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Everything posted by ErosWired

  1. Be conscious of where you’re standing with respect to the action going on around you, and make sure you’re not an obstacle. If a guy is in an ass-up position, don’t stand in such a way that you would need to move before a Top could get at him. This is especially true with slings. Don’t have a conversation, or for that matter do anything else, right around the business end of the sling except use the guy that’s in it. And when you’re done, clear out. Venues like this are predicated on the principle that the attendees are going to actively have sex. It’s a sex party, not a voyeur party. Don’t spend all your time crowding in around scenes watching what’s going on - if you’re part of a closed circle of guys taking turns fucking a bottom and you’re only there to watch, then you’re taking up the space that ought to be filled by another active fucker. And, you’re wasting your own time - you don’t go to a buffet to watch other people eat, so treat this as a buffet and help yourself. Except. Be cautious if a scene appears to involve BDSM. Within the BDSM lifestyle there are standards of behavior around public scening, and if you aren’t familiar with them, do not attempt to interact. For instance, in some situations it would be inappropriate for you to speak to the submissive, and certainly not to touch him. And on no account ever touch their gear without permission. Generally, keep critical remarks about what two other men are doing to one another to yourself. There’s no accounting for taste, and there may be an element of their play you don’t perceive or understand. I was once being publicly fucked outdoors by a Dom Top who enjoyed telling me exactly how submissive men like me deserved to be fucked in pain, holes dedtroyed, etc., and I remember distinctly hearing some young guy among the bystanders say out loud, “He can’t talk to him like that! Who does he think he is?” Someone quickly whisked him away, I suppose to explain the nature of Dominance and submission in mansex. As usual, I’ve written too much just to say be careful not to cockblock, play instead of watch, don’t interfere with other people’s kink, and keep most comments to yourself...your tongue should be busy doing other things anyway. 😉
  2. Most people on the apps make the same request as the OP just did with a single word: ”pics” You want pics? Okay, here: Jonesing for pics is annoying as hell on Grindr and I for one am not going to indulge it here. If you want to see pics of people on here, go to the gallery. That’s what it’s for.
  3. ErosWired

    Dominant Duty

    Elsewhere in the forum I was talking about men who place themselves in long-term chastity and surrender the key to a Dominant. The Dominant denies the submissive the ability to touch his own cock and have a penile orgasm at any time unless the Dominant expressly allows it—and that time sometimes never comes, depending on the arrangement and the intent. The Dominant may intend simply to demonstrate his continued control of the submissive by allowing the orgasm only after a show of reluctance or as a show of generosity. On the other hand, the Dominant may withhold it altogether in a much deeper bid for control of the submissive's sexuality by training the sub to transfer his origin of orgasm from his penis to his anus and/or prostate. Either way, orgasm denial is a potent expression of control and a classic example of Power Exchange. Orgasm denial isn't my thing—forced orgasm is, and though the control that exhibits is different, it still touches the same need within a submissive mind. The thing we all have in common is that we find an inexplicable fulfillment when a Man exerts control over us by using us sexually, and we are willing to give those Dominant men the ability to do what they want. Indeed, many of us see it as a duty. I do. It's a good thing we do. Generally speaking, the kinds of things Dominant men enjoy doing to us submissives are not normally considered acceptable practice in the world of plain old vanilla sexual relations. This symbiosis-of-sorts scratches a mutual itch. The Power Exchange that voluntarily takes place allows Dominants to exercise their aggression and submissives to feel controlled. Usually. There is, however, a point that I sometimes think gets lost among Dominants who get involved in Power Exchange, particularly those who are on the milder fringes of it, or who are less experienced. This is an exchange, which means it goes two ways. Two givers, two getters, and the exchange has to be more or less equivalent. Now that sounds a bit odd, given the nature of the thing; you've got a guy who