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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. So Musk unmuzzles Trump, who incited a mob to violence at the Capitol and just hosted the antisemite formerly known as Kanye West at Mar-a-Lago, then turns around and suspends West’s account for breaking Twitter’s rules against inciting violence. 😐 This is no way to run a railroad. And it suggests a significant deficit in understanding in how to run a social media platform, and possibly a native skill for running one into the ground. I will say this, with a certain degree of experience, an an Autistic person: Musk, as an Autistic person, has no business being the head of a social media juggernaut. Autistic people, by and large, don’t do ‘social’. It’s not our strong suit. Musk may, in fact, possibly be the sort of person to get a spaceship to Mars, but he’s never going to understand people at a fundamental level and he’s demonstrating his social ineptitude at every opportunity. Call me crazy (actually, never call an Autistic person crazy) but it seems to me that if you expect to be successful running a business selling honey, you really ought to understand bees. All of which is to say, I wouldn’t count on anything but chaos out of Musk’s (mis)management of Twitter, and my bet is that it will either fold or he’ll get tired of being the savior of free speech in a hurry and find some way to sell it in a fire sale once he realizes how damaged it is. In any current scenario, my guess is that anyone relying on Twitter as a home for his Adult profile should start hunting for alternative real estate.
  2. He owns the site. He can do what he likes in his own house. You’re a guest in his house. If you don’t like the way he runs his house, the solution is to spend your time elsewhere.
  3. Most accurately, you might say he trafficked you. I never meet fun people like that…
  4. For what it does, BBRT is essentially the only game in town; that doesn’t necessarily mean the market is ‘adequately serviced’. In my opinion and experience, the market could desperately use an alternative in that niche. It would not be difficult for you to provide a service superior to BBRT. Their customer service is appalling, and their cavalier attitude toward even their highest level of paying users is enabled by their being the only place to display a profile that is explicit enough to be practical for facilitating hookups. BBRT is the only site among all the ones on which I have a profile where the management forced me to change my username - on pain of banning, when I had just paid a six-month membership, after being a member under that username for years - because it contained the word ‘Wired’. And the site owner was very ugly about it. Others have had negative experiences, as documented in the threads about BBRT here. If you can do better than that (you could hardly do worse), I for one would jump ship in, as we say here in the Bluegrass, a New York minute.
  5. @rawTOP - Standout inventors and entrepreneurs are usually those who in some way follow the idea “Find a Need, Meet a Need”. Which of your projects is most likely to fill an unmet need? There is always going to be a demand for access to porn, but the internet is up to its nostrils in porn. The challenge you face in developing (yet another) source of porn is simply to be relevant among all the others; that is, are the unmet needs regarding the ability to access porn great enough, and your innovations that solve them effective enough, to significantly affect users’ lives? That, of course, only speaks to access. The obvious significant broad public need at this time is the ability to contribute to the body of publicly available amateur porn, so heavily curtailed since FOSTA/SESTA. If you have devised a means to successfully enable Joe Barebacker to upload his iPhone vid of his fuck last night so he can share it with the world, you’ve found the Unmet Need. On the social side, there are also any number of sites and apps for profiles, dating, hookups, chat, discussion, etc. - and their knockoff competition - all of which together work to fragment the critical user mass into smaller factions that make each less effective, much like having five churches in a small town. Adding one more just adds to the fragmentation. Except - what we know from the combined user experience related by the men on this forum is that the social application environment in this sphere is hopelessly dysfunctional, almost to the point of uselessness, to the degree that many are abandoning the apps altogether. But just because the apps have failed doesn’t mean the need is any less. The need for means to electronically connect with like-minded men for specific purposes very much remains. If you have a way to enable men who actually want to fuck to hook up with other men who actually want to fuck, and can successfully weed out even a fraction of the flakes, ghosts, game-players, time-wasters, pic-collectors, and other general fap-seekers, you would demonstrate (by your genius) that the medium does not have a fatal flaw, and would furthermore be my hero. If you can provide a system not beholden to the draconian moral strictures of the credit card companies and the app stores, you can unshackle us. If you can provide an alternative to the current social sex app wasteland, do that. The need is dire. Whichever project you choose to pursue, choose the one that will have the greatest impact. That is not necessarily the same thing as the one that will make the most money the quickest.* If it will help, I would be open to assisting with your beta testing. *Full disclosure - my background is entirely civil service and nonprofit. I’ve never had a job whose purpose was to make money. YMMV.
