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LondonFB last won the day on April 26 2018

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About LondonFB

  • Birthday 02/05/1990

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  1. Cheers! By the time I returned upstairs, everything had changed. It was like I’d walked into a completely different club. The music was no longer anything I could identify, having been replaced by a heavy thumping beat, and I noticed that the DJ from earlier was nowhere to be seen, replaced by a topless skinhead white guy who was clearly having the time of his life in the booth. The room was darker, and what lights there were were being used more for effect than for illumination, making the room flash red. Somewhere, a smoke machine was hissing, and the room was getting misty. Any pretence of this place not being a sex club had clearly been thrown out the window now. Several people had completely discarded what little outfits they had been wearing, while others were happily letting their cocks get pulled out of whatever they were wearing. A lot of people were still just dancing, but even that had become a lot more physical than what it had been before midnight. I didn’t know where to start. The vibrations of the music shot through my body, and I wanted to throw myself right into the dance floor, just to see what happened. ‘You. Need. Water.’ The voice in my head told me. What little of it was left was apparently trying to use reason to get me to stop doing the things it didn’t want me to. But it wasn’t wrong, my mouth did feel a bit dry, so I made my way to the bar. Apparently 90% of the people in the club had all decided to do the same thing. It was heaving there, with so many rows of people waiting to be served, it was a wonder how the people already at the bar itself would be able to get away once they got their drinks. I stood at the back of the queue, and wondered how long it would be before I actually got served. I felt like the negative voice knew this would happen and caught me in a trap. The night had other plans, though. I had been standing there less than a minute when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turned around, expecting to see Geo, or one of the four guys I’d already messed about with this evening, but it was another new guy. He was older than any of the others, maybe one of the oldest guys in the building, but holy fuck was he a DILF. A black guy, maybe in his 50s, wearing nothing but a pair of loose boxers. His body was covered in salt-and-pepper hair, and he had dreadlocks tied loosely behind his head. In his hand, he held two bottles of beer, he offered one to me, and nodded over towards a corner of the room. I took the bottle and followed him. For a minute, I had to wonder if I actually had found my way into a different club. I was certain that the place had more seating earlier. Now it was like the chairs and tables had melted away in order to allow the dancefloor to expand. But the guy I followed seemed to know exactly where to go, and led me to a little alcove, that had some stools in it, pressed up against the wall under a wooden shelf that was littered with empty bottles and glasses. He pulled out two stools and perched on one, learning on the shelf. I hopped up onto the other one, vividly aware about how much less casual I looked and felt wandering through a public place in my underwear. We clinked the necks of our bottles together, and took deep swigs. Somewhere inside my head, alarm bells were going off. There could be anything in this bottle! I hadn’t seen it opened, and although it was still cold and tasted like standard cheap beer, I had no way of knowing how long this guy had been holding onto it. In my attempt to not let the guy see how uncomfortable I was, I ended up half emptying the bottle in one go, which was the opposite of what the voice in my head wanted, but it was too late now. I set the bottle down on the side, and thanked him for the drink. “No problem!” He took another sip, and set his drink down. “I was queuing so long that I lost the guy I was buying for, and you looked like you needed some help. It’s your first time in a place like this, I’m guessing?” I asked him how he knew that. “Kid. You’re walking around the place looking as confused and as cute as a deer caught in the headlights. It’s a miracle that you haven’t been hit by the truck yet.” With that, he reached out to my stall and easily dragged me closer to him. “But don’t worry. The truck is still coming.” He hooked one of his thumbs in his underwear and yanked them down. In his loose boxers and in the darkness of the room, I hadn’t really been able to see just how massive his cock was, but when it flopped out at me, swinging like a truncheon, it caught me by such surprise that I almost wanted to run away. That was never an option though, since the guy reached forward to the back of my neck and and pulled me into him. His tongue filled my mouth, and instinctively my hands took hold of his dick and started pumping it. It was so big that both my hands could easily hold it with room to spare. His hands came round me and roughly grabbed my ass, roughly squeezing and pulling at them as we kissed. After a minute, he stopped, and pushed me off him at the shoulders. He was so forceful that I felt like a rag doll, as he pushed me down to my knees so that my head was level with his dick. He was leaking precum, and I didn’t hesitate in taking the head in my mouth to suck it all up. His cock was at least four inches bigger than the biggest I’d ever sucked before, and even that one I hadn’t been able to deepthroat very well. I struggled to handle the beast in my mouth, and the hands that grabbed my head didn’t seem to care that much for my struggles. I gagged and spluttered all over his dick, and drool started pouring down my chin. There was movement behind me, and I felt someone else’s body against my back. He was crouched in the same position as me, so that all our body parts lined up perfectly, and I heard his voice in my ear. “Here, let me show you how it’s done.” I could tell that it was the guy I had met in the toilets earlier, and the guy I was sucking clearly didn’t have any issues letting me slide off his dick, so the new guy could slide straight on, swallowing half of it in one smooth movement while leaning over my shoulder. I was pinned between them, and the older guy only moved one of his hands from my head to the young guys head. The other kept firm hold of me, and held me in place, pulling me down into the nook between his dick and his leg. I inhaled deeply, and smelled the raw scent of his sweat. It was intoxicating, and my dick sprang to attention as the young guys arm wrapped around me and took hold of it through my shorts. I could feel the young guys dick pressing into my butt. It was hard, and not very big, but then I guessed that this current position was as close to topping as a guy like this got, so I guessed it didn’t matter. The diminishing sober part of my brain imagined how this would have looked from a distance. A writhing mass of flesh and limbs grinding together like some weird beast, letting out guttural moans every now and then. The thumping of the music meant that most of the noises were drowned out, but I could still hear the guy moaning as we worked on his dick. My new friend was definitely doing most of the work, but I tried my best to help out, licking at the base of the huge cock, and at the massive black balls that hung heavily underneath. It tasted incredible, like nothing I’d ever had in my mouth before. I could have stayed there lapping at it forever, but the other two seemed to have other plans. The big guy was getting close, and his moans were getting louder and more intense. Suddenly, the guy behind me shifted, moving backwards slightly, and the hand on my head curled its fingers in my hair, yanking me me back and putting my mouth over the head of the dick again, just in time for it to explode like a gun, filling my mouth. It was like a fire hose blasting into my mouth, shooting blast after blast of thick, salty cum. It came so fast that I didn’t even have time to gag, and instantly started swallowing what I could, letting the rest fill my mouth and run over my lips. Even if I thought to count how many shots pumped into my mouth, I’m sure I would have lost count. When it finally finished, his hand left my head, but another took its place, as the guy behind me pulled me back into his shoulder so that he could put his mouth over mine, licking the cum off my chin before kissing me. Our tongues mixed together with the huge load, and his other hand slipped into my shorts, taking hold of my dick. The part of my mind that was disgusted by all this was silent, and it was the hottest thing I had ever experienced. I’m surprised I didn’t blow my own load right there, but I was glad I didn’t. Any nerve I’d built up since swallowing that pill needed me to stay pent up and ready to go, I knew, and I had no intentions of letting this night end so soon. By the time we finally pulled apart, having swallowed every trace of cum we could find on each other, the guy who had given us it had already disappeared.
  2. Starting the Year Off Right ‘What did you just take?! What the fuck are you doing?! This is stupid!’ The voice in my head kept looping, but it got quieter with each loop, especially once I began interacting with other people. The guy who gave me the pill must have broken a seal on me or something - either that or the stroke of midnight was the que for people to stop caring about talking to each other first. Almost as soon as he had disappeared, there were hands and lips on me, as two different guys suddenly took an interest in me. Someone grabbed me from behind by the hips, pulling me back into him, my ass against his crotch, his rock hard dick pressing against my ass. His hand grabbed my dick through my shorts while the other arm wrapped around my stomach and held me against him, and he began kissing and sucking my neck. I could tell from his arms that he was white, and I could see ginger hair out the corner of my eye, but that was pretty much all the details I could work out about him, as a second person came and dominated my attention. A black guy with a shaved head, wearing a white wife beater and boxer briefs, with tattoos in black ink all over his arms - various pieces of text I didn’t have time to read - stepped forward towards us. No words were said before his mouth closed over mine, and his tongue shoved into my mouth, almost as forcefully as the guy who had slipped me the pill a moment ago. His hands crawled up my chest, pushing my hoodie open and slipping inside, where his fingers took hold of them, pinching them sharply. I gasped as well as I could with his mouth in the way. For a few seconds, the pain allowed the negative voice to retake control, and I tried to pull away, but the arms of the man behind me kept me there, pinned between the two of them, and I soon stopped resisting. I grinded against the cock pressing into my ass, and did my best to give as good as I got to the guy practically fucking my mouth with his tongue. The hand of the white guy that had been holding me against him moved, finding one of my hands, and guiding it to the crotch of the guy in front of me, where I instinctively grabbed the massive, fabric-bound cock there. A shudder went through me when I realised just how big it was, and I felt his lips curl into a smile as we kissed. All the while, he kept twisting and tweaking my nipples which had gone from feeling painful to feeling just as good as the hand playing with my bulge. Between the two of them, they pulled my hoodie completely off me, and it disappeared somewhere into the club, never to be worn by me again. I barely even noticed. I did notice the white guys hand slipping into my shorts though, groping one of my ass cheeks, which were left bare by my jockstrap. I moaned into the other guys mouth as fingers found my hole and probed over it, briefly. Far too briefly. Then the hand was withdrawn, and suddenly, the feeling of the two guys against me disappeared. I had no idea why they were both suddenly ditching me - neither of them seemed annoyed, and the white guy winked at me as he disappeared into the crowd, just as the last guy had. He couldn’t have found something ‘unpleasant’ down there - as rubbish as I was at actually getting laid, I could do the pre-sex clean out like some sort of God of douching. What the hell was going on? My body was hot. Too hot. At first I thought it was being caused by being wedged between two hot guys, but the heat didn’t go away after they left. My heart was thumping in my chest, and I put my fingers to my neck and felt my pulse pounding away. I could feel the music thumping through my body. I realised that the pill I’d swallowed must have been kicking in. As I looked around the room, the lights blurred slightly, and seemed to shine more intensely than I remembered them doing before midnight. My cock ached, stretching against the ridiculously tight jock. Why had I worn a jock? That was stupid, and I decided that I needed to fix the mistake. I made my way to the toilets. They were located downstairs, below the main room of the club, and getting to them was a battle. A grope-y, fondly, suggestive glance-y, very distracting battle, but I made it there in one piece. There were three cubicles, and two people were clearly fucking in the first. A man was pissing with the door open in the second, and I slipped into the third, locking it behind me. Immediately, I dropped my shorts and my jock, pulling them straight over my trainers. My cock sprung out of my jock as I took them off, leaking precum, begging for release. It was a decent enough size - nothing to write home about, and Geo could swallow it without flinching, but less slutty guys found it impressive, at least. The door of the cubicle hit me in the back, and I turned around in horror. Apparently the lock on the door was just for show, and didn’t actually latch into anything. The guy pushing the door open was cute, and young. Younger than me, I guessed. He had a mop of brown hair on his head, and he was slim, but with no hint of muscle or anything like that. He just looked like eating was a foreign concept to him. He wore normal shorts and t-shirt, both of which were probably designed to be tight-fitting, but were practically baggy on him. He seemed genuinely surprised to have found me in the cubicle, but apparently he didn’t have the same problem of youthful nerves that I did. He joined me in the cubicle, turning us around so that my back was against the door, holding it closed, then dropped to his knees. A half-word of protest managed to get out of me - the full sentence would have been an explanation that I was only here to readjust my underwear - before the feeling of his hot mouth around my dick cut me off. He definitely didn’t have any problems with nerves, as he swallowed my dick with almost as little struggle as Geo could. He laid his hands on my thighs, then pushed them upwards. One came up to the base of my dick and balls, his finger and thumb curling around it like a cockring. The other went round to my ass and squeezed my cheeks. With that, he went to work, sucking my dick like a pro. All I could do was curl my fingers into his hair and enjoy the ride. Receiving a blowjob was never the biggest thrill for me. I much preferred giving them - as the sexual act that I had the most practice with, I felt that I was pretty damn good at giving them, too. But this guy had skills that put me to shame. His lips sucked and his tongue curled in fashions that blew my mind. I closed my eyes and tried to visualise just what was going on inside his mouth, but it was like he was some inhuman creature with a tongue that defied belief. That formed a twisted mental image in my head, which only grew more distorted as he kept it up. For a few seconds, I genuinely thought I was going to blow my load right down his throat - it would have been the first time I’d ever been made to cum purely from a blow job. But as quickly as he started, he stopped. I whimpered out a noise of protest, but that just made him laugh as he got back to his feet. He pushed himself against me, and we kissed, with him making damn sure I could taste myself in his mouth before he let us pull away from each other. “Don’t worry, babe.” He said. Even his voice was young - absolutely nothing about the way this kid looked would tell you he could probably suck a bowling ball through a hose pipe. “The night is only just beginning.” With that, he twisted us around again, so that he could open the door, and become the fourth man of the evening to randomly abandon me, though at least he gave a vague explanation, unlike the last two. Only after he left, did I realise that there was still a sensation that I thought he had been causing. I looked down and nearly jumped, as I found a black strap of leather, covered in popper buttons, had been wrapped around the base of my cock and balls, where his fingers and thumbs had been. When the hell had he put that on me? Did he just go around the building, sucking dicks and handing out cockstraps? Where could I find a job like that? I picked up my shorts from the floor and pulled them back on, forcing my dick into them against its will. The bulge was very noticeable, but that wasn’t going to bother me at this point. I didn’t even think to find and save my jockstrap, and left it there abandoned on the toilet floor. When I did remember it later in the evening, it was far too late to try and go back for it, so I just had to hope that whoever found it was very happy about it.