basically says, You can have/do whatever you want with me and another guy who says You get no say in what I'm going to do with you and I'm going to take what I want and both of them sign off on this because that's essentially what the whole thing is about. Except there's some fine print at the bottom of the first guy's statement, so if you read it all, he says, You can have/do whatever you want with me but you have to do it on a regular basis because this is something I need and I'm trusting you to fulfill it. This is important. Human beings have a set of fundamental basic needs that must be met, laid out by Abraham Maslow in his Hierarchy of Needs. Maslow places the need for sexual expression at the most fundamental level of human need, and it is the building-stone upon which other aspects of the whole person rely, including such things as self-esteem, sense of belonging, and interpersonal relationships. The submissive, in the act of sexual submission is attempting to meet this core physical and psychological need. When a Dominant accepts a submissive's submission in a formal way, for instance in becoming the keyholder for the submissive's chastity, the Dominant has then physically deprived the submissive of the ability to obtain physical sexual release, and has made the submissive dependent upon him in both a physical and psychological way. The submissive can no longer provide for his own needs. The Dominant benefits from this arrangement, obviously, by having the freedom to act upon his Dominant, aggressive impulses to exert control over another man, to revel in the feeling of power that results when he freely violates what would otherwise be an inaccessible part of the submissive's sexuality. The submissive benefits from the feelings that ensue from being controlled, humiliated, violated, used—or conversely, from the sense of being able to provide something of value to someone (this is the case for me). The problem is, the Dominant is not constrained; the submissive is. The submissive is entirely dependent upon the Dominant for meeting his continuing need for sexual expression. If the Dominant says, "That was fun, now don't touch yourself for a month" and the submissive hears nothing from the Dominant again for an entire month, and then the Dominant says, "Yeah, I've been busy, I'll get back to you in a couple of weeks" what we end up with is neglect. The Dominant has left the submissive with no means (short of abandoning their agreement or ending their relationship) of meeting his basic need. The Dominant, on the other hand, suffers no such handicap, and may in fact be fulfilling himself in other ways—or with other men—to the degree that he forgets about the submissive. This is not acceptable, any more than it would be acceptable to leave a fish in an aquarium and not feed it for a month. Dominants take on a Duty of Care when they agree to Dominate a submissive in an ongoing fashion like this. "Care" may seem an ironic term considering what the Dominant may actually do to the submissive, but the point is that the Dominant must use the submissive on a reasonably regular basis if he wishes to continue to enjoy the benefits of having a submissive to use. Even if the Dominant's libido is at a low ebb, the submissive's needs still need to be attended to even if only in some nominal way. I have served many Dominants, in many different situations. No two have treated me the same way. Each of them has taught me something different about submission, and I owe much to all of them. But none of them has ever really exercised his Duty of Care toward me. So I encourage all Dominant Tops to give careful consideration before you agree to working with a submissive, that you understand what your duty is, and that you do it.
  4. The ones that I’m referring to are those (admittedly uncommon) submissives who have an ongoing committed relationship with a Dominant in which they have surrendered control over their erection and penile orgasm to the Dominant. To ensure that they never act outside the Dominant’s control in this regard, they agree to wear a secure chastity device at all times, and surrender the key to that device into the keeping of the Dominant. The arrangement then plays out with the Dominant either 1) Denying the submissive sexual release via cock stimulation until the Dominant decides to allow it - demonstrating the Dominant’s control, or 2) Denying the submissive any sexual release via cock stimulation and using the submissive in ways designed to train him to shift his source of orgasm from his penis to his anus and/or prostate. Either way, the Dominant should actually be using the submissive regularly, or the relationship will not work.
