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Everything posted by Rawdawg13
I was just informed to not be stupid while checking in and I'd be fine with "security" and getting myself set up for the night!!
@ PozU- you mean just life in general or specifically Steamworks Chi??
I can see them searching bags for stuff but not a full TSA pat down. They really don't have time or get paid enough or even care enough for all of that. I'm from New Orleans and you could have carried in a dead body and they didn't give a shit at the old bathhouses (RIP!- we don't even have one now!). I mean its a fucking bathhouse for Christ sakes...you're supposed to do that, right?
I'm 99.9% sure that I'm going to Chicago next month for a few days and I was just curious about a few things. I know that there is thread about CumUnion Experiences but I'm asking about Steamworks in Chicago specifically. Is the CumUnion Chicago always a party or is it like most anything else a hit or miss 50/50? I've been to that location but its been a long time. Someone told me that they do an extreme search on the way in looking for contraband. I don't remember that from before but things do change. I'm not trying to sneak in a case of beer or firearms or anything like that...just possibly and hypothetically a little something, and I do mean tiny, to keep the party going ...do they really check that hardcore? I can't picture a bathhouse with none of that..anywhere. Do I really have to use my 'prison pocket'? Any experiences or advice that would enhance a CumUnion Steamworks Chicago experience would be greatly appreciated.
First of all let me say that we as humans are nothing more than monkeys with cell phones. Monogamy doesn't exist...I mean it "exists"...its not Bigfoot or the tooth fairy. But we are hardwired biologically to "copulate" as much as possible just for one simple reason, propagation of our species by spreading our seed... literally. I know that as gay men we aren't trying to procreate, but our evolutionary brain doesn't know that. Out of the millions of species of living creatures there are only a minute amount that mate for life, and there is an evolutionary specific reason in those cases. Monogamy was created by man as a means to control man. Then double down on top of that that gay men are much more open sexually, well you have a recipe for a lifetime of miserable breakups unless its dealt with from the get go.
As a student of biology, I know it to be true that we, as biological organisms are not designed or wired for monogamy. It is natural instinct for one simple reason, propagation of the species and its the same for almost all living creature. And I know...gay men can't procreate...but our evolutionary mind doesn't understand that. All it understands is whats kept it alive, surviving, and evolving for hundreds of thousands of years..and that is (and this is not the exact scientific terminology, btw...) "I need to come as much as possible on as many people as possible as many times as possible in order to keep shit going"...thats it. Gay or straight. And thats just the cliff notes version..there is actually much, much more to it than simply that. Monogamy is kinda like Bigfoot...some people claim to have seen it but I still don't believe in it. It was created by man, or rather the church, as another way to control man. Monogamy is not the natural order. My partner and i opened our relationship, as we knew we would someday, and if anything its enhanced our relationship not the opposite. I know most people in open relationships lay down a patchwork of rules to help in maintaining order. And thats fine, they do what they need to do. But in our case the rules are there are no rules. I feel thats when things get complicated. When you start with the "You can do this but you can't do that, and I need a written request three days before that requires my approval but only if its notarized, but not on a leap year"- thats when things get complicated, thats when you are setting yourself up for failure and disappointment. The only parameter we have, if you can even call it that, is don't get romantic. Just get in, get off, and get out. Then we go home, tell each other all the details and fuck like sailors on shore leave. Also ,I don't know if you've ever heard of Dan Savage. He is a very well known author, activist (It Gets Better Campaign, designed to help gay youth) and sex advice columnist. I owe my life and my relationship to this man. I read him everyday. I highly recommend reading his column, listening to his podcast and reading his books. He can explain it better than I ever could.
OMG! I just snorted water through my nose. Thats fucking hilarious!! lol The fuckin Village of the mother fuckin damned!! Yes indeed! Thanks I needed that. Hell, thanks to everyone. Something about this fuckin website is very cathartic. I guess actually its not the site, its yall. Its us. (Its not the computer, after all.) Someone always seems to get it and it always makes me feel better. OK....thats enough, I'm gonna shut-up before I make myself vomit! Me no like sappy! If we could get everyone on this website in the same room, well first of all god and Heaven help the poor person hosting that party, it would just be crazy awesome. Maybe we could just move to our own island! Hell in our current political climate...we might have too!!
