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Everything posted by irishlongpig

  1. In my 20s Plenty older guys i had fun with rich and poor now im 59 and its extreme difficult to find guys in their twenties
  2. Im just fuckmeat and the master is allowed to do with it what he wants
  3. On hollydays with a friend and his father They rented a cottage in the middle of nowhere Two weeks father and sons fun No sex or sextalk at home , old fashioned people Sex was [banned word]
  4. Years ago for students I dont know how many there were because i was bonded and hooded It was a rough night , i was covered in cum It was around nine in the morning when they duped me on the street
  5. Always blindfolded or hooded into the sm room and rule is do what you want or like and most of the time there are more people who is playing , using and abusing me but never seen one of them I dont want to know who is doing what and when It makes me horney as hell
  6. Been used and abused by two bully's from school One was a hotty and the other i hated him and still do
  7. Thinking about my next door emo boy when i was a teen Beautiful guy and always visiting each other going over the flat roof at night time Played together for almost 6 years and nobody knows Sadly the guy hanged himself when he was 18
  8. Nothing is better than take a poor and or homeless young guy into your house Had the last ten years 3 of them in my house youngest was 18 oldest 25 Loved to play daddy for them
  9. Had the same with a maths teacher i was bad in matths Guy lived alone near my house and told my mam he would help me a couple of hours a week with it Had fun with him for almost 5 years and my parents paid him for the homework help and he paid me a part of that to me for the fun he had
  10. When im with other males its simple they do what they want and how it goes Simple , im fully naked and the body belongs to them so long as they wish
  11. Miss one option and thats any Any cock is welcome
  12. When i was young and had money i did go to the states and Canada Looked there to travel with truckers trough those countries and had a lot of sexfun with them
  13. Nope , im that what the other wants Want to be a toy , a doll whatever they can do anything they like to do just use me you like , im made for that
  14. They can get all the pics they want , no problem If they want to wank on my nude pics okay good luck with then Want more ?/ you can get them Seen on other sites guys who used my picks as their profile picks even that wont bother me They cant meet someone if they have false pics on their profile
  15. No they dont know if it works right and even they dont know if it works a long time Some say it works for the mutation and others say it wont One thing is for sure , we have to go on with the covid rules for another year or so
  16. Last summer in a buzzy park been fucked in the bushes
  17. Remember it well Was 17 years old boy from next door and i was 8 or 9 he came at some night in summer over the roof into my bedroom my bedroom was next to his and in front of our windows was a flat roof so it was easy to walk over to each other didnt know what was happening , stepped inside and took off his undies and stepped into my bed next to me took off my clothes and started playing with me Hot summernights we played with eachother by moonlight on the roof
  18. Readin the pervert stories from others drives my crazy hope find a real pervert for a lot of fun some day after covid shite os over
  19. The way i worked with a Dom was i going stripnaked on command while he watches me then i got a hood on and he will bonding me and after that the Dom does what he likes until hes finished playing with me never seen them without clothes Love to not knowing what they want to do with me Makes me hot
  20. filmed everytime since internet exists loads of films i know of and also loads of them i know nothing of
  21. When i was young i had old guys around 60 years Now im 59 i love young guys Have one whos 18 and is here almost every Sunday afternoon hes playing some computer games , later we drink some beer together and watching some porn movies Then we eat something and at the end of the day we will have a lot of father and son fun in the bed guy is hot and beautifull and the first time we met he didnt know nothing about sex with men Now he wont anything else
  22. Where he wants to shoot it I have nothing to wish he owns me
  23. last year i traveled for 5 weeks across Europe and didnt see any hotel rooms Met a lot of guys at their home for the night thanks to grindr
  24. Nope not here Didnt know anything about it and learned it from a school mate
  25. A schoolmate wanted a wank session and the one who was loosing it had to pay the snacks for that evening I didnt know what he was talking about so he has learned me what and how it was like After that we did that together for years to come
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