  3. The Countdown There were only a few minutes left till midnight, and the start of the New Year. I was running out of time, but I was determined to start the year the way I intended to continue it - with some hot guys tongue down my throat. ‘New Year, new me, New Year, new me’. That was the mantra I kept repeating to myself in my head. I was determined not to spend another year jacking off behind my laptop while never actually having any fun. This year I turned 22, and although I wasn’t a virgin, that was pretty much the most exciting thing I could say about my sex life. I’d spent my whole life this way, being too wimpy to follow through on all the stuff I wanted to do. 95% of the guys I made plans with on Grindr, I’d never follow through on, and the 5% of guys I did find the spine to meet, I’d always bail out half way through. I could only think of one Grindr encounter where one of us managed to cum before I lost my nerves, and I think that was more due to a problem the other guy had more than my own skill or endurance, if I’m honest. But tonight was different. 2019 would be different. I was sure it. I’d kiss a guy at midnight. I’d suck his dick. I’d let him fuck me so hard I that I wouldn’t be walking right till mid-January. I had to! If not, then I knew I’d be resigning myself to another year of shameful wanks and missed opportunities. I would be finishing university in July, and judging by the way things were going, I’d be moving to a small town for work, which meant no more thriving gay scene like there was in this city. If I didn’t get what I wanted now, who the hell could say when I’d next get the chance? It had to be tonight. It shouldn’t be that difficult, really. I don’t want to sound arrogant, but I’m not going to fake modesty about my looks. My university campuses were spread all over the city, and I’d spent the last three years cycling from one to another on a pretty much daily basis. That had done wonders for trimming away my ‘puppy fat’, and now I had a slim, lean figure that I was more than a little proud of. I liked my sandy blonde hair, which I kept short and vaguely styled into a spiky mess. I was still cursed with my ‘baby face’ though, and I couldn’t even grow decent facial hair to make myself look older. At this rate, I’d be getting IDed till I was in my 40s. Nothing about the way I was dressed could have been criticised as being misleading, either. I was wearing a sleeveless blue hoodie, and I’d left the front open so that it was clear I had nothing else on underneath it, and ridiculously short shorts which emphasised my butt. I even made it very clear that I was wearing a jockstrap, by making sure that the waist strap was visible above the shorts. Everything about me screamed ‘DTF’. Of course, so did pretty much everyone else’s outfits too. There weren’t exactly a lot of jeans and long sleeves on display throughout the building. The whole purpose of the club I was in was for gay guys to find someone to fuck the New Year in with. I’d lied to my parents, telling them I wanted to go back to my uni city for New Year to spend it with my friends, then I’d lied to my friends, saying that I was too sick to go to their New Years parties, so that I could come here. The only person who knew I was here was my friend George - Geo for short - because he was here with me. Geo was the closest thing I’d had to a decent sexual experience, before we had accepted the plain fact that we were both ravenous bottoms. We’d still mess about occasionally while watching porn, but 69ing got boring after a while. I hadn’t seen him in a while now, but I could take an easy guess at where he was. Geo was everything I wanted to be, and I had no doubt that he hadn’t needed to wait till the midnight kiss to find what he wanted and fuck off. The only real question was had they made it to one of their homes, or had Geo been so horny that he just pulled his conquest into an alley and have it off right there. Hell, they might not have even left the venue - Geo was no stranger to fucking in toilet cubicles. When we first started playing, he’d find such joy in jacking me off while telling me stories of his exploits. The best sexual encounter I had ever had was like this, with Geo telling me about a four-way he had a couple of nights previous. Just him and three tops. I came hard right into Geo’s mouth, and he made me kiss him afterwards, getting me to swallow my own cum, then suck him off. Geo was definitely a bottom, but he could get assertive sometimes, and those nights were the best. “One minute to Midnight!” The DJ announced. The DJ was a fit guy of Chinese (I think. I’m no good at guessing those things) decent, though he spoke with a strong Londoner accent. He was pretty well known on the scene in this city, and I’d seen him play at a lot of bars. I’d never seen him like this, though. When I arrived at the club, he’d been fully dressed, but he seemed to lose his clothes as the night went on. Last time I saw him, he was still wearing a muscle vest, but now even that was gone, and he was left in just a pair of dark red briefs, though I couldn’t get a good enough view to see how much of a package it contained. “You’ve got one minute to find a mouth to start the year with!” That prompted a cheer for most people, but it gave me a sudden sense of dread. I was out of time, and I had no one around me that seemed interested. What was wrong with me? The few guys I had noticed checking me out throughout the night, I’d run away from. Now they were probably about to get with someone else, and I was going to be by myself for another night, another year, and that would be it. The countdown began, with the DJ and a few people shouting out ‘ten!’, then most of the room joining in at ‘nine’. I made my way to the side of the room, feeling absolutely crushed. I was such a waste. Eight, seven, and six all went by as I leaned against the wall. I honestly felt like crying. What a pathetic image that would have been, me standing in what was pretty much about to become an orgy pit, crying, as the clocks stroke midnight on New Years Eve. The room called out ‘five’, and I looked up, in one last vague hope of at least finding Geo. He knew what I was like, and maybe he had hung around to give me a pity snog. Geo was nowhere to be seen, but I did spot someone else, as the room yelled ‘four’. He was singularly stunning. My jaw almost fell open as our eyes met. He was tall, muscular, and for a moment I thought he was only wearing a jock. He was making his way towards me, and not breaking eye contact at all. ‘Three’ went past, and I realised he actually had a fair amount of clothes on, he just may as well have been naked. He was wearing a tight vest that was covered in thousands of tiny holes, and when the flashing lights hit him in the right way, the vest practically disappeared, showing the full shape of his torso, and more noticeably, the piercings going through each of his nipples. There was a shout of ‘two’ as he came all the way up to me. “Uh, h-hi?!” I said, but he made no response, other than to lift his left arm up - there was a black ribbon tattoo going around his arm - and shove it into my chest, pinning me to the wall as the room yelled ‘one!’ I think I let out a little yelp, and then a louder one as this hulk of a man used his free hand to grab my cock and balls in a vice-like grip. As the room yelled zero, he rammed his mouth against mine, and forced his tongue in. I went rigid, but put up no other resistance - I don’t think it would have mattered if I had. This guy radiated power, and feeling his body against mine, I could only have compared him to a brick wall. His tongue felt as huge as the rest of him, and it dominated my mouth. My eyes shot open wide as I felt something on his tongue. At first I thought it was a tongue piercing - Geo had one, and I was pretty used to them. What I wasn’t used to was the piercing leaving his tongue and staying on mine. I quickly realised that it wasn’t a piercing, but what I guessed was some sort of pill. His tongue pulled out of my mouth, and he broke the kiss. The arm on my chest pulled off, and his hand clamped over my mouth. He twisted my head to one side and began kissing, biting and licking at my neck. I moaned and whimpered, and made a feeble attempt to push against him, part of my mind yelling to get whatever was in my mouth out, but I couldn’t. More importantly, a growing part of my mind - growing in proportion to my dick in the guys tight grasp - didn’t want to. I’d smoked weed plenty of times, but otherwise, my experience with drugs was non-existent. I didn’t even drink that much, though I’d had a few tonight to try and steady my nerves. But if this utter fantasy of a man wanted me to swallow whatever it was, then fine. This was why I was here - to be brave, take risks, and stop being such a coward. I swallowed the pill. The man must have felt me swallow, because he let go of my mouth, kissed me on the neck, then the lips, then put his mouth by my ear. “Good fucking boy.” His voice was deep, and it made me shiver. “But you’re so rigid! You need to chill out. Relax a bit. And I’ll come find you when you’ve… Loosened up, yeah?” With that, his hand left my now rock hard cock, and he moved away from me. I tried to follow him, but despite his size, he somehow managed to disappear into the crowds of people making out and shedding clothes. “Happy New Year!” The shout went out from the DJ, and was echoed by people all around the room. And just like that, in the space of ten seconds, my life had gone through a dramatic change. I was partially aware of the change even then, but I had absolutely no idea just how much it would change by the end of the night. Right then, all I knew was that I’d been picked by the hottest guy in the whole building, and now there was a whole room full of people looking to fuck.