I used to come to Chicago every five days with a 15 hr layover and a hotel room right off michigan. It was awesome. I was at Steamworks all the time. I miss bathhouses....ours here in New Orleans (the most kinky, depraved cities in the world!) was turned into shitty condos...hell we had two for a while. Someone could make a killing here opening a new one. With the locals you have an already built in, bankable customer base, then with all the tourist...you'd have money coming out of your asshole (or into it depending on how you look at it). I wish I had the capital...
Grab a po at the Nellie Dellie!! I know you are from here! When did you live here. The nelly deli survived "da stourm of '05". You wouldn't believe what the bathhouse is now...fucking condos. That just shut down about a year ago....thanks for the advice, all of yall!! I just wanna be a slut, is that to much to ask??
Where was I the day that memo went out? And how come nobody told me when I got back?? Using the internet as a hook up devise was supposed to make the act thereof a lot more easier. But it does not. It was supposed to Where was I the day that memo went out? And how come nobody told me when I got back?? Using the internet as a hook up devise was supposed to make the act thereof a lot more easier. But it does not. It was supposed to make it more convenient. But it does not. Right now, at this very moment I"m supposed to have more dick coming (...insert that joke here..) my way than I can handle. I should have a couple of dicks for every orifice, four dicks on deck, plus a line of dicks that trails out of my house and then down the block. But I do not. Instead, I have carpel tunnel syndrome, a boner and not one goddamn STD! So what gives?? Given the fact that there are multiple sites dedicated to this very thing was enough to make me believe it was easier. There are a multiple sites for a multitude of interests. There are sites for bare backing, sites for polys, sites for long term monogamous (...said quickly under a cough "doesn't exist!!") relationship hook ups...hell there are even still sites dedicated to just hooking up with no flavor at all. Yeah, I'm taking to you Adam4Adam. But it seems that the more specialized you get, the harder it becomes, and that within itself is counterintuitive. You would think that as you get closer and closer to those who share your interests, you eliminate those who aren't and that would be easier. But it does not. I remember a time when the only real guarantee of a possible hook up was on Friday and Saturday nights at this thing called a bar. Thats a place where old people used to go drink. At these given times it would be especially crowded and boys were cruisin' everywhere. And unless, god forbid, there was a drag show ("..that bitch really thinks she looks like Madonna...") you were getting laid. Plus it all happened in real time. I thought with the internet it would be happy hour 24 hours a day. But its not. You literally have a hook up life line thrown out against the winds every hour of everyday. I should have a dick an hour. But I don't. Don't even do the math adding a smartphone into the equation.....anytime, anywhere....they got an app for that. Using GPS technology, we even know exactly where they are when its hook up time (...but his profile says he is a bottom who hates kittens, so its not gonna work... ) Why? Is it because we're able to hide behind these screens and thusly become monsters. We reduce ourselves to our own lowest common denominator....a screen name (nightdepositbox13) and a profile pic. I've been lied to. I've been ghosted, which is nothing at all like what Patrick Swayze did to Demi Moore...not even close. I've been shamed. I swear on the life of Bette Midler this happened. I had been playing e-mail tag with a boy for a few days and finally the stars aligned and we were able to make a date. I did the three Ss (shit, shower, shave) and got dressed. I texted him, per his request, that I was about to leave. He replied suggesting we trade pics which was cool with me, I have no reason to worry. I hate it when people act conceited, so let me say it like this...I'm not ugly, far from it...I know this and don't dwell on it and I'm grateful, so thank you universe. Besides, I'm a gay man..I would know if I was ugly! The millisecond I hit send he replied 'No offense but don't come, its not you, you're attractive, no chemistry" which obviously reads "Be offended and don't come, its you, you're ugly, no chemistry". Which by the way, just in case he even comes remotely close to reading this let me say this "Just for the record...Honey, it was I who were swapping down, not you, it was I, and just so you know, and just so your children know....that was the night the lights went out—", ok never mind, you get it. I know that I can not take something like that personally. I don't know his life. Maybe his boyfriend showed up unexpectedly and he just needed to shut me down. Maybe the third in his polyamorous triad just tested positive....with pregnancy and he needed me to just go away. Or maybe he just didn't like the way my face was shaped. But its not just him. Its the way its all structured that does my head in. Someone will be online not looking and not able to host, but the next time they will offline looking and able to host (?), or they've changed from a top to a bottom not looking to host a host thats looking to not look. Its to much!! Then there is always the mother fucker who messages you, you message back, they message you, you message back, then they cease to exist in the known universe. Thats always fun and cool. I suppose the long list of shitty ways to treat other could go on and on… If I’m dissecting this frog correctly, I must dissect the whole frog….so maybe its me. After all, I am the least common denominator in all this. I’m the constant. I’m the one and only person who is present during all transactions. Is it the way I carry my "digital self" (thats not a sex toy, btw, but I wish that it were..)