  5. No. Stealthers do not get a pass by blaming the victim. You did not “deserve it” and it is never “fair game”. But let’s break these two things down a little further. In order for you to have “deserved” adverse treatment you would have had to have done something wrong. What was it that you did? You made yourself available as an blindfolded anonymous bottom. Is such an act deserving of punishment? I suppose it depends on which moral authority you’re talking to, but for out purposes, and certainly for the purposes of the Top who sought you out and fucked you, the answer is not only ‘No’, but that Top would be the very last person qualified to judge you on the matter even if it were true. But you may argue that it was at least not unfair of the Top to do that because placing yourself in that particularly vulnerable position made you “fair game”. Game can be interpreted in two ways in this context: First, as suggesting that stealthing is nothing more than a form of play; and second, in the sense that the bottom becomes ‘game’, as in the prey of a predator. The second is the only true application of the term here. It isn’t a ‘game’ in the sense of play at all. It’s a violation, a form of sexual assault, and in some jurisdictions, a crime. Stealthing is the act of a sexual predator. You being anonymous and blindfolded does not change the equation. Can we all just for God’s sake get over this idea that a different set of rules apply to anonymous encounters? A human being is on the other end of that hole or cock, whether the Top knows him or not. The anonymity of the hookup may spare the participants the complications of normal social relationships, but it does not release them from their duty to treat each other as human beings. In the sci-fi show Westworld, people interact in a wild west environment with androids designed to perfectly simulate human beings, but the human participants are under no obligation to exercise any restraint against their baser impulses because the androids aren’t actually people. And they don’t, which shines a light on the dark underbelly of human nature. It isn’t pretty. (The androids, naturally, revolt.) A bathhouse or a hotel room or a sex club darkroom isn’t Westworld, and that ass-up bottom isn’t an android - he’s a person, even if to you he’s nameless, faceless, and all you see is one pink eye winking at you. There’s no ticket another man can buy that gives him the right to treat that bottom in a way that would be unacceptable to anyone else. This isn’t a hard concept to grasp, yet men here keep suggesting that anonymity = license. It doesn’t. So, the guy who did it to you has no excuse, and it certainly was not your fault. Bottoms must stop accepting this false narrative that we’re to blame because predators can’t control their sociopathic impulses, and Tops must stop supporting it. The fact that you find it a hot fantasy is immaterial. Don’t get your fantasies tangled up with what’s real. Don’t come on here and say uou think stealthing’s fine because the idea turns you on but you agree that it’s wrong in practice. (And in case you’re wondering, I’ve been stealthed, too, more than once. But don’t they say ‘you never forget your first’? It was the fourth guy who ever fucked me - stealthed on my fourth hookup ever. Young guy, curly blond, shot two big loads - the first one into the condom, the second into me. He left with a big smile on his face. No, you never forget.)
  6. Funny you should say that - I remember once hearing a guy talk about cumming up another guy’s nose. I can’t even imagine. I mean, even when a Top has told me, “I’m gonna use all your holes”, I’ve never had one go for the nose or the ears. Maybe that’s because you don’t hear any nonsense about the size of a guy’s nostrils indicating the openness of his anus or his ability to deep-throat.
  7. Do you know why I love bathhouses? Aside from the obvious fact that they’re an open opportunity for random fucking, they’re steamy, warm, wet, comfortable, and you can get snacks. All of that, in a nutshell (including the facilitated sexual activity) is the reason microbes love our genitalia when we fuck. It gets warm, wet, and there are fats, proteins and other nutrients moving around, plus, public transportation - bonus! Given that human breeding sets up such an attractive environment, it’s hardly surprising that pathogens come to visit and decide to stay - hell, the only reason I’m not in a bathhouse right now is that they make you leave when your time runs out. The more often you fuck, the more often your personal microbe bathhouse is open for business. If you open it, you will have customers. The longer you’re open, and the more, shall we say, cosmopolitan your clientéle, the more certain it becomes that a less common pathogen will come your way. It’s a matter of statistical probability trending toward certainty over time. But rare is rare. The chances of me getting fucked by in Steamworks in Chicago by a guy from Indiana are pretty high. The chance of me getting fucked there by a guy from New Zealand whose mother is an Inuit from the upper Yukon territory and whose father is a full-blooded Maori who teaches Haka...not so much. Though I bet that would be a fun fuck. The pathogenic equivalents might be gonorrhea and Donovanosis. Either way, the smart bet is to get vaccinated against both eventualities if and when a vaccine is available. Otherwise, life is full of gambles and short on guarantees. You buys your ticket and you takes your chances. Or you don’t. But you mustn’t live a life of worry about such vanishingly small possibilities. Just live a life.