  4. 007 - Ruined Raff opened the door. He and Dev said nothing as Dev entered. Raff just nodded down the hallway towards us, then went back into Jesse’s room. Dev stomped towards us, his chunky boots making each step feel like it was shaking the room. That tattoo really did go everywhere. His face was covered in so much black ink, a person would be forgiven for not even realizing he was white, from a distance. His hair was a short mohawk, and he had a look of pure fury on his face. He wore a white vest, though even as he entered the front room, he pulled it off and threw it to one side. He took one look at Jesse. “Fuck off.” He barked, and those two words were the closest thing to a complete sentence I’d ever hear him say. Jesse instantly shot off and, winking at me, scampered off towards his room. I was completely alone, with this diseased madman. He gripped me by the hair and yanked me off the sofa, onto my knees. My scalp burned with pain, and I let out a yelp, but Dev clearly didn’t care. He thrust my face into his denim crotch, and instantly, the smell of his body filled me. It was disgusting and intoxicating at the same time. I tried pulling away, terrified by how rough he was, but that only made it worse, as he slapped me with the hand that wasn’t holding me in place. Once he was sure I’d stopped resisting, that hand went to his belt buckle. In one smooth movement, he got everything undone and pulled his cock out - no underwear to slow him down. It was a deadly weapon hanging before me, not quite fully hard yet, but still huge. The chunk of metal hanging out of the tip must have added a couple of extra pounds to the weight by itself. It scraped against my teeth as he forced it into my mouth. There was nothing for me to do except kneel and take it. I was powerless. Dev didn’t even let me control how to suck his cock, he just held my head still and fucked my mouth. His dick wasn’t as big as Raff’s, but the piercing made it much harder to manage, and Dev showed no mercy. I choked and gagged, snorting out of my nose, which earned me another smack. It was all I could do to keep my teeth open wide enough to not cause any problems. The feeling of the piercing bashing against the back of my throat made me want to throw up, but I knew that Dev wouldn’t stop even if I did, so I forced myself to keep it under control. It went on for what felt like ages, but I couldn’t get used to it the way that I would with any other dick. The shape of the piercing, and the force of Dev’s thrusts always felt unnatural, never becoming any easier to take. I couldn’t tell how deep he went, but my lips were definitely reaching the black tattoo. For a minute, I thought I might actually die choking on this monstrous cock, but it finally came to an end. Dev pulled out of my throat one last time, then smacked me once more, hard enough that, in my weak and confused state, I lost my balance and fell. My face was a mess, I could tell. My eyes were streaming tears down my face, while mucus and saliva dribbled out of my nose and mouth. Dev didn’t even seem to notice, much less mind. While I was trying to find my way back onto my knees, he went over to the mirror and made a line for himself. Judging by the length of the snort I heard, it must have been a pretty big one. I’d barely stabilized myself when Dev was back on me. He grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up, throwing me face down onto the sofa. Holding me down by the back of the neck with one hand, I felt the other on the buttplug that I had completely forgotten was there. The force he yanked it out at made me yelp, but my ass didn’t stay empty for long. I felt something cold and wet against my hole, as the piercing pushed into me, and then he was inside me. That infected monster was about to breed me, and I couldn’t stop him. He showed no more mercy on my ass than he did on my throat. With nothing more than my spit and the leftover lube from the plug, he rammed himself into me. I yelled out, but he didn’t relent. In just a couple of thrusts, I could feel his balls slapping against me, the full length of him tearing my ass apart. “Holy fuck!” I yelled. “Holy fucking fuck!” A couple more thrusts, and Dev was freely, easily pounding into me. My ass offered so little resistance to him, it was as if I got fucked like this every day of the week. My body was nothing more than a useless hole for Dev to fuck, but my head was swimming in the cocktail of drugs I’d dunked it into. Jesse’s voice seemed to echo around my head. He’s given me his gift. He’s made me like him. And Dev is going to do the same to you. I let out moans and whimpers. We’ll both be free. No more fucking around with condoms and stupid rules. We can fuck like real men. Unbidden, images of Raff breeding Jesse came back into my head. My stomach felt like it was churning in a storm. For a minute, I thought I was still going to be sick, but I realized it was something else. Dev pulled out of me completely, and for a foolish second, I actually thought he was finished. But instead, he flipped me over onto my back. I looked up at him, and what I saw was horrific, like some devil standing over me. He was sweaty and his face looked furious. I realized, far too late, that the symbol on his stomach was a biohazard mark. Some voice in the back of my brain found that quite funny. But it wasn’t the sight of him that horrified me. What horrified me was my own cock, rock hard, begging for attention. Dev pushed my legs up to get at my hole, and rammed himself back into me. He got something he always wanted, he just needs a few minutes to accept it, Raff’s voice said. Dev’s face twisted into a wicked grin as he stared straight into my eyes. Sweat dripped down from his face, onto mine. A drop landed near my lips and instinctively, I licked it up. There are people who would die for my cum. Dev shifted his arms, and suddenly, his hands were wrapping around my neck. Dev’s become a lot more fucked up since he came off his meds. His grip tightened. He was strangling me, and my cock felt like it was going to explode. ‘Fuck, fuck, fuck’ was all I could say, though with Dev choking me, it sounded more like weak grunts and gurgles than any kind of actual word. I was getting light headed, and my vision started going funny. Things went blurry, and Dev’s tattoos looked like they were moving. Was this a hallucination? I’d never hallucinated before. My brain made Dev’s face take on all sorts of horrific forms. One second, black horns seemed to be erupting from the tattoos on his head. The next, he looked like he was snarling like some horrible beast. For a moment, Dev was gone completely, replaced by anyone my mind felt like conjuring. Jesse, Reese, Raff, old partners and fuck buddies, even a teacher I’d had a crush on back in school. “Look at me!” Dev growled, and my eyes suddenly refocused on him. His face was turning red and he was gritting his teeth. His hands were still at my throat, though not quite so tight. He must have realized just how close to passing out I was. “Fuck! Fuck! Fucking take it, you cunt! Take it!” He yelled so loud it hurt my ears. He slammed all the way into my ass, and I could feel him erupt into me. It felt like an eternity as his balls unloaded their filth into my waiting ass, and I let out a long moan in time with the growling grunt that Dev was making. He started bucking his hips, fucking his load into me, even before he’d finished pumping it out. He stayed in me for a while longer, and we just looked at each other. His wicked grin was back, and he licked his lips, which made me smile, despite myself. My cock was still rock hard between us, but I didn’t want to do anything with it. All I cared about was the feeling in my hole. I’d been converted. That piercing must have torn my insides up, and Dev felt like he’d cum enough to fill a bathtub. There was no way his gift wasn’t already in my bloodstream. If I felt any panic about that then, the drugs completely drowned it out. Dev leaned forwards. I thought he was going to kiss me for a minute, but instead, he simply licked up the side of my face, tasting my sweat and leaving a trail of spit. He must have noticed my dick getting squashed between our stomachs, because when he moved back up, he looked down at it. With a gross snorting sound, Dev spat on my cock. The feeling made me gasp. He took hold of me, pumping my dick and covering it in his spit. It felt good. Finally, I felt him pull out of me. My body felt completely ruined, and all I could do was lay there, covered in all our fluids, as he pulled his jeans back up. Without another word, or even a look back, Dev turned and left the room, grabbing his vest as he went. A moment later, I heard the front door slam shut.
  5. 006 - Ink I stopped recording. When Raff finally pulled out of Jesse, it made a slick noise in the now oddly quiet room. Jesse didn’t move, or make any noise, just laying in the heap that Raff had dropped him into, breathing heavily. Raff slapped his ass, pretty hard, but even that didn’t seem to get much of a reaction. “Don’t worry.” Raff said to me. He must have seen the worry on my face. “He’ll be fine. Better than fine. He just got something he always wanted. He just needs a few minutes to accept it.” Something about that didn’t sound right in my head. He didn’t need to ‘accept’ Raff’s cock - he’d already taken the whole damn thing, and taken it like a champ. “Wait. You said you really wanted Jesse’s ass. If he really wanted you to fuck him as well, why has it taken this long for it to happen?” Raff laughed. “Because Jesse is a fucking tease. Aren’t you?” He turned to Jesse and slapped his ass again. This time, Jesse yelped and shot up. “See, there he is. How you feeling?” “Fucking incredible.” Jesse answered. His face was stained with tears, but his eyes weren’t watering anymore, and he was smiling. “I don’t know if I can hold it all in, though.” “Trust me, I fucked that load in so deep, it’ll come out your mouth before it comes out your ass. But just in case…” Raff took me by the arm and moved me so that I was standing behind Jesse, then pushed me to my knees. In my ear, he spoke again. “There are people who would die in order to get my cum, so I don’t like seeing it wasted. If there’s anything that Jesse can’t hold in his ass, it goes down your throat, understand?” I nodded. Jesse’s bubblebutt glistened with sweat and cum in front of me. Raff put his hand on the back of my head, and shoved me in. I instantly boroughed my tongue into Jesse. Part of my brain was still aware enough to register the bitter taste, yet it still tasted as sweet as anything I’d ever tasted, and felt a hell of a lot more slack than I remembered it from previous times I’d rimmed him. Jesse let out a moan, and collapsed into the sofa again. His hands reached back and pulled apart his cheeks, giving me better access. “Man, Jesse.” Raff said. “Your boy here really knows how to fall in line, doesn’t he?” Jesse moaned his agreement. “A good little bitch like this deserves a reward.” I felt movement at my ass. Raff took hold of the plug, and I let it ease slowly out of me. I really, really didn’t want it to go, but I also really wanted Raff’s ‘reward’. The plug popped out, and the feeling of not having anything in there was horrible. Instantly, I imagined how Jesse must feel not having Raff inside him, and tried to force my tongue even deeper inside. I could taste something salty, and realized some of Raff’s cum was trickling down. Just like Raff ordered, I didn’t allow any of it to escape me. I’d swallowed plenty of loads before, but eating it out of Jesse’s perfect ass made the taste so much more incredible. I moaned into Jesse’s ass, which made him laugh. There was a sharp pain at my hole. Raff was inserting another one of those ‘T’ crystals in me. This one wasn’t anywhere near as painful as the last. “Is this one smaller?” I asked, disappointed. Before he answered, Raff put his spare hand on the back of my head and shoved my face back into Jesse. “Nah man, this one is a little bigger. You’re just not as tense now. Don’t worry boys, we’ve got a long way to go before we stop going up.” The crystal was pushed as far in as Raff’s fingers could reach, so he replaced them with the plug, which he’d relubed. “There.” He said, and slapped my asscheek. Tingles shot from his hand into my skin and through my body. “Now you two keep each other company for a little bit while I take care of some things.” I was vaguely conscious of what Raff was doing behind us. He definitely went to the mirror first and had some more of his drug cocktail, but after that, I was too distracted to follow him as he moved around the flat. He and Jesse were talking about… Something, and whenever I heard my name in a way that sounded like a question, I made a noise of agreement, but I wasn’t paying attention at all. I was completely lost to everything that wasn’t the cum coming out of Jesse’s ass, or the drugs pumping into mine. I never wanted to move from that spot, or do anything else. I could have happily spent the rest of eternity with my face buried inside Jesse. Eternity would have to wait, though. Raff’s hands on my shoulders pulled me back into the room. “Damn, kid, surely you’ve got it all by now?!” He asked. I looked up at him, and became aware of my position. I was knelt down at Raff’s feet, looking up at his ripped body. My face was about level with his cock - which even in its current semi-hard state, looked bigger than anything I’d ever taken - so naturally I buried my face in that, instead. I started licking and sucking at his balls, hoping they might produce a load for me. Raff laughed, and I felt Jesse appear next to me, mimicking my actions. “God fucking damn. I was worrying about whether Jesse would survive this, now I don’t think I will. I’m going to need back up. Let’s see what we’ve got...” Raff sat down on the sofa and gestured for us to join him. Jesse stayed on the floor between his legs, still working at his cock, but Raff got me to stand, then took me by the hips and pulled me so I was straddling his lap, facing him. I could feel Jesse’s hair tickling my lower back as he played. “Right then, you…” One hand was holding his phone, looking through messages, but the other was on the back of my neck, holding me firmly in place. “You’ve never been bred before, right?” I laughed, and started to tell him I’d been fucked plenty of times, but he cut me off. “I didn’t ask if you’ve ever been fucked by some dumb little twink wearing a rubber! I asked if you’ve been bred before. Have you been taken by a real man, like I just took this bitch, and received his gift the way Jesse just received mine?” I bit my lip, and shook my head. Visions of the scene I’d just recorded flashed in my mind, except my brain seamlessly replaced Jesse’s body with my own. “Will you breed me?” I whimpered. “I want your gift.” I kissed at his neck as I spoke. “Please…” I heard a rumbling laughter come from Raff’s throat. “I know you do, kid. But there’s a problem…” He indicated downwards, and I realized that I’d been grinding myself into his abs. I’d been doing it so hard I didn’t understand how I hadn’t noticed it. “See, your greedy housemate just took my load, and it ain’t fair on you if I can’t give you every last drop for your very first time.” I whimpered again. I was honestly more interested in having him fuck me as hard as he’d fucked Jesse, than I was about how much he came in me. “Hey, don’t cry. Look here.” I looked at his phone as he scrolled through messages. They were all replies to a video he’d uploaded into a private group chat entitled ‘Sharers’ - Holy shit, it was the one I’d just recorded. I must have been rimming Jesse a lot longer than I’d realized, for him to have uploaded it, have other people watch it, and then receive comments. All the messages were reacting to ‘how fucking hot’ it was. Some said dull things like ‘wish I were there’ or ‘wish I were you’, calling Raff lucky. Others expressed desire to be my ‘converter’. One message caught my eye. ‘I’ll tear that little cunt apart. Where you at?’ “That one?” Raff replied when I pointed it out. He looked at the sender, then bellowed with laughter, so much so that his body shook. Being right on top of him meant I felt the vibrations go through me, as well. “I’ve shared with him before, but you sure you don’t want to set the bar a little lower? He ain’t kidding when he says he’ll tear you apart.” Raff showed me a photo, and I practically drooled. On any other day, it probably would have disgusted me, but right now, I wanted it. It was a dick pic, that must have been sent by a complete maniac. It was huge. It had a chunky piercing in the head. And there was a black tattoo on the shaft - it looked like it linked in with some pattern going all over the guys body, but I couldn't see much else. It looked dangerous. Raff must have seen the hunger in my eyes, because he didn’t wait for any further confirmation. He opened up a private chat with this person, and sent his location, along with the message “How quickly can you get here?” ~~~ The answer was ‘pretty damn quick’, but we still had time for a bit more messing around, just the three of us. More lines were snorted, more body parts licked and sucked at, and Raff shoved another crystal inside me. “Just an extra little one.” He explained. “You’re going to need all the help you can get with Dev.” Dev was the name of the tattooed man on his way round. “Fuck, boys. I’ve seen and done more conversions than I can count, but I ain’t ever going to forget tonight. You two dumb fucks won’t either.” I was so damn excited. Raff was constantly on his phone texting people, but every couple of minutes, I asked to see the photo again. Eventually, he went over to Jesse’s computer and loaded up a new video. It was a mess of a video, obviously filmed on a phone's camera by someone who could barely hold still. But I instantly saw Dev’s dick, and that was all I cared about. The recording never went higher than his belly button, but I could see that the black ink pattern on him must have gone all over his body. On his stomach, Dev had a symbol tattooed, that I recognised as a ‘danger’ symbol that I sometimes saw on bleach or in sci fi films. There was no piercing in his dick in this video, though. “Yeah, that’s pretty new. Dev’s become a lot more fucked up since he came off his meds.” Raff explained, when I pointed it out. In the video, Dev was fucking someone, and he was fucking them hard. Whoever it was, they were dark skinned and, from what little of them I could see, pretty young. They also weren’t moving very much, or making noise. There was definitely audio - Dev grunted as he pounded, and the cameraman didn’t know how to shut up, constantly saying ‘fuck yeah’ and ‘breed that stupid cunt’, and so on. I asked Raff if the guy was okay, which just made him laugh. “Yeah, he’s having the time of his fucking life. I’ve met him a few times and trust me, he’d have been pissed off if Dev had stopped. He’s just in a K hole there.” I didn’t know what a K hole was, but it was just one more odd term I let wash over me. The video ended as abruptly as it started. I didn’t see anything more of Dev, just a few sweet minutes of watching someone get wrecked the way I was about to get wrecked, and I knew that I wanted it bad. Jesse spoke up when the screen went to black. “How many people like this do you know, Raff?” He asked. “Tons.” Raff waved his phone in his hand. “And pretty much every single one of them wants to welcome you two to the group.” We both shot up at that. “Maybe once Dev has broken Toby in, we could make something happen?” He winked, and didn’t even wait for our excited agreement before he started making calls. He got up from the sofa, heading out of the room towards Jesse’s bedroom as he began talking to people. Jesse and I looked at each other, grinning like two kids at Christmas. He climbed on top of me and we began making out, grinding our useless dicks against each other. ‘Drone dick’ was such a weird sensation, since everything that touched my dick still felt the way it should, but it just didn’t seem to cause the reaction it was supposed to. By this point, I was well beyond caring, though. I put my hands on Jesse’s ass cheeks and squeezed them tight. “This is fucking incredible…” I told him when our mouths finally broke apart. “Fuck yeah…” He whispered into my ear, before kissing and sucking at my neck for a few minutes. I could hear Raff talking and occasionally laughing from the other room, but he wasn’t loud enough to make out what was being said. After a few minutes of gentle kissing, stroking and grinding, Jesse spoke again. His tone had changed a little. “Toby, you get what’s about to happen to you, right?” “I’m about to be split in half by some crazy guy with a massive dick?” I asked. “No.” Jesse grinned. “Well yeah, that too, but I mean… You know what Raff means when he says he’s converted me, right?” I thought it just meant that Raff had made Jesse his slut. ‘Converted’ him into a whore, or something like that. Jesse’s tone made it clear that I’d missed something, though, so I shook my head. “He’s poz.” Jesse said, and when he realized that I didn’t recognize the word. “HIV positive. When he says he’s given me his gift, he means he’s made me like him. And Dev is going to do the same to you.” My heart pounded in my chest. It had been doing that all evening, but now I was suddenly much more aware of it. I tried to speak, but Jesse cut me off. “Don’t freak out!” He said, and began kissing me all over, on the lips, the face, the neck, wherever he could reach. “You don’t get how great this is. I know it’s scary right now, but in a little bit, it’ll all be over, and we’ll both be free. No more fucking around with condoms and stupid rules. We can fuck like real men, like Raff and Dev.” Jesse looked me in the eye. “And we’ll be brothers, just like what Raff said, right?” I can’t remember if I thought of Reese then, but it was pretty damn clear that Jesse wasn’t. However, there was something about him that absorbed me. There was fire in his eyes, and he had never looked sexier. Besides, it was already too late, right? Raff was poz, and he’d fucked Jesse, and I’d eaten the cum right out of Jesse’s ass. Was I already poz too? There was a knock at the door. The photo of Dev: https://imgur.com/a/saeqBjB
  6. 005 - Brothers I was swimming. I was flying. I was floating. I was fucked. And I wanted - more than anything I’d ever wanted before - to be fucked. My hole was throbbing around the plug that suddenly felt like a spear being rammed right through me. My cock tingled, still limp and increasingly undesired. My whole body pulsed with sensation, only some of it real, and being caused by Raff and Jesse. The rest was from memories that danced in my mind like some sort of pornographic clipshow. The first time I’d sucked dick. The first time I’d buried my face between Jesse’s asscheeks. The first time Reese had fucked me. And all the events of this evening so far. They all suddenly felt so intense, and real, like I could step backwards through time using just my memory. “... Oby… Toby… Toby? Open your eyes, babe.” It was Jesse’s voice, and suddenly my eyes shot open. He was in front of me, holding my face in both hands, smiling. “There you are.” He kissed me, then looked behind me at Raff. “He’s back.” “Good boy.” I felt Raffs hand on my head, ruffling my hair like I was a child. I turned to see that he was currently fiddling with Jesse’s laptop, logging into some porn site I’d never seen before. “Wh… What happened?” I asked, suddenly very aware of myself. I was exactly where I had been, knelt down in front of the sofa, but it felt like I had been there for hours. Movement was difficult at first. “How long was I…?” “Just a few minutes.” Jesse answered. “You spaced out, big time.” “I introduced you to Tina.” Raff explained. “She’s fun, isn’t she? Don’t worry, you’ll be seeing more of her real soon. How are you feeling? Good?” I nodded. “You like how that plug feels?” I nodded again, more enthusiastically. “Good. Pick one.” He told me, pointing at the screen. On it, there were a bunch of different porn titles listed. ‘GHB Sex Pigs’, ‘3 hour sex party’, ‘Brutal Rape’, ‘Meth mansluts’, ‘Greedy fucktard’, ‘Toxic seed’. I didn’t know what a lot of the titles meant, but my blurry vision zoomed in on one title in particular. “‘Cheap Manwhore’?” The answer made Raff laugh. “Good choice. One of my favourites.” The video that started playing was another hotel group, though this one didn’t have a lucky twink taking it in every hole. Just a bunch of incredibly sexy, sweaty, sleazy looking men sucking, wanking, and fucking each other. Raff turned away from the TV to face us. “Right then, now that you’re all sorted out, I’ve got another job for you. Look at your boy.” I turned to see Jesse - he was sat on the sofa, with his ass hanging over the edge, currently playing with the double ender in his hole. I turned back to Raff, who walked closer to me, placing a hand on the side of my head. My face was so close to his crotch, I could smell his body. “You did a real good job of getting him all loosened up for me. Thanks to you, he might actually survive this. But there’s a problem. See, I didn’t bring any lube with me.” That there was a bottle of our lube right next to his foot was clearly not relevant here. “In two minutes, I’m going to be fucking Jesse harder than he’s ever been fucked before, and all the lube he’s going to get is currently in your mouth.” With that, Raff put his free hand on the rim of his sweatpants and pushed down. No underwear prevented the huge black monster of a cock from flopping out, so hard that it nearly hit me. My mouth watered at the sight of it. I heard a whimper from Jesse, behind me. “So let’s see how much you really care about him.” I was pretty good at sucking dick, but before I’d even got my mouth around the dripping head of Raff’s dick, I knew I was in trouble. Reese’s dick was the closest I’d been to this, and I’d guess that Raff was at least three inches bigger, not to mention a lot thicker. There was a metal ring wrapped tightly around the base, which only served to make it look bigger still, and caused the veins to bulge. His balls swung below, looking ready to burst. Raff let me clean the head of precum before he took hold of my head, gripping my hair tight, forcing me to remain still as he began pushing his dick into my mouth. Raff was in complete control of me. If he pushed in too far and I couldn’t take it, he’d back off a little, but not much, and not for long, before he began pushing back in. I’m not sure what would have happened if I tried to force him off, but fortunately, it never came up. I struggled to breathe, but just about managed it, and Raff clearly didn’t mind the unattractive snorts I was making as I worked out how to keep myself going. Breathing only through my nose meant I couldn’t escape the incredible musky scent of his body. That smell was almost as good a high as the ‘T’ pulsing in my ass. Reading my mind, I felt Jesse move behind me. He was kneeling down, and I felt his hands on me. One went to the buttplug, gripping it by the base, twisting at it, pushing and pulling it just enough to make it move within me. The other hand, to my great surprise, came round to my front and took hold of my cock, which was now rock hard again. I hadn’t even noticed it till he touched it, but now I realized that it had been like that for a few minutes, and my legs were splashed with precum where it had been bouncing around. Jesse kissed at my shoulders and neck, and it felt like my body was filling with lightning from all the different stimulations. I couldn’t decide which part of me felt the most intense, and the longer it went on, the more difficult it was to even distinguish between them. “Fuck! Look at you two.” I heard Raff talk above me. “Last time I had two twinks like this, they just fought each other, wanting me all to themselves. But you two ain’t like that, are you?” Raff’s grip weakened, and he let his dick slide out of my mouth. One hand stayed on my head, while the other moved to Jesse’s. He looked down at us, and we both stared up at him. Jesse continued playing with my dick and the plug. “Two fucked up brothers taking this trip together, right?” Raff pushed both our heads towards his dick, and we began playing with it, licking and sucking at it and each other. I let Jesse take the lead, since I’d already had plenty of alone time with it. “Fucking beautiful! I just wish I could fuck you both at the same time, too.” With that, we both knew it was time. We moved away from his dick, and Jesse let go of me. He got to his feet, then helped me to mine. I suddenly realized how bad I was shaking. I hadn’t stood up in a while and my legs felt weak. Jesse held me up. “You okay?” He asked. I nodded, and he kissed me, his hand wrapping around my dick again, pumping it a few times before letting go. I was already getting soft again. Raff was racking up another four lines, and laughed when he saw me playing with myself, trying to get it up again. “Don’t sweat it, kid. You’re not going to be needing it tonight anyway. That you need a real mans cock inside you in order to get it up just shows you that you’re exactly where you should be.” With that, Raff bent down, taking two lines at lightning speed. Just like last time, he passed the straw to Jesse, who did his, then passed it to me. Walking felt weird, but I knew for damn sure that if I had to sit by and watch Jesse get wrecked, I wanted to be flying as high as I could go for it. Turned out that I’d be watching it very closely. “One last job for you.” Raff said to me after I had my line and turned around. Jesse was kneeling on the sofa, ass pointed out towards us, while Raff was holding his phone out for me. I took it. It was unlocked and in camera mode. “I wanna be able to remember this no matter how fucked up we get tonight. You make sure you get everything, got it?” He made a gesture with his hand, pointing to his face. I told him I’d get every second, as long as he sent me the video as well. He laughed, and told me that he would. Jesse didn’t seem to have any issue with it either. Before Raff walked away, he wrapped his arm around me and grabbed my plug. “Once I’m done here, how about I load you up again and let you have another little chat with Tina?” I nodded like a crazed bobblehead toy. He smirked and pulled me in, forcing his tongue into my mouth. It was nothing in comparison to his cock, but even his tongue felt huge inside me. I responded as best as I could, but when Raff did something, it was very difficult to do anything other than take it. We broke apart, and Raff turned towards Jesse, without another word. I began recording. ~~~ “You ready for this, Jesse?” Raff asked, positioning himself behind Jesse’s ass. Jesse’s answer was a wordless moan and a thrust of his ass in the direction of Raff’s cock. Raff took him by the hips - his hands were so large that they practically dwarfed Jesse’s hips and ass. He rubbed the tip of his dick up against Jesse’s hole, coating it in his precum and my spit. “God fucking damn, you don’t know just how long I’ve been waiting to do this.” On the word ‘this’, Raff began pushing the tip of his dick into Jesse’s hole. “So I’m going to take my time.” I licked my lips as I watched that huge black cock pushing open Jesse. My ass tingled around the plug and I tried to imagine what it felt like. I made sure to get every inch of it recorded, too. Jesse was whimpering and moaning ‘Oh fuck! Oh fuck!’ in no time, but just like with me earlier, at no point did anything like the word ‘stop’ come out of his mouth. The entire bulging head of Raff’s cock was now inside Jesse, and my mouth watered as I remembered how it had tasted. “Holy fucking shit…” Raff said in a low, husky voice. “How can a kid as fucking slutty as you still feel this tight?” I focused the camera on Raff’s face. His eyes were closed and his mouth in a wide grin. He bucked his hips slightly, pulling the tip of his dick almost all the way out of Jesse, then pushing back in a couple of times, before he continued moving forwards. It was incredible, watching inch after inch of that monster sink into my housemates ass. Memories of my cock being in there earlier came flooding back, and I remembered how it felt sliding into him completely bare, before drone dick ruined it. Completely bare… I realized then that Raff wasn’t wearing protection. I very nearly said something, but then some dark part of my mind told me to shut up. Raff was a real man, I thought, and this was how real men fucked. This was how Jesse wanted to get fucked. It wasn’t my place to try and stop that, I just hoped that I would get the same thing, later. Another inch, and then another sunk into him. I was certain that even with all his toys, nothing had ever penetrated Jesse this deep before. He’d gone quiet now, no longer whimpering or swearing. I moved so that I could see his face, and get it on camera. His eyes were watering, tears streaming down his face, but when he noticed me, he smiled and stuck his tongue out at me. He had never looked so attractive to me as he did right there, and that was saying something. I’d need a supercomputer to calculate all the times I’d jacked off over thoughts of Jesse, and that was before the first time we’d played around. I never imagined anything like this, though. “Ah, fuck yes!” Raff hissed, and I focused the camera back where the action was. Raff was slowly fucking Jesse, and holy fuck; when had Jesse taken more than half of Raff’s cock? More than two thirds, in fact, were being pulled out and stabbed back in, and Jesse was taking it like it was nothing. I realized, perhaps a lot later than I should have, that Raff wasn’t going to stop till he was balls deep inside Jesse, and suddenly I understood what he’d meant when he talked about Jesse ‘surviving’ this. There’s no way I could take something like this. I couldn’t even take Reese to the hilt. I couldn’t tell if Raff was pulling Jesse back, or if Jesse was genuinely still able to push himself even further down onto Raff’s cock. Either way, with a few more flexes and grunts, Raff was there. The whole damn thing buried inside Jesse like it was nothing. Raff didn’t dare pull out till Jesse’s ass had adjusted to him, but he ground his hips against Jesse’s, moving himself within, and swearing at how good it felt. I saw that Jesse was biting down onto a sofa cushion, eyes squeezed shut. Raff’s movements got faster and faster, and he began pulling out more and more of his cock before shoving it back in to the base. Jesse’s entire body was like nothing more than a fleshlight for him right now. I noticed a slapping noise, and moved behind them both. Raff was pounding Jesse hard enough that his balls were starting to slap against Jesse’s ass. But there was a second noise, and it took me a moment to find it. Just like me earlier, Jesse’s cock had got rock hard from the treatment, and was bouncing wildly, slapping up against his abs. Suddenly, Jesse erupted in noise. Swearing and moaning and whimpering, but still, never a word of protest, as Raff started ramming withdrawing his cock entirely from Jesse, then impaling him fully again. After one last shove, Raff wrapped his arms around Jesse, yanking him up from his all fours position into a bear hug. Black arms, hulking with muscles, wrapped around Jesse’s skinny white frame, and Raff fucked deep into Jesse. As I could no longer see between their bodies, I moved back round to the front where I could see their faces. “Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Fuck! Yes!” Raff yelled out, and their movement stopped for a moan. Jesse let out a long, howling moan, and I realized that his ass must be getting pumped full of Raff’s cum. The expression on his face was like nothing I’d ever seen before - an incredible mix of complete agony and pure bliss. Raff began moving again, still fucking Jesse, fucking his load deep into Jesse’s ass. I wanted so badly to know what it felt like. I needed it. While still fucking Jesse, Raff looked into the camera and started talking. “That’s one more fucked up twink converted by me…” He reached forwards with one hand, took the phone from me and flipped it round so that I was now being recorded. “But I still got one more here, waiting to be charged up. Who wants him?” I gulped.
