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Everything posted by pozboy

  1. what age you think you'd have been poz if that had happened?
  2. this is what we've been looking for for years!
  3. so did you?
  4. sounds wonderful!
  5. you need public recognition iof you keep up that rate! you need to be paid so you don,t get distracted by having to work!
  6. good grief, thought you were a democracy!
  7. look under cheap cigarettes online you have to buy big amounts to get big savings, but they are big, and are an extra incentive to smoke heavily to get them while they are fresh
  8. can you not get them cheaper online? here in UK theyr'e ridiculously dear too, but you can get them much cheaper that way if you order lots, say 3 cartons, then they come by post. to me, sex without smoking is unthinkable. don't let the bastards win!
  9. that's a beaut!
  10. a dream many of us have had
  11. that's not a relapse - you realised vaping isn't smoking, and you need the real thing! well done!
  12. like heaven!
  13. sounds good combination - keeps you recharged and spreads it round
  14. quite agree. vaping isn't smoking. the aim should be to inhale as deep as possible and hold it all in so when you have to exhale, nothing comes out, it's all where it belongs
  15. so agree wit this - we have to help boys to start or the habit will be killed off, and we have to tutor them to smoke properly, down to the tip - or better still, non filter, to smoke hard and often, and to get their friends started. the Britsh habit of passing round the circle in turn means smoking at the pace of the fastest not the slowest. above all we have to buy in bulk to get discounts to give them a cheap and relible source. if we work at it, we could get smoking levels back to the 1940s, when most boys stated by mid teens and it was the normal thing for me to do.
  16. great to start young, glad you stuck to it - how did you afford it as a kid?
  17. absolutely right! it all needs to go down deep and stay there!
  18. the world needs more guys like you!
  19. do iut in a mask?
  20. thanks. you tried that? if you can, I reckon you might be a ble to do a carton in a day, which seems to be the ultimate fetishers aim for - whay you reckon?
  21. thanks - which ones?
  22. what helps you get that many smoked?
  23. I'd like to try smoking in a mask and doing multiples - reckon it should be possble to do a whole pack that way. what you reckon?
  24. that's magnificent! sets the marker for future seshes!
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