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Everything posted by partying.hard

  1. Just do what feels right for you. No need to ask the hive mind. Do what makes you happy … Isn’t that the whole goal of the uninhibited and nasty sex all of us like? I’m not sure what it is about you, since I know very little about you and only have seen the one picture in your profile, but you absolutely send shivers through my balls and up my spine when I read your posts. And this reply is one of the most erotic I’ve seen from you.
  2. I’ve always taped an orange cap to my door. Small, but it gets the point across!
  3. I started having sex as a teen. And I knew from that time already that vanilla bores me. The men I wanted to have sex with and were into the same kind of depravity as me usually were not in my age group. They were not the young, muscle studs, or even model good looking. So I learned at a very early age that’s what important to me is kindness in a friend and perversion in bed. That’s what I’m looking for, not looks.
  4. If he doesn’t want my load, I’m not fucking. I don’t waste my swimmers
  5. I love it … especially a big ring, banding up against my prostate!
  6. I’m surprised at the negative comments about PDX and SEA. I’ve had seriously incorrigible and insatiable men in both cities and usually leave with a sore dick and stretched hole!
  7. Oh my fuck! How are you buddy? I lost contact with you last year!
  8. My limits have changed. Changed significantly! Although I was already playing raw and into kink when I was in my late teens and early 20s, I am a lot more adventuresome now.
  9. I’ve been to several FSM in Germany and Amsterdam. The first time I went in SF, I went as a stable hand. I just wanted to get a feel of the local vibe. I’ve been once as a mare and 3 times as a stallion.
  10. Folsom Gulch in SF. I never knew there was a basement apartment. A 26-yo skater punk was working, and he invited me to come back at 3 am. I spent many hours in that apartment with him. I also have played a lot with guys working sex clubs or bath houses. The best always was man’s country in Chicago. Goddamn I miss that place.
  11. I actually have talked to a couple of guys who would do this. And for them, they never intended to hook up. It was just the sexual thrill that someone wanted them that was like making the final conquest.
  12. Maybe cheap. Maybe a whore. But in my opinion, both of them can be complements. And I rather enjoyed stuffing my cock up his ass and dumping a couple of loads up there.
  13. It’s funny that so many of us have fucked him! 😈🐷😈
  14. I have a solid rep for being a slut. And I wear that moniker with pride!
  15. I’m not traveling to Berlin this year. But I have been to biohazardmen parties often and they are fucking amazing!
  16. I will get up, walk out, and give up on getting laid if he insists on a condom.
  17. I’m respectful. I never ghost. ”hey, I’m going to pass. Good luck tonight”
  18. I’ve had my first shot, waiting on the second. But I know so many who have it, and four of my regular fuck buddies are suffering. And the stories they tell are horrendous. So right now, I am laying low.
  19. My count has slowed down. In fact, it’s at a standstill right now. I know of many who have monkey pox and four of my regular fuck buddies have it or have had it.
  20. Crabs were the worst for me. I love to eat ass, and one day realized I had crabs and nits in my eyebrows and eyelashes!
  21. I love smooth men. I love hairy men. But I want it natural … shaving and trimming are a turn off.
  22. Whether I am topping or bottoming. So long as there is raw cock up the ass and dumping a load, I’m not going to complain. But for a long session on the bottom, being in a sling is ideal. Not only does a cradle the body but it’s extremely effortless on the legs.
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