  7. 4. Playthings If you’d asked me, even five minutes after Raff ended the call, why I was lubing up toys to shove up my housemate, I doubt you would have got a coherent answer, much less a correct one. For all the parts of me that drone was doing wonders for, my short term memory wasn’t one of them. I’d all but forgotten about Raff and his deal, but he had implanted the idea in my head and that was the important thing. A line each and a quick make out session later, and Jesse was kneeling on the floor, leaning on the sofa, and pointing his ass at me. A plethora of toys were laid out next to him. More than I even realized they owned. Kneeling behind him, I rubbed my hands over his cheeks, cupping that perfect bubble butt in them and squeezing, making him wiggle. I pressed myself up against him, holding his hips and pulling him towards me. Even when unable to get hard, my dick still tingled with excitement against his hole, getting coated by the lube that still lingered from the double ender. He bucked against me, nudging me, wanting me to start. So I did. The double ender was already prepped and ready to go, so I started with that. The thing was as long as my forearm, I realized now that I held it. It made me wonder; how much of it had Jesse got inside me earlier, and how much of it could I get inside him now? It was time to find out. His ass offered little in the way of resistance as I pierced his hole with it, and Jesse let out a loud moan, pushing back, taking it even faster than I intended. For a moment, I was nothing more than a tool to hold the dildo as Jesse fucked himself, thrusting his ass back and forth on it. He easily rode it down to the halfway point, but never further. I figured that must be his comfort zone. The next time Jesse plunged down to half way, I made my move. Holding the toy tight in one hand, I wrapped my other arm around his hips and under his stomach, holding him in place, so that he couldn’t pull away from the thing in his ass. I began pushing forwards, and instantly earned whimpered from Jesse, who clearly hadn’t been expecting it. “Ah! Oh fuck, fuck fuck fuck!” He started repeating, and he made some half hearted effort to pull away, but I didn’t let him, and he didn’t try harder. “You can take it.” I said, stroking my fingers on his stomach. “This is nothing.” He looked at me, and the momentary worry on his face melted away. He nodded, and buried his head into the sofa cushions, letting me get to work. “Good boy.” I took it slow, edging it in inch by inch, and making sure to pull out occasionally, fucking him at a shallower depth, before I tried to make him take the next inch. He moaned and whimpered into the cushions, but he never tried to make me to stop, or even slow down. Eventually, it got to the point where I didn’t want to push any further, for fear of losing my grip, and losing the toy. I had no idea how the hell you solved something like that, even if we weren’t both completely lost to drone. How much was actually in him? 10 inches? 12? My vision was so hazy, it was honestly hard to tell. However much it was, it was fucking impressive to me. I was sure I couldn’t take anything like that much, but fuck knows I wanted to try. I felt something inside me. A twinge of frustration, of anger. I found myself pulling the dildo almost all the way out, then slammed it back in, making Jesse shout out even louder. I took my hand from his hip and curled it up in his hair, yanking on it tightly as I pounded his ass a second time. He yelled again, but still, he never said a word of complaint. Just ‘Oh fuck, oh fuck’, over and over as I rammed him deep and hard. I wanted to ruin him, but even more, I wanted to be ruined in the same way. For the first time in awhile, I could feel my cock hardening a little. My arm started to ache, and Jesse had been reduced to a whimpering mess, barely moving under my abuse. I let the dildo slip entirely from him, and stroked one hand through his hair, and the other over his ass. It took him a minute to realize that it was over, but eventually, he pushed himself up and turned to face me. I only had a second to notice the teary eyes, before his mouth was on mine. He rammed into me with such a force that we both went over, toppling to the floor, kissing and holding each other. When we broke apart, I could see the worry and panic back on Jesse’s face, but I knew what do say. “You’re okay.” I stroked a hand over his cheek and into his hair. “We’re okay.” He grinned wide, nodded, and we kissed again. ~~~ ‘POP-POP-POP-POP’ followed by “Holy fucking fuck!” from Jesse was an odd and hysterical combination of sounds. I’d just pulled a set of anal beads from his ass, yanking them out like I was trying to start an old fashioned lawn mower, instead of taking it slow like I had the previous two times. He laid beneath me on the sofa, squirming and bucking his hips and grinning from ear to ear as he dealt with the sensation that I could barely even imagine. “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” He kept saying, practically mouthing the words and barely speaking above a whisper. I knelt down and grabbed a nearby dildo, and started shoving it into him, delighting in the moan he let out. It was a chunky lump of black silicone, shaped like a veiny dick, and one that I recognised from being in Jesse and Reese’s room - they weren’t very good at keeping their toys stored somewhere out of sight. I’d got Jesse’s ass pretty damn messed up by this point, but even still, he wasn’t able to take a huge amount of this beast. There was a knock at the door, and I nearly jumped out of my skin. “Who the fuck is that?!” I said. The clock on the oven in the kitchenette told me that it had already gone eleven. That was a shock in itself. “What? It’s Raff, dickhead!” Jesse laughed, and memories of my brief conversation with Raff came flooding back to me. “The guy who told you to shove that up me, remember?” He pushed against the dildo in my hand and his ass - remembering Raff had apparently made me forget that I was doing that. “Go open the door.” “Oh shit, I forgot about him!” I let the toy slide out of Jesse then got up and shot into my room, rummaging around for clothes. “How’d he even get in the building?” Our apartment block wasn’t supposed to be accessible without a key, but at the same time, our neighbours were assholes. “What’re you doing?!” Jesse called after me. “Getting dressed!” I said as I threw on a pair of cargo shorts and a black vest. “Why?” He said as he went past my room, still completely naked. I heard the front door open, and then the sound of someone letting out a whistle. I stuck my head out my bedroom door, horrified that Jesse might have just opened the door on a random neighbour while completely naked, covered in lube, and flying like a kite. But it was Raff. It was unmistakably Raff. In the hallway, a huge black guy - in a black lycra top and black sweatpants, baseball cap on his head as I saw earlier - had my housemate pinned to the wall, one big hand on each little shoulder, mouths clamped together in a kiss that looked more like some beast eating his prey. Without stopping, Raff used his foot to kick the door closed behind him. Jesse’s hands were running up and down Raff’s chest. Raff’s shirt was so tight, every muscle could be seen underneath it, and there were a lot of them. Huge shoulders, bulging pecs, and abs that looked like they could block bullets. He had a bag slung over one shoulder, which rattled as he moved. “Holy fuck, boy.” Raff said, when they finally broke apart. “Are you even gonna survive this? Do you know just how fucked you’re about to get?” Jesse didn’t speak, but he clearly couldn’t control his excitement, which was painted on his face with a massive grin. Jesse nodded towards me; I was honestly surprised he’d remembered I was here. I’m not sure I would have if our positions were reversed. Raff looked at me, then smirked. “Hey there, mophead.” He said, letting go of Jesse and walking down the hall to me. He raised a hand, and I thought he was going in for a handshake. Instead, he grabbed my vest and balled it up in a fist, yanking it upwards, practically tearing it off me. As I struggled to take it off entirely, I felt his hand undo the button of my cargo shorts, causing the baggy clothing to drop straight to the floor, leaving me naked once again. “You didn’t have to get dressed up just for me.” He said, then went past me into the front room. I didn’t know what to think. Jesse obviously knew Raff, but he was a complete stranger to me, and he had just strolled into our flat and immediately taken complete control of both of us. I wasn’t so fucked up that I couldn’t hear the alarm bells here. Unfortunately, that would be the last time I could say that about the weekend. Jesse came up to me and took me by the hand. He must have known I was worried, because he squeezed it, kissed me on the cheek, then pulled me into the main room. “I’m just gonna add a little extra spice.” Raff said. He was standing at the mirror, holding something just above the pile of drone, his bag discarded by his feet. We came up behind him to see what he was doing. The thing in his hand wasn’t a baggie like the drone baggies Jesse had. I later realized that it was a square cut from some sort of gay porn magazine - there was an image of a guy hanging in elaborate ropework, getting fucked by a tattooed guy. It was folded up around a white powder, though I could tell at a glance that it wasn’t drone. While drone looked more like salt, this stuff looked more dusty, like talcum powder. “Speed.” Raff answered the unasked question. “Nothing too heavy - it’ll just help clear your brains up a little, make sure you don’t forget me again.” He smirked at me, and I blushed. “You could hear us?” I asked, as he used the card to mix the two drugs in with each other, and began racking up lines. “Well yeah, you were shouting.” “We were?!” Jesse and I both shouted in unison, making Raff laugh. This made us laugh, and suddenly, I was feeling a little less tense. Raff had created four lines, BIG lines, on the mirror. “I had a bit before I came, but clearly I’m playing catch up.” He told us, before snorting the first two lines himself, then handed the straw to Jesse. He hoovered up his so fast I was impressed he didn’t get whiplash, then handed the straw to me. I didn’t think I took too long in snorting my line. I only paused briefly to see if there was any difference between pure drone and this new mix, but it felt more or less the same, at least in my nose. However, when I turned round, the scene had already escalated. The black lycra top was thrown over the sofa, and Jesse’s head was level with one of Raff’s pecs, his mouth busy working the nip. Raff held Jesse in one arm, and with the other, he beckoned to me. I must have lost all focus for a minute, as I was suddenly in the same position as Jesse on the other pec, licking and sucking and biting at him, and I couldn’t remember crossing the room to get to it. The heat of Raff’s arm around me, and the feel of him holding me and Jesse together in his arms was incredible. “Good boys.” Raff purred in his deep voice. “Two tweaking little twinks for the price of one. Some fucked up God must be smiling down on me.” “Now, let’s see if this little mop can do what he’s told.” Shortly after Raff said this, I heard Jesse whimpering. I didn’t need to open my eyes to work out that several of Raff’s fingers were sliding in and out of Jesse’s ass. “Oh yeah, that’s good and slick. You better be grateful to your friend, Jesse, he’s made sure you’re going to get exactly the fucking you want.” He let go of both us, and stepped away from me, towards Jesse. Taking one of Jesse’s nipples in each hand, he began twisting and pulling at them as he continued talking. “He deserves a reward, don’t you think?” Jesse nodded. “Maybe I should fuck him instead of you?” A thrill went through me, and I was suddenly certain that that was exactly what I wanted, but Jesse clearly didn’t agree. “No!” He whimpered, pressing himself up against Raff, kissing at his chest and neck. “Please no! I need it. I really fucking need it. Please…” Raff laughed and took Jesse by the shoulders, pushing him away. “Alright, alright. Not that. But something…” Raff looked at me. His eyes looked thoughtful, but his smirk couldn’t hide the fact that he knew exactly what he was doing. “I know… Go kneel down in front of the sofa, Mop. Jesse, sit next to him and be ready to hold him down.” With his orders issued, Raff went over to his bag as we obeyed. I felt nervous, but I pointed my ass up and out towards Raff. I assumed that that was what he needed access to. “What are you going to do?” I asked. “Don’t worry. If you like the drone, you’re going to fucking love this.” Raff replied. He was right behind me with his bag, kneeling down behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw him take some things out. I recognized one item as a buttplug - big, but hardly hole wrecking. I doubted it looked like anything in comparison to Raff’s cock. Whatever the other thing was, it made Jesse gasp. “Is that…?” “Fuck yeah, it is.” Raff answered. It was a baggie of something, but I couldn’t see what. “You get my cock first, so he gets to feel T first. It’s only fair, right? Hold him down.” Suddenly, Jesse’s weight was on top of me, pinning me to the sofa. I felt a tiny surge of panic, and began to protest, but I felt Raff’s hand stroke my ass. “Don’t worry, kid. Jesse’s not going to let anything bad happen to you. Right, Jesse?” Jesse agreed. “This shit will blow your mind. It’s just, it’ll hurt a little going in, and I don’t want you squirming. Just trust us, okay? Just relax.” They let me compose myself. Jesse whispered sweet nothings in my ear about how ‘fucking hot’ and ‘lucky’ I was, while Raff teased my hole with his fingers, which he lubed up and began to slip into me. He was gentler about it than I had expected, taking his time and slowly pushing deeper, stretching me out. It felt incredible, and I lost myself in the sensation. “Alright…” Raff said softly, after what might have been minutes or days of him playing with my hole. “This next bit will hurt for a few minutes, but after that, you’ll be seeing stars. You ready?” I told him that I was, and even pushed my ass towards him to prove it. I honestly wasn’t even thinking about what was coming next. I really just wanted him to continue teasing my hole. There was a horrible sensation as his fingers withdrew, but I bit my lip and waited. “Just a little one for now.” Raff said. “We don’t want him melting away instantly now, do we?” Jesse laughed at this, then I felt fingers back at my hole. I suddenly understood why Jesse had to hold me down. Raff was pushing something into my hole, and it wasn’t the buttplug I’d seen. It felt sharp, and despite what Raff had said, it didn’t seem small at all. My hole suddenly felt itchy and tingling, which was not a good feeling at all. As predicted, I struggled against Jesse, but he kept me in place, still whispering words of encouragement. I whimpered into the sofa pillows. When Raff’s fingers had pushed the ‘T’ as far as it would go, he withdrew again. Instinctively, I tried to push whatever it was back out of my ass, but I quickly realized that that was what the plug was for. I felt it against my hole as Raff pushed it in. It sunk in deep and hit the sharp thing, pushing that further still into me. I felt my hole close around the stem of the plug, and knew that it was fully inside of me. “Keep him still.” Raff instructed Jesse. “Till we know it’s going to stay in.” A few minutes passed in relative silence, before Jesse finally climbed off of me. “How you doing, mophead?” Raff asked. I pushed myself up off the sofa, and instantly, I was gone. Image from Raff’s wrap: https://imgur.com/a/lSnztnP
