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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. How does defending yourself from a sexual assault put you in the wrong? I suspect that one good pop in the snout would put paid to that guy’s groping of you for good. My experience in dealing with such people has been that protesting in a VERY LOUD, VERY PUBLIC way that draws every eye in the room onto the guy and what he’s doing quickly shuts them down. Like, I SAID, DO NOT TOUCH ME AGAIN - WHAT PART OF NO DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? You’ll be able to hear a pin drop. I would also suggest taking it up with the management of the establishment. You’re probably not the only one he’s assaulting, and they likely aren’t interested in having a troublemaker on the premises. Does this bar have a bouncer?
  2. I would say it’s almost certainly an error, a simple miskey. ‘S’ is next to ‘A’ on the keyboard. This would be especially easy to do if typing on a cell phone. I once mistyped a category and found that the system provided no way to undo the error.
  3. I would never say it’s dumb - arousal of every kind is a construction of the mind. I would say that pretty much all men I service are using me in some mental context that gives them particular gratification, and they choose to use an anonymous hole like mine because they can overlay their own fantasies, desires and proclivities on my blank canvas. And that’s not only just fine, it’s what I make myself available for. If you’re able to make a situation work for you, have at it. If you’re able to make a situation work for you and meet someone else’s need - whether it reflects yours or not - so much the better. As long as you’re aware enough of the reality of the environment versus the circumstances of your fantasy that you don’t end up disappointed, it’s all good. Unless you get arrested. Best avoid that.
  4. Is there a way to navigate directly to a specific image gallery? The only sorting option related to gallery identification is by album title, and there are currently well over 300 galleries. Just to get to one beginning with ‘E’ requires paging through several pages to reach it. Using the search function on images doesn’t seem to point to a gallery when using either the user’s name or the gallery name. Is there a way to go to a specific named gallery? To one’s own gallery without having to hunt it down? I may just be overlooking the obvious.
  5. If these guys took “no thanks” for an answer, it might be. They don’t. Plus, it’s the frequency of it. If you’re trying to enjoy a day in the park and keep getting buzzed by horseflies, it interferes with your ability to enjoy the day. What do you do? You apply insect repellent. In this case, that’s what a cock cage exactly is. And yes, even when I have the device on, they do sometimes fumble around with it. But I tolerate it because in my case I think it’s usually because the device really is a very nice-looking piece of steelwork and the men who handle it are probably more curious about the device than trying to get at my armored cock. They usually just give it a feel and then move on. Here’s what it looks like:
  6. That’s going to be a challenge at a gay campground. It’s more likely you’ll be the one shocked. Ending up in the kind of vulnerable naked position you describe is, at least at the campground I go to, ridiculously easy because the camp has actually provided the equipment for it. Many times I’ve walked my naked ass out to the place where the chains are attached to the tree, linked my cuffs to them, and waited spreadeagled for the violations that followed as men came along. The thing is, at a gay campground it isn’t possible to shock someone that they suddenly encounter you naked, or even that they encounter you naked with kink attachments. They’re expecting to find men naked. They’re disappointed if they don’t find them. The assumption is that if you’re out exhibiting your body that you’re expecting to be interacted with. If you have kinky bits connected to you, that’s just instructions. Some may be attracted to them, some may pass on them, nobody’s going to be shocked by them. At the camp I go to, one frequently saw a 300 lb. man walking around in a mumu, and nobody was shocked. A raised eyebrow or so maybe, but anything goes there. That’s part of the charm of the place. This isn’t to say that you can’t go to a gay campground and try to live your fantasy. You might be able to leverage the situations you can get into there to cater to what you want, but just be aware that any shock value, any sense of surprise or danger, is likely going to have to be one-sided and in your own head. One other thing - while you can generally exercise your naked yen most anywhere, anytime at such campgrounds, there are likely to be a handful of places that you may not do so, and the management is likely to be quite firm about it. These will usually include any place where someone who is not a guest might go, such as the front desk, formal indoor common areas such as the interior of a lodge, and certainly any place where meal service is conducted. The rules are there to ensure compliance with state and local codes, and lax enforcement could put their licenses at risk in communities that take a dim view of their presence to begin with. They’re not going to take your clothes at the front desk and hold them for you.
