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Everything posted by MuscledHorse

  1. on PrEP here since its inception. Never use condoms and love getting bred. Zero desire to contract and STI including HIV.
  2. Just as with other religions, you have people who embrace the serious ideas that make it what it is...and then you have those who are attracted to some aspect of it that really has nothing to so with anything in its core teachings. Satanismm is no different. I should start of by saying that much of what you find on the internet has NOTHING to do with the topic and is largely based on the false version pushed by the likes of Jerry Falwell in the 1980's (the SatanicPanic). In practice, Satanismm puts you in the god-seat and says you are free to take charge of your life BUT you bear the responsibilities for the decisions you make and their consequences' no "it's was God's will" or "the devil made me do it" crap. The hedonistic, self-destructive, violent stuff you see (including the rampant drug use) is NOT Satanismm and the Church of Stan has gone so far as to put a formal statement on their website to that end. Essentially, LeVayan Satanismm is essentially secular Humanism with a nice carnal center to it. The symbolism is spot on. Christianity favors the sheep, a herd animal easily frightened, easily herded and manipulated, very uninquisitive, while Satanismm favors the goat, a sort of herd animal that is independent, curious and inquisitive and will head butt you in defense rather than run in fear. Satanismm embraces the development of the two uniquely human traits organized religions like Christianity, Mormonism and Islam repress: intellectual development and sexual indulgence. In the Satanic construct, whether or not you shose to belice Stan or demons such as Asmodeus (Lust) are real is really unimportant since, either way, if you are acting in the true spirit of the religion, you would be have the same whether they were real or not, and develop yourself into the best goat you can be. For me, that means caring for my male form by working out in the gym and keeping it healthy, learning and developing my mind and approaching things with a scientific, empirical mindset, and of course indulging my male form in the pleasures of sex play with other males. To that end, while I really enjoy poppers (nitrate based, not the dangerous Maximum Impact type ethyl chloride) during sex, I otherwise, don't drink, smoke or use recreational drugs. I serve Asmodeus as an Apostle of Lust to my fellow males living in shame and guilt drilled into them by Western religions towards their bodies and libidos, but I also engage in serious intellectual research and discourse on the subject among others (I have degrees in the arts and medicine). Satanismm is open ended enough for you to make your life into what you want it to be, as long as you understand the responsibilities that come with the power. I would suggest starting with the Church of Satann website as a jumping off point, and feel free to DM here or on Telegram (JaredErikson) if you have more questions or wish to know more. Jared
  3. My travel is planned around sex opportunities. often it is to a multi-day sex event like Pig Week or Fist Fest. Sometimes it's a week long stay at a sex resort like CCBC or Inn leather. When i travel to cities outside events, I am already looking for guys. Like with my trip I just had to NYC and the one to Orlando back in April, my husband had some play dates and play parties arranged to endure i was well used and stayed that way. That kind of travel assures my promiscuous ass gets all the sexual stimulation and use it needs and then some.
  4. Poppers are my one indulgence. And I am talking about the nitrate based brown bottle poppers, NOT the spray ethyl chloride inhalants, which re actually dangerous. Poppers are what was used in medicine to treat angina prior to nitroglycerin. I huff them when I'm getting fisted, fucked, and even masturbating. I was a casual user but my husband turned me into a daily huffer. We stock poppers at the house the way most people stock soda or beer. Being that I am naked at home mainly and the large toys/plug collection is always beckoning (the the high grade fucking machine we have), poppers are a constant Pleasure for my hypersexual life. They give me a good safe euphoria, really relax my canyon ass so I can enjoy even larger in me than I already can accommodate and keep me in sexhog headspace. If you come with me to a big fisting event you will see poppers everywhere.
  5. My husband is also a bottom and he had to have several hemorrhoids laser removed. Overnight he went from a 2 hand capable fist pig to a virgin. He had to start the stretching process with plugs all over and went to see a doctor in NYC who gave botox injections in the rectum o relax the muscle and help the scar tissue become more pliable. It took 2 years but he is now pretty much back to where he was before the surgery and stretching to take even more--just as I do.
  6. I wear a couple sizes smaller than my maximum plug. Like everything else, there's training involved. When I first started wearing a plug (with a plug belt to keep it locked in place). I barely lasted five minutes. Now I can go for over 30 minutes. I don't go for much longer than than though.
  7. dude's an idiot. When you're in a bathhouse and you let another male slide his erection in your butthole without a condom, you better expect his DNA is going to be sprayed in your guts. That's the whole point of bein a bottom in a bathhouse anyways.