  8. Puh-leez - This story about a “study” (that isn’t cited) appears in the sensationalist rag The Sun and features as its expert source of information a plastic surgeon whose job is changing people’s noses. No potential conflict of interest or pecuniary motive there, no, just pure science. It’s crap. It’s the exact same thinking that compares ear size, hand size and foot size with penis size, the ludicrous assumption that if one protruding body part is large they should all be large, and vice versa. Utter genetic bilge. Nor do anecdotal accounts like the ones given in the report (of fictional characters, mind you) lend any weight to the notion - people will tend to notice and remark upon only those instances that confirm the bias in question because they match the pattern being looked for. See a hung guy with an average nose? People will ask themselves, Is his nose really small or not? Can’t say for sure... See a hung guy with a big honking schnoz? OMG It’s TRUE!! If you want to assess whether a man has a gifted endowment, his nose is not where you should be looking. The overwhelming consensus on these boards appears to be: 1) Look him in the eyes; 2) Look down at his crotch; 3) Look him in the eyes again; 4) Smile; and with any luck the truth will shortly be revealed.
  9. If these are your two main obstacles, then there’s not much anyone here can tell you to do in any practical sense that will address your problem, because your issues have their root inside your own mind. The only way you are going to resolve them is to resolve the underlying psychological hangups. You’re picky as hell? Why is that? Dig a little deeper into that question. What makes it so difficult for you to be more open about potential partners? Do you think you’re too good for them or that they’re too good for you? Do you find that only a very specific set of physical features arouses you? If so, ask yourself why. Try to gain a deeper understanding into your own sense if same-sex attraction to comprehend what’s going on “under the hood” as it were. If you find that your attraction has to do with associating certain types of features with the features of a person from your past, dig into your feelings and memories about that time, event or person to try to understand why your tastes move that way. Once you know why you feel picky, you may feel that you’re able to give yourself some latitude to look beyond those narrow boundaries. You’re afraid you’re doing something wrong? Define “something”, then define “wrong”, then ask yourself whose definitions you just used. Whose rulebook are you living by? Who gets to tell you what is right or wrong for your life? The general principle isn’t difficult: Love your neighbor as you love yourself, and act accordingly - do good things, and bring harm neither to yourself or anyone else. That’s pretty much it, an ethical life, boiled down. If you’re trying to meet the expectations of “society”, good luck with that - “society” changes its mind more often than it changes its underwear, and whether you’re doing the “right” thing is entirely a function of where you happen to be standing at the moment. You and I could be discussing this in a bathhouse an no one would think a thing of it; shift the scene to a church pew, and it’s a scandal. If you want a take on the question from a dude who was pretty straight-up about life, try Solomon in Ecclesiastes 3:1-8, in which he begins be explaining, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every purpose under heaven.” The world isn’t going to come to an end if you take some cock up your ass. Can you do it in a wrong-ly? Sure. I wouldn’t try it, for instance, in the middle of St. Paul’s Cathedral during Sunday services. Then, it would be arguably “wrong”. But what I’m getting at is that you have to decide for yourself who you’re worried about upsetting. I was a virgin all the way through my undergraduate years in college (I know, pathetic) because I was concerned about offending God if I had sex. When a very kind friend finally relieved me of my virginity the following year, after it was over - I kid you not - I was halfway certain lightning would strike me when I went outside. I was somewhat surprised when nothing happened. Once you give yourself permission to do this thing that seems natural to you, the feeling of “wrongness” should diminish.
  10. Well, when you have two or more guys, you have the girth built in automatically - you just have to get more than one of them in the hole at the same time... 🙂
  11. There are submissives and keyholders out there for whom every month is Loctober.
  12. That’s great that you’ve been able to maintain your CD4 count in the normal range. It makes a big difference starting ART before the damage is too severe and the virus becomes too heavily reservoired. I have no idea what my CD4 levels were like before I was infected, but here in my mid-50s, my doctor just let me know straight up that I wouldn’t be getting back to 500. I hit 439 two years ago, but was back at 208 this spring even though I stayed Undetectable. And I have missed exactly one dose of ART in seven years. Very frustrating.
