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Everything posted by Kayne

  1. I stand by my view. That's my opinion based upon the evidence and my own experience. It's a view filtered through my experiences. That said, we are all entitled to our views. We ate free to disagree and I neither expect nor require anyone to change their view or behavior based upon my reading of the evidence. If the shoemfits , wear it.
  2. I know I shouldn't feed the trolls but... There is nomdocumentation necessary. My opinins are my own, and I don't need your validation, thank you. Next this isn't a joke, or gossip I have no idea where that comes from. Lastly, I'm not judging anyone nor am I a hypocrite. So... Yeah. That.
  3. Thank you for you r astut First off, thank you for putting words in my mouth. I never called you, personally a Sociopath. I'd also like to thank you for assuming that. Because I said the behavior indicates sociopathy, that I was painting everyone who takes a risk as a sociopath. I'd also really like to thank you breaking down for me what I spent 6 years studying professionally. Have I ever been held in care? Yes. I was really fucked up for many years after the incest I went through as a boy. And I Am Not Projectiing my own past or damage onto a group. I DO know that if a man walked into a facility of professionals and states that he takes anon loads. Chances are a 5150 will be taken on that man. Oh, and while my examples were hyper focused, they still hit in the examples listed under categories under their Proper headings under ASPD. Just saying. Oh and by the way Most CEO's Politicians and Actors are Sociopaths, without any criminal liability. But that is the fun of opinions, they're like assholes. Everyone's got them. You're welcome to yours.
  4. First off. When diagnosing a thing, yo u certainly must pick the characteristics that match, while weighing those matching characteristics against those that refute you r theory. SOCIOPATHY AND PSYCHOPATHY are two different things, but there is a very thin line between them. Next, The primary reason one woukd be held in care is that they are a danger to themselves or others. I know, I've been there. Next, I am far from sitting in Judgement of ANYONE. putting aside what got me to this place, I have made and continue to make conscious decisions for which I take responsibility for, but was it self destructive? Yes? Does actively participating in activities which are detrimental to one's self and others at the very leas, irresponsible? Yes. Does it show poor impulse control, certainly it does. Is, it your ultimate decision to do so? For sure, If you disregard the. Consequences that may arise from your actions and you get bitten in the ass, is it your fault? Absolutely. I say tnis being Poz. Knowing that I didnt get it through sex is irrelavant, especially when I still Bareback, and I almost exclusively fuck with POZ partners. It does not change the underlying facts You are free to be insulted and to disagree, but the choices made are self destructive
  5. From experience, all I can say is that I was a predatory fuck. And I miss my teen days when it was easy to get what I wanted from men, using the skills I had been taught. But speaking from reality, Statutory Rape has no defense. The burden is always on the adult be it fair or not. Though it sounds to me that the so called Victim went in eyes wide open.
  6. Uh, I know exactly what im talking about. Three traits of Sociopaths are not respecting social norms, not having care for one's own personal safety, and not being able to make long term plans; Quote. "A sociopath typically has a conscience, but it’s weak. He may know that taking your money is wrong, and he might feel some guilt or remorse, but that won’t stop his behavior." Not every Sociopath, manifests their antisocial behavior outwardly, so, yeah...
  7. Welcome Back Sir! I cannot wait to read the further Adventures of this Demon obsessed boy. I do love the mystery element involved
  8. I don't know how different or unique my experience is. I was far too young to understand. My Father was a selfish, dangerous drunken fucker that got a taste for the fear anguish and pain he could freely inflict on a smaller weaker person during his time overseas as a Marine. Being used by people assosiated with nambla fucked me up for years. Even after he was dead, I wasn't free. But I got older and the reds that were planted took root. For better or worse I like what I like.I make choices. I don't see being a Father in my future. But I do wish I had blood brothers. But then again, the concept of family is relative isn't it. For the record rewriting my history helped me cope. And incest is one of my biggest kinks more than 30 years later.
  9. I think my dad Had a bigger part in shaping the pick would become. I know there is porn of me out there from when i was a kid. Porn certainly shaped my taste in men and emboldened me as a teen. I know my breeding and being bred had little to do with the filthy pics I saw, but it did expand my access to older grown men. Porn taught me what to look for in termd of getting what I wanted. Reading the Sean platter "Demonic Sex" Series fueld my already raging in my obsession with demons, and made me feel okay with my growing depravity. Overall, i['d say hell yeah porn was like Kerosene on an already out of control fire for me. But even without it, I'd be just as sleazy
  10. You gotta be a sociopath to take anon loads in this day and age period
  11. Short answer is Fuck No! Longer answer is that people must be responsible for their actions. If one crosses to fuck anonymous strangers unprotected, hen one must accept the poential consequences of that behavior.
  12. I'd say 90% of the time, I'm commando. 5% I'm wearing Jocks.as infuckin globe getting them raunchy , piss and cum stained. The final 5% is a boxer briefs, and only when I have to go to a doctor, or I need t omtry on clothes
  13. I am and can be one ripe fucker. Sad thing is I hear a lot of dudes talk about liking ripe men, say they don't like cologne or deodorant, but get all grossed out when confronted with the real thing. I never seem to find ripe hairy dudes either, no matter what they say online .
  14. Thing for me is, I view love in a vastly different way than I view sex. The older I get, the more perverted slutty and piggy I get, and I want the companionship and lovenof friends. I asomwant the passion and fun i get from men i maynor may not be bonded , but not committed to. Imalsomhave a realmcucholdimg fetish on all sides. Mymdickmis just as hard if I'm am an anon / random bull. The guy being "cheated" on or the cheater. Inlookmback on whomImwas when Inwas younger and how unwanted monogamy, and how broken inwas when Inwas cheated on... I realize now unhappy the loss od freedom in relationships made me. Now, insane that laoyaty for friends... if any of the above makes sense.
  15. As a Jockstrap Fetishist, that is my go to. But personally, I hate it when my bottom doesn't like his own dick played with. Now this could be because I'm not a pure top, and that i feel like even the most Submissive dude should be cock proud (unless he has a tiny useless cock). I Fucking love fresh cum and Breeding a hole and having a fresh load delivered to my tonsils is the best of both possible outcomes for me. But FUCK yeah. Jocks are my drug
  16. There is more to being a Pig. It's a state of mind. It's a feeling. And as a Furry Pigs and Boars are fucking hot
  17. Try furaffinity.net. Furries love mpreg I oughtta know!
  18. Cum is an acquired taste, that I'm glad I acquired.
  19. I fuckin love that story. Truthfully, I have someone that I love that quite literally depends on me for daily life. Would I like to be a tatted Roid Muscle Tina Cigar Switch Daddy with a stable of boiz I converted with my own cock? Fuck yeah But my other life is very important. so I know when to calm my beasts. It's a skill and like any other skill, it is learned and practiced.
  20. Yes, you were Raped. Nothing says you gotta feel bad about it.
  21. NY Born here. Only way to master an A-dik-tion is to know the beast that it is. Respect it and keep it under control. you can indulge yourself, but don't lose perspective and pod Holes fucki rule. making neg holes poz is even better
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