  8. I wear (Awry, AC Trophy Boy, Wildman-T, Cocksox) what shows off my fat bulge and my beefy buns so guys will want to fondle my genitals and stuff my canyonsize buttCunt
  9. You and me both! To have my already super loose ass gash made a permanent gaping canyon that could take anything and my only purpose was to keep stretching my big hoe even bigger and indulging in extreme size sodomy for the entertainment of the island owner....my ideal sex pig life right there.
  10. I travel with my large toys and plugs all the time (including L Sveinn, Pegasus, L Orobas, Gape Keepers 85 and 108, Mare Maker 114). At worst TSA will check your bag to make sure they really are what they look like (i.e. large dildoes/plugs and not explosives). I'm pretty sure by now there's a notation next to my name that says "known [banned word]" or the like since they don't check my bag like they used to.
  11. The a story on the net called Extreme Cunt Boy Island where guys go to compete to have the largest, most gaped hole. They undergo training, surgical treatments and the like leaving them hanging open, able to take insane sizes and unable to have any control as their anus and rectum just hangs open all the time. At least one of them develops a massive prolapse from the treatments. The days are filed with weight lifting, food, hose outs and heavy sexual use as well a check ups with the doctor and treatments to go as wide and loose as possible. If only that were real.
  12. My goal is a permanent gape with a long prolapse and total loss of function for my rectum an colon except for extreme size sodomy. I already sleep in a diaper during multiday high use events like Fist Fest and Pig Week and wear them for a good week after, though i am hosed out everyday. I consider incontinence to be the holy grail of extreme ass stretching and stuffing. As a fist and size pig, I'm all in for it
  13. It's still there. We also have Oz campground in south Georgia.
  14. I love sex clubs and they are my preference over bathhouses. Baths tend to have too much cat and mouse cruising and teasing. At a sex club, we all know we are there to fuck (and fist) like animas in heat and that's what we do--right out in the open--while others watch or wait a turn. Bear in mind sex clubs do not have wet areas (showers, saunas, etc.); they exist purely for open, casual promiscuous exhibitionist sex, the way Nature intended for males to play. My favorite is 321Slammer in Fort Lauderdale. I have been fisted in the sling by the giant gas fireplace at the center of the maze countless times--and it never gets old. I am also a huge fan of sex resorts/campgrounds which are best during event weeks/weekends (Parliament in Augusta GA, CCBC, in Palm Springs CA, Inn Leather in Fort Lauderdale, Sawmill Campground in Dade City (central) FL, Timberfell Lodge in Greeneville (near Knoxville) TN.) I just returned form five full days of heavy fisting use at summer Fist Fest at Parliament Resort in Augusta. Piggy bliss man!!
  15. I love it when guys eat out my sloppy gape!
  16. Think of poppers like you would wine--just for sex pigs. Just as different types of wines (red, white, dry, sweet, etc.) appeal to different types of people, the same may be said for poppers. Pick a few brands an try them out and see how you like the high each one gives. I am a long time fan of Amsterdam and Rush, and have added the Dumb Bitch Juice from Twisted Beast to the list. While at CLAW this year I tried out Video Head Cleaner (black label) and LOVED it--I was fisted for 5 hours on it at a fisting party that night. Meanwhile, Double Scorpio does nothing at all for me. But, I have friends who love Double Scorpio. So....try everything and see what works for you. Just start out slow. Don't over inhale. Let your body get used to the high and ride those pleasure waves. Popperbating (long masturbation session while edging and huffing poppers) is a great way to do this. Don't use Viagra/Levitra/Cialis while using poppers--ever. And above all, do not use the ethyl chloride (Maximum Impact) type products, which are NOT nitrate based poppers and are actually deadly.
  17. Speaking as a high use power bottom, cumming is relative. My body is overrun with so much pleasure stimulation rectal/full body orgasms as a guy's penis or hands go in and our of my ass that whether or not my penis ejaculates is immaterial. If i want my penis to spill seed i can popperbate and edge when there are no tops around to stimulate and use me.
  18. That is my end goal for my stretched out ass. The idea of being super loose and gaped permanently is very appealing. I've experienced it for as much as a week and a half after multiday high use events like Pig Week and Fist Fest. I can already take huge toys but I know there are plenty even bigger and longer I need to stretch train to be able to take too. I have a starter prolapse and really want to pull that out at least 12-15 inches. Being so stretched out my anus, rectum and colon have lost all function for any use other than extreme size sodomy is like an achievement level to train for. I am well on my way. I am hosed out everyday so it doesn't really matter if my rectum works or not. As long as I can enjoy freak show level size in me, I'm happy.
  19. My husband spent the $3,000 on the Fuck Yeah! fucking machine and it's worth every penny. The computer controls on it and programmed fucking styles is amazing adn it can hold the weight of the kind of heavy huge toys and plugs a slack ass like mine takes.
