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Posts posted by ejaculaTe

  1. 20 hours ago, DarkroomTaker said:

    Only problem is, he wears a Manchester United Top, big footie fan lol.

    Well, everyone can't be a Liverpool fan   And given Man United's start to the season, your mate is going to need a lot of comforting this season. At least, Solskjaer will have the comfort of whatever huge severance package he negotiated (yeah, I don't see him lasting past Boxing Day -- not after the defeat to Newcastle).

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  2. Spend a few minutes doing the Google search for gay motels, hotels, b&b, and the like in St. Pete. In St. Pete, there’ll be a search result for GayStPete House. Then read the recent guest comments for that place and draw your own conclusions. There are several motels (not gay-owned as far as I know) on 34th St N, between Central Ave and 54th Ave N, that offer the same ambience as the Flamingo did.

    Hope this is of some help. Shout (via private message here) if you need more travel advice. 

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  3. On 8/14/2019 at 4:01 AM, ErosWired said:

    Heh. I imagine he was like, “Dude, we would get this lab done a lot quicker if you would take the test tube out of your mouth.” ;)

    His parent had a shitload of money (his dad had one of the auto dealerships in town), and he was hot as all fuck. But he wasn't the sharpest pencil in the drawer, and I was carrying a straight A average. For all of the times I got the lab problem figured out for us, he should have been feeding me his dick a couple of times a week.

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  4. 10 hours ago, hungrypighole said:

    Love bathhouse pnp stories, too!  Check out some of my blog posts.  

    Without blowing smoke up hungrypighole's ass [though I'm sure he'd love it], his blog posts about his visits to the baths are simply great. He perfectly describes the bathhouse ambience, and his description of sexplay is wonderfully written. If you aren't ready to get some supplies from your friendly local dealer and head to the local baths, have someone make sure you're alive.

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  5. ErosWired said: “Paris was the one place I found so unpleasant I have no desire to ever see again. Why some people seem to wax romantic about it baffles me.”

    I’m just guessing that folks who get all tingly about Paris have a shitload of money so they only go to the high-falutin’ neighborhoods. That obviates any need to go to the suburbs where the residents tend to be of Arab or African origin (a result of the French colonial experience). There’s also no reason for the moneyed class to become involved with the ordinary folks, let alone the hustlers, the skinheads pissing in the street, the underemployed, the folks struggling to get through another day. (The “yellow vest” protesters of the winter and spring had become rather tired of being screwed by the government while the politicians bowed and scraped to the very moneyed class.) And not so much a problem in the 80s, but the presence of asylum seekers from North Africa and the Middle East is a pretty divisive topic in France, Italy, and most of Europe.

    I would be the first to agree that a lot of urban America has much that needs to be improved. But anyone who goes goo-goo at the thought of living in Paris shouldn’t look up so often at the Eiffel Tower. They should instead look at the side streets at 3 in the morning and count the number of people living on the street having been priced out of the apartment rental market.

  6. On 7/17/2019 at 3:50 AM, azguy said:

    I find you so fucking hot. One of the best guys I ever got down with was my High School Algebra teacher. 

    Must be something about math.... I had the biggest crush on my geometry teacher in high school, a crush on my 8th grade math teacher, and sheer lust for a fellow student in my college calculus class. (Too bad the teaching assistant in the calculus class wasn’t my type....)

    In any event, I’m retired, but in my prior life I was a government attorney.

  7. On 7/14/2019 at 2:26 AM, BlackDude said:

    Being black, and if they are into black, not being a thug. Although I have learned that time, a little extra weight and/or status tend to make people a little more open to racists. I’ve have several daddies I was totally into but wouldn’t give me, or any other black guy, the time of day. 15 years later (and some 40 lbs later) I delight in turning them down. 

    Cosmic justice at work... 

  8. I was 18, and I had just finished the fall semester of my freshman year at a college in Chicago. A senior I had met during the semester had a membership at Man’s Country, and he had promised to take me there when we were done with exams. On Friday night, the two of us went to Man’s Country and stayed 8 hours. I was like a kid in a candy store, and I had plenty of cum going down my throat and up my ass, and I blasted a couple of loads as well (all bb of course — this was 1975 — and I had always gone bb). During the rest of my time at college, a couple of trips to Man’s Country every semester were a must.

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  9. On 7/7/2019 at 6:19 PM, CuriousDallas said:

    I've had a guy engaged to be married pretty much throw himself at me saying I was the best sex he'd ever had. WTF am I supposed to say to that? 

    You very likely were the best sex he had had — and might well be the best that he’ll have in a very long time. Take it as a compliment and say “thanks,” while appearing to be just a little embarrassed and taken aback (even though you’re not surprised or stunned by the comment).

  10. Dump him. Block his number, profiles, etc. Once he gets money from you, then it’ll be a drip-drip-drip situation: $15 here, $25 there, new sneakers... Saying “no” now and being rid of him means you’re saving yourself the aggravation of having to dump him later when it could be Inconvenient for you. (I’ll put to one side the situation where a “no” response from you triggers an outburst of anger or violence from him.) He’s hardly the only guy in the area with whom to have sex — and you deserve far, far better than the treatment you’re getting from this guy. 