? Am I offensive, am I to aloof, am I to eager? I don't fucking know. Maybe I just have shitty luck? Maybe its just the way things are right now. Maybe its about to change? Maybe, maybe, maybe....I've had it up to here (points at sky) with the maybes. I know one thing for certain. If people would be nice and genuine as they would be if other people were in the same room, I wouldn't be sitting here having to bitch about it...I'd be somewhere with a nice 10 inch dick up my ass and a smile on my face. I also know people who hook up online all the time, so its not impossible. I know its happening. My partner and I opened our 8 year relationship up five months ago. We had talked about it since day one as we both don’t believe in monogamy and well…it was just time. Unbeknownst to me, our relationship had already been opened, but only on one end, on several occasions. And while yes, I do wish I could have been included in the memo and been allowed the same liberties he had, I couldn’t hold it against him for something I understood. I was not losing my best friend, best lover, and only but still the best fiancé I’ve ever had over this. So I made the decision for us that this time we were opening it up. It was a natural step designed to follow a natural progression while at the same time helping to keep us more honest and open. And its been beautiful. We’ve grown closer. Our personal sex life has grown exponentially and we’ve shared a few hot times. He has no problem hooking up at all. At our local cruise bar he will have caught three dicks by the time I’ve made three loops through the bar. He is amazing. And he scores online too, but even he admits that its not as easy as it should be. (But he still scores!) So since our local bathhouse is now closed and hanging out in bars is not appealing at all, that leaves me right back where I started. The fucking internet. Not using it means removing even the chance of hooking up, and thats a sucky option. If its truly the way I interact with people then I need to figure out what it is. I have an idea. Lets say that no matter what I’m asked my answer will always be “Can I cum in your mouth?”. You can’t mistake that for anything other than it is. Even if I’m asked “Are you available tonight?” I’ll reply “Can I come in your mouth?”. “What do you get into?”, “Can I come in your mouth?”. “Wanna have a threesome?”, “Can I come in your mouth“. I think this might work. Besides, it makes about as much sense as anything else! make it more convenient. But it does not. Right now, at this very moment I"m supposed to have more dick coming (...insert that joke here..) my way than I can handle. I should have a couple of dicks for every orifice, four dicks on deck, plus a line of dicks that trails out of my house and then down the block. But I do not. Instead, I have carpel tunnel syndrome, a boner and not one goddamn STD! So what gives?? Given the fact that there are multiple sites dedicated to this very thing was enough to make me believe it was easier. There are a multiple sites for a multitude of interests. There are sites for bare backing, sites for polys, sites for long term monogamous (...said quickly under a cough "doesn't exist!!") relationship hook ups...hell there are even still sites dedicated to just hooking up with no flavor at all. Yeah, I'm taking to you Adam4Adam. But it seems that the more specialized you get, the harder it becomes, and that within itself is counterintuitive. You would think that as you get closer and closer to those who share your interests, you eliminate those who aren't and that would be easier. But it does not. I remember a time when the only real guarantee of a possible hook up was on Friday and Saturday nights at this thing called a bar. Thats a place where old people used to go drink. At these given times it would be especially crowded and boys were cruisin' everywhere. And unless, god forbid, there was a drag show ("..that bitch really thinks she looks like Madonna...") you were getting laid. Plus it all happened in real time. I thought with the internet it would be happy hour 24 hours a day. But its not. You literally have a hook up life line thrown out against the winds every hour of everyday. I should have a dick an hour. But I don't. Don't even do the math adding a smartphone into the equation.....anytime, anywhere....they got an app for that. Using GPS technology, we even know exactly where they are when its hook up time (...but his profile says he is a bottom who hates kittens, so its not gonna work... ) Why? Is it because we're able to hide behind these screens and thusly become monsters. We reduce ourselves to our own lowest common denominator....a screen name (nightdepositbox13) and a profile