  6. Just to note that the original entry to this thread was posted seven years ago and the OP is no longer an active account. Answer the question if you like, but just realize there’re no one on the other end of the line anymore.
  7. I take your point about the bodily conquest, but even if the other two aspects are true, it still doesn’t address the question of why the experience is worth the abrasion and possible laceration by the teeth, unless you’re saying that the grip and lubrication are so far superior to an ass as to outweigh the dental demerits. Personally, in the rare occasions when I have ever been obliged to submit to having fellatio performed on me, I have never found it so. Indeed, fellatio does very little for me, in the main because I find all the hard places very unpleasant to encounter, including the hard palate, the mandible, and various other semi-firm areas, in addition to the teeth.
  8. Taking off your blindfold was a bridge too far. I would have not bothered with the niceties - it would have been: Not just get out, but get the fuck out. Forcing you to let him get a look at your body is bad enough; forcing you to let him see your face is worse; forcing you to look at him is unacceptable. And doing all of the above after explicitly agreeing to anon darkroom just adds an extra layer of Nope.
  9. 🤨 So, you didn’t mean to deceive him, but you would have if you’d thought it through? Nice. No sympathy, for either of you. Saying that you’ve been ‘dumped’ suggests you were ever in some kind of relationship to begin with, instead of just a convenient long-running NSA fucking arrangement. He’s married. You found this out secondhand, so you have no idea whether he’s open for play or whether you’re abetting his infidelity. But hey, what’s it to you, the sex is great, you’re all don’t-ask-don’t-tell, and you’re ethically challenged anyway. Why not? From your perspective, it’s all about you. Maybe, possibly, on his side, it’s not all about him. He cared enough about the other guy to marry him, so two possibilities: He doesn’t want to get HIV and infect his partner, or he’s afraid he’ll get it, be caught cheating, and lose his marriage. Either way, he’s rethinking where his values lie (not with you). Now, clearly, he doesn’t have a good understanding of what Undetectable means. From the way you describe his vanilla sexual style, that’s not really surprising. You could have done both of you some good by making that conversation a teachable moment and explained why he wasn’t at risk. Instead, it sounds like you were too taken up with your own feelings of rejection to consider his concern. So, not sure what you’re expecting to hear. He has every right - and ethically possibly an obligation - to pull back from you, given his commitment. You have no reason to think yourself owed anything from a NSA fuck bud who you never bothered to tell your status to in the first place. It’s not clear where you’re from, but in the United States, there are 10 states in which it is illegal for a person with HIV not to disclose status, even if Undetectable. It never feels good for someone to reject you for being Poz. Of course it feels shitty. Until the stigma is gone, it probably won’t be the last time it happens. You can go a long way toward preventing it by disclosing up front and making sure the guy knows why you’re safe to play. For now, pick yourself up, brush yourself off, and move on to someone who’s actually available.
  10. For some cumdumps, that’s actually a value-added element. There aren’t that many human males with a 9-10 inch cock. Statistically about 1% or fewer. Then narrow that pool by the number who are high-level professionals. I would suggest a third possibility: They realize that the rest of their appearance is essentially irrelevant - which, if you have a 10-inch cock, it is. Guys don’t flock to watch their vids for their Adonic faces or their chiseled abs, they come to watch a monster cock wreck a hole. Just as @IntoBBvisitor says, what’s hot isn’t the fact that you can identify them; it’s that you can’t.
  11. Well. This is a conundrum. I would absolutely love to fuck myself, because I would know just how to do it from a physical perspective. Except - I’m a total bottom who doesn’t have a “Top Mode”. Even if I could maintain an erection to do it (highly questionable) I still would lack that essence of what a Top brings to the equation. Sorry, self. But - Even though I don’t let other cumdumps join me when I’m hosting, I would do it tandem with myself in a heartbeat.
  12. To be frank, the ‘How Do I Get Started Cumdumping’ question gets asked so frequently that most of us are tired of answering it. You’ll get more complete and useful information if you read back through the previous pages of topics on the forum, where you will find abundant advice on the subject.
  13. It’s hard to answer your question without knowing what you mean by ‘doomed’. If you mean ‘never able to enjoy sex again without a bare cock up your ass, don’t be ridiculous - that’s entirely for you to decide. If you mean ‘inevitably going to catch an STD, the likelihood will depend on how what precautions you take and how often you get fucked bare. Again, something you can control. If you mean ‘Am I going to die’, yes, you’re going to die. We all are. But it’s unlikely that bareback fucking is going to be what kills you. More likely, your post is simply looking for someone else to sanction what you’re doing but feel a little like you shouldn’t be, and have every intention of continuing anyway.