  7. It depends on what you mean by “less likely to cum.” Yes, he’s less likely ti ejaculate, but guys who have been in chastity for a while often become attuned to anal and prostate orgasm (for some keyholders this is the intent) and in fact become more likely to cum from those methods, and cum repeatedly. It’s not at all uncommon for a Top to fuck me to multiple orgasms and I never even get hard. I even go so far as to just warn them up front that I’m likely going to be cumming a lot, so they understand what’s happening.
  8. I do not have a foot fetish, but I concur with this. Toes are expressive, and often react involuntarily when a bottom is being masterfully fucked. I look for curled toes as a sign of authenticity.
  9. I came across a compilation video of several different asses being bred, and I realized it by his tattoos that it was the same Top doing all the breeding. I found it unexpectedly stimulating that I was watching one Top seed so many different guys, because normally the sort of go-to video for serial breeding is the other way around - one cumdump getting bred by multiple Tops. In a way, both scenarios have an element of unlikelihood. In the case of a Top, you can really only achieve serial seedings in a compilation; in actual practice, it’s a rare Top who’s going to be able to cum mote than two or three times, at most, in the space of a couple of hours. In the case of a bottom, gangbangs are much the exception rather than the rule. For better or worse, video compilations provide the illusion of such sexual excess in both directions. Which would you rather watch? One Top, or one bottom?
  10. In my experience, a gay campground is not a very good place to live out a helpless exposure fetish - nobody’s wearing any clothes. I mean, if you’re excruciatingly embarrassed to be seen nude you might get some mileage out of it, but that’s going to wear off pretty quick when you realize naked is the new normal.
  11. The majority of the service I offer to Tops is in hotel or bathhouse rooms where there is literally a bed, and I have arranged my presence so that a Top can enjoy fucking me for as long as he wants. In the bathhouse, there are, however, also spontaneous fuckings in the steamroom that I would class as more Urgent Fucks. Likewise, if I’m at a gay camp bent over a picnic table, I would call those Urgent. I have a preference for Bed Fucks only to the degree that I really enjoy it when a Top fucks me for a long time - I know he’s enjoying himself. I honestly can’t say I’ve ever taken an Emergency Fuck as described. I guess I just don’t put myself in positions where sex is so risky that it has to be rushed. Either that or I’m simply not attractive enough for anyone to proposition me in public, or don’t give off the right vibe - that’s a distinct possibility. There must be something that prevents it from occurring, because I would not refuse a demand for my ass in those conditions. I’ve just never been tapped for it.
  12. This, to my mind, illustrates the great fatal flaw of the love affair with unrestrained Capitalism, coupled with the cries against any form of governmental control over markets, business, or wealth. A system that centers power on wealth and then can allow single individuals to become so wealthy that they then wield unconstrained an unaccountable, arbitrary power over the lives of an entire society is a system grotesquely out of balance. I coldly resent the concept that Elon Musk could single-handedly dictate whether Twitter opens itself to a flood of hate-speech. I coldly resent the concept that it’s up to the whims of men like Elon Musk when humanity sets foot on Mars. I bitterly resent the concept that some individual fat-cat moneygrubber somewhere with no interest in anything but money is telling me what words I can use and what images I am allowed to see. Still, this story so far has been one that tells how, one after the other, the powers at the top of the porn industry have each gained and then lost their control. What this fascinating story tells us is that whatever the paradigm is, it’s likely to change.