pic. I've been lied to. I've been ghosted, which is nothing at all like what Patrick Swayze did to Demi Moore...not even close. I've been shamed. I swear on the life of Bette Midler this happened. I had been playing e-mail tag with a boy for a few days and finally the stars aligned and we were able to make a date. I did the three Ss (shit, shower, shave) and got dressed. I texted him, per his request, that I was about to leave. He replied suggesting we trade pics which was cool with me, I have no reason to worry. I hate it when people act conceited, so let me say it like this...I'm not ugly, far from it...I know this and don't dwell on it and I'm grateful, so thank you universe. Besides, I'm a gay man..I would know if I was ugly! The millisecond I hit send he replied 'No offense but don't come, its not you, you're attractive, no chemistry" which obviously reads "Be offended and don't come, its you, you're ugly, no chemistry". Which by the way, just in case he even comes remotely close to reading this let me say this "Just for the record...Honey, it was I who were swapping down, not you, it was I, and just so you know, and just so your children know....that was the night the lights went out—", ok never mind, you get it. I know that I can not take something like that personally. I don't know his life. Maybe his boyfriend showed up unexpectedly and he just needed to shut me down. Maybe the third in his polyamorous triad just tested positive....with pregnancy and he needed me to just go away. Or maybe he just didn't like the way my face was shaped. But its not just him. Its the way its all structured that does my head in. Someone will be online not looking and not able to host, but the next time they will offline looking and able to host (?), or they've changed from a top to a bottom not looking to host a host thats looking to not look. Its to much!! Then there is always the mother fucker who messages you, you message back, they message you, you message back, then they cease to exist in the known universe. Thats always fun and cool. I suppose the long list of shitty ways to treat other could go on and on… If I’m dissecting this frog correctly, I must dissect the whole frog….so maybe its me. After all, I am the least common denominator in all this. I’m the constant. I’m the one and only person who is present during all transactions. Is it the way I carry my "digital self" (thats not a sex toy, btw, but I wish that it were..)? Am I offensive, am I to aloof, am I to eager? I don't fucking know. Maybe I just have shitty luck? Maybe its just the way things are right now. Maybe its about to change? Maybe, maybe, maybe....I've had it up to here (points at sky) with the maybes. I know one thing for certain. If people would be nice and genuine as they would be if other people were in the same room, I wouldn't be sitting here having to bitch about it...I'd be somewhere with a nice 10 inch dick up my ass and a smile on my face. I also know people who hook up online all the time, so its not impossible. I know its happening. My partner and I opened our 8 year relationship up five months ago. We had talked about it since day one as we both don’t believe in monogamy and well…it was just time. Unbeknownst to me, our relationship had already been opened, but only on one end, on several occasions. And while yes, I do wish I could have been included in the memo and been allowed the same liberties he had, I couldn’t hold it against him for something I understood. I was not losing my best friend, best lover, and only but still the best fiancé I’ve ever had over this. So I made the decision for us that this time we were opening it up. It was a natural step designed to follow a natural progression while at the same time helping to keep us more honest and open. And its been beautiful. We’ve grown closer. Our personal sex life has grown exponentially and we’ve shared a few hot times. He has no problem hooking up at all. At our local cruise bar he will have caught three dicks by the time I’ve made three loops through the bar. He is amazing. And he scores online too, but even he admits that its not as easy as it should be. (But he still scores!) So since our local bathhouse is now closed and hanging out in bars is not appealing at all, that leaves me right back where I started. The fucking internet. Not using it means removing even the chance of hooking up, and thats a sucky option. If its truly the way I interact with people then I need to figure out what it is. I have an idea. Lets say that no matter what I’m asked my answer will always be “Can I cum in your mouth?”. You can’t mistake that for anything other than it is. Even if I’m asked “Are you available tonight?” I’ll reply “Can I come in your mouth?”. “What do you get into?”, “Can I come in your mouth?”. “Wanna have a threesome?”, “Can I come in your mouth“. I think this might work. Besides, it makes about as much sense as anything else!
Never mind....I'm retarded!!
Hello, when I try to post a pic I followed the above instructions and no matter what I do it wont let me. It keeps saying "You are only allowed to up load 10.24kb. I'm doing the same thing as I did before when I've posted pics. I realize its got something to do with the size of the pic..or something of hat nature. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Where did you get (or give) your last load?