  13. Who even comes up with these ridiculous internet challenges? Evidently, ‘NoNutNovember’ is intended to be followed by ‘DestroyDickDecember’ in which the person taking the challenge is supposed to nut each day an increasing number number of times equivalent to the day of the month, meaning that on December 31 the guy has to nut 31 times. That’s after nutting 30 times the day before, and 29 times the day before that, etc. I mean, come on. You might as well challenge guys to jump over the Moon. Yes, one could conceivably fuck 31 asses in a day, but cumming in all of them? Totally unrealistic. And if you count dry orgasms as nutting, I’ll let you in on a little secret - my former Master, a sexual sadist, trained me to have non-ejaculating (tantric) orgasms on his verbal command, and he enjoyed making me have 20-25 in a row, one right after the other...because it becomes torture. Once you’ve had so many, you absolutely don’t want any more for a while. Even he never tried to take me to 31; it might have broken my mind. So if you’re contemplating NoNutNovember, consider it in the context of DestroyDickDecember and see if it still makes sense to you. See you when you get back from the Moon.
  14. I sometimes wear a full steel chastity device when I go to the bathhouse, not because I’m in chastity, but because they simply will not leave my damn cock alone if it’s visible with its piercing. I’ve never noticed any negative result from it; I’ve been fucked in it plenty of times, so there are at least some Tops that don’t mind it.
  15. I can’t believe I’m reading this. You’re on Breedingzone - where semen is essentially an object of worship - asking if you should refrain from ejaculating for a month. *sigh* Whatever rationale you’ve heard or read about suggesting that spending 30 days in self-denial is probably wrong. There is very, very little actual credible evidence out there in the form of science that demonstrates that it is or isn’t a good idea not to ejaculate. But let’s look at a couple of the reasons one can find suggested as good reasons to hold it in: Improved Concentration - Yeah. Because nobody’s ever distracted by horniness. Clearer Skin - Because everyone knows masturbation causes acne. A Deeper Voice - Oh, I get it - because you’ll be more masculine if you keep all you man-ness inside. A Greater Sense Of Purpose - I’ll bet. By day 30 you’re saying GOT TO FUCK AT ALL COSTS. A Month’s Worth of Cum To Shoot At Once - Um...no. When your body produces semen and you don’t use it, it doesn’t just sit around building up volume. Your body goes Oh, don’t need it? We’ll recycle it, then. And reabsorbs it. Oh, and those ‘blue balls’ that everyone thinks are aching because they’re bursting with cum? That’s actually epididymal hypertension, a buildup of blood in the testicles during arousal - arousal that never gets un-aroused when a guy is No-Nutting all month. Heightened Orgasm - The jury’s out on this. Some say yes, some say no, some say meh. But given that orgasm is primarily a function of your mental state rather than the quantity of semen available, my money’s on ‘No’. I mean, do what you want to do and enjoy 30 consecutive days without cumming if that floats your boat. There are plenty of guys in chastity who have found ways to realize fulfillment and even orgasm without ejaculating. Personally, I was owned by a sadistic motherfucker who trained me to have non-ejaculatory orgasms on his verbal command, and now most of my orgasms don’t have anything to do with my cock. But this kind of solution isn’t something you just suddenly decide to do on a November day. If you’re the kind of guy who’s used to rubbing one out - or better yet - breeding one in - on the regular, I think you’d just be depriving yourself of a perfectly healthy pleasure for no sensible reason. But you do you.
  16. Some of these replies are fucking nauseating. This is the HIV/AIDS & Sexual Health forum. Take your bugchasing and giver/chaser fetish shit to the bugchasing forum where it belongs. The OP has a shockingly high viral load and his CD4 count indicates that the Enemy Virus is successfully destroying his immune system - and you sick motherfuckers don’t give a rat’s ass about his well-being. “Welcome to the brotherhood”? You can’t call people who care so little about each other’s lives brothers in any sense of the word. I’m a seven-year AIDS survivor who came as close to death from it as you possibly can, so I qualify for your “brotherhood” about as well as anyone, but I want no part of your bugchasing “brotherhood” of lunatics. The OP has joined a different kind of brotherhood, whether he realizes it or not - a brotherhood of those who have to fight the Enemy to survive. To the OP: It is imperative that you begin ART as soon as possible to mitigate the damage being done to your immune system. My CD4 count got to 49. I will likely never see 500 again. Right now, after seven years of rigorous adherence to ART, my system was so damaged I am still struggling to keep it above 200. You think you want this. You don’t. If you reach AIDS and the opportunistic microorganisms that surround us attack you, you’ll either die, or you will suffer and sexy will be the last thing on your mind. And even if you don’t let it get to that extreme, HIV doesn’t just sit there idle in your body - your body is under a constant siege of inflammation, and science still isn’t sure of all of the results of that, but you’ll be more susceptible to certain cancers, it’ll be easier for you to get sick, and be sicker when you do. Even when you get past the point where you have to take prophylactic meds to stave off pneumonia, meningitis, and a dozen other illnesses waiting in line to kill you, expect to endure molluscum, thrush, candidiasis and shingles. Had ‘em all. Guess what? People with advanced or untreated HIV are on the list of those the CDC has identified for whom the COVID vaccines aren’t as effective and who need a third and likely a fourth vaccination to maintain a level of protection from COVID. I’m now triple-vaxxed because without it I could end up on a fucking ventilator. This is what you want? This is the fate you’re merrily passing on to other people you fuck with your sky-high viral load? This is the result you’re happy with? Think none of the above will happen to you? Think again, brother. It’s already happening. I’ve been to that place and just barely made it back alive. You don’t want to go there. Anybody who says he does is either non compos mentis or just a goddamned idiot.