  8. 3. The Deal More lines were made, and another pair of bombs swallowed. Jesse must have had more than one baggie of the drone, since the pile didn’t seem to be getting any smaller on the mirror. Jesse snorted his line, then handed me the straw, stepping out of my way. When I bent down to the mirror, I heard movement behind me, then felt Jesse’s tongue on my hole. It made me completely forget what I was doing. I moaned, and pushed my ass against his face, feeling his tongue slip into me. My knees nearly buckled, it felt that good. I barely had the coordination to snort my line, before I closed my eyes and let Jesse work. One hand took me by the hip to hold me in place while the other wrapped around my dick and balls, squeezing and pulling at them. The latest dose of drone hit me like sunlight, washing over my body and making my skin tingle. Everything felt unbelievable. It was so weird that I couldn’t get hard, because everything about the way I felt was telling me I should be harder than I’ve ever been. But I was too fucked up to worry about it, so I just pressed my ass harder into Jesse’s face, hating it when his tongue withdrew and loving it when he pushed back in. I felt dizzy, my mind was in a daze, and images of every time I’d ever been fucked floated in and out of my head - most of them were Reese. Suddenly, I was on the floor, and my side hurt. Jesse was howling with laughter. “Are you okay?!” He managed to force out as he gasped for breath. I rubbed my side and realized that I’d fallen over. I was so lost in the sensation that I’d simply forgotten to make my legs stay standing. Jesse was still laughing, so I kicked him in the leg. “Aww.” He cooed, still laughing, and crawled towards me. “My poor fucked up little baby.” He kissed me all over the sore bit that I’d landed on, then up my stomach and chest to my mouth. We kissed for a few minutes. “Maybe we should move to the sofa where it’s safer?” He winked. We got off the floor and sat down, though not before having another little line each. Jesse immediately took me by the ankles, forcing me down onto my back with my legs in the air, and shoving his tongue back into my hole. Moaning, I melted into the sofa and took hold of my legs. Jesse let go and put his hands on my ass, pushing my cheeks further apart so he could bury his tongue as deep as it could reach. I felt insatiable; his tongue wasn’t big, thick, or hard enough to satisfy what I wanted right there, but it was definitely talented enough to keep me occupied. The porn on the TV had changed. The hotel scene had gone, replaced by something similar. It was still a cute twink taking it raw at both ends by a bunch of older, muscular guys with the kind of cocks I needed right now. But this was in some sort of warehouse, and no one was naked. Instead, they were wearing all sorts of kinky outfits - Rubber, neoprene, jockstraps, and the twink was blindfolded and tied up at some points. This twink didn’t look like Jesse, either. He actually looked a lot like Reese. I wondered how much of Jesse’s porn contained lookalikes, and if there were any that looked like me. Jesse’s tongue withdrew from me. “That should do.” He said, sitting up. “Now let’s see if I can’t get you as loosened up as you got me.” He winked again, and grabbed the smallest of the dildos - It wasn’t very thick, but it was, I noticed, a pretty long double ender. He practically drenched the thing in lube, and started teasing it at my hole. I felt it pop through, into me, and let out a moan as my hole stretched around it, even if it wasn’t very wide. The speed with which Jesse pushed it deeper into me would have hurt like hell when I was sober, but right now, I couldn’t feel anything but the most incredible shivers of pleasure shooting through me. Repositioning himself, our legs became intertwined as Jesse started using the other end of the double ender. The long black bar of a dildo moved around wildly inside me while Jesse got himself comfortable and teased his hole with it, before letting it slip in. We’d actually done this once before, with a double ended toy. But we were stone cold sober back then, and it had just been awkward, uncomfortable, and not arousing at all. Now though, the awkwardness just made us laugh, discomfort was banished by lust, and this was all as arousing as two guys with ‘drone dick’ could be. It wasn’t like any toy I’d played with before. Having it attached to another person made it unpredictable. Any movement one of us made would affect the other, and we were affecting each other pretty damn hard. It was hard to tell how much of it was inside me, and how much inside Jesse, but there definitely wasn’t much left in the open air between us. We bucked our hips, pushing towards and pulling away from each other, both moaning like a couple of porn stars. Even our arms and legs were part of it - every inch of skin contact felt electric, so we each ran our hands over any body part of the other that we could reach. One of his feet snaked up my body to my face, and instinctively, I opened my mouth and sucked on his toes, which made him laugh. This was new, too. I knew that Reese had a major foot fetish, of course, but I’d always thought Jesse just tolerated it in order to be a good boyfriend. I certainly never expressed an interest before, but at this point, I’d probably do just about anything Jesse suggested. His foot was hardly the most dangerous thing he’d got me to put in my mouth tonight. “Woah-ho-ho!” I flinched. It wasn’t Jesse’s voice. It was much deeper than that. I pushed his foot away from my face and was about to get up. “Well, fuck me.” The voice said, and I realized that it was still coming from Jesse. Or more specifically, the phone that Jesse was holding well above the two of us. He was on facetime to someone, and I could see the image of the two of us, fully exposed, in the little screen. In the main screen, I could see the outline of a man, but wherever he was, it was dark. From this distance, all I could make out was that he was black, and wearing a baseball cap. “Raaaaaaff.” Jesse drew out the man's name in a cutesy voice usually reserved for when he and Reese were in a silly mood. “You know what you said about drone dick?” It was all he needed to say. Raff spoke again. “I remember. You and your little friend play with some more toys. I’ll be there before you know it. How much of my stuff have you used?” “A little over half?” Raff whistled. “Impressive, for first timers. Okay, put the mophead on.” Jesse was holding the phone out for me for a few seconds before I realized that ‘mophead’ meant me. I took the phone and held it up to my face, getting a better look at Raff. He was older than us, I could tell at a glance, and hot as fuck. He had big lips and a metal stud in his nose. His head was shaved under the cap, and just from a head and shoulders shot, I could tell he was muscled up. “Hey kid. You doing okay?” He asked with a coy smile. “I’m doing just fine.” I smiled back. Even in my haze, I still felt a little nervous talking to a complete stranger, and in such a completely compromised position. Jesse had gone back to wiggling about though, causing the dildo to move inside me, making me want more, and boosting my confidence. “Though this ‘drone dick’ thing is one fucking lame deal.” He laughed. “Yes it is, kid. Yes it is. But don’t worry, it only happens to fucked up little bitches like you. Real men like me don’t have to deal with that shit, you get me?” I did. The way he described us should have bothered me, I knew, but the way he said it made it oddly okay. He wasn’t being cruel. Just stating facts. “So tell me something. You’ve fucked Jesse before, right?” I nodded. “Fucked him tonight? Before you went all limp, I mean.” I nodded again. “Then you’re one lucky little fucker, you know that?” I looked up at Jesse, who stuck his tongue out at me, and bucked his hips in a way that pushed the dildo further into me, making me shudder. Raff kept talking. “Y’see, I been trying to fuck that sweet little bubblebutt of his for months now, ever since the first time I met him. And in about 45 minutes, I’m going to be there to finally claim my prize. But there’s a problem.” He moved his camera, slowly going down his body, making sure to give it enough time that I could see just how ripped he was. He stopped at his underwear. Even before he pulled them down, I could see a huge bulge in them. When he opened up and his dick flopped out, I couldn’t help but gasp. It was huge, and it didn’t even look hard yet. His face reappeared. “I bet that, even on its best day, that limp little thing of yours doesn’t get close to what I’ve got, right?” I couldn’t help but say yes, humiliating though it was. “So this is what I need you to do for me. I plan to fuck Jesse’s brains out this weekend, and I can’t do that if I tear him apart on the first go, can I? So in the next 45 minutes, you’re going to make sure that that doesn’t happen. Get that boy nice and loose and ready for me, and I won’t let you go wanting for anything this weekend. Deal?” I looked at Jesse, who was nodding like an excited child that has just been offered ice cream. In my defense, this was one of the few times in the evening where, even if I had been stone cold sober, I couldn’t have possibly guessed exactly what I was letting myself in for. “Deal.” I answered. “Good boy.” He said, and ended the call without another word. Jesse and I looked at each other. He was grinning like a mad man. “Well,” I said, and nodded to the floor. “Get on your hands and knees, then.” Scenes from the porn; https://imgur.com/a/JXqJn Raff:
  9. 2. Bombs Away My nose burned. The chemical smell of it, and the unnatural sensation gave me the same reaction as Jesse; I shot back up to standing position and yelled out a swear word or two. Jesse’s dick pressed into my ass, and his hand came round my waist to grab mine, pumping it gently. The pain passed quickly, and I relaxed into him, letting him kiss my neck and grind into me. “You okay?” He asked. “Yeah, just felt weird. How long does it take to start feeling it?” “Dunno.” He answered, then with a hand on my shoulder, he turned me around to face him. “I’m sure we’ll find out.” Dropping to his knees, he swallowed my cock down to the hilt again, and pulled my hands to his head, his sign that he wanted me to take control. I was more than happy to. I curled my fingers tightly in his hair and used it as a handle to move his mouth up and down my dick. Somewhere at the back of my mind, a little part of me was freaking out. What were we doing? Literally, what drug did I just do? This wasn’t right. But feeling Jesse’s warm, wet mouth around my cock, feeling the tip push in and out of his throat, and the hand that had just found my balls again, forced me to push those thoughts away. Jesse squeezed my balls with one hand, and jacked himself off with the other. I pulled his head right down onto my dick and held him there as I bucked my hips, fucking his throat as deeply as I could reach. He moaned, sending vibrations down my shaft and into my body, which in turn made me moan as well. I could have easily shot my load straight down his throat then and there, but he must have sensed it, because he started pushing back against my hands. I let go, and my cock slid from his throat, then his mouth entirely. The cold air on my spit-soaked dick sent a shiver down my spine. He stood up again. “Feel anything yet?” I wasn’t sure, though. I could feel my heart pounding away, but whether that was from drugs, fear, or excitement, I couldn’t tell. “Let’s have a bit more.” I moved back behind him and slipped my dick between his cheeks again, covering his hole in his own spit as he started preparing two more lines. I placed my hands on his hips, but felt something weird. His body felt amazing under my hands, and the heat he was giving