  11. The virus “hides” in “latent reservoirs” in places like your brain, your lymph glands, certain types of immune system cells. (A Google search for “hiv hides in body” will give you a list of articles on the subject.) “Undetectable” only means that the blood test didn’t detect more than 20 copies of the virus in a microliter of blood (I think that’s the correct volume). 

  12. On 5/15/2019 at 5:57 AM, Jargam said:

    I care more about looks than age I actually prefer older guys cuz they’re kinkier & can fuck better. I had a hot daddy come over today (he’s 49 I’m 22) & give me such a great fuck.... 

    Given a choice between experience and youth, I’d choose experience every time. There are some things you don’t want to be teaching at 3 in the morning.

  13. On 4/11/2019 at 10:29 AM, manseeker said:

    Feeling in need of cock  , I stopped at Adonis in down town philly . Made my way in and down to the tombs dark area , to my present surprise I saw to well hung men of color  stroking each other . Liking what I saw I walked over and went down on my knees and opened my mouth . Both smiled and said looks like this white faggot wants some BIG BLACK COCK .I smiled and said scull fuck me please. The long cock brother turned and said open wide fag and pushed his long cock in it quickly went to the back of my throat . Placing his hand on the back of my head applying some pressure he said open up white boi I'm gonna shove this down your throat and blow a load right into your stomach.  Hit some poppers and it slid right in and down . I.begged for air no.luck he was gonna cum and did, I closed my eyes and took it .

    God, I miss that place. When I lived near Philly, I’d be there Saturday nights until almost dawn. And you could get some hot college dick when Drexel and UPenn started classes. 

  14. 10 hours ago, BreedingCameraman said:

    ... I clearly recall this individual both being told repeatedly to knock it off as well as have others leave the room because of his obsessive behavior. He’s a sweet guy, honest. He just shouldn’t be left with or around anything electronic when he’s high because he won’t stop searching for “better porn than what’s already playing.”

    that damned dopamine loop....

  15. 5 hours ago, ErosWired said:

    The thing is, Louisville isn’t known for its mass transit. There are downtown buses, but if people want to get to work, it’s pretty much a car town. So either all these square-wheeled guys are sad, unemployed cased sitting at home and fapping to all the unreachable profiles, or they’re such cheap and/or lazy fucks that even their starving libidoes can’t motivate them to act in their own interest, or they’re so jelly-spined that they can’t just say “sorry not interested” and blame it on carlessness instead, or...

    ...they’re just fucking with me.

    Think how much your car costs you every month. If someone is just bringing home $300 or $400 a week, having a car represents quite a bit of cash. Toss in the possibility that a guy’s license is suspended and he can’t lift the suspension because he can’t afford to pay the fee for doing so; suddenly you have a lot of guys who aren’t mobile. 

  16. When I was a mere senior in college, I lived in a coed dorm complex and hung around with a girl who was a sophomore. Youthful hormone levels being what they can be, she and I had some wild nights of physical activity. (Yeah, she knew I was gay as did my entire dorm. That she and I were having a hot time in my dorm room created quite a bit of cognitive dissonance.) The physical aspect of the friendship eventually dissipated (I had discovered Man's Country three years earlier and was a card-carrying member) and we became very good friends for the rest of the school year. To further bend the minds of those who occasionally paid attention, she was also dating a guy who had graduated the previous year and was now in medical school. As far as I know, he never learned of our liaison, and she eventually broke off that relationship. I did pat myself on the back when she told me that I was far better in bed than the guy she was dating. Apparently, some skills are transferable.

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  17. On 1/13/2019 at 11:33 PM, haireebear said:

    wild!    Why don't they make porn like MackyJay's stories?  :)

    Just guessing, but I’d wager that a film of this story would be a bit inflammatory — an innocent guy (or relatively innocent) being intentionally exposed to hiv by a group of guys who knew (1) that they were hiv+ and (2) that the guy in the bed was hiv-. But the broader point — why are porn flicks so unimaginative? — probably boils down to money and the thin profit margins.

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  18. On 12/27/2018 at 10:54 PM, Pozlover1 said:

    It’s not the end of the world if you get it but it is the full time job nobody needs

    That's a great way of putting it.

    My additional two cents: folks might think that HIV is a "treatable" long-term illness like diabetes. But does anyone think about how difficult life can be for a diabetic? Taking insulin is the least of your aggravations; for example, you spend the rest of your life making sure you don't have cuts or other wounds on your feet. @Cdexter: The drug therapy can certainly keep a HIV+ guy alive, and if he's lucky, he won't have any of the umpteen side effects of the meds. If he's only a little unlucky, the meds cause him to puke his guts out a couple of times every night. A few months of that experience will make you question your decision to chase the bug.

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