Rawdawg13 replied to rawTOP's topic in General Discussion
Before waking up yesterday morning, I'm pretty sure my partner was teasing my hole with his finger as he whispered 'enjoy your day, I love you'. I had slept in a jock strap that night and he knows that I love 'sleep sex' of any kind. It drives me crazy. Either way, when I got out of bed I was feeling a little frisky and sexy, and since I had nothing to do the whole day except a 2 o'clock class I decided to make it a cragslist hookup day. I had four and a half hours to make my hole available and I wasn't going to miss a second. So I jumped online and placed my ad "Cum Dumpster- next four hours" with my profile pic from here and sat back and waited. And I waited. I began to study I waited so long. I checked to make sure the ad was there. It was. Nothing. I got a reply from a 300 lb tranny. No offense, thats just what happened, and its just not my thing. I ended up giving one blow job to one married older man who said his wife never sucks his dick. I took his dick out of my mouth and to tell him how 'everybody deserves to get their dick sucked!' to which he replied 'oh I like you...and you're prettier than a girl', whatever the fuck that means...regardless, I made his day and that made mine. Four and half hours had gone by and I ended up in class with no loads as my time had run out. On the way home from school I'm thinking about my big test scheduled for today and how I needed to study. Boring! Then I thought how to make it not boring. I'll place another ad while studying, what could it hurt? I even added a "quick hook up" listing on BBRT. I felt like there was no way that getting no dick could happen twice. But thats exactly what happened, not so much as a nibble. I got one pic from a guy who obviously had something wrong with his dick and I'll just leave it at at that. I just hope he gets the help he needs. This time 5 hours goes by of 'craigslist time' and I'm fully prepared for my biology exam! I got all my studies done without any dick!! By now, I'm over it and frustrated and I actually feel kinda dumb. I said 'fuck it' and as I pulled the ads down, I got a text from my partner who said "I saw your ads, I can't wait to get home and eat that sloppy hole filled with cum" because thats what he does. He loves it and he does it quite well. I hated to break the news to him that I in fact did not have anything waiting in my hole for him to eat. 'Oh well, random Tuesday for you' he replied. I grabbed a shower and when he got home, I was wearing my new swimming trucks that he had never seen and he shoved me against the kitchen wall and whispered "Sorry you didn't get any dick, I hope you know I'm still eating that ass...every dick in this town needs to knows what it missed out on today" to which he licked his finger and ran his hand down my ass crack and started to fiddle with my hole. That just made me weak in the knees, especially after being frustrated from the days non-events. He lead me by my hole to the bedroom and put a blind fold on me. He starts doing something to my rock hard dick and hole. Then I remembered. He just bought me a new toy. Its a triple cock ring with a butt plug. I had used it alone but we hadn't played with it....yet. He injected me with the diamond shaped plug and my hair stood on end. He pulled it out gently then tongue fucked me. He put it back in, wiggled it around, pulled it back out, and tongue fucked me again and now I'm in fucking heaven! He did this many, many times until the last time ..he didn't pull the plug out, instead he added his hard cock with a PA to the mix and my ass. He could feel the object in my hole with his dick and thought it felt amazing. With each of his thrust in me, I pushed back onto his dick to maximize his deepness. It was indescribable. I arched my back just the way he likes it as I'm taking it from behind. Right before we both started to cum, he pulled my ear close to his mouth and said "You're going to go on breedingzone and tell everyone where your last load came from"...then he gave it to me. And I took it. -
OMG! I am totally and completely sorry about any thing or any jokes I might have/did make. If you knew me, you'd know that is not something I would ever do intentionally, I swear on my dog's life. And I will do just that...I will approach and speak to the next blind guy I meet in a bar. Thanks for the big ass shift in perspective.
I hear you fuckroger, I can totally appreciate that..but I just need to know. I don't think I'm overly picky, I don't even have a favorite "type". I like a silver fox just as much as I could eat a twinkie until I have to be surgically removed from his ass.....I just know what I don't like. And it usually a strong opposition. But your right, even if you are kinda picky--Blackouts are not for you...or me!
Oh, I have the best partner in the world, I can't deny that at all. He knew I wasn't comfortable before I said anything. I guess I wasn't my usual self. He says that he can see rather well at those light levels which proves my theory that he is regressing in age and therefore a superhuman. (No shit, his eyeshight has actually improved over the course of three-four ophthalmologist visits. The dr. said he never seen that and can offer no explanation as to how or why!) And dickmagnet, I never thought about it in the context of liking/needing visual stimulation. Thats a huge part of the fantasy really. I mean if you can't see anything, you might as well just stay home and beat off with your eyes closed. And fuck a hood (in that situation, anyway!) My partner gets off on seeing me get fucked and we've talked about throwing a party where he oversees me getting fucked in a blindfold....but thats different, in that its just that, him watching me getting fucked while blindfolded in a "controlled" situation. Its not like Ray Charles spun around in a multi-level bathhouse with a pool! Scary and unnerving!