  13. You’re asking why a subgroup of the male population is displaying a preference for bottoming, i.e. a receptive sexual role, vis-a-vis other men. We need to determine whether we’re talking from a common set of assumptions. For instance, is there a fundamental factor that makes a gay man a homosexual? Is this a choice or not? Then, is the role he assumes, whether Top, bottom or vers, purely a matter of choice, or is it wired into him by nature, nurture, or both? If we can agree that orientation is not a matter of choice (and we damn well ought to be able to) then it doesn’t seem like much of a step to me to accept that one’s general sense of one’s sexual role or position could also be hard-wired. Gay men are attracted to men, arguably, for the same reasons that women are attracted to men: Men display distinctly masculine attributes, particularly secondary sexual characteristics that signal reproductive readiness, fertility, and the ability to protect and provide for potential offspring. Don’t bother saying that these things are irrelevant to gay attraction - they aren’t. Humans have been sexually hard-wired by 50,000 years of natural selection that succeeded exactly because we learned how to automatically sniff out a good fuck without having to think it through. This is the important point. Gay men are attracted to men, by and large, because they are attracted to masculine attributes and male secondary sexual characteristics, all of which are designed, in the amalgam, to point to ability to penetrate and inseminate. Let that sink in for a second - gay men, like women, are at base level attracted to an ability to penetrate. It makes perfect sense, in a binary reproductive system, that women would be thus attracted. Every hole is looking for its peg. In the case of gay men, however, the model makes no sense unless the general reason men are attracted sexually to other men tends to be because they are attracted to an ability to penetrate. That is, something about them must inherently be drawn to penetration in a fashion akin to women, or there would be no sexual attraction to penetrators - thus a tendency toward bottoming. Now, obviously, this is a highly generalized hypothesis that does not attempt to account for the vast divergence of attractions and tastes in the homosexual community, nor does it presume to speak to any individual motivation or psychology. But based on a species-level, natural-history based approach, it suggests one possible factor to explain why the gay population has always been bottom-heavy. I’m a total bottom. I’ve penetrated three, maybe four men total. It simply doesn’t work with me. You ask what could inspire me to be more versatile - nothing would. There is no ‘Top’ in me. At all. You can’t get blood from a turnip. Interestingly, I’m actually a bisexual, was married for quite a few years, and enjoyed sex with my wife, but there was never a sense of ‘Topping’ my spouse. That was something quite, quite different. Relative position doesn’t enter the equation at that level of intimacy. But trying to equate the sex one experiences in a relationship of deep love with the fucking one does in a bathhouse is like comparing a glass of fine wine to a dixie cup full of Kool-Aid. The comparison is pointless.
  14. Yes. But long is a matter of perspective, and Time doesn’t play anybody’s game. Who are the players pushing the GOP’s long game? They’re people - largely older white men - desperate to preserve a status quo in which they sit as King of the Hill and tell everyone else what to do and how to live whilst they get rich and fat off the systems they’ve set in place to exploit everyone below them. They’ve managed to get away with it all this time because their culture has been dominant for the last few centuries. It’s been a sweet ride. But they’re getting old, and their numbers are dwindling. An implacable tide is rising against them, and they may strive against it for a time, but in the end, they will diminish, and the new people will come into their own, and those people will decide for themselves how they choose to live. The more onerous the laws have become, the more likely the people will sweep them away. Humans reject what they dislike; that is their nature. Currently, polls suggest that most people dislike the way people in power are throwing their weight around. They will not suffer it indefinitely. The more pain they feel, the quicker they will act. The long game being played is one in which the pain inflicted on a growing majority can only increase incrementally, until it at last becomes too great to tolerate - and then it will be ended. This long game can only, in the long run, fail. Its failure may result in the loss of the American republic as we have known it; that remains to be seen. If so, it will be because the institutions contained within themselves a fatal flaw, in that they did not anticipate the worst aspects of human nature taking form and substance, that they made no provision for the soulless or for monsters. Perhaps what emerges from the ruins will be stronger. “The world is changed. I feel it in the water. I feel it in the earth. I smell it in the air.” - Treebeard, The Return of the King.* *In the movies, this line is spoken by Galadriel, but it is spoken by Treebeard to Galadriel in the book.
  15. Now you’re getting it. For many bottoms, and particularly total bottoms, we don’t consider our cocks to be our sexual organs, at least in the context of sex with someone else. Oral sex does nothing for me whatsoever, and it’s extremely difficult for anyone to bring me to orgasm with a handjob. My cock simply isn’t wired to that part of my brain the way yours is to your brain. Just because someone else thinks my cock ought to be my sexual organ doesn’t change the calculus one bit.
  16. Imagine that you hook up with a guy and he insists on playing with your nose because it turns him on and he thinks the nose makes the man. For you, however, having your nose fiddled with is annoying as hell, takes you completely out of your groove and ruins the mood. Can you understand why you might deny him access to your nose?