off felt so inviting. I pushed my hands forward, running my hands up his stomach to his chest as I pulled him into a hug. He laughed and pushed his ass out against me. “Feels good, right?” I nodded and kissed down his neck. Jesse finished setting up the lines - which I noticed were a fair bit longer than the last ones - but he was still playing with a separate pile of the powder. I asked him what he was doing, but he just turned his head and winked at me, pushing his ass against my cock. He made two small piles, but didn’t shape them into lines. Instead, he took a rizla from the packet, and split it in half down the middle, making two small squares. With some difficulty, he managed to scoop each pile of powder into one of the squares, then carefully brought the corners of each square together in a pinch, twisting them round and making a little package of the drug. “Get a beer or something.” He told me. I didn’t want to let go of his body. It felt so comfortable and right to be holding him like that. There was something about the heat his body gave off that dragged me in, and I desperately wanted to get my cock back inside him. But he nudged me off and I did as he said. As I took a beer from the fridge, I heard him snort his line. “Woah!” He yelled. “Fuck yeah!” I laughed and brought the beer to him, trading it for the straw. He cracked it open as I bent down to take my line. It stung, but not as badly as last time, and I felt a rush go through me. Jesse picked up one of the little balls he’d made. “Do you know what this is?” I shook my head. “They’re called bombs. You swallow them and they open up in your stomach. Apparently it gives you a really good high.” With that, he popped it in his mouth and took a huge swig of the beer, drinking several large gulps. “Can you really take cocaine that way?” I asked. He laughed. “Maybe. I dunno. This isn’t cocaine though, it’s drone.” I raised an eyebrow at it. “Methedrone. It’s better. Amazing to get fucked up on, then get fucked on. That’s what the guy who sold it to me said.” As he said ‘fucked’, he grabbed my dick. “Just swallow it like a pill.” He handed me the can and kept pumping my dick. I picked up the little package, and looked at it for a moment. It looked like those party popper toys I used to get as a kid. Throw it at the ground and it made a bang like a gun. Probably banned these days. I placed it in my mouth and swallowed it down with beer. Between the two of us, we’d nearly emptied the can in one go. I put the can on the desk, away from the mirror, and Jesse wrapped his arms over my shoulders and around my neck, pulling me in. Our bodies smacked together, our dicks squashed in between our stomachs, rock hard and rubbing against each other as we kissed deeply. I took his ass in my hands and squeezed tightly as our tongues danced around each other. Kissing Jesse like this was almost the most exhilarating thing we’d done so far, in a way. He never normally got this involved - one of the weirdest things about Jesse and Reese’s fucked up relationship was their opinions on kissing other people. The kiss ended and he grinned at me. “I’m really glad you’re doing this with me.” I smiled, and nodded my agreement. ~~~ If the bomb ever hit me, I didn’t notice it. All I noticed was the most incredible feelings I’d ever felt. Oral had never felt so good, Jesse had never tasted so good, and my cock had never been so hard. We were getting hot, and sweat was pouring off us, which only made the whole thing feel much better. We sucked and licked and tweaked and pumped each other crazy. Jesse took out his phone and started taking pictures of us. We did a few more lines, and at one point, Jesse went to get his laptop, wiring it up to the TV and playing porn for us to watch, from a weird website I’d never heard of before, called ‘MachoMoe’. The site was weird - covered in weird ‘demonic’ images and shit. But the porn was so hot - a bunch of guys in a hotel, all naked and sweaty and muscley, all with massive cocks, all tearing into the ass and mouth of the sexiest little twink I’d ever seen. The abuse he could take was incredible. Spitroasting, double penetration, cock after cock after cock ploughing into him. He moaned and yelled in pain but they never stopped. And not a condom in sight, I couldn’t help but notice. It was only made hotter by the fact that the twink looked a lot like Jesse, though Jesse had more muscle. “I wish we had what they were on.” Jesse said. He’d stopped sucking my dick and was pumping it slowly - maybe he thought I was close to cumming. Despite how incredible everything was, I actually didn’t feel all that close. I just wanted to fuck about without end. “It isn’t drone?” I asked. I hadn’t actually considered the possibility that they were on anything, but now that he said it, I could easily imagine that that’s what we were watching. “Nah. It’ll be something much better. Gina. Tina. Something like that.” I laughed at the names. “Gina and Tina? Sounds like talk show hosts.” He laughed at that. “They’re supposed to be incredible. The ultimate fuck drugs. Drone is fun, but G and T will tear your inhibitions apart.” I could tell he was getting excited as he talked. Though I noticed that he wasn’t actually hard anymore. He let go of my dick and began crawling up me, kissing my stomach and chest, biting at my nipples, then kissing me on the lips as he spoke. “Just pure, raw, fucking, the way it was supposed to be done.” He sat down right above my cock, grinding his hole up against it. My heart was suddenly pounding a thousand times a minute, and there was nothing I could think of other than burying my cock in Jesse’s hole. “You going to fuck me the way you’re supposed to?” He asked me. His hand went to my dick, guiding the tip of it to his hole. I bucked and grinded my hips, covering his hole in his spit and my precum. I could feel it opening up as he slowly pushed himself against it. “Pure. Raw. Fucking?” With each word he pressed his hole right onto the tip of my dick, so that I could feel how badly he needed it filling. I’m sure I should have heard some sort of alarm. I never fucked Jesse raw. Reese never fucked me raw. Them ‘forgetting’ condoms was one of the biggest issues of their relationship, and doing it raw with me was too on the nose. But any alarm going off in my mind was drowned out by the pounding heartbeat in my ears, the moaning coming from the TV, and Jesse’s words. “Yes.” I breathed. “Fuck yes.” Jesse sat on my dick. The tip of my dick punched straight into him and, with practically no lube, just body fluids, he took more than half of my cock in one movement. It must of hurt, and he half yelled, half moaned. It took me by such surprise that I let out a similar noise. “Holy fuck!” Jesse shouted, leaning forwards and taking me in a deep kiss as he continued pushing down on my dick. “I fucking love your cock.” I fucking loved his hole as well. Warm, tight, and sliding down onto my dick so fast I wondered how he could possibly stand it. I held onto his hips as he rocked and grinded them, working his way right down to the hilt. He moaned so loud I figured the whole building would hear him, then he started slowly riding me. I was in absolute heaven, and I never wanted it to stop. Our bodies moved as one as I took him in my arms, holding him tight against me and shoving my tongue in his mouth almost as hard as my cock in his ass. I don’t know if we were only like that for a minute or for hours. If Reese had walked into the apartment at that moment and told us it was Sunday evening, I wouldn’t have doubted him at all. But then something strange happened. Something felt different, and we both noticed it. He kept grinding for a few more minutes, but finally he gave up. He sighed, and got off me. My dick flopped down to my stomach, now only semi-hard. “What the fuck?” I said, taking it in hand and trying to fix it. “I’m sorry, I don’t know what-” Jesse laughed and put a finger on my lips. “It’s cool, man. I thought this might happen.” I asked what he meant. “It’s called ‘Drone dick’. My dealer told me about it. Drone can make it really hard for some people to keep it up. It happened to me a while ago.” He indicated his very soft dick. “What?! Well what’s the point of that?! So we’re finished then?” To that he laughed even harder. “Not even close. We’ll just have to improvise.” He got off the sofa and went towards his room. I still kept playing with my dick, watching the porn, but nothing happened. If anything, I seemed to get smaller. A few minutes later, Jesse came back. “These ought to do.” In his arms were several dildos in different shapes and sizes, and a huge bottle of lube. Apparently we weren’t out of lube after all. “And y’know, my dealer did say that if this happened to both of us, we should give him a call. He’ll come round and sort us out. You okay with that?” I looked from Jesse, to my dick, to the mirror of drugs, then the incredible scene on the TV - the hot little twink was currently taking two huge dicks in the ass, and a third in the mouth - then back to Jesse. I barely even thought before I said yes. Scenes from the porn: https://imgur.com/a/tAPPS
  10. 1. Finding the Line Whenever we look back on that weekend, I’ve never been able to pinpoint exactly when we crossed the line. Jesse can never decide which chemical was one chemical too far. And I’m certain that even Reese couldn’t say where the point of no return was. But I can’t deny it - we definitely crossed the line. There was definitely one drug too far, and a lot more after that. And when all the white dust settled, there was definitely no returning to how things used to be. ~~~ The weekend started in typical style, on Friday night. Jesse and Reese were fighting again. Over what, I didn’t know, since I’d got home late enough to miss the shouting match that had no doubt happened earlier. No doubt one of them or the other had slept with the wrong person or wasn’t 100% sure if there had been a condom, and the other reacted as if he would never do something so heinous. Jesse and Reese were one of those typical gay couples; too slutty for monogamy, too jealous for polyamory. When I got home, I checked the trash for broken glass, but there was nothing. It probably didn’t get physical this time, at least. But I’d been living with them long enough to recognise the signs that they’d been fighting. If they were in good moods, Jesse would be singing along to awful music as he cooked, while Reese sat on the sofa, endlessly tuning his electric guitar, headphones on and Jesse’s music thoroughly drowned out. The apartment would be smelling of garlic and something burning, and I’d immediately lock myself up in my room and try to escape Jesse’s singing. That was no easy task. We lived in a tiny apartment in a run down area of New York. Just two bedrooms, both barely big enough for one person, let alone two, plus a cramped bathroom with perpetually grimy windows. Only the front room offered any real comfort, with just enough space for a big sofa and a desk, plus a tiny kitchen tucked away in one corner. But they definitely were not in good moods. The silence that greeted me when I arrived was enough to tell me that. As I passed Reese and Jesse’s room, I heard some rustling, then found Jesse on the sofa in the front room still in his work polo, but lacking pants, only wearing underwear. Pretending to play on his phone, he scrolled endlessly down some porn filled social media feed, no doubt. He smiled at me as I entered the room, and even winked at me. That only meant one thing - this time, it was Reese that had messed up, and Jesse was the offended party. Which meant Jesse and I would be fucking as soon as we were left alone. Maybe it makes me a shitty person, but Reese and Jesse’s relationship hitting the rocks was pretty much the best thing to happen to my sex life. Whenever one of them thought they were in the right, they would celebrate their victory by ‘secretly’ fucking about with me. Neither of them would ever involve me in one of their fights, but that didn’t mean I was a No Man’s Land. Quite the opposite - I was the trump card of their relationship. One could have as much sex with me as he liked, and the other would never raise an objection, since he was doing it too. It was far from the biggest issue in their relationship, and I was more than happy with the arrangement. Even before Reese came out of their room, I had a pretty good idea of what was happening. Seeing him in his black tracksuit with a duffel bag slung over one shoulder just confirmed it. He nodded to me when he saw me, and said “I’m gonna go see the folks.” This might have been true, but it was equally possible he was going to find some barely legal to split in two. I felt a pang of jealousy - Reese had the bigger dick, and Jesse would probably want to bottom, but beggars shouldn’t be choosers. “Cool.” Was my only reply as I powered up the playstation. We caught each others eye for a moment, and I could tell he was thinking something along the same lines as me. He smirked, before turning to the desk and picking up a few things he’d be needing. Yep, some young thing was about to get ruined. Another pang of jealousy. Jesse didn’t look up from his phone, and I loaded up some old first person shooter, more for the sake of creating some noise to fill the silence than any real desire to play a game. Reese filled up his bag, zipped it shut, and rattled his keys as he scooped them up from the desk. He turned to leave, and for a moment, I thought they weren’t even going to say bye. “See you on Sunday?” Jesse asked as Reese was about to leave. He paused in the doorway for a few seconds. “Yeah.” Jesse visibly unclenched. “See ya.” And nothing more was said. He continued walking, and I heard the sound of him pissing in the bathroom, then the opening and closing - not