  14. Your posts above seem contradictory. On the one hand you seem to say you seek out Tops who genuinely hold you in contempt and treat you as disposable, while on the other hand you believe their motivation is primarily because they’re drunk or horny and regret it afterward. You’re talking about two quite different types of Top. The first type, that genuinely considers you a worthless sexual object undeserving of any consideration, is not likely to consider you a ‘guilty pleasure’ - he is unlikely to feel any sort of guilt or shame at all after using you, and may forget about you completely within minutes of walking out your door. Entertaining a fantasy of such men experiencing remorse afterward is just that - a fantasy in which you imagine you have a power over them that you don’t. They just used you, end of story. There are certainly other men who do fit the description of after-fuck-regretters. I’ve definitely had such - I’ve even had them express it before they leave the room. 🤷🏼‍♂️ But I’m absolutely confident that some of the men who have fucked me have enjoyed the wet warmth of my body and filled me with their spunk because they considered me nothing but a raw hole, and never thought of me again a moment after the door closed behind them. Why would they?
  15. I won’t attempt to deflect your compliment; that would just be another sort of self-absorption. It does, however, underline the point. Your assessment of me is derived entirely from the content I have posted on this website. You do not know what I look like apart from, if you have been inclined to look at the images, the (admittedly explicit) details of my breeding anatomy. There is nothing particularly notable about that, as a casual perusal of the “Let’s See Your Holes” thread demonstrates, so your judgment that I am in some way special by your measure cannot be based on visual criteria. It must, therefore, come from your reaction to things I have written. Which, fair enough, if you so judge. I am not a Top, freely confess that I don’t fully understand how Tops think, and am in no position to question it if you say so. But the salient point for purposes of this thread is that whatever qualities I may have that would cause a ‘hot’ Top to take an interest in me, they aren’t visually evident. There is no reason for such a Top to initiate contact with me unless he already had the information about what is not visible.
  16. A condition I have no concept of. I am not one of the Beautiful People, and never have been, and have had to navigate life without that privilege. The thing is, though, being Autistic, physical beauty is largely irrelevant to me - I don’t actually much notice whether anyone is ‘attractive’ or not, so I’m always a little befuddled why certain people seem to simply receive more from others for no discernible reason. For most people, the reason is obvious - they’re attractive - but for the most part, no one is ‘hot’ to me. And even if I somehow found that one was, I would still automatically consider it irrelevant because why would such a person have any interest in me, given their wide range of choice? It would be absurd to angle for their favor. Should they want my attention for some reason, I assume they will seek it. I’m open to anyone, and won’t hold their allure against them.
  17. It may be less that you’re ‘overthinking’ it than that your way of automatically considering a new man in terms of a romantic or sexual prospect has a naturally high likelihood of leading you to false assumptions and interpreting words and actions to mean things they don’t - a kind if confirmation bias. Similarly, your interest in ‘reading’ deeply into men’s feelings and thoughts strikes me as potentially misdirecting, as men in general tend to mask their emotions, especially around other men, and particularly if they display outwardly as a ‘tough guy’. Probing beneath the mask may only stiffen it. You may want so much to find something that you decide something is there when it actually isn’t. The most satisfying thing you’ve done lately is watch Tokyo Ghoul? Good Grief. You could be much more satisfied. There is much better anime out there.
  18. Indeed. This is one of the reasons I really don’t understand why Tops want head when they can get ass. An ass isn’t surrounded by hard bitey things. Every now and again some Top with a girthy cock will ask me for oral, and when I try to accommodate him, he’ll keep saying, “Teeth. Teeth.” Well, what the fuck does he expect me to do? I’m open as wide as my jaw will go, they’re attached, and he’s trying to force his way past them.
  19. Aside from the fucking being harder, could you detect any change in his motivation or the way he went about it? Was the interaction completely wordless? I just wonder because arousal is necessary for a Top in a way it needn’t be for a bottom, and that implies that the Top must get some kind of arousal from fucking the guy he dislikes. The question is the nature of that arousal. For him, was breeding you and leaving his load in you essentially equal to winning the argument? Was he trying to punish you for your views? Was he just trying to lash out in that way because he couldn’t physically attack you in some other way? Was he just enjoying “putting you in your place? Or was it just that he found your ass such a good fuck that he decided to simply discard your other qualities and just use you? And if you think you might have initiated the second round, why do you think you did? You may have no answer, I just wondered if anything he did or said gave you any clue.