  17. You could make your point without as much hostility, I think. Instead of saying “if you vote red then fuck you” you might say something like “if you vote red then you vote not to get fucked by me.” I would also omit the “be very afraid of me” because it comes across as an empty threat. Instead maybe say something like “be prepared to accept the consequences of your own choices.” Both negative approaches are simply an invitation to belligerence on the part of the other guy.
  18. I have yet to encounter a Top who went at it with any vigor. I have always assumed that this was because brutal action necessarily involves less precise control, and a greater likelihood of abrasion against the teeth. I may not be a good sample, however, as my mouth isn’t very large and I can’t open my jaw very widely; my aperture may be too limited for Tops to be tempted to be more aggressive.
  19. The majority (not the entirety) of the posts on this site that you are referring to in which men have had incestuous sex or other kinds of improbable sex are not “confused” - they are fictitious. The fact that they are posted in the guise of actual accounts rather than in the section designated for fiction also means they are lies, but that still does not mean the posters are “confused”. It simply means that they’re describing themselves in a fantasy context that titillates them and others like them. The fact that it’s a statistical impossibility for that many members to have actually had such experiences is immaterial to their reason for posting. One does not avoid reading novels simply because fiction isn’t nonfiction. You may find it annoying that so much fantasy masquerades as truth here; so do I. Their hyperbole makes it difficult for my true accounts of what actually happens to me to be believed. But our dismay is a problem of our expectations of the forum, not the nature of the forum, which is to provide a place for men to talk about sex, including their fantasies. Coming at the forum with an understanding from the start that you cannot take most of the content at face value may make it a bit more palatable.
  20. I won’t suffer myself to utter it, but if it helps, it’s a notoriously insipid gross generalization epitomizing racism.
  21. If you are not going to be civil enough to define the terms of your own argument, then you can hardly be surprised when we dismiss them as irrelevant.
  22. Wow - I’m a little surprised at the percentage of Tops in this poll who won’t fuck a bottom in a chastity device. I’m with @phukhole on this - if I don’t wear one at the bathhouse, my cock and its piercing becomes a magnet for attention I absolutely do not want. And what, indeed, does “fully functioning” mean in this context? Because even if I’m not wearing a cage when I’m being fucked, I’m not going to get hard, and I’m not going to ejaculate, and I’m sure as hell not going to fuck you back. The cage has zero to do with my functionality, and less than zero to do with the functionality of my ass. In fact, it enhances the functionality of my ass by enabling me to take my attention completely off my cock and turn it to servicing the Top’s. I hate to think that I’m cutting off over 40% of my fuck potential by putting the cage on, but as a total bottom I swear it’s not worth the hassle swatting the grab-flies off my cock. Mind you, the device I wear is a robust apparatus, more like a piece of cock armor than a chastity device, and still gives the impression that I’ve got a cock. I personally very much dislike devices constructed with only two inches of length designed to make it look like the wearer has a micropenis, and would never wear such.
  23. I am very interested in Tops’ replies to this question. I don’t moan a soundtrack for a fuck because I don’t want to risk spoiling a Top’s experience with a lot of noise he doesn’t want. That said, I’m vocal and I cannot help it. I am curious to know how commonly Tops just want a bottom to take it in silence.
  24. Bumping this because as of Friday there have now been 26 cases and 7 deaths from the Florida meningococcal outbreak, with 24 of the cases among men who have sex with men. The CDC is describing it as “one of the worst outbreaks of meningococcal disease among gay and bisexual men in U.S. history.” Meningitis is absolutely nothing to take a chance with. The outbreak in question is apparently a bacterial meningitis, but it was an opportunistic fungal meningitis infection that nearly killed me when AIDS knocked out my immune system in 2014. Be especially careful if you are immunocompromised. Be alert if you feel symptoms of stiff neck, headache, or severe flu-like symptoms. The headache I had was so bad it was debilitating. If you have such symptoms, seek a medical evaluation immediately - swift treatment is essential. And prevention is better; getting a vaccination would be a good idea.
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