slamming - of the front door. Jesse and I looked at each other, and he smiled at me, sadly. ~~~ It wasn’t long before things got going. I’d played two very poor rounds of Domination while Jesse watched on, before he stood up and headed to his bedroom. “I guess he actually is going to his parents.” He said on his way back in. “He didn’t take this with him, at least.” He’d lost his shirt, wearing only his light blue briefs now, and carried in a plastic tub that I knew all too well. The weed box. Cool. It was going to be a silly night. No way Jesse would do anything but bottom when stoned, but at least it wasn’t going to be a quick, shameful fuck followed by him disappearing into his room for the rest of the weekend. We traded items - I took the weed box and Jesse took the controller. We were both awful at the game, but I could at least roll a joint. I didn’t even need to watch what I was doing as I prepared it. Jesse got shot down as I took some weed from the baggie, and again as I twisted the grinder. He managed to stay alive for a while while I filled the paper with slightly stale tobacco, mostly by not going anywhere near the parts of the map where the fighting actually happened. He managed to blow himself up on his own grenade while I prepared the roach, and by the time I was sealing the joint up, he’d already given up entirely. “It’s a stupid game.” He told me. I only raised an eyebrow in response, and lit the joint. I took a short drag to test it, then a much longer one once I was sure it wouldn’t make the lightweight Jesse white out, then passed it over, taking the controller back. He slid up next to me on the sofa and brought the joint up to his lips. We didn’t speak for a while, but I saw his hand shaking as he smoked, so I put my hand on his knee and gave it a little squeeze before my game started. He smiled at me again, happier this time, and rested his head on my shoulder and a hand on my thigh, watching me play. Every now and then, he’d take a drag, or bring the joint up to my lips so that I didn’t have to wait for breaks in the game. We burnt through the joint a lot faster than we should have, and my head was spinning. Every time Jesse’s hand returned to my thigh, it was a little closer to my cock, which was slowly swelling inside my jeans. The game ended and I rolled another joint and sat it to one side, not intending to have it straight away, but Jesse had other plans. He took up the joint and lit it, taking a long drag, but he didn’t exhale. Instead, he leaned in, pushed my shaggy brown hair out of my eyes, and brought his mouth to mine. If I were a smarter, less stoned man, everything that followed might have seemed obvious and avoidable, but I was taken by surprise. He exhaled the smoke into my mouth, and I breathed it into my lungs. I’d shotgunned before, but only with Reese, not Jesse. Jesse was never normally this forward, but I wasn’t about to start complaining. We broke apart so I could exhale, and he shifted position, straddling my lap. I took him by the hips, slipping my fingers under the fabric of his briefs, and pulling him into me. His dick was rock hard against my stomach, and he began grinding into me as our mouths found each other again. I brought one hand up to the back of his neck and held him in place, and shoved my tongue into his mouth, making out with him the way I knew he liked. Breaking the kiss apart again, I found the joint and took a long drag, bringing my spare hand to Jesse’s asscheek and squeezing it hard. He moaned. “You gonna fuck me real hard?” He asked. Before I answered, I brought his mouth to mine and exhaled, letting him breathe in my smoke, then we made out a little longer. “That depends.” I answered when we came up for air. “I think we’re out of lube. That gonna be a problem?” His only answer was to start moving off me. I grabbed his underwear with both hands, yanking them down away from him as he moved. His cock sprang out so hard that it flicked a little preum onto my arm. I took a look at him standing naked in front of me. His chest, stomach, and dick were all clean shaven - clearly Reese and Jesse had made plans for this weekend, before Reese’s indisgression. Of the three of us, Jesse’s dick was the smallest, but it was still a decent six inches (Reese was the biggest at seven and a half, and I was somewhere in the middle, though mine was thickest). A very physical job made his body thin but lean. His balls were big, tight, and looked about ready to burst, and he had a sweet round bubble butt that I was all too happy to have sat on my face for hours, on nights when Jesse had been feeling more dominant. Not much chance of that tonight though. Jesse dropped to his knees and buried his face in my crotch. I ran one hand through his sandy blonde hair and held him in place while I smoked with the other. My cock was straining to escape at least my jeans, but for the moment, I ignored it. Instead, I pulled my t-shirt off over my head, and Jesse’s hands instantly shot up and found my nipples. I moaned, and held his head tighter as I grinded my denim covered dick into Jesse’s mouth. Taking my hand off his head, I slipped it between us and began to unbuckle my belt. Jesse instantly took over, and in one smooth movement, my jeans, underwear, and even my socks were whipped off, and we were both completely naked. His mouth engulfed my cock, pausing just a moment to clean off the precum that had built up at the tip, then sliding all the way down till his nose nestled into my pubes. I usually kept things smooth down there, but it had been a while since I tidied up, so there was a thin layer of dark brown hair giving my pale skin some colour. Jesse had destroyed his gag reflex years before the first time I felt him around my cock, and could deepthroat so well, you could be forgiven for thinking he didn’t actually need to breathe, so long as he had a cock in his mouth. He worked his way up and down my 7 inches the way he knew I liked, bobbing up and down so I could feel the tip of my dick slipping in and out of his throat. One of his hands found my balls and squeezed gently. The other, to my surprise, went to my ass, fingers wiggling towards my hole. This wasn’t like him at all. I took another drag and moved so that he had easier access. Instantly, he stopped sucking my dick and moved down. I felt his wet lips against my hole, and he burrowed his tongue inside. “Holy fuck, Jesse!” I practically yelled, and my cock twitched so hard it looked like it bounced off my stomach before slapping back down with a sloppy noise. I felt his hands on my thighs, pushing them up, so I lifted my legs and held the backs of my knees to give him better access. I’d never known Jesse to do anything like this before, and if his tongue didn’t feel so damn good inside me, maybe I would have had sense enough to put a stop to things there. Instead, I just moaned, and swore under my breath. No longer needing to hold my legs, Jesse’s hand found my cock and started gently pumping it as he kept eating out my ass. His other hand ran up my stomach, back to my nipple. It was a stretch, but he was clearly determined to do as much as possible. Once he started tweaking me again, I was like putty in his hands. My ass was feeling slicker and slicker as he filled it with his spit. He played with my dick just gently enough to tease me and keep it twitching. “I thought I was fucking you?” I asked, breathlessly, then instantly regretted it as his tongue slipped out of my hole and his hands left my body. I looked at him - all around his mouth shone with spit and he grinned at me. Still on his knees in front of me, he leaned forwards and pressed his dick against my ass, making me gasp. His fingers found my nipples and started twisting them. “Oh, you will be.” He said, and even in my stoned haze, I could see something dangerous in the way that he smirked. “But… You wanna have some fun, first?” “Aren’t we having fun already?” I asked. “Something more fun than this.” He leaned forwards, making his cock press right up against my hole, and kissed me gently on the lips. I let go of my legs and wrapped them around him, holding him tight against me. “Something I’ve been wanting to try for a long time.” He kissed me again, and grinded his dick against me. “Something more fun than anything you’ve done with Reese.” I raised an eyebrow. Neither of them ever acknowledged what I did with the other. “But you have to promise you’ll give it a go before I tell you what it is, okay?” He kissed me a few more times. “Is it safe?” I asked, but he just smiled at me again, and bit his lip, waiting for my answer. There was something in his eyes. I didn’t know what it was, but it made my cock twitch almost as hard as his tongue had. “... Alright. I’ll give it a try. What is it?” A thought instantly occurred to me. “You’re not fisting me. Reese already tried it and it didn’t end well.” Jesse laughed, so hard that I could feel it shake through his body. Something about that laugh made me feel more sure of myself. “Well, that’s a shame.” He told me. “But that’s not actually what I had in mind. You definitely promise?” I nodded. “Pinky swear?” He held up his little finger, and we both laughed, before I sighed and linked my pinkie around his. “Awesome.” He leaned in and kissed me once more, slipping his tongue into my mouth for a moment, before he pulled away from me. He found the joint, stuck it in my mouth and relit it for me, then stood up and headed towards his room. “Stay there, I’ll be back.” I watched his sweet little bubblebutt bounce away and decided that I’d definitely be getting my tongue inside that before the night was through. I heard him digging about in his bedroom while I puffed on the joint. There wasn’t much of it left, and a part of me was aware that Jesse had barely touched this one, but that part got quieter with each passing minute. Finally, Jesse came back into the front room, though not before going into the bathroom. His dick bounced up and down as he strided back inside and went to the desk, gesturing me to come over. I stood next to him. On the desk, he placed a mirror - the one he used to make sure the back side of his hair was as flawlessly styled as the front. On the mirror, he placed several items. An old credit card with Reese’s name on it, a pack of normal sized rizzlers, an empty can of deodorant, a straw that had been cut up into smaller pieces, and a small plastic baggie filled with some sort of white powder. My brain didn’t register what I was seeing straight away. “Jesse, what is-” Jesse spun around and forced his mouth against mine, kissing me hard. One hand grabbed my dick and squeezed as he tugged at it, while the other went round to my ass, a finger finding my hole and pressing into it. I moaned into Jesse’s mouth, and brought both my hands around him to grab his perfect asscheeks. The same part of my brain that had tracked the amount I smoked was speaking up again. Drugs. And not just weed, proper bad drugs, like cocaine or something. But my cock was rock hard in Jesse’s hand, and his ass was warm and soft under mine. He broke the kiss. “Remember, you promised to try.” He said, and smirked that dangerous smirk again. I nodded my ascent. “Watch what I do.” He let go of me and turned around. I stood right behind him, pressing my dick into his ass, which he pushed gently into me. I rested my head on his shoulder and watched, as he placed the baggie in the center of the mirror. Rolling the deodorant can over it, he crushed whatever it was into an even finer powder, then placed the can to one side. He opened up the bag and brought it to his nose, sniffing as if it were a glass of wine. He passed it under my nose and, as I sniffed, pressed his ass even harder into my dick. The smell was weird, like nothing I’d encountered before. ‘Industrial chemical’ was the only term I could think to describe it, and that didn’t fill me with confidence. But right then, all I could think about was how good my cock felt between Jesse’s cheeks. It was about to feel a lot better. Jesse upended the baggie on the mirror, tipping out the powder into a little mound. He shook the baggie, making sure to get every speck out, then placed the empty bag next to the can. Next, he took the credit card and used it to separate out a small piece of the powder, dragging it closer to the edge of the mirror nearest us. There was a crunching sound as he pressed the card down against the little pile, crushing the largest bits that the can had missed, then he separated it out into two lines. Bucking his hips against me, he got me to move back a little as he leaned forwards, taking up a straw and bringing his face close to the mirror. It would have been so easy to slip my dick inside his hole right then and there, even without lube, but I resisted the temptation. I heard a sniff, then he shot back up to standing again, with a wordless yelp. Instantly, he spun round and we were kissing again. He held my dick in one hand while grinding against me, suddenly feeling like he was moving much faster. He moaned and kissed down my neck, before pulling away again. “Fuck, that feels wild.” He said, rubbing at his nose. He stepped away and nudged me towards the mirror, holding up the straw piece. “Your turn.” I took it from him, and felt him move so that our positions were reversed. Now his dick was pressing into my ass. I looked down at the white line on the mirror, then turned to look at Jesse. He just kissed me on the cheek then nodded towards it again. I sighed. “Okay, what the hell.” And with that, I bent down, put the straw in one nostril while pinching the other closed, and snorted up the line. Toby: Jesse: Reese:
  11. I'm bored. Anyone hang about in the Chem fiction forum? I'm writing something for that to keep myself entertained.

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