  20. Bottom here. Turned on by: Irrelevant. My state of arousal has nothing to do with who fucks me. What arouses me is the feeling of fingers testing my cunt for readiness for breeding. Let them fuck me: I let anyone fuck me. Judging by their behavior, I think some of them have “hate-fucked” me, though I don’t think it’s ever been personal. I’m mostly fucked by strangers, so none of them would know me well enough to like or dislike me. There have been a few, though, that I’ve had the feeling were taking out some racial, political, or societal hate out on me as a token. I can think of three particular instances then I had the strong impression that I was bearing the weight of a black man’s anger over injustice, one in which a Native American was venting his anger, and one in which a man of Middle Eastern origin seemed to be waging jihad on my hole. There have also been any number of Tops who have voiced their naked contempt for me and spat on me even with their cocks buried balls-deep inside the pleasurable warmth of my body - I still have a hard time wrapping my head around that, but it’s not my job to psychoanalyze them, just to be their release. I’m not going to hate them back. What would be the point of that? Even if someone did want to hate-fuck me for a personal reason, I would let him. If using my body helps him get some demon off his back, that’s the least I can do for someone. The way I see it, if someone wants to strike out at me by fucking me, I’m simply following the instruction set down by Christ - I turn the other cheek.
  21. This is where I think you misunderstand. I can’t disagree with a lot of your post, because it factually describes the nature of my sexual interaction with other men. But there are two points that make an assumption. The first is where you say some men are just born to be used and ‘trashed’ by men who love fucking trash. Yes, I do believe that the sexual role I was always meant to play is to serve any man, including men who might see me as disposable. But it’s only your perception that that makes me trashy - it’s not a universal truth, and just because someone else judges me that way doesn’t mean I see myself that way. I’m not trash, no matter who fucks me. Christian scripture tells us that it is not what is done to a man that degrades him, but rather what he does to others. Second, the first part of the excerpt above is undeniably true of me. But I do have pride and self-respect that isn’t dependent on what other people think of my sexuality; being unashamed of my actions is not the same as having no shame, and the fact that my policy is one of non-exclusion doesn’t mean I have no standards. I’m not a piece of trash. No human being is. I’m a service bottom, trained to provide the best quality experience to Tops that I can, because every man has the right to an excellent fuck. I’m proud to be someone who offers that. I’m proud that men I don’t know and have never actually seen send me messages from cities hours away wanting to know when my hole will be back for them to fuck again. Some of them may be the kind of men who just enjoy me because they like using me as a trashy piece of ass - I have no idea, and it doesn’t matter. I do my duty and I do it well and proudly. If a man’s fantasy is that he’s degrading me, I can seem to be degraded, because my job is to please him - but I don’t have to accept his fantasy as my reality. I can agree with you pretty much completely about what I do…but disagree completely about what I am.
  22. The difference, as far as Grindr is concerned, between policing ‘indecent’ images on the app and sanctioning member behavior is that hosting the wrong sort of images will get their app disqualified from distribution through the major app stores. It’s a strictly business decision. I suspect the lack of action against bad member conduct is as well - given how rampant and out-of-hand it is, they would probably have to hire a small army of content monitors to keep tabs on it, and that just doesn’t tally on the balance sheet.
  23. Another possibility is that every other possible culprit was accused before you were and denied it, and so you were assumed to be guilty by process of elimination. Because chlamydia can present no symptoms, the actual culprit may have denied it fully believing he was being truthful. Another consideration: You say you went to the first party and got tested the next week, but it’s unclear how much time actually passed between party and test. It’s possible for a chlamydia test to detect an infection after as little as one day, but it’s recommended to wait a full week to two weeks to ensure an accurate test result. Anything earlier can return a false negative. So if you tested in less than a week, that test result may prove nothing. Now, since you say that party was the first time you’d been fucked since 2019 (!) if you’d been tested clear after 2019, then the better argument is that it’s impossible for you to have infected anyone because you haven’t had sex in three years (!!) and therefore had no exposure. If, on the other hand, you never tested after your last fuck in 2019, it’s safe to say enough time has passed for this latest test to reveal an infection if you had one. So, if you were tested clean after 2019 and your recent test was done less than a full week or so after the party, the only way to be certain is to test again.
  24. It sounds like the first time you may have had some poppers that were flat and had lost their effectiveness, and the second time you got a fresh, fully potent bottle. You can always tell when they’re fresh - it doesn’t take much.
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