  17. That story puts a new twist on the palindrome “Able was I ere I saw Elba.”
  18. Much preferred. Lying with my head back that way straightens my throat out for direct deep penetration and at the same time helps control my gag reflex because my uvula isn’t dangling in the back of my throat like a gag trigger - this way, it’s lying on the bottom. Plus, as others have said above, it’s an extremely vulnerable position. Not only is there little control over how the Top uses the throat that way, but he has direct access to my entire body laid out in front of him. Very often when I’m being throatfucked in this position, I’ll find myself getting dildo impaled on the other end. (The Top who currently owns my body enjoys doing this. I made the mistake of getting a dildo with a handle on it.)
  19. I had gone to a gay bar in Louisville, which was a brand-new thing for me as 1) I had never cruised anyone anywhere and didn’t know the first thing about it, and 2) I don’t drink. How clueless was I, you ask? I brought a book to read, that’s how clueless. So I’m sitting there at a small round table in a corner with my idiot nose half-buried in a book, and this guy walks up to me and says, “Today is my birthday, and I really don’t want to spend it alone.” ”You shouldn’t have to,” I replied. He grinned, then said he lived not far away and would I mind coming to his apartment? I did, and he bred me three separate times that evening. We didn’t discuss who would bottom, he just took what he wanted, and I did what seemed very natural to me. The fuck was everything I had imagined it could be, and sort of cemented the direction I would go from then on. When we were done I let him know that I had been taken my gay virginity, but he didn’t seem to believe me. He had me back a couple more times before he had had enough of my ass and was ready to move on. Some people might ask what I thought of the fact that the first man who ever fucked me was black, if that contributes to me particularly enjoying servicing men of color. But honestly, when I think of him, all I think of was that it was his birthday, and he didn’t want to spend it alone. Either that or he had a good pick-up line. Note: The first guy who fucked me is not the same as the first guy who sucked me off, but that’s a completely different - and much stranger - story.
  20. There is another concern to be aware of if you’re going to engage in heavy use. It’s not a question of what happens if you overstretch, but what happens if you tear. An unconditioned sphincter stretched too far too abruptly may be subject to tearing, leaving what is known as an anal fissure. The result isn’t that you can’t keep yourself from defecating - it’s that it becomes so excruciatingly painful to do so that you resist it and risk constipation. I had an anal fissure after having had a steel plug much too big for me shoved mercilessly up my cunt. It took surgery to repair. While I had it, any visit to the bathroom was nearly unendurable - some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced. Not enough can be said to emphasize the need for slow, gradual, patient training in seasoning a hole to accept greater penetration.
  21. What a remarkably colorful, artful characterization of the feature. It is the sort of appreciation one only gets from the connoisseur of a thing, one who has not only spent much time becoming intimately familiar with its qualities, but has also invested contemplation into its abstract values. Now, since one gets the impression from the body of your posts thus far that you have expansive experience with all manner of cock, perhaps you will favor us with a similar paean to cut cocks and their particular charms? I was not cut in infancy, but rather in the fourth grade (on Thanksgiving Day as it happens) because there was an issue with the way my foreskin had grown. I wasn’t consulted on whether I wanted it done or not; my parents did what they thought was in my best interest, and my mature cock is the better for it. I do sometimes wonder what it would have been like to have a foreskin, but I’ve only ever really known the sight of my exposed cockhead, and I guess for me that has always been a symbol of sexual readiness.
