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About ejaculaTe

  • Birthday September 7

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    Tampa Bay (Florida)
  • HIV Status
    Poz, On Meds
  • Role
    Versatile Bottom
  • Background
    Open-minded individual with a twisTed imagination. I'm HIV+ (undetectable), only play raw, and always prefer a chem-enhanced session. Exclusions: too young, too sketchy, animals, scat....

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  1. I received one of those emails earlier this week, sent to an email address I seldom use. I knew I had read something about the email, but I couldn’t recall where. I opened it to make sure it was the demand I recalled reading about. I deleted it and proceeded to make breakfast and feed the dog.
  2. It was Kansas -- what else could it be? I don't think anyone reading this board expected "My Night in Hays, Kansas." Needless to say, I thoroughly enjoyed it. Probably the only leather those college boys had seen was either on cattle or on their feet so I'm not surprised they departed. (The school the kids attended, in case anyone idly wondered, is Fort Hays State University.)
  3. Because everyone was going to see the Wizard of Oz.
  4. Before I got there, Christmas parties in the office were anything but staid and stuffy affairs. Getting banged on an office desk, according to legend, was a regular holiday experience for some of the staff.
  5. That April 2022 post was in response to a guy from Alabama who had simply said "Coffin." (Look at the Nov 20 post in this thread by versholefun -- it was him, and he again says "Coffin.") I'm not sure which coffin scenario I like better.
  6. You're not the only one who noticed something. In the comments, someone wrote "It"s incredible how much Dakota sweats between 16:30 and 17:30" though I suspect the cause of the sweating escaped him.
  7. If anyone ever figured out how to do that, he'd instantly be everyone's best friend. As you might imagine, you're hardly the first guy to ask for advice on setting up a cumdump session. The question often gets asked in the Sex with "Enhancements" section. It may be more efficient to simply browse the titles of the discussion threads. And statement of the obvious: some of the advice you stumble across may be useful or applicable only in the US. Good luck, and we want most of the details when it happens.
  8. Good boy.... I'm sure you're making your daddy proud. 🐖
  9. Out of idle curiosity, if nothing else, the mention of Rock Island leads me to ask if you went to Augustana. (I considered it, but I ended up at UChicago.) And as I recall the place, your description of the theater in Chicago is pretty charitable.
  10. At first glance, the guy looks rather innocent. He's anything but. And he's hot -- I see why you like it, and I made sure to bookmark the page. Thanks for cluing us in on this one....
  11. Try these two, both here in Chem Sex Fiction: A Graduation Gift for My Little Brother and Varsity Athlete. Honors Student. Cum Slut. Son. If you haven't shot a couple of loads by the time you finish reading either story, have someone check for a pulse.
  12. Tampa Men’s Club?
  13. It struck me that you did a lot of educating in this installment. Vice is the obvious example, but his encounter with the sales clerk at the leather store showed him to be a quick learner. Doug was an intriguing surprise, and "plot foreshadowing" crossed my mind after Jimmy briefly explained what he had arranged at Cassie's request. But the glory hole scene, with Vice getting nailed by his best friend from grade school, was just too good. I know I say it all the time, but thanks for sharing that weekend with us.
  14. A couple of observations -- if Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac owns the mortgage, the borrower has to have homeowner's insurance (and flood insurance if applicable). There doesn't appear to be any provision in the servicing guide of either Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac for self-insurance. (For an explanation of what Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac do, check out [think before following links] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fannie_Mae.) The same pressures that lead an owner to sell also lead prospective buyers to look elsewhere -- buyers don’t want a unit in an aging building requiring expensive mandated upgrades with hefty COA fees and special assessments. (This article tells you more than you want to know about the situation: [think before following links] https://realestate.usnews.com/real-estate/articles/floridas-condo-crisis-why-condo-sales-are-plummeting.) Enough of real estate for now -- I have more work to do because of Helene. (At least I won't have snow to shovel in January.)
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