  20. I feel very masculine and a fully realized male when my legs are spread and another guy has his cock or fist sunk deep in my ass, while my fat erection is stroked, sucked or milked for seed. Nothing is more masculine than two males sexually engaged like dogs in heat. I get to be penetrated and penetrator all at once nd ride the waves of sexual Pleasure that is the ultimate in male bonding.
  21. When I teach the fisting class at CLAW and Pig Week with Sir Kirk I do that exact same thing: oil based first then water baaed because the coating of oil base maintain some slickness as the water base dries out. Plus, the oil base coats the rectum and repels the water so the water based lube doesn't get absorbed as easily/quickly. I tend to use Slam Dunk for the oil based and X-Lube or FFausten (same structure in both) for the water based. If you use either of those two water based, watch the You Tube video of Axel Abysse showing you how to mix X-Lube; the results using his method are perfect everything, which differ some from the instructions on the bottle.
  22. i haven' been to IML since right before COVID but I had several friends go this and a couple of them were very unhappy with how some the event went, including overselling tickets to an even component that had them sitting outside the main room watching it on a big TV. Personally, IML was always just OK. I find CLAW to be the superior event because it has piles of Skills, Education and Roundtable panels and classes on top of the constant sex and large vendor mart. In fact, this year's CLAW neither Mr. S or Nasty Pig came and it really opened the door for smaller companies to come in and I found some cool products. I also find Pig Week to be better--10 consecutive days of sex parties. And that's not counting the private parties that go on before and/or after the day's event party. Between the gatherings my husband was taking me too and the daily event parties I was heavily used and went through six bottles of poppers in the process. I wanted to go to IML this year but wasn't able to and now I'm considering not going next year like I was planning to.
  23. Absolutely a deal breaker for me. I don't jump through all the hoops to be able to take PrEP for the fun of it. Further, I have to get super size condoms for my penis if I have to top and they still aren't that comfortable on my thick godrod. So no condom. Spill the semen the way Nature intended.
  24. Having escorted in the past and still doing porn I will say that the answer to the posted question is neither. As posters have already pointed out, not all escorts are porn stars and vice versa. The reality is that first and foremost sex work is actual work; it's not a quickie hookup off Grinder the overwhelming majority of the time. Unlike street walkers being paid for a quickie, escorts are hired for companionship as much as sex, if not more so. That doesn't make us or the adult film performers ambassadors of gay culture any more than the heterosexual ones are ambassadors of straight culture. What it does make all of us is ambassadors for human sexuality, which the Christian/Mormon influenced culture in America has created a very toxic relationship between natural human sexual drives and made up sexual morals that suppress and shame those natural drives. Much of my work was being a safe space for guys to explore themselves as sexual beings in an environment where they knew noting would leave the room. They could let their guard down and experience physical sexual pleasure in ways mainstream monogamy and marriage obsessed culture did not approve of. Many of them wanted fantasies fulfilled, from wrestling to water sports, while many others, closeted or married, were very lonely and craved the kind of companionship and male bonding that today is described as "the boyfriend experience." In spite of being screwed by the political opportunist and horror of a human that is Kamla Harris (see SESTA-FOSTA), many of my friends and fellow film partners continue to try and provide these psychological necessary services. I enjoyed the work myself--and again it was work; you are focused on the other person's Pleasure and not your own--and it was gratifying to see the joy in another guy's eyes as he experienced for a moment what I experienced all the time in my own life, because I wasn't hindered by guilt and shame soaked negative social attitudes towards promiscuity or enjoying sex purely as a Pleasure sport. The same may be said for my adult film work. I've lost count the number of times guys have come up to me at events, especially fisting ones and told me they have cum to my videos and would love a chance to play with me (and sometimes they want to film too). I am always happy to be able to say "yes" and see them go away happy and be able to tell (and show, if we filmed) others they got to fist (or get fisted by) a porn performer they regularly watch. Out of all my experiences (and I should add I do have several college degrees and hold a professional job), I saw the need to address this very topic about human sexuality in the USA and created a seminar "The Power and Philosophy of Promiscuous Living." I have given at CLAW the last two years to very positive reviews--one guy even stopped me on the stairs of the host hotel and asked if he could have a private counseling session to help him manage the guilt and shame he still feel for enjoying that most basic of human drives, sex. I have been encouraged to turn the seminar into a book and am considering putting in the work to do that because experience has shown me that such a message is needed and necessary. So, no, escorts and porn stars aren't just prostitutes or ambassadors of gay culture; they are ambassadors and celebrants of human sex and sexuality. Jared Erikson (JaredEriksonXXX on X), your friendly (and always horny) Apostle of Lust.
  25. Awesome seeing other guys with loose hole like mine. Sadly, I can't post pics because it says I have no file memory left every time I try to upload one. My twitter/X is JaredEriksonXXX if you want to see my own slop hole in action.
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