  22. ErosWired


    Don’t get me wrong, I’m so not hung up on numbers. My last entry happened to be about the convergence of the number 2,000 with my sex life, but that’s just a coincidence. It’s also true that my post on the forum tend to betray a kind of fascination with things like how much cock, measured in miles, has rutted my cunt, or how many average loads it takes to fill a gallon milk jug full of cum - but that’s statistics, that’s science. Numbers for their own sake - not my fetish. In fact, I mostly suck at math. Always hated it. Anything to do with the relationships between numbers just hit my brain like oil on Teflon. I’m a letters sort of guy. Still very much science-y, though, so you can imagine the skeptical view I take when someone pops up - like they have since the Middle Ages - and says they can divine the hidden truth about things by adding up the numerical value of the letters in words. That is, numerology. First, letters don’t have numerical values unless somebody arbitrarily assigns them one, and different schools of numerology have used different systems of numbers for the same letters, so who’s to say whether the Pythagorean, Chaldean, or Agrippan methods are correct, assuming they aren’t all complete hooey. So I decide to give this a little test, just for fun. I take the letters of my first and last name, and the letters of two or three phrases, and see if the ‘numerology’ divines anything using the Pythagorean method (because it uses all the letters in the Latin alphabet). A little summing later, and I compare. And I discover that my name has both the same number of letters as ‘A FAGGOT CUMDUMP’, but more importantly, the same numerologic sum even though the letters are different. Well, Fuck. What makes this particularly irritating is that I want to be able to laugh and thumb my nose at numerologists and say, “See? You’re talking out your numerical asses.” But it got it right. Now, I’m not sold, of course. Maybe just another coincidence, and why wouldn’t it be? I’m sure I could juggle around words and phrases until I came up with any number of such combinations. But there will always be a tiny little seed of doubt now sprouted in the back of my mind: What if there really is some greater cosmic energy out there with the power to reveal fundamental truths about ourselves, and I just tapped into it. What if the Universe just confirmed that I am a faggot cumdump? That sort of puts a guy in his place in a solid way. I could resist the thought easily by telling myself, Nah, you suck at counting. But then I would remind myself, Maybe so... but you’re -really- good at cunting.
  23. I have a very fond memory of the last time I dressed up as anything for Halloween. It was a few years ago at the men’s campground in Indiana. I decided to dress as a faun (like a satyr/Pan) because we were out in the woods an all. I made myself a pair of leggings out of a woolly blanket that rode low on my hips, and added a short tail on the back, and made a pair of short horns out of polymer clay and secured them to my head with wax. The rest was bare skin, even under the leggings. I made a short pan-flute out of reeds and I was done. I looked great, if I say so myself, and was fuckable at the yank of a snap. Good times... 🙂
  24. If they don’t like tasting cum, they need to reconsider cocksucking, but the taste isn’t always the issue. I just finished writing about this in detail in another topic on kissing so I won’t cross-post, but I voted No here because I squick at the sensation of someone passing something liquidy from his mouth straight to mine. So it’s not solely the potential recipient’s responsibility to ‘declare’ before the party starts - if the other guy fancies snowballing, he should probably mention that before surprising his lay with a mouthful. I don’t think cum-kissing is considered a foregone conclusion in hookups. I think this is borne out by the fact that so many respondents here note how uncommon it actually is. If someone did that with me I would probably be shocked, and would have an immediate urge to spit it out, but if he kept a lip-lock on long enough for me to get control over my instincts I would probably try to swallow very hard and get it all down in one gulp so as not to offend him by spitting out his cum. And that’s what makes it doubly an issue for me, too, because when a man’s cum passes my lips it’s my duty to make sure that it doesn’t come back out. But regardless, there can’t be any sensual “sharing” of the stuff around in my mouth. Sorry.
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