad on top of their already fucked status.
  7. 100% agree with this. Love seeing those permanent marks on a thrusting top on a mission.
  8. Right -- oral is just as big a risk. That was kind of my point: if it's truly out there, then you can say goodbye to casual BBing and oral both. We'll be in a new era of scrutinizing hookups, or, 50% of Boystown will get it in a year. It could change everything about sex.
  9. I'm happy that you're healthy today. It had to be terrifying. I think more poz guys should share this kind of story. Our goal should be no new cases of HIV... there's no "benefits" to this burdensome disease.
  10. Aww shucks, thanks. Somehow I feel like untreatable gono is worse than The Bug. ...after all, the bug is treatable. Whereas if gono really is no longer curable, you're inflicting a lifetime of misery onto how many people? If there really is an incurable strain out there, it's going to race across the asses and throats of Halsted Street before we know it. Sex could change very very fast. Gonorrhea spreads a lot easier than HIV.
  11. Can't deny the drip itself is hot. Having your cock glued to your jockstrap by dried leakage is hot. But to have to disclose that forever, and it turning off countless bttms... Not sure I need it. Hence, now worried about every hole I stick it in.
  12. Given the way gay men travel, I doubt it matters. Past outbreaks started in Hawaii and spread to the West Coast. If it's out there, it only takes one guy having a hot night at Steamworks to carry it all over. Aren't you worried about never shutting off your dripping, burning cock? It's not like getting pozzed and "having no symptoms."
  13. How'd you turn poz so fast just six weeks off PrEP? Are you kicking yourself or was it planned?
  14. Here's something from the Guardian: "The World Health Organization has warned of the spread of totally untreatable strains of gonorrhoea after discovering at least three people with the superbug. "Giving details of studies showing a “very serious situation” with regard to highly drug-resistant forms of the sexually transmitted disease (STD), WHO experts said on Friday it was “only a matter of time” before last-resort gonorrhoea antibiotics would be of no use." https://www.theguardian.com/society/2017/jul/07/untreatable-gonorrhoea-superbug-spreading-around-world-who-warns The CDC has been warning about untreatable gono for years. If it's finally here, this could put a huge damper on even the most "innocent" casual sex, let alone BB. Will guys have to disclose they're G-poz on hookup apps? Will even getting a blow job mean the possibility of permanent gono in your dick? Most of all, will this kill the Brotherhood? How do you feel about the possibility of totally untreatable gono?
  15. Damn, this whole thing was super hot! I hope it happened again!
  16. Hey, this was an incredible post!!! Thanks for all the horny details!
  17. I took a load extremely recently from a guy who's asleep next to me. His cock is a nice fat fireplug, but the hottest thing is how much he swells up before he blows. It's like being knotted by a dog. So, yeah, I feel it, every squirt.
  18. This sounds super hot, taking a dirty young thing and degrading him that much more. Would love to hear more about that. And the Canada Day stuff, so exotic! ?
  19. Thanks for visting... feel free to send a message.


    1. justsexnowatl


      wish I were there to breed that bubble!

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