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  • Gender
  • Location
    Southern Arizona
  • Interests
    Really fucking turned on by conscious, focused, purposeful HIV infection/ bug chasing/ conversion, and I want to film real conversion scenes as a memento for the chaser and gifter. If you're a chaser and want your infection captured on video, get in touch. Or if you're a Poz gifter who wants to be filmed while giving the ultimate gift, get in touch.
  • HIV Status
    Not Sure, Probably Neg
  • Role
  • Background
    Very fetish-friendly pervert here who recently turned on to the world of chasing/ gifting.
  • Porn Experience

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    [think before following links] [think before following links] [think before following links] https://lessthanaman.bdsmlr.com/

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  1. The very early 80's. I saw "Kansas City Trucking Co." at a movie theater in the east part of Hollywood. Changed my life. I was 20.
  2. Wait....what's this about LeGrand Wolf? I thought this story was about AUSTIN Wolf?
  3. Great profile and idea I would love to have been to a conversion party like that when I was younger chasing the gift 

  4. I was happy the season didn't devolve into camp nonsense and they kept the somber tone throughout. That was a nice change for this show. But yeah, making the 2 final episodes solely about the AIDS epidemic felt strange, like the show tied up all of its overt horror elements and they still had 2 episodes to fill, so they decided to do "Angels in America Lite". They also either dropped or killed all of the female characters and focused solely on the male characters fates (which I get, being that AIDS was burning through the gay male population). But still, where did Sandra Bernhard and her friends go? What I still can't figure out is that storyline involving Billie Lourds and the ticks and the deer on Fire Island. What in the hell was that about and how did it factor into the rest of the season? Did I miss something? Is there some conspiracy theory about ticks and deer being the origin of HIV? Because that's a new one on me.
  5. You're not alone. I love SPH.
  6. It's a little different in the show because Patti LuPone owns the bathhouse she performs in, while also having a side business as a fortune teller. It's weird. I've enjoyed NYC so far, though because it's AHS and Ryan Murphy, I know it'll implode into campy incoherence at some point. (It's starting to show hints of that already.) I like the new cast members like Russell Tovey and Joe Mantello, and the NY setting is a breath of fresh air. We'll see how it goes.
  7. Joe Gage for sure.
  8. I have a small dick. Like, really small. For years I pretended it wasn't an issue and thought of myself as a top. I was denying that what I was actually attracted to was a man with a bigger penis than mine. As a consequence, my sex life was frustrating, even if I was sleeping with a fair share of men. This continued until one night when I picked up a hot guy at a bar and took him home. He wanted to blow me while I was standing. I dropped my pants and he kneeled down and got to work on me. A few minutes in and he suddenly got up and said he had to go. He didn't say why, but I knew he was disappointed in what I had to offer, and he wanted to head back to the bars and continue his search before it got too late. After this experience, I gave up on thinking of myself as a top man and started the process of acknowledging that what I really was was a small dicked bottom.
  9. Luv to be filmed while being converted.  That would be so HOT!!

  10. Oh man, I love seeing those strong pulsating contractions when a man orgasms. Fuckin' HOT.
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