Thank you very much! I don't know why I used the term total sensory depravation...I know what that is. Trust me, I wished I had been deprived of that smell! I've always been kinda funny about kissing random people, some anyway. You can stick your dick in me, but not your tongue! Sounds silly I know, but fuck it, its the truth. Later that night, someone else went in to kiss me and I hit my head against the wall backing away so hard I almost knocked something off the wall! Its funny now but at the time I was bugging out. Hell, just two weeks ago I was in the same bar in a jizz soaked t-shirt from sucking dicks and taking a load over a toilet while my partner egged the guy on.. so no, a prude I'm not. I just need to know what the fuck I'm dealing with...and even if I'm wrong! My hand to god this is true, a few weeks ago we were at another bar and I thought I was making out with what I thought was a blond hair, blue eyed frat boy that ended up being a Japanese business man in a suit. WTF? Probably had more to do with being fucked up but either way I was cool with it. Walking back to the car last night I told my partner that from here on out Blackout night was officially his and I'll gladly stay home with the dogs..brushing my teeth with the lights on!!
Thank you alexej2! All I needed was one person to agree! I'm by a prude to say the least...but complete darkness freaks me out esp since that first guy who, I'm so sorry, but I find repulsive. I can't help that I just do. Then it became the same thing everytime..."who is this, who is that"- it kinda fucked with my head a little. but anyways thank you, thank you, thank you. I feel better!! kisses
I'm just wondering if anyone else out there has had the same experience. My partner and I went out last night looking for hot fun. One of the local 'dark back room' bars had a total lights out black out party and that sounded hot to us both. We've been to this bar many times and had a great time. I've watched him get loaded and vice versa...its always a good time. But when we walked in....when I say COMPLETE black out I mean I literally kicked over a barstool because you couldnt see shit!! You couldn't even see a shape of a body until they touched you...and even then it was like playing the Helen Keller game! The tvs that usually play porn was off, the light from the bathroom was it and it wasn't much. I kinda freaked the the fuck out. I know thats the point. Total and complete sensory depravation and you just have complete anonymous interactions. The first guy to rub my crotch lent in to kiss me and his breath smelled literally like rotting meat and I almost tossed it...then I realized who he was, just somebody I've seen around, someone who is completely the opposite of what I find hot. My partner hooked up and got a few loads, had no problem, and was having a great time. Me on the other hand, I jumped if someone touched me. Has anyone else out had somewhat the same experience where fucking around in a dark room is a-okay, but a totaly black out is not. I want/need to have some semblance of what I'm tangling with. As much of a slut as I think I am, there is still about 10% of people I want nothing to do with period. My partner was great about it, I stuck it out as long as I could because he was loving it- but he eventually said lets get you out of here and somewhere else and we did go to another bar and it was fine. But I really wanted to enjoy it so much and had been looking forward to it AND I ended up a neurotic mess out of nowhere simply because I couldn't see a fucking thing. Does this mean I'm really a prude or simply I'll just never play the lead role in "The Miracle Worker"?!?
WAS just introduced to Zoom by a friend. Its crazy fun and totally voyeuristic, but I need some "room" numbers. My friend only has two or three and when they are full, you can't get in. Anybody out there have zoom room numbers? Surely Shirley somebody does? Zoom is an online thingy that was made for virtual meeting or conference calls, then some horny queens turned it into an online sex party. Its nuts. Give me some numbers please....
ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM! I recently was introduced to zoom, its nucking futs and crazy hot. But apparently there are many "rooms" but you need to know the "room" number? Anybody got any good zoom numbers??
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Well hell Dm, who isn't?? I'm just saying this is just another way to kill time online....just like we're doing right now..and just like we're gonna do tomorrow. But being in Europe as you stated probably means there is absolutely no way possible to access it anyway, so whats the diff, right?
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I have this disease called 'noassatall', it runs in my family! If I'm standing up, my ass is literally concave. So thank you for being the first person ever to compliment my ass. Besides, like grandma used to say 'Its not whats on the outside that counts, its what on the inside"....and inside my ass is fantastic I've been told. They always come back for more.....and thank you again, that made my day!
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Be thankful you have a bathhouse, I live in New Orleans, one of the most perverted cities in the world and we no longer have a bathhouse....its insane. Hope you enjoyed it!
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